cyberenemybird · 4 years
Project A119 could have only come across the desk at NASA in the very late 1950s, given that NASA itself wasn’t officially formed until 1958. It was predominantly planned and discussed by the Air Force, then, and also by the Armour Research Foundation (now known as the IIT Research Institute). Regardless of how late or early NASA may have known about it, though, this was one truly incredible plan, the impact of which really would have been… explosive. Project A119 also went by the slightly less Hollywood title; “A Study of Lunar Research Flights”. And that’s what it was primarily proposed to be, a study.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
Six years later, and Voyager 2 joined it, to carve its own path through this unknowable, interstellar void. Which all sounds fairly epic… But, for some, those claims that the Voyager probes have left the solar system are actually misguided. Misguided to the tune of, say, a trillion miles. Just at a lower estimate. And that’s because of how far the Voyager probes still have left to travel until they reach the outer edges of the Oort Cloud… the other major claimant for being the edge of the solar system.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
Researchers are still discovering new interesting planets and studying the movements of meteors almost every month. Some basic questions about the universe are still of greater interest to researchers. Thus the basis for current research is based on assumptions that researchers either want to confirm or refute. But what are the really big questions and mysteries surrounding the universe? What are the questions about our existence that Astro Research is currently dealing with?
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
The Russians decided to conduct, this experiment on 5 prisoners. Those 5 prisoners are those, who were arrested in world war 2. They 5 were locked in an isolated chamber. A gas stimulant was sent into that chamber. The gas stimulent will provide them with energy, to remain awake continuously for around 30 days.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
Time travel is possible if seen through the eyes of Science. According to Einstein's 'Theory of Relativity', time travel can be done through Time Dilation. But according to this theory we can only do time travel in the future and not in the past. But a theory exist that allows us to travel in the past, 'The Wormhole Theory'.But think about that, can we go back in time and make some changes? This question rise to various paradoxes.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
It was in June when NASA declared the postponements for two significant ventures: the NASA Perseverance rover dispatch and the James Webb Space Telescope dispatch. On Thursday, July 16, NASA authorities declared that the office is currently focusing on an October 31, 2021 dispatch date for the space telescope, which is a seven-month delay from the first March 2021 deadline.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
Black Holes may vary in size and age but one thing is for sure they're hungry. New black holes are being discovered all the time and there seems to be no realistic limits to the size they can grow to. The black hole is a stellar remnant the end result of a dying star that is so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull. Some of these are as old as the universe while others are being formed right this second. As the nearest black hole is three and a half thousand light years away. This closest neighbor isn't in our solar system but it is in our own Milky Way galaxy and it's called Sagittarius-A.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
Numbers are the main base of Mathematics. There are only ten symbols from zero to nine to represent any numbers.we had no idea about zero at first, it was introduced by the Indians much later.But the question is where and how did these numbers come from? who invented this numbers? Why are there only ten symbols?  This was exactly a long journey of mathematics.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
What come before the singularity?
So the question of what happened before the big bang is also wrong because time starts with the big bang and there is no time before the big bang so the word event does not even make sense. Also some may wonder where the big bang took place in space?
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
Human discovery of zero was "a total game changer... equivalent to us learning language", says Andreas Nieder a scientist at the university of Tubingen in Germany.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
We are all forever terribly interested about time machines. How people lived billions of years ago from today, or how people will live billions of years from now, how much better science would be, etc, how much better it would be in the event that we knew this!Of course we do not have a time machine however we do have a huge library, through that you will able to grasp your past, present and even future. The name of this superb library is that The Library Of Babel.
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
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cyberenemybird · 4 years
If there’s one thing we can rely on, it’s that the moon will always be there. Night after night. But our lunar satellite is actually changing, and in stranger ways than we could have ever imagined.
'The Moon Mineralogy Mapper' is a device designed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to study the composition of the moon. It’s what’s known as a spectrometer, which is a machine that produces spectral maps; which are maps that show the exact chemical arrangement of any given planet or, in this case, satellite.
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