daftcrab-blog · 5 years
I have no idea what's going on. All of my male "attractions" are like celebs but 99% of them are fictional (embarrassing lol). But I like loose it with women real,fictional ect I do the giggly giddy thing openly and they just make me so happy and are so pretty. Infact I currently have a crush on my eye doctor.
You rarely see men in real life as amazing as men are in fiction. And you rarely see women in fiction as amazing as women are in real life.
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
Stop using the word fru*t.
Fru*t was used as a derogatory term back in the day for gay men and women and it’s unfair that people are still saying it today.
Once a word has been used as a pejorative it cannot he turned back into a normal use word. For example the word f*gg*t was used to mean a pile of sticks, but no one uses it like that anymore bc of its negative connotation.
So stop using the word fru*t. It’s that simple and I won’t respect anyone who used it, no matter how much “reclaiming” it goes through.
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
Some people can’t accept the fact that you live your life as society sees you, so if you’re fucking “godsexual” whatever the fuck, but heretoromantic, society is going to treat you as a fucking heterosexual.
You’re not and will never be queer.
Stop wanting to be special you’re hurting real heteromantic people who just want to live a normal life without all the fuckery of standing up for your identity bullshit.
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
Newsflash to all *LGBT+* acehets.
You’re not LGBT+. You’re just not. I’ll say it again. Asexual Heteroromantics are not LGBT+. If you are only attracted to the opposite sex even though you don’t like sex you are not LGBT. The only asexuals that are LGBT are same sex attracted or genderqueer.
You are not special just because you don’t like sex. You do not get to weasel yourself into safe spaces just because you feel different.
You will never face the same amount of discrimination that same sex and genderqueer people have to face everyday. Stop being invaders.
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
Abortion restrictions are a manifestation of womb envy
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
We should support Melanie Martinez.
In light of her new album trailer release, I’m calling on all of us to support Melanie Martinez. Though the situation with Timothy Heller was bad and honestly unforgivable, the way we have shunned her out of the music industry is disgraceful and just another example of female inequality in the industry.
It seemed like every feminist and their mother was there to scream, “ShE’S a RapiSt! WoMeN caN bE RApisTs toO!” Just to prove that the feminist movement included females into their definition of rape to please men instead of focusing on the fact that rape in general is bad.
Other male artists such as, XXXTentacion and Kodak Black have been praised and elevated within the music industry despite being known rapists and homophobes. This is the real inequality. We have let men dictate how we should see females committed of the same allegations as worse than men who actually do the same thing.
So support Melanie’s album. Because it’s probably gonna slap.
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
Since you seem so passionate about the topic, do you happen to have any book recommendations about feminism? I'd really like to learn more about it 💕
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Achidie
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State by Friedrich Engels
Who Cooked the Last Supper: the Women’s History of the World by Rosalind Miles
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference by Cordelia Fine
Love and Politics: Radical Feminist and Lesbian Theories by Carol Anne Douglas
Woman Hating and Right-Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin (or literally anything written by her)
Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft
Women, Race & Class by Angela Davis
Sexual Politics by Kate Millet
please check out these other reading lists that can be found on tumblr: 1, 2, 3
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
““For a certain kind of man who is either too privileged or otherwise too sheltered to have engaged much with the meat of life, the field of debate is the only place he encounters issues. Because he has no skin in the game, everything is just a thought experiment. Right now the world is like: ‘Excuse me sir, would you please move over? Can you listen to what I’m saying? Can you stop touching me, can you stop hurting me, can you take no for an answer?’ And these guys, these children, go ‘Debate me, debate me, debate me.’ It’s pathetic.””
— Leah Alexander
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daftcrab-blog · 5 years
A-spec people don't experience oppression?
This is built up of links and screenshots I’ve seen (basically this is all either my links or copy and paste)
“Aces don’t face oppression”
Intergroup bias toward “Group X”: Evidence of prejudice, dehumanization, avoidance, and discrimination against asexuals (Link to complete study)
Prejudice against the asexual community
Battling Asexual Discrimination, Sexual Violence And ‘Corrective’ Rape
Somewhere on the A-Spectrum: Agender, aromantic and asexual people face misconceptions, aggression
Asexuality and Rape
Asexual Men and Rape
Men, masculinity, asexuality, and rape
Religion and Asexuality Overview
Religious intolerance of asexuality: x, x, x, x, x, x
Asexuality and race/racism: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
Do you want to?
Asexual oppression and all that
Asexuality and Victim Blaming
Why We Need Mental Healthcare Without Asexual Erasure
AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct shows that “Asexual/Questioning/Not Listed” report a higher rate of sexual assault/harassment/violence than heterosexuals, regardless of gender
Asexuality was listed in the DSM as HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder) until 2013, making it officially a mental illness that would be treated with therapy and medication. It is still in the DSM, except that you can ‘opt out’ if you self-identify as asexual, which is great except that asexuality is still so unknown that there undoubtedly many people who are asexual but don’t know that it’s “a thing”. This means that who knows how many asexuals have been sent to therapy and told they’re sick, then been “treated” for their orientation to try and force them to experience sexuality “correctly”.
In short, our orientation has been and continues to be pathologized, and asexuals have been put through corrective therapy: x, x, x, x, x
Acephobia Exists
Why Aro/Ace awareness is important to me
This is an example of acephobia.
Sure, it could’ve happened to anyone. But it happened to an asexual BECAUSE OF THEIR ASEXUALITY.
no one gets to tell me that my objectification is magically ‘less potent’ because it’s due to my asexuality.
“I WANT to make the community unsafe for you”
It’s All A Fucking Joke, Right
Posts of people describing the hardship they’ve faced for their asexuality: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
The blog @acephobia-is-real has so many submissions and examples of hatred, harassment, hostility, and abuse, of aces who have been raped and/or sexually assaulted in an attempt to ‘fix’ them, and made suicidal due to aphobia and/or their own perceived brokenness, that it would be pointless for me to try and link any. Just go and start reading. Try their suicide tag.
There may be dissatisfyingly little research done on asexuality, but there has been enough done to prove that they do face discrimination, no matter how hard some may find that to believe. But guess what? A non-ace person does not get a say and waht they do or do not experience. We do not get to say things like “aces don’t get kicked out” or “aces don’t _____” any more than I as a white person get to say that things I don’t experience must not happen to black people either. Just because you haven’t experienced it personally or witnessed it with your own eyes doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. You haven’t walked in an ace’s shoes, you don’t know what they deal with. Period. You have no right.
Not even other aces can tell asexuals that their experiences aren’t real or aren’t valid. Different people can deal with different amounts of oppression, that doesn’t mean the lack of oppression is the default “truth”.
Nobody is trying to say that asexuals have it “as bad” or worse than gay or trans people, but a-specs don’t HAVE to “have it worse” to be included and for others experiences to have merit without being compared to anyone else’s. What s-specs go through, still matters and should not be compared to what others have gone through in order to matter.
“We just want to protect our safe spaces”
Aphobes have:
Repeatedly misgendered and mislabeled people
Informed rape victims that their assaults didn’t happen the way they happened (which is a form of gaslighting)
Made light of their own rape apology
Compared asexuals to pedophiles
Compared asexuals to Nazis
Harassed people who wanted to be left alone
Made jokes about asexuals committing suicide
Told suicidal asexuals to “stop whining”
Admitted to recycling biphobia
Created a ‘yourfaveisaphobic’ blog
Admitted to hating the ace/aro community
Asserted that asexuality should not be taught in schools (because it “sexualizes minors” or because gay/bi/pan minors will ‘mistakenly’ identify as asexual)
Told asexuals to die: x, x, x, x, x (tbh this is only a tiny sample and I don’t have the heart to go digging for more)
Are all aphobes this vile? Maybe not, but this is still the disgusting, hateful attitude festering in the gatekeeping community, and it stinks like shit. The examples that have been provided above are only a fraction of the harassment and abuse that is perpetrated on a regular basis.
“Het aces/aroaces are straight”
Some het aces identify as straight. Some het aces don’t identify as straight, they identify as asexual, and it’s not your place to label them against their will. Even other a-specs dont get to do that to others, There is no world in which aroaces, people who experience no attraction to anyone, are straight.
“Straight” isn’t a sexual orientation, it’s a position of power.
A-Spec Identities are Not Secondary.
Invisibility is Not a Privilege.
“passing privilege” is not a real thing.
Straight-passing privilege: a myth
Bad arguments against allowing a-spec to identify as queer
Having your identity erased is not a privilege.
asexuality, like bisexuality, is deliberately misunderstood by out groups in order to exclude us.
ace/aro people don’t “only” experience attraction to the ‘opposite gender’ or any other. that’s the point. we also experience a lack of attraction, either romantically or sexually, and that lack of attraction is part of our identity.
Straight is not default.
How many straight people do you know that want to kill themselves because of their orientation?
The closet is not a privilege
“We accept SGA (same-gender attracted) and trans aces”
Firstly, SGA (same-gender attraction) is a term that was used and is still used in Mormon conversion therapy, so as one can understand, a lot of people are very uncomfortable being labeled with this description. Secondly, it enforces a gender binary of “same” and “opposite” gender that leaves a large number of nonbinary people out in the cold. Is a genderfluid person only “same-gender attracted” if they’re attracted to other genderfluid people who are genderfluid in exactly the same way? How about agender, intergender, demigirl/boy people? And before the argument “well they’re included as trans” is made, there are plenty of nonbinary people who do not identify as trans. You do not have the right to label people against their will.
The standard of “SGA and trans” as requirement for entry to the LGBTQ community is used nowhere outside of aphobic tumblr, and it seems crafted specifically for the purpose of excluding aces, aros, NBs, intersex people, and others not deemed “gay enough”.
(SGA did NOT come from ‘SGL’, same-gender loving. That is a term created by black queer people and not to be appropriated by white people.)
Discussion of the history of the word ‘queer’ and why it’s better than ‘SGA’: x, x, x, x, x
There are also many “SGA and trans” aces who are against the gatekeeping and feel that they are hated by these aphobes.
You’re not protecting me by being an ace/aro exclusionist.
What we hear when you say “I only support SGA Asexuals/Aromantics”
my favourite thing is when aphobes try to tell me that their aphobia doesn’t apply to me / affect me because “[i’m] queer for other reasons”
okay, you wanna know why I’m for including all aces in the LGBT+ community?
Why your acephobia and arophobia is really just bullshit
it really annoys me when I see Discoursers say they support LGBT+ aces, just not cishet ones.
when you say “i accept sga and trans aces and aros but not cishet aces/aros because they’re straight”
Suffering! Suffering?
when people ‘accept’ sga/mga/non-cis aces and aros, but not others, what it actually means is they accept the part of you that isn’t directly tied to your asexuality/aromanticism
if ur gonna fuckin claim those four letters cover them & the whole damn community, they sure as fuck can cover aces as well
“Ace discourse” is really a Tumblr-only thing
I’m a lesbian ace and I’ve never felt more worthless and disgusting than this ace discourse
The reason even trans and bi/gay/pan/etc asexuals get defensive when you talk about cishet aces/aros not being part of the LGBT+ community is because you’re erasing a part of our identity??
If you talk shit about aces/aros with the disclaimer “cishet” it still affects all aces. Saying “notably cishet aces should all go die” still makes all ace/aro people feel like they are being called out.
Your “discourse” is harmful to all asexuals. And by the way, your rhetoric is literally indistinguishable from TWERF rhetoric.
“The LGBT community has always been about fighting homophobia and transphobia/we came together to fight homophobia and transphobia”
“Homophobia and Transphobia”: What does the LGBT+ community fight for?
The modern American movement was first known as the “gay community” when cis gay men refused to even accept lesbians, then the “gay and lesbian community”. (Good reading on the subject.)
“After the elation of change following group action in the Stonewall riots in New York, in the late 1970s and the early 1980s, some gays and lesbians became less accepting of bisexual or transgender people. Critics said that transgender people were acting out stereotypes and bisexuals were simply gay men or lesbian women who were afraid to come out and be honest about their identity. Each community has struggled to develop its own identity including whether, and how, to align with other gender and sexuality-based communities, at times excluding other subgroups; these conflicts continue to this day.” (source)
“From about 1988, activists began to use the initialism LGBT in the United States. Not until the 1990s within the movement did gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people gain equal respect.” (ibid)
These are scans of a gay magazine from 1999 showing that 48% of those surveyed did not believe that trans people should be a part of the gay community.
The community’s boundaries have always been in flux
Insisting that LG people have always been accepting of bi and trans people is incredibly revisionist and does a great deal of injustice to those who have been excluded.
Despite the fact that bisexual and transgender people have always been around, and have done great things for the community, they have faced a great deal of lateral oppression from the LG part of the group that did not want to see them get an equal share of attention, support, or legitimacy. This post is not about proving LG transphobia and biphobia, but it’s so rampant that I don’t feel like I need to provide sources whatsoever. Nevertheless, here’s a collection of biphobia, and the blog @terf-callout documents some of the violent transphobia on this site, particularly in the lesbian community. This post is an example.
“The A stands for Ally so that closeted people can be the community without being outed”
No one is saying that we don’t care about closeted people, but a) even if you’re a closeted L, G, B, or T, you are still a L, G, B, or T. Allies do not need to be part of the acronym to be intrinsically welcomed. As someone said, this is like saying the ‘B’ in BLT stands for ‘bread’. We can pretty much safely assume that a sandwich is going to include bread, we don’t have to go of our way to give it a letter. Either you are outing every “ally” as a closeted queer person, or you are giving 100% cis straight people an LGBTQ member card, the very thing you are arguing against by trying to exclude asexuals.
Furthermore, this puts forth the argument “I’m willing to let cishet straight people into the community for the sake of a few closeted people” while at the same time stating “I’m not willing to let the A stand for asexuals because I don’t think letting cis heteroromantic asexuals into the community is worth giving all asexuals representation and support”. Which says that you consider asexuals less valuable and more of a threat than cis straight people.
Bonus: The History of LGBT(QQIAAP+)
“Aces have never been a part of the LGBTQ/queer community”
Asexuals recorded as “Group X” in the 1948 Kinsey Reports
What is asexual history? The 19th and 20th century
From The Westminster Review, a political magazine, in 1907; an essay by Helen Fraser called Women’s Suffrage, on how if women got the vote, butch and ace women were gonna dominate the whole thing and screw it up for all the Real Ladies.
The Spinster Movement, and how they were treated as queer
From “Feminism,” by Correa Moylan Walsh, 1917
the “aces/aros were part of the bi community until they very recently chose to split off, so stop telling them that they have never been queer or that they don’t belong in ‘the LGBT community’” masterpost
asexuality existed before David Jay and AVEN
“Where were you when…?” A History of Asexual Inclusion (Part One)
“Where were you when…?” A History of Asexual Inclusion (Part Two)
“Stop tokenizing bi and trans people/stop comparing bi/trans and ace experiences”
A-specs are  not the ones doing it. We are comparing it. However, when we do, we are labeled bi-phobic/transphobic
Bisexual person discussing the similarities of anti-bi and anti-ace arguments
Pansexual person discussing the similarities in treatment (Follow up post)
Bisexual person recalling ace inclusion and discussing the similarities
Bisexual person discussing “SGA discourse”
Panromantic genderfluid person discussing lateral aggression
This Blog Explicitly Welcomes All Ace/Aro Folks As Part Of LGBTQIA
Bisexual trans person discussing the nature of asexuality
Trans lesbian discusses the identical nature of TWERF and aphobe rethoric
Pansexual person tells you to Cut It Out
Bisexual person discussing how the unifying common point of the community is deviation from the cisheteronormative norm
Bisexual genderqueer person says that the bi community and the a-spec community have a deep history together and have always been allies
Bisexual trans person discusses how we can relate to each other
Trans lesbian TAKES. YOU. DOWN.
Bisexual person arguing that all asexuals are queer
“I have proof of an asexual being homophobic/transphobic/racist/a terrible person”
Of course there are asexuals who are terrible people. There are legions of gays and lesbians who are racist and transphobic. Does that make them not gay/lesbian? Does their bigotry invalidate their sexual orientation, or remove the L and G from the acronym? No, I don’t think so. Some asexuals being bad people doesn’t justify you trying to invalidate all of us.
“’Allosexual’ is a bad word because ____”
I actually have an ‘allosexual’ tag just for posts about why ‘allosexual’ is a perfectly fine word: x, x, x, x, x. x. It simply means non-ace. You do not have to use it for yourself if you do no want to, however.
“The split-attraction model is homophobic”
What we call the split-attraction model was first described by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a gay advocate from the 1800s, as “disjunctive uranodioning”. (source) (credit to this post)
“The term ‘corrective rape’ was coined by South African lesbians and should only be used by lesbians”
No one means any disrespect to lesbians or other victims of corrective rape, but this is not a correct statement.
“We’ll Show You You’re a Woman” describes the violence directed towards LGBT people in South Africa, stating, “Negative public attitudes towards homosexuality go hand in hand with a broader pattern of discrimination, violence, hatred, and extreme prejudice against people known or assumed to be lesbian, gay, and transgender, or those who violate gender and sexual norms in appearance or conduct (such as women playing soccer, dressing in a masculine manner, and refusing to date men).” It goes on to say, “Much of the recent media coverage of violence against lesbians and transgender men has been characterized by a focus on “corrective rape,” a phenomenon in which men rape people they presume or know to be lesbians in order to “convert” them to heterosexuality.”
The Wikipedia article on corrective rape in South Africa states that, “A study conducted by OUT LGBT Well-being and the University of South Africa Centre for Applied Psychology (UCAP) showed that “the percentage of black gay men who said they have experienced corrective rape matched that of the black lesbians who partook in the study”.”
It is not only lesbians, but also bisexual women, transgender men, gay men, and gender non-conforming people in South Africa who experience corrective rape. This is not in any way meant to minimize the horror of the epidemic or shift attention away from lesbians, but other victims, including asexuals, deserve attention as well. Do not silence or speak over victims of rape by policing their language.
“Aces are valid, they’re just not queer/LGBTQ”
You cannot in one breath say “Asexuals are valid” and in the next deny their experiences. Spend five minutes in the community and you will see testimony after testimony from aces describing their abuse, their sexual assault(s), the countless times people have called them confused, broken, wrong, mentally ill, inhuman, sinful, and how these experiences have left them feeling hopeless, alone, alienated, subhuman, depressed, and suicidal. Almost every asexual out there will tell you a story of how their orientation has caused them pain and struggle, and you can’t call them valid while at the same time calling these experiences invalid and nonexistent.
Bonus: This is a list of all the mainstream LGBTQ groups that include asexuals.
“Form your own community!”
a) We do have our own community, because every letter in the acronym has its own community and yet is still part of the acronym, b) you fucking shits won’t stop sending us hate and bombarding us with shit meant to trigger and harass us.
“Aces take resources from other LGBTQ who need them”
I’ve seen some pretty wild claims about this one, insisting that asexuals “steal” things such as scholarships, beds at homeless shelters, food and space at pride events, suicide hotlines, and so on, yet I have never seen any actual proof that any “stealing” has ever taken place. For one thing, I thought “you’ll never get kicked out or fired for being ace”, “no one is suicidal because they’re asexual”, so why would you think aces need these resources? Either we don’t need them or we don’t use them, you can’t have it both ways.
For another, how heartless do you have to be to tell asexuals that they can’t use suicide hotlines? Do you realize that you’re saying that asexuals should be denied life-saving services? That, in essence, asexuals are suicidal due to their orientation, but you think they’re not “queer enough” so they deserve to die? Because that is the logical progression of refusing someone suicide prevention, and that’s the message aces receive when you tell them they are “stealing” suicide prevention.
LGBTQ resources offer them to asexuals, and benefit from us using them.
“Rae, asexual, 26, Maryland: No, I don’t feel accepted in the queer community. In college, I tried being out about being asexual. The result was a gay guy who lived in my building walking into my dorm room, exposing himself, and walking toward me, pants around his ankles, while describing what he was sure would cure me. Asexuality became a topic I only discussed with significant others or when someone else brought it up first. I’m pretty sure as far as the queer community is concerned, I’m straight.”
Julie Decker, “[she] has been told by several online commenters that she just needs a “good raping.”
“Also, I hope you get raped.”
“I’ve gotten several awful comments along the lines of “well I could fix that” though when I’ve brought up my asexuality…”
“My assailant maintained that what he was doing would make me realize that I wasn’t asexual or queer…”
AVEN thread– yes, ugh, AVEN, but look at the poll here– “Have you ever been threatened with sexual assault because of your asexuality?”
Here’s some choice replies from that thread:
Men have hit on me or tried to flirt with me, and when, through some way or another, they find out I am asexual, their immediate reaction is to tell me “if you had sex with me I’d change your mind” or, even worse phrasing “I can change that for you” as if I need them to.
Oh absolutely. To add to the insult, it was my “guy friend” who did this.
I had a guy make it his mission to “convert” me, insist that he COULD TELL I was attracted to him, accuse me of denial, say I was being childish, tell me he wanted to “help” me, and say I felt the way I did about sex because he was the first and only person I’d met who could bring the attraction out in me and I just hadn’t realized it yet…
He was my co-worker and insisted that he could do things that would make me love sex or at least be interested. It got really creepy when he started trying to sext me, and even kept trying after I’d stopped responding.
Many times. It is that some guys like to cause more pain by threats. It is part of the fun… Sometimes by telling exactly how to fuck me deep enough to become sexual after that.
It never came to rape, but I have been sexually assaulted because of being asexual.
I have been pressured into sex more times than I can count. I have been threatened, pressured, told that they could ‘fix me’, had someone penetrate me anally for 4 hours just because he could… that time WAS rape.
“… and someone saying that he doesn’t believe I’m asexual and that he ‘turned’ me sexual.”
“However I am not buying an asexual human. You are hiding something.”
Personal experience:  IM NOT A-SPEC! These are comments I’ve received about dating one though
“rape her to fix her”
“see if she was lying about not experiencing sexual attraction.” 
she was” damaged”
“automatically unattractive “
“an object”
“a waste”
“Be with me instead so you can still “get some”
“That must be hard”
“Pfft you’re fucking a plant”
and more but Im kinda starting to feel ill
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(I dont like the anon but they called them straight when the anon SPECIFICALLY says they’re biromantic)
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I’m bisexual and genderfluid. All I see from the a-spec discourse is recycled bi-phobia and people being bigoted in the lgbt+ community. You need to stop. People are getting hurt on both sides and it needs to come to an end right now. This discourse should not exist as much as the terf discourse should not exist. You are denying people a place in lgbt+ who belong there. 
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