Bold game
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Thanks for tagging me @electricslytherindog and @sasha-at-hogwarts, I’m terribly sorry I only saw this now
I’m over 5'5" // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes (blue-green-grey-weird) // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas [alternative] I prefer rather unknown brands to Nike and Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport (football) // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school breaks // I can do a hand stand
I am in a relationship (sort of?? these are complicated times my friends) // I have been single for over a year // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have/had a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of Sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep// I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three pets
If you’re seeing this, consider yourself tagged :)
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I’m very very sorry
My internet has been terrible later, and it’s very hard to know when I will get it again.
That’s why I disappear for days, only to return and stay for a few hours.
Thank you for understanding.
I’m really really really sorry.
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Chibi Fruit MCs !!!
starring myself, @angie-draws-sometimes, @aemdraws, @guakamaya, @tiablackraven and @theevildoc <3
Continua a leggere
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MCs as Disney Princesses - Ariel 💙
My third drawing goes to @ladycibia, featuring Silaxiv as Ariel!
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(Keep in mind that I’m not a great artist...)
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MCs as Disney Princesses - Snow White 💚
My second drawing goes to @guakamaya, featuring Riley as Snow White!
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(I will once again remind you that I’m not a great artist...)
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MCs as Disney Princesses - Cinderella 💚
So my first MC drawing is to @jacobsdumbsibling, featuring Adrianna as Cinderella! (The Disney pictures I’m posting with the drawings are the references I used 😅)
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(Once again, keep in mind that I’m not a great artist, but I actually like this one quite a lot 😅)
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MCs as Disney Princesses!
This is an idea I had quite a while ago... I wanted to draw some of my favourite MCs as Disney Princesses! I’ll start posting them today, but first..... here’s Finn as Prince Eric 😊
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(Keep in mind that I’m not a great artist... 😅)
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so I’ve been using the same drawing program for 2 years now and I only just discovered I have more than 6 different brushes!
so in honour of me being a total dumbass this entire time I drew my dumbass in an entirely new style using mostly pastels
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confessions from Adrianna Barkridge, professional dumbass
(does this count as a face reveal?)
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Adrianna wanted to take a picture and didn’t give Merula the chance to say no and/or run away
(this is very messy I know I’m still trying to figure out new brushes and the new style etc)
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Reblog if its okay to message you on anon until I am comfortable enough to reveal myself to you
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Too funny 😂
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Every DADA class.
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Rapunzel, huh? You have no idea how much I like it 😊I have a feeling I will be talking to you about this again soon... 😉
Okay I came across your blog and let me just tell you, your MC is so cool! Also really pretty, I love her braids in "Rainy Days", Finn just got a new crush 😂 but the truth is, I couldn't find her name anywhere (?) What's her name?
First of all, thank you 😅
As for your question: Oh no. The dreaded question… Well, I guess I knew I couldn’t avoid this forever. The reason why you don’t know her name is because… she really doesn’t have one(??) Let me explain.
When I first started playing HPHM, I was asked to choose a name for my MC. There’s a name I always use in these situations, which is Aria Evans. However, for some reason, the game didn’t accept it.
I have a theory that this happened because our MCs couldn’t share a name with a main character from canon, because that could imply they are related to the character. Not that it matters, but my MC is also a redhead like Lily, and that could mean they are cousins or something like that.
But then again, @ladycibia ’s MC is exactly in the same situation (a redhead with Evans for a last name) and there doesn’t seem to be a problem, so I really don’t know why it didn’t work.
Moving on. I didn’t know what other name to choose, so I went with my own, Margarida Santos. And while I was just playing the game, it worked. Also made me feel like I was actually at Hogwarts 💙🌠
But when I started drawing for this fandom, and making headcannons, and developing a whole personality and storyline for fanon MC, it really didn’t make sense for her to be… me. We are two different people, so on tumblr I usually just refer to her as MC.
But don’t worry, I have a headcannon that might solve this all 😁 Everyone who has seen my hphm art knows that my MC has reeeeeeeally long hair. So my headcannon is that people at Hogwarts would notice this too and (jokingly, at first) start calling her Rapunzel. So, yeah, you and everyone, really, are welcome to call her Rapunzel too. It might be a nickname, but it’s better than no name at all.
I will definitely check your blog too! Thanks for the ask 😁
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Finn and I are back
And we’re here to stay. Get ready for us 😉🐍
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Sooo sorry
I know I haven’t posted anything in a while. I will be back soon.
Finn’s doing okay. By now I could have gotten him to year 4 if I wanted to, but I’m trying to level up all his stats to level 21 before I do that.
I want to do some cool drawing and interactions with you guys.
See you in a couple weeks
-your friendly neighborhood slytherin (I just saw a spiderman post and couldn’t resist) 💚
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I tried to do the Wand test as Finn
The only question I wasn’t sure about was the last one. So this is probably Finn’s real wand:
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A not so Brief History of the Hawk Family (+family tree)
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(hope you can see something in this terrible pic)
Summary: Backstory of a family of Slytherin purebloods, how the oldest son fell in love with a muggle, ran away with her, and made all the wrong choices in his life. A brief description of their sons, and their fate. Please don’t ignore, I know it’s long, but it’s not boring, I promise.
The Hawks, not unlike the Gaunts, the Malfoys, and the Blacks, were a long lineage of pureblood Slytherins, which would not have been very good for Finn’s character, if he had actually met any of them.
Let’s elaborate. Finn’s dad, Cordelius Hawk, was the oldest of the Hawk boys. Him, his little brother Evander and their parents, Gertrud and Marcellus, lived in an enormous mansion in the south of Scotland. Gertrud and Marcellus were unemployed, living of their family’s fortune. While Marcellus, who was much older than his wife, liked to spend his days out in pubs, Gertrud was always at home, taking care of the boys. (not a very functional marriage, but who said they were functional people?)
They were not the nicest of folks: Marcellus got into numerous fights with other wizards at pubs, having even killed one, once, with a very nasty curse he invented himself. Gertrud, on the other hand, had the unfortunate habit of hexing anything that came remotely close to their gigantic garden, including poor, unaware birds and squirrels, and a child’s kite. They both were supporters of Grindelwald during the first wizarding war.
While Evander was fascinated by watching their mother hex everyone, Cordelius found it disgusting. Without their mother’s knowledge, he would even take some of the wounded animals back to his room and try to nurse them back to health. He was always very peaceful, very tactful, good enough to bother his parents. That said, Evander was too dumb and brutal to win their afection as well.
One morning, the Hawk parents were out on a meeting with their fellow Grindelwald supporters, and Cordelius (who was 26 at the time) was taking care of Evander (who was 16), and while their parents usually let him use magic at home, despite being underage, Cordelius wasn’t fond of bending the law to let him practice dark magic in the garden. 
A few minutes past 11 AM, a curious muggle kid walked by the fence, and, channeling his inner Gertrud, Evander charmed a large rock to fly in her direction. Cordelius had left his wand in his bedroom, and had no way of stopping his brother from seriously hurting the kid other than jumping in front of the rock and catching it. That’s what he did, after taking a murderous glance at his little shit of a brother.
‘Are you alright?’, he asked the kid, while Evander ran back into the house.
‘I am.’, she answered, ‘Could you explain to me what happened?’.
‘My retarded younger brother thought it would be fun to throw a rock at you.’, he said, carefully, to avoid mentioning magic.
The kid turned red with anger.
‘Well, I hope you tell your parents about that!’, she said.
‘I’m afraid they would take his side. I would end up being punished for helping you.’, he confided, ‘I think the best thing you can do is not walk by this house ever again... For your own safety.’
‘Can I at least know your name?’
‘Cordelius Hawk.’
‘Thanks for defying your family to save me, Cordelius Hawk. I’m Amelia Watson.’
Cordelius noticed that Evander was coming back to the garden.
‘It was nice to meet you, Amelia. Now, run!’
She did. Cordelius knew his parents would never let him hear the end of it if they found out, so it was time for a desperate measure. He flew past his little brother, who was now out in the garden, got into his room, grabbed his wand and pointed it at Evander, through the window. ‘Obliviate!’, he muttered, and the incident was never spoken of, at least for the next 14 years.
It was really late, one night, when the doorbell rang at the Hawk mansion. Gertrud came downstairs, in her night robes, her concealed wand in one of the pockets. Cordelius was carefully watching through his window, but he couldn’t really tell who was downstairs.
‘I demand to see Cordelius Hawk!’, said the fierce brunette at the door, who was now much taller than Gertrud.
The witch cussed, reaching for her wand, but Cordelius was already jumping down the last flight of stairs.
‘Amelia?’, he asked, and she grinned.
‘You know this muggle?’ questioned Gertrud, in a high pitched scream, astonished.
The way Amelia pulled Cordelius into a passionate kiss gave her the answer. He kissed her back. Gertrud felt like she had been hit by a stupefy. 
‘Now, run!’, Cordelius whispered in her ear.
‘Is that your catchphrase?’, she laughed.
He had already grabbed her arm, and they were running into the night, Gertrud too paralyzed by shock to do anything. The next morning, when Marcellus heard of what happened, he ordered his wife to snap their son’s wand in half, and ban him from the house. Gertrud quietly agreed, but she kept his wand hidden in her secret locker. She had just found out in the hardest way that even the coldest hearts can break.
Cordelius and Amelia never got married. Every wedding had to be publicly announced back in the day, and they were too afraid that his parents would find out. Cordelius never told her that he was a wizard, either. He had left his wand at the mansion, and even if he hadn’t, showing his true nature to her would be breaking the law. And the law would have way more severe consequences than some stupid family rule. They moved to London, and lived with Amelia’s parents, Isabella and Hugh Watson, who were much younger than Cordelius’s parents, and much warmer: they understood he was hiding from his family, and treated him like a son.
One year later, Jacob Hawk was born. He was perfect: his parents and maternal grandparents loved him like he was the best boy in the world. The Watsons had a small garden with a swing, and he spent most of his childhood in there, never lonely, always loved.
Even though he was finally happy, and finally at peace, Cordelius would feel his heart sink sometimes. He missed magic, the world he had lived in for fourty years. He missed being special, and being powerful (because, yes, he was one of the most powerful young wizards at Hogwarts when he was a teenager, and still very gifted as an adult). In some twisted way, he even missed his abusive family. Whenever those thoughts began to creep into his mind, usually in the middle of the night, he would hug Amelia closer, and try to let go of them. Sometimes he succeeded, sometimes he failed.
(We don’t know how many years passed between Jacob’s and Finn’s births, and I’m still waiting for Jam City’s canon version of this. However, it makes sense that Jacob was not a toddler whan his younger sibling was born. This is important to the next part of the story.)
Cordelius and Amelia had another son, Finn, a few years later. He got just as much love as his older brother, from the whole family. He had his dad’s black hair and blue eyes, but Amelia’s kind expression.
On the day of his first birthday, 23rd April 1974, Amelia asked Cordelius to go get a birthday cake at the local bakery. He reluctantly agreed: he was still scared of running into his parents, although the thoughts about them and magic were much more frequent.
It was certainly probably not a coincidence when he found Gertrud standing outside the shop. She had always been a wonderful legilimens, also with a gift for divination. She would have known. Cordelius was expecting harsh words, curses, hexes... The last thing he expected was a hug.
Gertrud, now a widow, seemed much older and smaller than her son remembered. She pulled him in for a long time, and after she finally let go, she revealed his old wand, that she had brought in her purse.
‘You left this at home.’, she murmured, ‘I’ve been missing you terribly. Your father passed away not long after you left. Your brother got himself killied in a duel at a pub, four months ago. He was never too bright...’, she sighed. ‘Please, come home. I love you, and I know you love me to. Also, you’d be able to use magic once again.’
Wether she meant those words, or was just blatantly trying to manipulate him, Cordelius never knew. The only thing he knew was that it worked: his youngest son never got his first birthday cake.
Since the Watsons were muggles, the two boys grew up without knowing anything about magic. Hagrid had to come to their little house in London to explain to young Jacob that he was a wizard. As Finn was obviously too young to remember his father, and none of the Watsons ever told him anything about him, Jacob resented him badly. After hearing Hagrid’s declarations, he immediately deduced that his father must had been a wizard too.
When he got to Hogwarts, Jacob was determined to get his revenge: he was going to find a type of magic more powerful that the one his father possessed, and use it to punish him for abandoning them. First, he had to study about his own origins. He spent all the time at the library, and it didn’t take him much time to find out the Hawk family in some books about purebloods. Then, during his research, he came across the Cursed Vaults, and knew he had found what he wanted.
It was not until Jacob’s third year that he realised all the Hawks were dead. Gertrud got sick and died one year after her encounter with Cordelius. Now completely alone, and regretting every life decision he had made, Cordelius had sunken into a terrible depression, combined with magical drunkness and failed attempts of enchanting himself into being happy again. He took his own life, being one of the only few wizards to successfully Avada Kedavra himself.
However, Jacob was now too deep into the search of the vaults to give up. And we all know how that worked out for him.
All of the Hawks’ malice and the Watsons’ remorse did not darken Finn’s heart, against all the odds. He was always too sweet, too kind, too peaceful, not unlike his father. The difference, however, was noticed by Amelia when she asked her youngest son not to disappear like the other men in her life. He hugged his mom, and promised that not only would he never leave her, he would also bring his brother home. She wiped away a tear. Finn was, in fact, different. Finn was loyal, against all odds.
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