I'm so ashamed to do this but I am desperate.
My kitten Ava disappeared on Monday. I'm almost positive she was stolen by one of my sister's former friends who keep harassing her since she ended up in the cemetery, but I have no proof.
Luckily Ava was found and is alive at an animal shelter. The problem is that the cost of getting Ava back is too high for me to pay based on my current financial situation.
I am offering $5 sketch commissions to get Ava back, hopefully tonight because the cost will only go up if she stays there for more nights.
$5 gets you a sketch that is a full page in a small sketchbook (pencil or pen, your choice). More than that will bump you up- I could add color, I could make it digital, I could do a full sketch page or concept page of your characters. I'll even design characters for $5 and add more like colors and weapons for more.
I could even do a quick animation. I'm not kidding when I say I'm desperate to get Ava back.
If you would like a commission, please comment or note me with the details. Literally, the only limit to a $5 sketch commission is what I can fit on the page.
If you would rather have a writing commission, by all means ask me for my examples! I love writing and would be happy to write a few scenes or more for you to get my baby back.
If you would like to merely donate to me getting Ava back, first of all, THANK YOU for your generosity.
DeviantART Forum Link:
DeviantART Journal Link:
My Ko-Fi is here:
The GoFundMe to get Ava back is here:
Examples of my recent work:
The Animation Example if you can’t find it in that mess:
Ava and my posts to retrieve her/the response of where she is:
Tumblr media
Any extra money I make will go to providing for Ava, my other cat, and myself until I get a new job. Please consider helping me. Ava is probably scared to death in the shelter and I desperately want her back home.
The EXTREMELY generous @NotGodButClose on DeviantART has also offered to do commissions for people that help me! Her journal is HERE:
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I’m Desperate. Please Help if You Can.
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Hey so idk if this is allowed and if it isn’t then just delete it but I read this really good fic where tony is de-aged and then meets Rhodey and he calls Peter to take care of Tony. I’ve been scouring every tag I can think of and can’t find it
That sounds like a really interesting fic! Unfortunately I don’t know what it is ;w; Maybe someone who follows me will be able to tell you, though!
If you find it, let me know!
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Ack I can’t freaking wait for you to update your stories, especially the most recent dark one I just blanked on what it’s called. Keep up the awesome work and I’ll be sure to turn notifs on!
Thank you so much! Unfortunately updating without my laptop is extremely difficult; until I can fix Ace or replace him, I’m afraid my AO3 is the best bet for continuing them. If for some reason people are having a hard time with that, I could perhaps try directly linking the chapters on my blog? Would you prefer that?In the meantime, my AO3 pen name is Riverthunder!
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Hey Guys!
Apologies for not posting any updates recently! Unfortunately, my dear laptop Ace appears to have passed on, and the company hasn’t responded to my requests to troubleshoot what’s going on with him, since none of the online tips to fix him have been successful.
I hope to get in contact with them or replace Ace soon, but if it comes down to replacing him I’ll need to spend a pretty penny on him, and I’m only sort of employed right now, since my job doesn’t officially begin until the store opens in August.
Long story short, it’s much harder to update the fics on tumblr! I plan to do so when I have access to another computer, but in the meantime, the fics HAVE been updated, and I’ve actually written a few more! They are on my AO3, under the pen name Riverthunder.
If you have trouble finding my fics, please feel free to send me a PM and I’ll try to send you a link to my account in a timely manner!
Sorry again for the lateness; please forgive me, and I hope you all enjoy the fics if you decide to continue them.
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Dad-Tony-and-Son-Peter-Fics Masterlist
Breaking and Healing:
Chapter 01: https://dad-tony-and-son-peter-fics.tumblr.com/post/174203395817/breaking-and-healing-chapter-one
Chapter 02: Not Yet Posted
Chapter 03: Not Yet Posted
Drowning While They Drift:
Chapter 01: https://dad-tony-and-son-peter-fics.tumblr.com/post/174201775562/drowning-while-they-drift-chapter-one
Chapter 02: Not Yet Posted
My Itsy Bitsy Spider: 
Chapter 01: https://dad-tony-and-son-peter-fics.tumblr.com/post/174202202127/my-itsy-bitsy-spider-chapter-one
Chapter 02: Not Yet Posted
Chapter 03: Not Yet Posted
Precious Treasures: 
Chapter 01: https://dad-tony-and-son-peter-fics.tumblr.com/post/174202657082/precious-treasures-chapter-one-dad-tony-son
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Breaking and Healing (Chapter One)
Length: 1905 Words
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Crime, Horror (?)
AU: Post Infinity War
Pairings: None
Warnings: Swearing, Ransom, Kidnap, Murder, Abuse, Torture, Dark Subject Matter
Triggers?: Ransom, Kidnap, Murder, Abuse, Torture, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Anxiety, etc.
Requester: @riverthunder  (?)
Request: A dark idea I thought of that horrified my friends so I wrote it down.
Request Status: Partially Open (I won’t do all requests, but I won’t turn down ideas)
Summary:   Tony receives terrible news. May is dead, and Peter has been kidnapped by her killers. Spider-Man is being held for ransom, and Tony must find him before the kidnappers hurt him...or worse. But even if Tony manages to save him, how can he help him recover from watching his aunt's murder and the trauma of his kidnapping? Rated T for Swearing and Dark Content.
A/N:  Consider this a timeline where Infinity War has happened and everyone who was turned to ash has returned. This fic contains swearing, ransom, kidnap, murder, abuse/torture, and other dark subjects. For lighter Avengers fics, please consider My Itsy Bitsy Spider, Precious Treasures, and even Drowning While They Drift. The latter is also an angsty hurt/comfort fic, but it is not as dark as this fic. The former two fics are fluff fics. I hope you enjoy this story, please leave a Comment/Review if you did. 
Peter fought hard against the bindings around his wrist. Tears streamed down his face as tried to scream through his gag.
The red-headed man standing beside him hit him hard with the butt of a gun. Peter felt dazed, and fought to try and focus his gaze back on May.
“How’s the camera setup?” A voice behind Peter asked.
“Almost got it,” replied a balding man to Peter’s left.
“Hurry up. I want to get this kid out of here fast.”
The fourth and final man of the group smirked at May, fingering the revolver in his hand. She glared at him, but Peter could see that she was shaking.
He tried to cry out again, fighting hard.
I have to save May I have to I can’t let them hurt May I can’t-
“Got it,” the man working on the camera called. “We’re ready to roll.”
“Excellent.” The man behind Peter approached the camera, and set it up so Peter and May were both in the frame.
“Ready, boys?”
The three other men each called an affirmation.
“Let’s roll.” The leader pulled a bandana over his face, and the other men did the same.
The man behind the camera pressed a button and gave the leader a thumbs up.
“Hello, Mr. Stark,” the leader said brightly. “You don’t know me, but you’re about to. I assume you recognize your little spiderling?” He walked to Peter and jerked his head so he was facing the camera. Peter screamed again and tried to free himself. “Feisty, isn’t he?” He laughed coldly.
He released Peter, who immediately thrashed in his bonds again.
“Now, Mr. Stark,” the leader growled, “I want you to listen to me very carefully.” He turned to May. “I’m sure you know this beauty,” he said. “Your spiderling’s sweet aunt. She’s going to be the example.”
Peter felt his heart plunge into his stomach.
“You’re going to send twenty million dollars to us,” Leader growled. “If we don’t have our money in twenty-four hours….”
Leader turned to Smirk, who cocked the revolver.
Peter cried out.
No! No! Please! May! May, I’m sorry! May!
“Peter,” May said, smiling at him despite the tears in her eyes and the way she was shaking, “Peter, listen to me. This isn’t your fault, do you understand me? This isn’t your fault, Peter. I love you.”
Peter screamed as loudly as he could and jerked hard against his bonds as Smirk raised the revolver and pointed it at May’s head.
The gun went off and May slumped forward as blood spattered the floor. Peter sobbed hysterically. All the fight left him, and he went limp except for his heartbroken sobs.
“All the information you’ll need is going to be in the email we’ve sent you along with this video,” Leader said brightly. “For every four hours we don’t have the cash, you’ll get a video starring your precious spiderling.” He turned and walked to Peter, ripping the gag off. “Want to say anything to old Starky, Spiderling?”
Peter was still shaking with sobs.
“Want to tell him how scared you are?” Leader suggested. “What about how much it hurts?”
As if to prove this point, Red seized a fistful of Peter’s hair and jerked his head roughly.
Peter screamed, but he still continued to cry. He couldn’t help it.
May is dead.
She’s dead, and she’s never coming back.
You’re never going to see May ever again.
What else could they do to him? Sure, they could cut him, shoot him, beat him- it seemed like child’s play in comparison to the pain in his heart.
He half hoped Tony wouldn’t pay the ransom and they would kill him. At least if he was dead he wouldn’t have to suffer with this terrible ache in his chest.
“Why don’t you beg Starky to come save you?” Leader taunted. “Come on, Spiderling. It was you he cared about, right? Better get begging or he might let you die.”
Peter finally raised his head, turning to look at the camera. “P-please,” he whimpered.
“Good job, kid,” Leader told him mockingly. “Starky must be so proud.”
Leader punched Peter in the gut, making him gasp for air, before turning on his heel, smirking, and beginning to talk to the camera once again.
“Remember, Stark. You have twenty-four hours to get us twenty million. Every four hours we send you a video. If we don’t get our money, we’ll blow out your spiderling’s brains just like we did with his sweet auntie.”
Baldy clicked a button, nodding to Leader. “Got it, boss.”
“Good,” Leader said. “Not like we can do another take.” He laughed mockingly as he kicked May’s chair over.
Peter sobbed again. Couldn’t they leave her alone? She was dead, they’d killed her. Couldn’t they let her have some sort of dignity in death?
Red cut Peter free of the chair, careful to keep his wrists bound. Smirk came to help Red force Peter out of the apartment, supporting his weight.
Baldy worked to pack up the camera equipment while Leader admired the scene. “Nice work, boys,” Peter heard Leader say as he was forced down the hall. “The payoff for this is gonna be good.”
Tony sighed in exasperation. This rocket booster just refused to cooperate with him. He fiddled with a few screws, then grumbled and pushed the booster away. “Still giving you trouble?” Bruce asked, looking up from some hologram blueprints. “Yeah,” Tony huffed in annoyance. “I think I need a break. Want to take an apple break?”
“Sure,” Bruce said, standing up and stretching.
They left the lab to head to the kitchen.
Steve sat on the couch reading the newspaper (who still reads newspapers? Tony thought) next to Thor, who was watching a sitcom on the television.
“Mr. Stark, you’ve received an email from Peter Parker,” FRIDAY said. “It is entitled Open Immediately or You’ll Regret It. There is a video file and a PDF attached to it.”
Tony didn’t think much of it; Peter probably wanted to show him some new move. “Go ahead and open the video on the TV, FRIDAY,” Tony said, selecting a Granny Smith apple from the fruit bowl.
He looked up as the video appeared on the screen, and froze. Peter and May were tied to chairs with three men standing in the room with them. The one beside May had greasy black hair and looked to be smirking under his bandana. The one beside Peter had red hair and a scar across his cheek. The man in the middle had clean cut light brown hair and bushy eyebrows. Peter was struggling. May was shaking.
“Is that Peter?” Bruce asked, horrified.
“It is,” Tony whispered.
“Who would dare attack the Man of Spiders?” Thor demanded, enraged.
“Hello, Mr. Stark,” the man with bushy eyebrows said. “You don’t know me, but you’re about to. I assume you recognize your little spiderling?” He strode across the room to Peter and seized his head, forcing it to the side so he was facing the camera. Peter screamed again loudly and thrashed in a vain attempt to free himself. “Feisty, isn’t he?” The man laughed. The sound was chilling, like ice.
Steve’s paper was shaking in his hands. Rage was rolling off him in waves, almost tangible.
The man let Peter go, and he began to fight against his bindings..
“Now, Mr. Stark,” the leader snarled, “I want you to listen to me very carefully.” He turned on his heel, approaching May. “I’m sure you know this beauty,” he said. “Your spiderling’s sweet aunt. She’s going to be the example.”
“No,” Tony and Bruce whispered together in horror.
Tony felt his blood turn to ice as Peter froze.
Oh no. Oh god. No. Not this.
“You’re going to send twenty million dollars to us,” the leader growled. “If we don’t have our money in twenty-four hours….”
The leader turned to the greasy haired man. He cocked the revolver in his hand. His smirk grew impossibly bigger.
Peter screamed.
“Peter,” May said, and Tony was proud to hear that her voice was steady even as she shook in the chair, “Peter, listen to me. This isn’t your fault, do you understand me? This isn’t your fault, Peter. I love you.”
Peter’s scream was piercing as fought against his bindings while the man raised the revolver to May’s head.
There was the bang of a gunshot, and May’s blood splattered across the floor as she slumped forward, lifeless. Peter sobbed in earnest, slumping in his chair.
Tony was horrified. They had killed May. They had killed May, and they had made Peter watch them do it. He was furious. He was going to make these bastards suffer for this.
“All the information you’ll need is going to be in the email we’ve sent you along with this video,” the leader said cheerfully. “For every four hours we don’t have the cash, you’ll get a video starring your precious spiderling.” He turned and walked to Peter, ripping the gag off in a swift, brutal movement. “Want to say anything to old Starky, Spiderling?”
Peter was shaking, sobbing for May. Tony didn’t blame him.
“Want to tell him how scared you are? What about how much it hurts?”
The redheaded, scarred man seized a handful of Peter’s hair and yanked it hard. Peter screamed, but still just continued to sob.
“Why don’t you beg Starky to come save you?” the leader said mockingly. “Come on, Spiderling. It was you he cared about, right? Better get begging or he might let you die.”
Tony felt a rush of cold fury.
Oh, he was going to make that smug son of a bitch regret this. Every breath, every word, every step.
Peter raised his head at last, and looked into the camera. He looked broken, and it broke Tony’s heart. “P-please,” he whimpered.
“Good job, kid,” the leader sneered. “Starky must be so proud.”
Tony knew he was mocking Peter for giving in, but he snarled “you bet I am, you bastard,” under his breath anyway.
The leader punched Peter in the stomach, making the boy double over in pain as he gasped for breath, before turning on his heel, smiling maliciously, and beginning to talk to the camera once again.
“Remember, Stark. You have twenty-four hours to get us twenty million. Every four hours we send you a video. If we don’t get our money, we’ll blow out your spiderling’s brains just like we did with his sweet auntie.”
The video went dead.
“We have to rescue the Man of Spiders,” Thor declared at once, getting to his feet.
“We have to save him,” Steve agreed. “We can’t let them keep him for long.” “If we don’t get to him soon they might just kill him anyway,” Bruce said. “We need to be fast.”
Tony was frozen, thinking hard. “Tony?” Steve asked.
“Tony!” Bruce yelled. “Tony, we have to do something!”
“We will,” Tony growled, his voice deadly and cold.
“Tony?” An edge of nervousness entered Steve’s voice. “Tony, what are you planning?”
“Get the rest of the team,” Tony snarled, a plan for revenge forming in his mind. The idea of watching the men writhe in pain as he stood over them was all he wanted in this moment. “We’re going to make those fuckers wish they’d never been fucking born.”
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Precious Treasures (Chapter One) (Dad Tony, Son Peter, Daughter OC/Reader)
Length: 3067 Words
Genre: Family, Cute, Fluff, etc.
AU: Dad Tony Adopted Son Peter as a Baby and is Adopting an OC
Pairings: None
Warnings: References to child abuse, swearing
Triggers?: References to child abuse, swearing
Requester: @riverthunder 
Request: I got very sick and came up with this idea while laying in bed for three days.
Request Status: Partially Open (I won’t do all requests but I won’t turn off requests, either)
Summary:  Tony Stark loves raising his son Peter, and decides it's time for their family to grow. He finds a brilliant girl who is Peter's age, but she's had a tough life and she needs all the love and support he can give her. The problem is Antoinette seems reluctant to admit to her father what is bothering her. Can Tony protect her from her demons? Dad!Tony, Son!Peter, Daughter!OC(Reader).
A/N:  AN: I got pretty sick from Friday-Sunday and thought of this while I was recovering. I thought I'd lose interest when I was better, but...no. So here we are! Some notes: Peter was adopted as a baby and already has some of his powers (they are appearing slowly). I didn't go into detail with them but they'll be explored more in Chapter Two. Antoinette is the daughter of a scientist who viewed himself as a rival to Tony, but he was never really on Tony's radar. She was abused and removed from the home and has been in two foster homes. We'll delve more into her backstory later, but the important thing for you to know is she's smart. Also, a note: Precious Treasures is about Antoinette AND Peter, so no, the name is not a typo. If you don’t like that Antoinette is an OC, feel free to think of her as a Y/N instead. In that case, Tony is now your dad and Peter is your brother. Lucky you!
Tony sat at his computer, typing away while Peter sat on the ground at his feet, playing with his action figures.
“Bwoosh! Shoom! Whamo! Oops, sorry, Daddy.” Peter said, looking up at Tony sheepishly. He’d smacked on action figure with another so hard it had smacked Tony in the leg.
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo,” Tony smirked. “I’m alright.”
“Daddy?” Peter asked, dropping his toys and climbing onto the couch next to him.
“Yeah, kiddo?” Tony asked, closing his laptop and looking over at Peter.
“When am I gonna get a sibling?”
Tony smirked. “You’re really focused on this, huh, kiddo? You ask me this every day.”
“Yeah!” Peter said. “I want someone to play with and spend time with when you’re busy.”
Tony chuckled to himself. “Well, I’m working on it, okay? I put in an application to adopt another kiddo a few months ago.”
“I hope they like superheros,” Peter said, his eyes glimmering happily.
Tony laughed. “We’d be in a bad way if they didn’t. I’m sure you’ll be good friends with whoever ends up joining our little family.”
“Sir?” JARVIS’s voice said.
“What’s up, JARVIS?”
“A Mr. Jonathan Dennison is on the phone for you.”
Tony reached for the phone on the side table. Peter jumped forward, grabbing Tony’s free arm and clinging to him. “Is it about my brother? Or my sister?”
“I have to answer the phone, you little nut,” Tony said, gently shaking Peter off of him. “Hello?”
“Hello, is this Mr. Anthony Stark?”
“Yes,” Tony said, wrapping his arm around Peter’s waist and ruffling his hair.
“I’m the worker for a child you applied to adopt, Antoinette. We think she may be a good fit for your family. We would like to schedule a meeting for you all to see each other.”
“I would love to,” Tony said, nodding despite the fact that Jonathan couldn’t see him.
“Would Thursday at 4:30 P.M. work for you?”
“Yes, that would be perfect,” Tony said.
“Alright, we’ll see you then at Roxanne’s office.”
“Thank you. Goodbye.”
Tony hung up the phone.
“What did he say? What did he say?” Peter asked eagerly.
“We’re meeting a girl on Thursday,” Tony told him.
“I’m getting a sister?” Peter asked eagerly.
“Maybe,” Tony said firmly. “She might not be a good fit for our family. Don’t get too excited, Peter.”
“When is Thursday?”
“Today is Tuesday. When is Thursday?”
“Aww,” Peter whined. “We have to wait two whole days?”
“Before that call we were waiting longer than Thursday,” Tony reminded him, but Peter continued to scowl anyway. “Come on, kiddo, let’s get you some dinner. How does macaroni and cheese sound?”
Peter pursed his lips, still glaring at the couch, before slowly nodding.
“Good kid,” Tony praised him, getting up and putting his laptop off to the side. “Let’s go make your dinner.”
Tony kept on hand on Peter’s shoulder, steering him towards the building. “Do you think she likes superheros? Maybe she’ll color pictures with me! Daddy, do you think she’ll play superheros with me if I play the sidekick?”
“Peter, calm down,” Tony said, amused. “You’re going to make yourself sick with excitement at the rate you’re going.”
“But I wanna meet her!” Peter said loudly. “We could play together and draw pictures- do you think she likes to draw pictures?”
Tony stifled a laugh. Peter really was such an excitable little thing.
“I’m gonna beat you in!” Peter said loudly once they’d left the cars behind and sprinting for the door.
“Peter! Come back here!” Tony overtook him quickly and scooped him up into his arms. “Don’t run off like that,” Tony warned him. “It’s dangerous.” “Sorry, Daddy,” Peter said quietly, deflating a bit. Tony hadn’t shouted at him, but the lack of his usual playful tone was enough to let him know he shouldn’t have run off.
“You’re not in trouble,” Tony assured him. “But you need to be more careful.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Peter said solemnly.
Tony gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and set him down again, keeping a tight hold on Peter’s hand. “Alright, let’s go meet Antoinette.”
Tony lead Peter inside and walked her toward the office where Roxanne worked. The woman behind the desk had long, thick, curly black hair. She smiled as Tony and Peter walked in and held her hand out to Tony. “Tony! And there’s little Peter.” Roxanne smiled at him and offered her hand to him, too. “Charity will be delighted to hear how well Peter’s been doing with you,” Roxanne told Tony.
“What can I say?” Tony grinned back. “He’s a good kid. A wild kid, but a good kid.”
“Are you a wild kid?” Roxanne asked Peter, in a tone that suggested she thought Tony was lying.
“Noooo,” Peter sang. “I’m an angel.”
Tony and Roxanne laughed.
“Well, Antoinette and Jonathan are in the meeting room. Do you want to go meet them?”
“Please,” Tony said, nodding.
“Does Antoinette like superheroes?” Peter demanded loudly. “I want her to play superheroes with me. I’ll be the sidekick!”
“You can ask her when you see her,” Tony said, steering him towards the office door as Roxanne led the way to the meeting room.
“I wanna play with her,” Peter whined to Tony.
“Peter, we don’t whine,” Tony reminded him. “Besides, no one said you couldn’t play with her. If she wants to play with you, the two of you can play.”
“...Okay,” Peter said at last.
“Atta boy.”
“Right in here,” Roxanne said, opening a door and letting Tony and Peter inside. When Tony walked in, he saw a man in a suit sitting beside a small girl, about Peter’s age, with long, wavy brown hair. She had a large textbook open on the table and was studying it. “Hello,” Tony said, smiling at her.
She looked up, and he caught sight of her brilliantly blue eyes as they flashed in the light. “...Hi.”
“Hi!” Peter said eagerly, running around to her before Tony could snatch him back. He hugged the girl around the waist. “I’m Peter!”
“H-hi,” the girl stuttered, surprised. “I-I’m Antoinette.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Antoinette,” Tony said. “I’m sorry about Peter, he’s a bit excitable. Ever since I told him we were coming to this meeting all he could do was talk about you.” “Do you like superheroes?” Peter demanded loudly. “We can play superheroes! I brought some, and I’ll be the sidekick if you play with me!”
Antoinette blinked at him, looking confused. “I… I don’t know how to play that,” she said in a small voice, glancing to Tony and Jonathan as though afraid they would be upset. “I can teach you!” Peter said, beaming. “It’s really easy and it’s a lot of fun!”
“Um…. Okay,” Antoinette agreed. Peter climbed onto a chair beside her, pulling a few action figures out of his jacket pockets. “You can pick who to play with!”
Antoinette inspected the figures carefully, then selected one.
“That’s Dreamwave!” Peter said eagerly. “He’s my favorite! He can make people fall asleep and mess with their dreams! He can give people he likes nice dreams and he can give villains nightmares!”
“Oh,” Antoinette said, inspecting the figure. “Okay.” “I’m gonna be The Wren!” Peter said, taking another figure off the table. “He can fly!”
“That’s cool,” Antoinette said, looking at him. “So...how do we play?”
“Oh, that part is easy! Daddy! Come be the villain!”
“Coming, kiddo,” Tony told him. He walked over to the table and sat across from the kids. “Who’s being defeated by Dreamwave and The Wren today?”
“Oooh, be Mechman!” Peter said, his eyes shining. He turned to Antoinette. “Daddy has the best voice for Mechman! He sounds just like a robot!”
Tony picked up the Mechman figure, making him advance on Dreamwave and The Wren. “Your attempts to defeat me are futile,” he said in a mechanical voice. “You will be terminated for this.”
“You’ll never defeat us, Mechman!” Peter cried. “Dreamwave, put him to sleep and I’ll carry him to jail!”
Antoinette looked from her figure to Tony’s. “....But isn’t he a robot?” she asked in a small voice. “He’s a cyborg,” Peter replied. “But even if he was a robot that doesn’t matter. It’s pretend.”
“Oh, okay,” Antoinette nodded slowly. “Then...um…. Fall asleep!” She tapped the table with Dreamwave’s little plastic feet.
Tony dropped Mechman to the table and snored comically while Peter cheered. “Good job, Dreamwave! I’ll take him to jail and then we can celebrate!”
“O-okay,” Antoinette said. Tony was pleased to see she was smiling a bit as Peter picked Mechman off the table and had Wren carry him down the table a few steps before dropping him.
“Yay! Victory!” Peter sang, raising his arms in the air triumphantly. “You’re good at this!”
Tony smirked. So no worries about Peter not liking a new addition.
“What are you reading, Antoinette?” Tony asked, looking at her textbook.
She glanced back, her face falling a bit.
“The Principles and Fundamentals of Microbiology,” she said, lifting the book up so Tony could read the front cover.
“That’s quite the book,” Tony said.
“My foster parents say I should learn as much science as possible before they enroll me in the high school.”
“You must be very smart,” Tony said kindly. “Yes, sir,” Antoinette told him. She didn’t say it with pride, or even with happiness. She just said it like she was stating a fact. “What chapter are you on?”
“Chapter Sixteen, Archaebacteria in Extremely Hot Conditions.”
“And what do you think about archaebacteria?” Tony asked.
“They’re okay, I guess,” Antoinette shrugged. “I guess they’re more interesting than regular bacteria.” “I see.”
Tony could sense that Antoinette didn’t like this topic. Perhaps she just didn’t particularly care for microbiology.
“Antoinette!” Peter called. “Come on, let’s play some more! Do you like to draw?” Peter had found a bucket of art supplies under the table. Antoinette’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Yeah!” She eagerly took the paper and crayons Peter offered to her.
“I’m gonna draw you!” Peter told her excitedly. “Okay! I’ll draw you!” Antoinette grinned back. “They seem to be getting along,” Jonathan smiled. “I’ll say,” Tony grinned. “So, what’s with these big textbooks?” He looked at the open pages, frowning at the large words being used. “Seems kind of weird to make a kid study this stuff.”
Jonathan inspected it too. “I’m not sure. I know she’s very smart, I suppose her foster parents thought a bit of a challenge would be good for her. But I think I would prefer if she could just be a child. There’s no reason for her to be enrolled in high school at five years old.”
Tony nodded. “I agree. Maybe she could skip a few grades when she was older if she wanted, but I think at her age she should be more concerned with making friends than her grades.”
“I agree,” Jonathan said, nodding. Tony looked over at Peter and Antoinette, showing each other their finished pictures. Antoinette beamed as she looked at Peter’s messy crayon drawing. Her hair looked like a wild mane around her oval head. Peter was staring open mouthed at her drawing of him. “You’re REALLY good!” He said excitedly, looking up at her.
“Thank you,” Antoinette smiled. “So are you! I love this!” She hugged the paper to her chest. “Can I keep this?” “Only if you let me sign it,” Peter said in an important voice. Antoinette giggled. “Okay. And you can keep that one if I can sign it too.”
They swapped pictures to sign them, and Tony blinked in surprise at the quality of Antoinette’s picture. It looked almost like a character in a comic strip, but it was also clearly Peter. The two children signed their respective pieces and passed them back to each other.
“Daddy! Daddy!” Peter said, running around the table to Tony’s side. “Look what Antoinette drew of me!”
“Wow,” Tony said, taking the picture to admire it. “That’s absolutely beautiful. You’re very talented, Antoinette.”
“Th-thank you, sir,” Antoinette said quietly.
“Say thank you,” Tony told Peter.
“Thank you, Antoinette!” Peter sang, running back around the table and hugging the girl again. “You’re the bestest person in the whole wide world!”
Roxanne laughed at Peter’s words, and Jonathan smiled as Antoinette grinned and hugged Peter back this time.
That night, after Peter had been tucked into bed for the night, Tony looked over the documentation for little Antoinette.
Child is a five year old female.
Removed from the home due to significant abuse.
Caseworker noted marks on the child that appear to be cigarette burns, along with other marks.
Tony put his face in his hands, trying to process the notes. That poor child.
He shook his head, a growl rising in his throat.
Peter came into his life because of an accident that stole his last living family from him. That same accident had also given him his powers, but that wasn’t important. What was important was Antoinette had been through a lot already.
He thought back to her, reading that thick textbook. Her foster parents wanted her to study microbiology and prepare for high school when she was a five year old who had suffered serious trauma? Tony was disgusted. At least he had the knowledge that Jonathan thought he would be a good fit for Antoinette as a parent to comfort him. Perhaps this would move further, and he could protect her from then on.
Over the next few weeks, Tony and Peter continued to meet with Antoinette. Peter adored the visits, often bringing new toys and games to play with her and insisting on giving her gifts. For their last visit, he had insisted she take Dreamwave, despite her protests that he had told her Dreamwave was his favorite.
“You play him better,” Peter had insisted. “You keep him.”
Tony remembered feeling pride as Antoinette threw her arms around Peter and hugged him tightly. He was so proud of his son for being so generous and kind to that sweet little girl.
Today was an exciting day for both of them. Today, Antoinette would come and live with them. She was going to officially be part of the family, even though it would still be a few months legally before Tony would be able to adopt her.
“Where is she?” Peter asked, jumping around. He had a wrapped present in his hands. He had asked for some money to go with Happy and buy the gift, but when Tony asked what he planned to get he insisted it needed to be a surprise.
“You might spoil it!” Peter had said accusingly.
Tony had given in, allowing Peter to take the money with Happy and go buy the present. Pepper had helped him to neatly wrap it, and now Tony looked at the awkwardly shaped package, wondering what was inside. He thought there were probably a few things wrapped tightly in the brightly colored paper.
“She’s coming,” Tony said in a soothing voice. “Be patient, Peter.”
“But I’m excited,” Peter insisted.
“I know, buddy, but she’s not going to be very long.”
As Tony spoke, the door to the meeting room opened and Antoinette hurried in, wearing a bright, light blue backpack. She threw her arms around Peter. “Hi!” she sang happily. Jonathan followed after the girl quickly, smiling as he saw her hugging Peter around the neck.
“Hello, Antoinette,” Tony said, smiling as the two children giggled madly.
“Hi, Tony!” Antoinette said, letting go of Peter and running to hug Tony around the middle. “I missed you!”
“We missed you too, Princess,” Tony told her, ruffling her hair. “I got you a present, Antoinette!” Peter told her, holding it out. The wrapping paper was light blue, her favorite color.
Antoinette took it, her eyes shining. “I didn’t get you anything,” she pouted. “You spoil me too much, Peter!”
“Nuh uh,” Peter said, sticking out his tongue as though this settled the matter.
Antoinette stuck her tongue out right back at him, then dissolved into giggles.
“Open it!” Peter insisted. Antoinette tore the paper open and gasped.
Inside the paper were two sketchbooks, a larger one and a small one to carry around, a pack of mechanical pencils, a pack of colored pencils, an eraser, and a pencil case.
“You remembered!” Antoinette cried, hugging Peter tightly again.
“You’ll have fun with all that,” Jonathan said to Antoinette, smiling. “I’ll have more fun with Peter and Tony!” Antoinette told him. “Peter says we’re gonna watch movies together!”
“Yup,” Tony nodded. “We’re having a pizza party to celebrate.”
“I want cheese,” Peter said, as though he had not already stressed this fact to Tony five times that day. “Me too!” Antoinette agreed. “You’re getting cheese, don’t worry,” Tony said, ruffling their hair. “I’m not going to forget.” “Well, here are Antoinette’s things,” Jonathan said, handing Tony a light blue suitcase with a silver snowflake embossed on it and indicating a second, larger, matching suitcase he’d propped up against the door. “We’ll be checking in in about a month. If you need me sooner than that, here.” He handed Tony a business card. “And you remember my number, right, Antoinette?” “Yes sir,” Antoinette nodded. “Good girl. You call me if you need me, and be good for Mr. Stark.” “I wanna help Antoinette with her stuff!” Peter said.
“Okay,” Tony agreed, letting Peter take the smaller rolling suitcase. Tony took the larger one himself, and carefully herded the pair of children out ahead of him. “Stay by me,” he said warningly as they neared the street. Antoinette hung back close to him, and while Peter was a few paces ahead in his eagerness, Tony wasn’t overly worried. He was still close enough that he was with the group.
Once they reached Tony’s car, he unlocked the doors so Antoinette and Peter could climb inside. Then he popped the trunk and lifted Antoinette’s bags inside. He walked around to Antoinette’s side and helped to buckle her into her car seat, then walked around to Peter’s side and buckled him in as well. “Are we all set?” Tony asked the pair. “Set!” Peter sang, bouncing a little in his seat. “Um...set!” Antoinette agreed, after looking around for a moment.
“Good.” Tony smiled. “Then let’s go home.”
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My Itsy Bitsy Spider (Chapter One)
Length: 1714 Words
Genre: Family, Cute, Fluff, etc.
AU: Dad Tony Adopts Son Peter as a Baby (the baby has superpowers
Pairings: None
Warnings: Swearing, Superbaby
Triggers?: None that I can think of. Swearing? Superbaby?
Requester: @riverthunder and @casterrunes 
Request: The two of us throwing baby Peter and Dad headcanons back and forth like tennis balls.
Request Status: Partially Open (I won’t do all requests but I won’t turn off requests, either)
Summary:  Tony Stark has longed to raise a child for a long time. The opportunity arises and he seizes his chance to raise the orphaned Peter Parker. Unfortunately for Tony, things don't always go as planned, and Iron Man will have to deal with a whole new set of challenges, none of which are made easier by the fact that his new son has superpowers. Rated T for Swearing.
A/N: The newest Avengers movie broke me, so enjoy this new fic I'll be writing to cope with that ending. I'm writing this story and another, more angsty story, Drowning While They Drift. This isn't really going to follow an accurate Avengers timeline because 1. I have not seen all the older movies and I have a hard enough time piecing together how everything fits in the timeline to start with, 2. We're cutting out a lot of angst to enjoy Super Dad Tony taking care of Super Baby Peter. If you're here for accurate timelines, you probably won't like this. If you're here for Tony trying to keep his baby from crawling around on the ceiling and showing his kid off to the other Avengers, you're in the right place and hopefully this will entertain you. This particular chapter is a bit on the short side. Hopefully you guys don't mind. Other chapters will likely be longer but I felt this was a good place to leave this chapter. Another AN will be at the bottom to explain how Tony got Peter in case you are confused by that. Enjoy!
Tony grumbled to himself, trying to find a reason to focus on the meeting he was sitting in. It really was boring; half of these problems could be fixed if they would just bring them to him, rather than the whole board. He huffed in annoyance as board members bickered about wages for some of the lowest paid company members.
“Why don’t we just up their pay?” Tony said loudly. “It wouldn’t kill us.”
Just as one of the board members moved to criticize this suggestion, Tony’s phone rang.
“Oop, I guess that’s the end of the meeting!” Tony said loudly. “We’re upping the minimum wage we pay. See you guys later.” He strode out of the room, checking the number.
It couldn’t be!
Tony fumbled to answer. “H-hello?”
“Is this Tony Stark?” A sweet female voice asked.
“Y-yes,” Tony stuttered.
“Excellent. I have some good news for you. We have found you a baby.”
Tony felt his heart leap.
“Really. We would like you to meet him as soon as possible to see if you think he’s a good match. When can you come see him?”
“N-now,” Tony said. “I-I can come now, if that’s okay.”
“That’s great, please do!” The woman said cheerfully. Tony could practically hear the smile on her voice.
“I will. Goodbye!”
“Goodbye, Mr. Stark!” The woman said.
“Happy, I’m leaving,” Tony said, pressing the End button on his cellphone and striding towards his office to get his jacket. “Don’t call me for anything. I don’t care if the whole building burns to the ground.”
“Yes, Mr. Stark, but what-”
“Not important, Happy. Have a nice evening.”
When Tony entered the hospital the woman had directed him to, he heard the sound of a baby crying. Tony’s instinct was to find the child and comfort it, but he resisted the urge as a pretty redheaded woman approached him. “Hello, Tony.”
“Hello, Charity.” Tony looked towards the cries. “Is that-?”
“The baby? Yes. I wanted to talk to you about the circumstances surrounding the baby before we show him to you.”
Tony nodded, taking a seat that was indicated to him by Charity. She sat beside him, folding her hands over her crossed knees.
“The baby’s name is Peter. He is a survivor of a very bad accident near Osborn Industries. As far as we can tell, aside from some scrapes, bruises, and what the doctors and nurses believe is a spider bite, he is perfectly fine.”
Tony nodded, paying rapt attention to Charity’s words.
“Peter’s parents, unfortunately, ended up being traitors to America. They have passed away. Peter was being cared for by his uncle and aunt, but his uncle was killed in the accident and his aunt did not survive her injuries.”
Tony felt a rush of sympathy for the baby. “He has no other living family?”
“None that we can find,” Charity replied. “As such, he is in need of a home, and I thought you might take a liking to him.”
Tony nodded fervently. “I’d like to meet him, if at all possible.”
“Of course,” Charity nodded, standing. “Please follow me.”
She lead him around a corner to an examination room. The cries were louder in front of the door.
“I should warn you,” Charity said, glancing back to Tony, “he hasn’t stopped crying since he was brought in.”
Tony nodded. “I understand. He’s probably confused. He’s probably never had so many injuries at once. Even if they’re minor, they probably hurt.”
Charity smiled at Tony. It was this insight that she liked about Tony; the way he acknowledged that to a baby, minor inconveniences for adults were terrible tragedies.
She opened the door.
A woman with long, black hair was holding a small boy in a red onesie. His hair was wavy and brown, reaching past his ears. He wailed loudly, fat tears rolling down his plump cheeks. He had a bruise under one eye and a few scrapes on his face.
“Hey,” Tony said in a gentle voice. “Hi, Tiger. How are you, little buddy?”
The baby sniffled and shifted his body to look Tony in the eyes.
“Hi,” Tony said, smiling and waving. “What a handsome little boy you are.”
“Would you like to hold him?” The woman holding Peter asked.
Tony nodded, holding his arms out for Peter. The baby hiccuped a bit as the woman passed him to Tony. Peter looked around a bit nervously at first, breathing in quick, panting gasps while he searched the room with his eyes.
“Hey, kiddo,” Tony said gently, rubbing Peter’s back and bouncing him gently. “How are you?”
Peter’s eyes snapped back to Tony’s. He stared at him. One fist went to his mouth, and he slobbered on his fingers as he stared at Tony. He seemed not to be daring to blink, as if he was afraid that Tony might vanish or turn into a beast if he did so.
“Aren’t you a handsome boy,” Tony said, ruffling his hair gently.
Peter took his hand out of his mouth and grabbed Tony’s nose with it.
“Silly boy,” Tony teased, gently pulling the tiny hand off his nose and letting it seize his fingers instead. “What a smart boy you are. You’re going to be very bright.”
Peter laughed and used his other hand to grab at Tony’s short mustache.
“Strong, too,” Tony noted, nodding.
Peter yawned, and Tony smiled as he noticed the way the baby’s eyelids were fluttering with the attempt to stay open.
“Shhh, Peter,” Tony crooned, rocking the baby gently. Peter sighed and rested his head on Tony’s shoulder, sticking one of his thumbs in his mouth and sucking on it. He gave a drowsy sigh, but as Tony rubbed his back gently, he eventually drifted off entirely.
Tony smiled fondly at the baby.
Charity looked at him. “What do you think?”
“He’s perfect,” Tony replied firmly, still rubbing the baby’s back. “What do I need to do to adopt him?”
A few days later, the adoption had been finalized. Tony couldn’t stop smiling as he carried Peter in his arms into the house.
“Good evening, sir,” JARVIS said.
“Good evening, JARVIS.”
“Is this young Peter?”
“It is.”
Peter looked around curiously, trying to find the source of JARVIS’s voice. “Ah! Ah!” He squealed to Tony, grasping at the air with one fist and clinging to Tony’s shirt with the other.
“It’s okay, Peter,” Tony cooed gently. “That’s just JARVIS. He won’t hurt you.” Peter seemed ready to argue as best he could as a baby, but his next cry was cut off by his yawn.
Tony beamed and hugged him a bit more tightly. “Come on, someone needs to get some sleep.”
“Shall I prepare a bottle for young Peter, sir?”
“Please,” Tony agreed. “I’ll change him and get him into some pajamas.”
Changing Peter and putting him in pajamas was an unusually easy task; he was too tired to kick, squirm, and protest as Tony took care of him. At last the baby was ready for bed. Tony offered to let the baby have some of his bottle, and Peter seized it in his small hands, suckling and trying to force his eyes to stay open and fixed on Tony. The billionaire laughed quietly, amused by his sweet son.
He had a son.
Tony didn’t think anything could make him happier.
Peter pushed his bottle away and yawned, reaching out and placing his little hand on Tony’s chest, feeling his arc reactor instead of his shirt.
Peter looked curiously at his hand, then at Tony, as if asking for confirmation that he was feeling something that was not skin or cloth.
Tony smiled. “Not to worry, little one,” he said quietly. “I’ll always protect you. I promise. As long as I have this,” he gently touched the arc reactor, covering Peter’s small hand with his larger one, “you’ll always be safe.”
Peter yawned again.
“Time for bed, my little one,” Tony said, carrying his son to his crib and laying him gently down in it. “Sleep well, Peter. Daddy loves you.”
Peter sighed, reached for Tony, and then slowly drifted off, his little hand falling to his side.
“Keep an eye on him, JARVIS,” Tony said softly, heading for the door. “Tell me if anything goes wrong or if he needs me.”
“Of course, sir.”
Tony looked up from his blueprints sharply. “What is it, JARVIS? Is Peter hurt?”
“No, sir.”
Tony sighed with relief. “Then what? Hungry?”
“Sir, I am not sure I can explain verbally,” JARVIS replied. “I believe you need to see it for yourself.”
Tony was confused. “Why?” He asked suspiciously.
“Sir, please.”
“Fine,” Tony sighed, rolling up his blueprints and heading back to Peter’s room. He opened the door.
Tony had to bite back a scream of horror. Peter was climbing on the fucking ceiling.
“Peter!” Tony lunged forward, gently but firmly seizing his son. “What in the world,” Tony muttered, hugging the baby close, “were you doing?”
Peter giggled in response.
“Sir,” JARVIS said, “I do not believe that is a natural human ability.”
“No, it’s not,” Tony agreed.
“Perhaps we could run a blood test and see if that tells us anything,” JARVIS suggested.
“Very well.”
Tony carried Peter down to his lab, directing JARVIS to take a small sample of Peter’s blood while Tony distracted his son. Luckily, it worked. Peter seemed not to notice the prick of the needle, and appeared to be mildly surprised at the bandaid Tony placed on his arm where the needle had stuck him.
Tony engaged Peter in a game of peekaboo while JARVIS examined the results.
“Sir, it appears your son was bitten by a radioactive spider.”
Tony looked up. “Are you fucking serious?” He demanded.
“Quite, sir. Here.”
JARVIS printed a copy of the results for Tony. He read them over five or six times before looking at Peter with wonder in his eyes. “Do...do you have powers?” He asked his son.
Of course, Peter did not answer; he was too busy staring at his own hand in amazement to notice his father marveling at him.
Tony looked down at the paper again. “Looks like I’ll need to do more baby proofing than I thought.” AN: So, just in case it wasn't clear: 1. Like in the canon, it is believed that Peter's biological parents are traitors. They left the country and are now presumed dead (and in this fic, likely are dead, because I don't feel like adding any angst where total strangers return and try to separate our boy from his dad). 2. There was an accident near (but not at) Osborn Industries, where the radioactive spider was. Uncle Ben died in the accident. May was severely injured and unfortunately did not survive. After the accident, Baby Peter was bitten by the spider and gained his powers, although they'll be revealed slowly. Because he had no other living family, Baby Peter was put in the foster care system and adopted by Tony Stark. I didn’t do more with the adoption process because, 1. I am unfamiliar and 2. I didn't want to upset anyone getting it wrong. I probably still got things wrong but let's ignore those. This is a fluff fic, not everything needs to be perfect as long as it's cute. I hope you liked this chapter! Please leave a review if you would like to see more.
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Drowning While They Drift (Chapter One)
Length: 4906 Words
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family
AU: Post Infinity War
Pairings: None
Warnings: References to Depression, Anxiety and Anxiety/Panic Attacks, PTSD, Mental Illness in general. Swearing.
Triggers?: See above.
Requester: @riverthunder, @casterrunes 
Request: Just ramblings from me and my girlfriend.
Request Status: Partially Open (I won’t do all requests, but I won’t turn down ideas)
Summary:  WARNING: Contains Spoilers for Infinity War. Rated T for Swearing and possible dark situations. After being freed from the Soul Stone, Peter has to deal with the mental strain the experience placed on him. Luckily, Tony has ideas on how to help Peter cope, and the Avengers are eager to have him and Aunt May join them on the base to make him part of their family.
A/N: I would like to warn any potential readers that this story contains references to PTSD, panic and anxiety attacks, depression, and mental illness in general. Later in this story, Peter will have a service dog to help him cope (I really wanted to write about a superhero coming to terms that he has a mental disability and it is okay and doesn't change the fact that he is a superhero). I am writing about PTSD, panic and anxiety attacks, and depression based on my own experiences. These may not reflect your own experiences; that does not mean I think your experiences are incorrect, they're just not what I, personally, experience. Finally, I do not personally have a service dig, but I have done extensive research on psychological service dogs as I could benefit from one.IF YOU ARE NOT LOOKING FOR AN ANGST FIC, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO READ MY ITSY BITSY SPIDER INSTEAD. That fic will have little to no angst; only fluff. This will have angst, but it is angst that comes with fluff. Take your pick.
Tony stared at Peter. He was back. After all this time, all that time of searching for a way to do it, he was back.
He didn't really pay attention to the others. Strange was trying to praise him, Mantis and Quill and Drax were looking over the scene, surprised to finally have returned. T'Challa and Bucky looked confused.
Peter was just glancing around nervously. He seemed jumpy.
Tony reached out a hand tentatively. What was he supposed to say? To do? How was he supposed to convey his regret for what had happened to him?
Peter Parker's eyes snapped to him. "Mr….Mr. Stark?"
His voice was trembling.
Tony reached out. He was afraid that it was a trick. What if Thanos wasn't really defeated, and Peter would turn to ash in his fingertips yet again?
Was the Reality Stone playing tricks on his mind?
Peter stumbled forward, falling into Tony's arms. He caught the boy easily, supporting his weight. Peter was trembling in his arms. "It's okay, kid," Tony murmured. "You're okay now."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark," Peter mumbled into his chest.
"It's not your fault, kid," Tony said in a soft voice, hugging him close. "Nothing about this was ever your fault."
Tony slowly lowered the two of them to the ground. His knees had started to feel weak; he was just so relieved that Peter was still solid in his arms, still breathing, still had a beating heart.
Everything was my fault.
Peter sat up in bed, panting and trying to calm his racing heart. It wasn't working. He could feel himself trying to draw in gasping breaths but he couldn't feel the relief of the air in his lungs. His heart was trying to break out of his chest and flee. His mind was racing.
Not safe.
Not safe.
Not safe.
Peter tried to think of something more sensible to do. Running around Queens in the middle of the night was not a good idea. At the very least, if May got up before he got home he would really worry her.
He fumbled for his phone at his bedside table, then scrolled through the numbers programmed into it.
He clicked one and held the phone to his ear.
A groggy voice answered him.
"Kid? What's up?"
"Mr. Stark," Peter gasped, still clutching his chest. His heart and his lungs hurt. "Mr. Stark, I can't breathe and I can't calm down and I'm so scared, I don't feel safe, Mr. Stark, I'm sorry but I want to leave what do I do-"
"Peter," Tony said, his voice calm but firm. He sounded more awake than he had when Peter called. "Peter, focus on my voice, okay? You're having a panic attack. You're going to be okay, I promise. I'm coming over. Just try to keep your mind on my voice and remember that you are safe."
"A-are you sure?" Peter asked. He couldn't help noting the childish way he said it. He sounded pathetic.
"I promise," Tony replied firmly. "Now, do you have an extra pillow or something? Something physical you can hold?"
Peter felt another rush of embarrassment.
"I...I have a teddy bear," he admitted in a soft voice. He couldn't believe this. He just admitted to Tony Stark that he still had a teddy bear.
"Good," Tony said. "I want you to hold your teddy bear as loosely or as tightly as you need. Focus on the feeling of its fur while you focus on the sound of my voice. Can you do that?"
Peter fumbled around in the bedsheets for Bailey.
"Y-yeah," Peter said as his fingertips grazed Bailey's soft fur. He leaned to the side and seized Bailey by the arm, hugging the bear as tightly as possible.
"I'm almost there," Tony promised. "Now, do you think you can make it to the living room?"
Peter swallowed and nodded,then remembered Tony couldn't see him. "Y-yes, Mr. Stark."
"Okay. Do that for me. I'll be up there before you know it."
Peter slowly crawled out of bed, still clinging to Bailey and judging each step before taking it. He felt like he really shouldn't be walking right now. But Mr. Stark was right; it would be weird for him to help a kid he barely knew deal with a panic attack in their bedroom.
Somehow, even in his frazzled thoughts, Peter felt a stab of pain. Mr. Stark was the closest thing he had to a father figure now, and he loved him like a father, even if he didn't see him much. But Mr. Stark only saw him as a young superhero with valuable powers in need of honing. He was an Avenger because he was useful, not because he was liked. Mr. Stark didn't usually praise him during battles, didn't have much to say if it wasn't an order, explanation, or criticism. Why did Peter have to bother him with trivial, unnecessary problems like this?
Well, for this, at least, he had some sort of reason; Mr. Stark understood. He knew that Peter had felt it when Thanos forced him to drift away as ash on the wind. He knew his spidey senses had warned him of the danger he was in before he gave in. No one else had felt that. Quill hadn't noticed, he said.
And he also hadn't experienced what Peter had in the Soul Stone.
Peter shuddered at the memory.
I didn't deserve to die, came her voice. This isn't love. Quill! Quill! Can you hear me? I didn't want him to know. I tried. Quill, I love you. Quill, I'm sorry.
No one else had heard her cries.
At least Tony understood that Peter's heightened senses had made the whole experience worse.
They had drifted.
Peter had drowned.
He reached the couch just as Tony spoke again.
"I'm coming in, okay, kid?"
"'K-kay," Peter stuttered.
The door opened. Tony replaced his key to the apartment in his pocket.
"How are you doing now, kiddo?"
Peter's mouth felt dry. He just shook his head.
"I'm going to get you something warm to drink, and then we'll work on calming you down."
Peter nodded.
He sure was going to a lot of trouble for him. Wasn't he the most aggravating Avenger for Tony Stark?
Mantis's voice rose, unbidden, to the front of his thoughts.
Kick names. Take ass.
Maybe calling himself the most aggravating Avenger was a bit self-deprecating.
Quill could sure get on Mr. Stark's nerves.
Tony finished warming a mug of milk in the microwave and took a spoon from the cutlery drawer. Peter heard May stir in her room. He hadn't noticed the buzz of the microwave but perhaps it had woken her.
Tony added a few spoonfuls of hot chocolate mix into the milk and walked back to the couch. He sat beside Peter on the couch and set the mug on a coaster on the side table.
"Okay, kid," Tony said in a soft, soothing voice. "Now, when I'm having an anxiety attack, I've found it helps me a lot when Pepper hugs me. Not everyone likes that though; plenty of people don't want to be touched. What about you? Do you think that will help?"
Peter tried to force himself to say no. Don't be a baby. But he wanted this to end, and if there was a possibility it would help…. He nodded.
Tony reached over and hugged Peter tightly with one arm. His grip was surprisingly strong, but it was comforting, too. Peter felt safer already; like Tony's arm was a barrier between him and the danger his instincts insisted they could sense.
"I'm sorry you're having a panic attack, kid," Tony murmured softly, stirring the hot chocolate mix into the milk with his free arm as he spoke.
"But I'm not sorry you need the hug." He paused. "I need it, too."
Peter had to take a moment to process that. He looked up at Tony Stark in surprise.
"You really gave me a scare, kid."
Peter scowled. When? He hadn't been out for a while. Spider-Man had taken a bit of a holiday while he tried to cope with the Soul Stone incident.
"I didn't think I'd ever see you again after Thanos got the Infinity Stones."
Peter felt his eyes widen in surprise. He glanced over at Mr. Stark. "Y-you… you cared?"
Tony looked down at him sharply. "What do you mean? You thought I didn't?"
"I thought I annoyed you," Peter admitted in a soft, nervous voice. "I thought you only kept me around for my powers."
Tony sighed, looking up at the ceiling. He was still stirring.
"That's fair, I suppose," he murmured. "When I first recruited you for that feud with Steve, it was mostly for your powers. I knew you were powerful so I found you and recruited you." He paused. "But you grew on me, kid. Sometimes you still get on my nerves, that's true. All those pop culture references and calling anything older than High School Musical 'old'- seriously, kid, relatively speaking, The Empire Strikes Back isn't that old, and neither is Footloose." Tony paused and glanced down at Peter, giving him a serious look. He returned his gaze to the ceiling. "Though, it was never the greatest movie of all time, I'll give you that. And feel free to tell Quill I said so."
Tony paused, trying to put his thoughts in words. "Do you remember what you told me when I asked why you do this? Why you became Spider-Man?"
Peter shook his head. He couldn't remember much about that conversation besides the thrill of having a personal hero who doubled as a superhero on in his room.
"You said, when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you. And that's stuck with me, kid. You know why?"
Peter shook his head.
"Because you really mean it. And I know you really mean it. You prove that to me all the time. When we fought Thanos-"
Peter stiffened ever so slightly at the mention of the name.</p>
"-you were saving everyone you could from being hurt by him. You snatched them out of the air and put them in safe places. You even apologized for not remembering their names. Because you care, kid. You really care. You can't fake that kind of empathy."
Peter hugged Bailey tighter in his arms. He fixed his eyes on the bright red bow tie at the bear's throat, focusing on the shade of it and trying to pinpoint what it was exactly. Cardinal, maybe?
"I haven't been helping anyone lately," he whispered guiltily. "I hide in my room. I only ever put on the mask and it's so I can talk to Karen."
Tony's grip became impossibly tighter. "I know."
Peter looked up, shocked.
"I haven't listened in or anything," Tony said calmly. "But your suit is programmed to alert me when you put it on, and to let me know for how long. And it records your conversations with Karen. I know usually you just put the mask on and talk to her for a few hours. And, kid," he added, looking back down at Peter at last, "that's okay."
"But you-"
"I'm different," Tony interrupted. "I'm an adult and this is my job. And I'm looking out for the world on a much bigger scale. Queens isn't going to collapse in a night because you left it to the police. You have to look out for yourself too, Peter. I'd make you rest up if you broke your leg, and what you went through was a burden on your mind. It's going to take a while to heal. You need to take some time to come to terms with that and that's no one's fault but Thanos's."
"But I-"
"Peter," Tony said in a soft voice, "if you don't look out for yourself now you'll only make things worse for yourself in the long run, and then where will the neighborhood be without its friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?"
Silence hung in the air as Peter considered those words.
Tony passed him the mug of hot chocolate. The mug was warm and comforting, and the drink smelled heavenly. Peter grasped the mug with both hands, keeping a tight hold on Bailey with one arm, and sipped from the mug. It tasted just as delicious as it smelled. But it was also hot. He nearly burnt his tongue on the scalding liquid.
He heard someone shift their weight to another foot and looked to the doorway to the hall. May was watching them talk, leaning against the doorway. "He's not half bad at this parenting thing, is he?" May commented casually.
Tony squeezed Peter's shoulder. "What can I say? I've taken a liking to this kid. He's like a son to me."
Peter hastily took another gulp of hot chocolate, forgetting caution and thoroughly burning his tongue and throat. Tony Stark thought of him, measly little Peter Parker, as a son?
He had tears in his eyes, and not from the hot chocolate.
Tony didn't seem to notice. Or, if he did, he was tactful enough not to say anything.
"Well, it's pretty easy when your kid is this smart," he said casually. "I used his web experiments as the basis for making his current web, and I have to say, they were pretty ingenious, especially for his age."
May nodded slowly. "You okay, Peter?"
He wasn't sure how to respond. He felt a bit better, but he didn't feel safe yet.
"I'll look after him, May," Tony replied for him. "Sorry for waking you up."
May looked back to Peter, who nodded, and dipped her head. "Alright. I hope you feel better soon."
She turned and left around the corner.
"I'm sorry," Peter mumbled.
Tony looked down. "Sorry for what?"
"Waking you up. Making you come here in the middle of the night."
"Kid, you didn't make me do anything. I could have ignored your call, I could have sent Happy, hell, I could have sent an empty suit. I came because I wanted to. Because you needed me and I wanted to help you."
Tony sighed. "I do hate how far away you are from us, though. I'd rather you be closer." He gave Peter a look. "That offer to live on the Avengers base is still open, you know, kid."
"That offer is for both of you. Was I not clear in my tone?" There was a slight edge of teasing in his voice. "Besides, I think she'd like the gang, don't you?"
"I don't know if she'd go for it," Peter mumbled.
"Do you want to go for it?"
Peter looked up at Tony. "I don't want you to feel pressured. But it is an option. At the very least, if you had another panic attack- and I'm sorry to say, kid, it's not unlikely- it would be easier for me or Bruce or someone to take care of you."
Peter didn't want to admit he didn't think he'd dare go to anyone else about this sort of problem. He just nodded slowly. "That would be nice…."
"Plus it could take some of the stress off May. Less work for her to do if she lives on the Avengers base with us; FRIDAY does most of the work."
"What about school?"
"I have a private jet, Peter. Getting you to class on time isn't likely to be an issue. Plus we have Strange visiting constantly." Tony groaned. "I wish we could make magic proof locks."
"Can…. Can I think about it? Maybe talk to May?"
"Of course, kid. Did you think I was going to force you?" Tony chuckled. "You just let me know when you want to come, if ever. That door's always open."
They sat in silence for a bit.
"...Mr. Stark?"
"Did...did you mean what you said about me to Aunt May? That thing about…. About…."
"Thinking if you as a son," Tony guessed. "Yeah, I did."
Peter looked up, trying not to let on that tears were forming in his eyes again. "You...you did?"
Tony looked down. "Did I overstep my bounds?"
"N-no," Peter mumbled. "It's just… I've never had parents. Not that I can really remember, anyway. Uncle Ben and Aunt May have been good to me but… they're not my parents, and I can't really call them Dad and Mom, you know?" Peter rubbed the tears from his eye with a knuckle, hoping it looked like it was just itchy rather than tearful. "A-and I haven't had a father figure ever since Ben died." He took a breath and mumbled, "I… I know it probably sounds disrespectful to my real parents but… they weren't ever around to be parents. I guess I thought of you as the closest I was going to get to a dad aside from Ben."
Tony sighed softly, resting his chin on Peter's head.
"Peter, if you want me to be your dad, then you can call me Dad."
He glanced down at him and winked. "Maybe just not during a fight, especially if that bad guy can hear and understand us. Don't want people thinking I'm old enough for kids."
Peter scoffed, but laughed at the same time between tears.</p>
"Th-thanks, D- Mr. Stark."
"I don't see any villains," Tony said, looking around the room with mock curiosity.
Peter laughed. "D-Dad, then."
"There you go."
Peter took a deep breath, considering the way it had felt to call Tony Stark Dad.
Somehow, it felt right.
Tony hugged him tighter again and the pair sat in silence for a long time while Tony hugged the youngest Avenger as he sipped at his hot chocolate.
"Yes, Peter?"
"Do you think everything will be okay at the base?"
"Yes. Mr. Stark has been working very hard to make sure of that."
"I hope so."
"Would you like to place a call to Mr. Stark and discuss it with him?"
"No...no, that's okay."
Peter lay on his bed in silence for a bit, then finally sat up. "Bye, Karen."
"Goodbye, Peter."
He took off the mask and tossed it onto the bed.
He walked into the living room and saw May finishing packing the last of the dishes.
"Need any help?"
May looked up. "No, I think this is the last of it.”
"I haven't been much help…." Peter mumbled apologetically. "Sorry."
"That's not true," May disagreed. "You've been a big help, Peter. You've helped pack up every other room."
Peter shrugged. "I guess."
"Do you think I should get some groceries to cook dinner when we get there?" May asked. "I don't want to assume anyone else is going to feed us."
The doorbell rang before Peter could answer. He hurried to open it.
"Hey, sport," Tony said, walking in and ruffling Peter's hair while Happy scurried inside after him, a group of movers at his heels. Happy immediately began directing them to move boxes out of the apartment.
"Hi, Dad," Peter mumbled. It was still strange to call Tony that, but also still nice.
"To answer your question, May, we'll cook," Tony said, walking over and taking the box of dishes out of her hands and weighing it in his own. "We're not very good at it, granted, but cooking is not your job."
"It sounds like I don't really have a job on the base," May replied.
Tony shrugged. "You've got a job off base. No need for you to be doing jobs on base too."
Tony turned back to Peter. "All packed?"
"All except my mask and the bed," Peter said.
"I'll help you with the bed," Tony said, walking over to Happy. "Take this out to the truck, please."
Happy nodded, and Tony followed Peter to his room.
More boxes were stacked up in this room. "Let's see here," Tony said, crouching down to examine the bed. "Hmm. Not hard to disassemble. Got a wrench?"
Peter nodded, looking around. "I think- yeah, I left it on my desk." He seized it and passed it to Tony, who began taking the bed apart.
"How have you been doing, kiddo?"
"A… a bit better," Peter said. It was only partially true. "The breathing exercises help some." Peter didn't clarify when I remember them.
"Hopefully the base will help too."
Tony began pulling the mattress and box-spring off the bed. Peter moved to help him.
"I don't know," Peter said before he could stop himself. "What if I just annoy everyone?"
"If anyone says you're annoying I'll be having words with them," Tony said, he tone dark. "No one insults my son."
Peter felt a rush of affection for Tony.
"But that won't happen."
"You sound really sure of that."
"Of course I am. Everyone is excited for you to come live on the base. I think I heard Thor yell-planning a surprise welcome party. He's not very subtle."
Peter laughed.
"Damn, who put this bed together?" Tony grunted, working to take the legs off one side.
"I think it was Ben," Peter told him, looking at the leg. "How can I help?"
"No need. Just- man, this guy did not want anyone getting this bed back in multiple pieces."
Eventually the bolt came free from the metal bed frame and Tony gasped in surprise at the sudden give. "Finally."
"Need any help, Mr. Stark?" Happy asked, poking his head into the bedroom. "Yeah, thanks, Happy. Can you start packing these out to the van? I'll help Peter with May's bed."
"Of course, sir," Happy nodded, directing movers into Peter's room. "Careful of the desk," he said sharply to one mover as he bumped into it attempting to allow Tony and Peter to pass. "I don't want it scratched."
"That desk is already scratched," Peter said, but Happy either didn't hear him or ignored his words.
Tony let Peter lead the way to May's bedroom. She was watching as movers picked up boxes and carried them out of the apartment, looking frazzled.
"We're going to take your bed apart so the movers can fit it in the van," Peter told her as they turned the corner.
She nodded, distracted by the sounds of china shifting in one of the boxes as a mover picked it up.
"If you break anything in that box, I'll be having words with your superior," Tony warned the mover. "It says 'Fragile' for a reason."
Peter looked over at Tony.
"What? I remembered May telling me that china was her mother's. I'm not having that kind of loss on my conscience."
"Do you have an eidetic memory?" Peter asked.
"I wish," Tony chuckled. "No, I just pay attention to what's important to people I care about."
"That's really nice, Dad," Peter said.
Tony shrugged, but smiled. "Thanks, kid. Now, help me with this mattress and box-spring, will you?"
Peter stared up at the Avengers base. Even with the packed boxes and the moving truck, he hadn't really realized he was actually going to be living here from now on until this moment.
"Big, isn't it?" May said, staring at the building too.
"It's bigger on the inside," Tony said, leaning forward and resting his arms on his knees.
The car pulled to a stop. The moving trucks were already there, having followed Happy in a different car. Tony had insisted on taking Peter and May to lunch before they got to the base.
Happy was watching as movers took boxes from the truck, showing him labels. He directed them, making movements that showed Peter he was directing the movers to different rooms based on the boxes they held.
Tony opened the door to the side he was on and climbed out, hurrying over to open May's door for her. Peter climbed out on the side Tony had been on.
It really was big.
"Come on inside," Tony said, taking the door handle. He leaned down a bit next to Peter. "And if Thor really went through with a surprise party, act surprised. I shouldn't have given it away."
"I don't think that will be a problem," Peter said. A surprise party for him? Sounded like a practical joke.
Tony opened the door and ushered May and Peter inside.
"Hey! It's the kid!"
Peter felt a rush of surprise as Rhodey beamed at him.
"Hey, FRIDAY! Tell everyone the kid is here!"
"Rhodey, don't overwhelm him," Tony sighed in exasperation.
"What? Nah, it's fine!" Rhodey insisted. "You know everyone has been dying to meet your kid off the battlefield."
"Um, hello," May said.
"Oh, hi! You must be May. I'm Rhodey." Rhodey held out a hand to May to shake. She took it and smiled, pleased by the politeness of the superhero.
"Come on, Peter, let's go see more of the base. The bedrooms are just past the living room."
Tony lead the way around the corner to the living room.
Peter jumped, and he felt a bit better when he realized Tony had too.
"Goddammit, Thor," Tony gasped. "You could have given us some warning."
"This is a surprise greeting," Thor replied. His voice was still a bellow, but not as loud has it had been. "I was under the impression a warning negated the surprise."
"Okay, fair, but still. You nearly gave me a heart attack."
Tony panted, grasping at his chest as if to check that his heart was, in fact, still beating.
"Nice to see you, Parker!" Quill called from the couch.
Tony seemed to recover from his potential heart attack immediately. "Get your feet off the fucking coffee table right now."
Steve Rogers walked over, holding his hand out to Peter, who stared at him in shock, holding his hand out tentatively. "Nice to see you, Spider-Man."
"Uh, y-you too," Peter said, staring at Captain America with wide eyes.
"You're very impressive," Steve told him. "You remind me of myself when I was younger."
Peter stared at him. "What?"
"Tony talks about you all the time," Natasha smiled, coming over to usher Peter into the living room. Peter noticed it was connected to a kitchen, where Bruce was pouring chips into a bowl.
"R-really? He does?" Peter looked around to check Tony's face. He thought he could see a hint of a blush.
"He's always showing us your texts and voicemails," Bruce nodded.
Peter couldn't have wiped the grin off his face if he wanted to.
"Come, Man of Spiders!" Thor yelled, waving a hand to the counter. "We have made you a celebration feast to honor your joining us here!"
"Oh, wow," Peter said, taking notice of the food for the first time. Pizzas, popcorn, chips, candy, soda, cupcakes, and many other foods were piled up on every surface of the kitchen that was available besides a small portion of one counter on which paper plates, plastic cutlery, and paper napkins had been added. "Thanks," he added, taking a cupcake.
"Of course, Man of Spiders!" Thor said, a huge grin of pride on his face. "Please enjoy your surprise celebration of welcome!"
After a few hours, Peter was starting to feel overwhelmed and nervous. All these bodies in one place-
"Where am I?"
"I can't see anything…."
"Is anyone there?"
"I'm going to kill Thanos-"
"Quill? Quill? QUILL, ANSWER ME!"
"Hey, kiddo, let's go check out your room," Tony said, pulling him into a one armed hug. Peter couldn't help noticing it felt very similar to the hug Tony had given him when he had had his panic attack.
Had Tony guessed?
"Excuse me, Quill," Tony said, maneuvering past him.
"This room," said Tony, reaching a door, "is yours."
The door had a decal of a spider sitting in the middle of a web. Tony opened the door.
"Holy shit," Peter said, before he could stop himself. "This is as big as our apartment was!"
"Bigger, actually," Tony said casually. "Come check it out. There's room for your old bed and other furniture here, but you've got another desk with a new supercomputer here, and you've got a new king sized bed. High ceilings so you can mess around with your web, and Karen is programmed into your room."
"Hello, Peter," Karen's voice said.
"Oh, wow! Hi, Karen!"
Tony smiled, looking pleased with himself.
Peter spun on his heel. "Dad, this is amazing!"
"It's nothing," Tony smiled, giving Peter a fond look. "Anything for my son."
Peter moved to hug Tony, who hugged him back. "I hope you like it, Peter. If you need anything, Karen can alert FRIDAY for me."
Tony turned and headed for the door. Peter noticed that there was another room connected to his where the boxes from the apartment had been placed.
"I'll help you unpack and put your bed together tomorrow," Tony said. "For now, get some rest. You've had a big day."
Peter watched as Tony walked out to rejoin the party, closing the door behind him.
Peter heard the lock click.
He turned to his new bed and laid down on the comforter and pillows, staring around his new room.
"Yes, Peter?"
"I think I'm going to like living on the base."
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