Sun in 1st house- Self is expressed with vitality and charisma. The aura is a halo effect and seems to create semblance to the natives essence. Every characteristic is at the forefront and seen quite visibily. One has a great affinity toward authority and steadily gains respect through their authentic self. Naturally pulls others in. Integrity is at their top priority and they are all about dignity for the self and autonomy. Willpower is greatly streamlined with their sense of purpose.
Sun in 2nd house- See’s their value and is always comparing worth in self and others. Self worth is at the forefront of their essence and they hold themselves to a level they have deemed acceptable. They’re very picky with their tastes and what they choose to invest their energy and time into. They withhold their attention from things they deem unsuited or not aligned. They’re very selective of what they enjoy and their tastes err on the side of comfort and luxury. They have an elegance and natural grace. Tend to be quite solitary and keep very few valued and treasured relationships. Very charming and seems to draw curious and more scattered individuals toward their seemingly secure and curated aura.
Sun in 3rd house- Scintillating and curious vitality. Always has their hands in many pots. They enjoy challenging themselves mentally and creatively. Tends to seek inspiration and stimulation in everyday life. Dexterous and active life force, is always seeking modes of expression and facets to explore their many layers and interests. Mind is agile, inquisitive and very logical. Doesn’t enjoy monotonous routine, but seeks stability in structure. Needs a reliable and healthy source of solace or they can easily overwork and burn out their bodies. 
Sun in 4th house- Introspective nature, needs to constantly recharge and replenish themselves. Extremely receptive and watery auric field. Has a potent and vivid inner world. Their innately attuned to patterns around them and can create a sense of wonder and intrigue in others through their seemingly flawless ability to “fill” in the spaces. Needs emotional validation often to feel understood and appreciated. Reflective and changeable moods. Optimistic and tends to see the best in others. Ability to become a home to themselves when well balanced. Can make a home wherever they go and bring out the best and vulnerable sides in others. 
Sun in 5th house- Warm and passionate energy. Enveloping and creative life force. Tends to create a sense of lightness and playfulness wherever they go. Sees everyday as a day to enjoy and celebrate a new part of themselves. Does have a very delicate ego and needs to feel accepted by those they love most. Effortless and charismatic. Has many talents that they display freely and with great ease. Children, and authority tend to favor these individuals seeing them as a source of pride. Can be pretentious and elitist, must seek joy and fulfillment in creative pursuits. 
Sun in 6th house- Purposeful, driven and extremely dexterous. Has a deep need to feel useful and progressive in their journey. Daily routine and working with personal organization, health, exercise, small animals or research can greatly make these individuals feel satisfied and fulfilled. Integrating a sort of structure can create the best route of a satisfactory life. These individuals can be very generous with their energy and misplace it easily because they so readily help others or causes that are minuscule or not beneficial to them. Focusing their energy on things that are productive for them is key here. Challenging themselves is something they seek in everyday instances. Self improvement is their mantra and they can become some of the most inspiring and motivating people out there.
Sun in 7th house- Balance, Beauty and Semblance are the most prominent themes for these people. Having their sun sitting in this house can create a sort of detachment from their ego and make their journey difficult when not properly taken into consideration. Sinking their heels into self care,m and self discovery can be of great fortune for these people. Much like people with 6th house sun, they can readily give much of their energy without a thought to their own needs. Keeping this in mind is important. Reflecting for themselves and creating a place to explore their needs and wants will help them become more balanced than giving endlessly without boundary. Creativity, romance, relationships, connection and beauty are bestowed to these natives. But keeping in mind the balance of relation and autonomy is key to fulfillment.
Sun in 8th house- Willpower, Passion and Personal power are at the forefront of gifts for these natives. These egos can be quite snippy and delicate much like the 5th house natives. Though they can be quite internalized, they can easily be bothered by how they’re perceived and misunderstood. The world around them is a place they can explore and uncover new depths of experience for themselves. Often testing their own abilities and resilience. They like to take risk in a sense that it rejuvenates them greatly. They never want to have too much peace as long as they can be the ones to stir themselves up! Intuitive and pattern seeking they can see the underbelly of most issues before they arise. They can be quite self destructive when they don’t have healthy means of coping. Only to rise again stronger and renewed.
Sun in 9th house- Expansive in their aura and shining with inner knowing. They have a great ability to explore themselves and their personal journeys. Creating every experience and spinning into richness of spirit. Optimism endows these people though they can be quite waivering in their dispositions and ever changing, they are still kissed with hopes of newness and promises of “more” in some way. Whether it be more love, more money, more opportunities or more life in general to experience. They truly sink into the immersion of living and want to dig deeply into what it means to BE. Their essence is beaming and extremely infectious. Their energy is evergiving and they seem to always have something new to ponder and question.
Sun in 10th house- There is wisdom clad on these natives energy, a time and space traveler who has seen, done and lived. From a young age, they may want to and know how to do things that are far ahead of their time. These individuals are introspective, resilient and driven with passion and tenacity. They overcome life everyday as if it’s their last and they simply know how to make the most of everything given to them. Resourceful and extremely aware of the interconnectedness in life. They know that everything has its time, it’s place and it’s end. Only to be made anew and to improve. These people have an elegance and smokiness to them that is captivating and entrancing. Holding stories in their bones and knowing in their eyes they command respect with no words spoken.
Sun in the 11th house- Life is to be tested and experimented with these people. A place to try on every shade of yourself and make your story completely yours, with all of its backwards and forwards and ups and downs. Innovation, intellect, grace and self respect are these natives essence. There is a great playfulness in the way they live life. It has no bounds or foreseeable limits and can always be spun in a new way. They see the perspectives that are often unseen. They surround themselves with variety and appreciate every difference for what it is. Accepting that each flower has its own perfect formulation to make it that one single flower. This is how they live, being themselves and never questioning it. They do have a rather stubborn nature and see their own subjective experience and can be clouded with this. Yet they will always honor that it’s not like anyone else’s.
Sun in the 12th house- A cloud of mystique and detachment are here. The self is in the bottom of an ocean and they swim deeply to see it. Often times these natives can be very hard on themselves and want to escape their realities often. Behind this confusion of who they are, is a great knowing and a powerful self. Intuitive, compassionate, dualistic and polarizing. They see the flip side of everyone and everything and can easily navigate through the most tumultuous and uncertain. They are in tune with everything and can be incredibly insightful on a broad spectrum of subjects. They pick up things easily and can feel them deeply. Learning to face reality as it is along with both dualities at hand is their challenge but once overcome and mastered can create an incredible healer.
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The perfect night
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I usually put more celebs at the end but Helena Bonham-Carter & Johnny Depp are sooo good examples of gemini.. I just couldn't uhh.
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Twelve signs
♈ ARIES (Krios)
Dates: March 21 to April 19
Symbol: Ram
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
House: First
Color: Red
Quality: Cardinal
Polarity: Positive
Birthstones: Sapphire, Topaz, Heliotrope, Jasper, Aquamarine
Flowers: Thistle & Honeysuckle
♉ TAURUS (Tauros)
Dates: April 20 to May 20
Symbol: Bull
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
House: Second
Color: Green
Quality: Fixed
Polarity: Negative
Birthstones: Sapphire, Garnet, Rose Quartz
Flowers: Rose, Poppy
♊ GEMINI (Didymoi)
Dates: May 21 to June 20
Symbol: Twins
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
House: Third
Color: Yellow, blue
Quality: Mutable
Polarity: Positive
Birthstones: Agate, Chrysoprase, Citrine, 
Moonstone, Pearl
Flowers: Lavender, Lily of the Valley
♋CANCER (Karkinos)
Dates: June 21 to July 22
Symbol: Crab
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
House: Fourth
Color: Silver, white
Quality: Cardinal
Polarity: Negative
Birthstones: Moonstone, Pearl, Emerald, Ruby
Flower: White Rose
♌LEO (Leōn)
Dates: July 23 – August 22
Symbol: Lion
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
House: Fifth
Color: Purple, gold
Quality: Fixed
Polarity: Positive
Birthstones: Peridot, Onyx, Diamond, Carnelian
Flowers: Sunflower, Marigold
♍VIRGO (Parthenos)
Dates: August 23 to September 22
Symbol: Virgin  
Element: Earth
Planet: Mercury
House: Sixth
Color: Tan, warm yellow
Quality: Mutable
Polarity: Negative
Birthstones: Carnelian, Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate, Blue Sapphire
Flower: Buttercup
♎LIBRA (Zygos)
Dates: September 23 to October 22
Symbol: Scales
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
House: Seventh
Color: Ivory, pink, light-blue
Quality: Cardinal
Polarity: Positive
Birthstones: Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Opal
Flowers: Bluebell, Rose
♏SCORPIO (Skorpios)
Dates: October 23 to November 21
Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Planet: Mars, Pluto
House: Eighth
Color: Red, black
Quality: Fixed
Polarity: Negative
Birthstones: Beryl, Apache Tear, Obsidian, Topaz
Flowers: Geraniums, Rhododendrons
Dates: November 22 to December 21
Symbol: Archer/Centaur
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
House: Ninth
Color: Maroon, navy blue
Quality: Mutable
Polarity: Positive
Birthstones: Topaz, Amethyst, Sapphire, Turquoise
Flowers: Carnation
♑CAPRICORN (Aigokerōs)
Dates: December 22 to January 19
Symbol: Mountain goat/sea goat
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
House: Tenth
Color: Brown, khaki
Quality: Cardinal
Polarity: Negative
Birthstones: Garnet, Agate, Onyx, Ruby
Flowers: Carnation, Ivy
♒AQUARIUS (Hydrokhoos)
Dates: January 20 to February 18
Symbol: Water Bearer
Element: Air
Planet: Saturn, Uranus
House: Eleventh
Color: Silver, blue
Quality: Fixed
Polarity: Positive
Birthstones: Amber, Amethyst, Hematite
Flowers: Orchid
♓ PISCES (Ikhthyes)
Dates: February 19 to March 20
Symbol: Pair of Fish
Element: Water
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
House: Twelfth
Color: Purple, white
Quality: Mutable
Polarity: Negative
Birthstones: Aquamarine, Jade, Rock Crystal
Flowers: Water Lily
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What is astrology?
Astrology is not a science; there’s no evidence that one’s zodiac sign actually correlates to personality. But the system has its own sort of logic. If you know anything about it you probably know that certain zodiac sign will act certain way in certain house blah blah...
You likely know your sun sign, the most famous zodiac sign, even if you’re not an astrology buff. It’s based on where the sun was on your birthday. But the placement of the moon and each of the other planets at the time and location of your birth adds additional shades to the picture of you painted by your “birth chart.”
A birth chart consists of planets, houses and placements. (will talk more about it in new posts) The movement and positions of planets can have a profound impact on your life and understanding that patterns gives you the insight on what you need to navigate life.
Also important thing to know is that there are quite a few branches of astrology and some of them mixed thru the course of time. Personally I'm fan of western astrology cause I think it describes is the best but Chinese is also very interesting (if you have some questions I'll gladly answer).
The puzzling thing is that there is really a curious coincidence between astrological and psychological facts, so that one can isolate time from the characteristics of an individual, and also, one can deduce characteristics from a certain time….
~Carl Jung
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First thing first, introduction!
The username's dancingconstellations and I thought I’d introduce myself since I’ve finally decided to put some of my own stuff here involving astrology.
Fell free to follow me/text me if I sound interesting or if the content appeals to you. Thanks for stopping by!
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