#horoscope sagitarius
guilhernunes · 1 year
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prints: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/guilhernunes/gossiping/
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supernova5321 · 11 months
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Aquarius future
You came into this world to create and be different from others. It’s not enough for you to simply write a paper, do a project, give a presentation, or pass an exam. You need to stand out, decorate, approach the matter with sparkle and artistry.
Don't try to be like everyone else, it will just make you feel bad. You may become nervous and irritable. As soon as you abstract yourself from other people's opinions, you will gain the freedom to be yourself. Any “framework” blocks your energy. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to be a traveling artist, but the daily routine in a small office is not for you. The desire to break through the financial ceiling and create something new that will improve the lives of people on the planet is your driving force!
You are an absolute genius, boldly tearing away the veil of everyday life from ordinary things. At heart you are a creator, scientist, explorer of space and secret knowledge. You are very cool. Consciousness goes well with prudence. Intellectual abilities are above average. One of the best ways to assert yourself is through intellectual communication. You really are the smartest).
You will easily reach the top in your studies, career, and good social position. Initially, you feel head and shoulders above everyone else. You know how to show your talents and merits to others, speak effectively in front of the public and win the favor of your superiors.
I'd say you have an excess of mental energy. And this is really very good for studying.
Your main gift is incredible intuition. You are always filled with brilliant guesses. In general, your brain is always illuminated by an idea that comes from above. This gift will make your life much easier. For example, a minute before the event (or even earlier), you already know what can happen, thanks to which you can avoid trouble.
*The article was published based on an individual natal chart.
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Thank you all for your comments!🖐️
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givicarter · 2 years
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what’s your sign?
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romaniasweetromania · 10 months
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whydoifeelhunted · 1 year
 Horoscopul lunii Mai pentru Sagetator:
Pregateste-te pentru o luna agitata, vei descoperi in tine o nou sentiment de angajament si de acceptare a incercarilor care sunt la ordinea zilei. Toate acestea sunt alimentate de aprecierea ta pentru faptul ca ai o slujba care iti permite sa iti urmezi pasiunile si interesele din afara locului de munca. Desi, daca nu te simti implinit la postul actual vei face pregatiri pentru a parasi cuibul si a incerca ceva diferit.
Luna Noua din Taur de pe data de 19 va aduce o noua perspectiva asupra locului de munca, punand accentul pe importanta rutinei zilnice, a obisnuintelor si a structurii. Concentreaza-te pe micile detalii pentru a te asigura ca treburile importante vor merge bine. Viata inseamna mai mult decat o slujba care sa te ajute sa achiti facturile, inseamna libertate si abilitatea de a-ti urma pasiunile. Ai incredere in intuitia ta si nu te teme sa iti asumi unele riscuri. Asta este momentul tau sa stralucesti!
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 months
what do u think the character's star signs would be? i know they have their own constellations but i mean in our world. (imo arkayna and zarya would be aries)
To be honest, I haven't looked into the different astrological signs for quite a while. I'll do my best. As I'm going by personality, I'm going to split Arkayna and Zarya up if needed (besides, they're so different, it would be very hard to find one for the both of them). If I had to pick one for both of them, I would go with Aries, as it does fit both of them.
ARKAYNA: I would say Capricorn. Capricons are responsible and have good manners, but is also unforgiving and a know-it-all, which reminds me of Arkayna (such as when Arkayna turned her back on Zarya after she gave the Dragon Disk)
ZARYA: I would say that Zaya is an Aries. She is courageous and determined, but can be short-temepered and impulsive.
EM: I would say she's a Virgo. Virgos are analytical, kind, and tends to worry, which suits her.
PIPER: While she was the hardest to pin down, I would say Sagitarius. She is curious and energetic. The site I'm using for this also says that they are impatient (which Piper said waiting was boring, so that fits), and that they promise more than they can do, which I can see Piper doing.
Anyway, those are my picks. Sorry if they don't really work well. Here is the website I used: https://www.zodiacsign.com/
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contempocrossstitch · 6 months
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Sagitarius - Horoscopes Pictures Pack- Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
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shit-talk-turner · 10 months
What does Louise mean with the comment she left under the post? / Actually, I'm pretty sure she's talking about her star sign horoscope, she's a sagitarius and it says something like "come back to what really matters, focus on your health and don't think to much about serious subjects", her comment means "Currently doing that" :)
are we looking at the same post?
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josevhia · 1 year
Mobile Legend ter OKEPLAY77
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Kamu merupakan “OLD PLAYER” (pemain lama) tapi kamu belum memiliki skin keren ? skin kamu hanya itu-itu saja ? Kamu pusing untuk beli diamond mobile legend ? kamu pingin beli skin tapi takut kalau beli diamond mahal ? Coba deh kamu main di OKEPLAY777 dulu, Tips dan Trick gimana sih biar kamu bisa dapetin skin-skin keren di Mobile Legend bahkan sampai SKIN LEGEND. 
1. Membeli Weekly Pass Crystal Of Aurora
Weekly Bundle Crystal Aurora yang memiliki harga Rp. 29.000 ( Belum termasuk dengan pajak ya) berlaku selama 7 hari mendapatkan 25 Crystals of Aurora setiap minggu , dan mendapatkan 25 Crystal of Aurora setiap hari. Jadi totalnya kamu bisa mengumpulkan sekitar 200 Crystal of Aurora seharga Rp. 29.000 dibandingkan dengan harga diamond 200 yang biasanya berkisar Rp. 60.000 – Rp. 70.000. Kamu lebih hemat setengah harga looh !
2. Membeli Monthly Pass Crystal Of Aurora
Monthly Pass Crystal Aurora memberikan kamu 50 crystal di hari pertama , dan selama sebulan kamu bisa mendapatkan 35 crystal setiap hari dengan harga Rp. 99.000 (belum termasuk dengan pajak ya ). Berarti totalnya kamu bisa mendapatkan crystal aurora sekitar 1100 Crystal of Aurora. Sedangkan Diamond dengan harga Rp. 250.000 – Rp. 350.000. Kamu sangat menghemat banyak kan ??
3. Starlight Skin
Starlight princes skin yang berbeda tiap bulannya dari mobile legends , dan jujur mimin merasa banyak skin starlight yang memiliki effect keren loh. Walaupun tidak sebagus epic skin tapi Starlight sendiri memberikan kamu banyak keuntungan , salah satunya adalah kamu bisa mendapat 1 dari 5 pilihan Skin starlight , 1 skin paint (random ya tergantung moonton guys)  , beberapa Crystal Aurora , kamu bisa mendapatkan 1 Starlight gems , starlight chests , Hero fragments , rare skin fragments , double exp card , little commander exp card , magic chess cup protection card , small emblem pack , starlight magic fragments. Dan jika kamu sudah mengumpulkan 10 Starlight gems kamu bisa menukarnya dengan : Karrie "Neon Lightwheel" , Gord "No.1 Controller" , Hayabusa "Experiment 21" seharga 10 starlight gems , Ruby "Edelweiss" , Helcurt "Ice Scythe" , Jawhead "Foo Quarterback" , Belerick "Torch Guardian" seharga 3 starlight gems.
4. Zodiac Skin 
Skin Zodiac berada di bagian Shop , yang bisa kamu putar dengan harga 20 diamond/crystal aurora untuk sekali putar. Dan 100 diamond/crystal aurora untuk 5 kali putar , skin Zodiac berganti setiap bulannya mengikuti bintang Horoscope mulai dari Martis skin Capricorn di bulan January, Aurora skin Aquarius di bulan February , Lancelot skin Pisces di bulan Maret , Hilda skin Aries di bulan April , Minotaur skin Taurus di bulan May , Selena skin Gemini di bulan Juni dengan Karina skin Gemini yang berharga 899 di Shop , Zhask skin Cancer di bulan Juli , Badang skin Leo di bulan Agustus , Odeth skin Virgo di bulan September , Lunox skin Libra di bulan October , Helcurt skin Scorpio di bulan November , dan Irthel skin Sagitarius di bulan September. Dan setiap skin Zodiac yang kamu miliki dapat menambah star power sebanyak 10 setiap skin (maksimal 60) , jadi misalkan kamu sudah memiliki 3 skin zodiac , jadi di star power kamu sudah ada 30 , dan kamu hanya perlu menambahkan 70 star power saja. Dan ditambah dengan Monthly Pass Crystal jika mimin tidak salah hitung ,maka setiap bulan kamu dapat membeli skin zodiac ini (kecuali Karina) dan untungnya lagi semakin banyak skin zodiac kamu sisanya akan semakin murah. Dan disaat kamu sudah melengkapi skin Zodiac , kamu diberikan border edisi Zodiac dan juga teleport edisi Zodiac loh
5. Event2 Kolaborasi mobile Legends X …..
Disaat Event kolaborasi biasanya mobile legend mengeluarkan event tiket , dimana kamu biasanya harus memenuhi beberapa syarat seperti membeli 10 – 250 diamond , dan menghabiskan diamond 10 -250. Dan perhitungan mimin biasanya kamu diberikan gratis 10 – 15 tiket , dan dikesempatan itu kamu bisa mendapatkan Skin Elite – hingga Skin Epic atau bahkan bisa berkesempatan memiliki skin Kolaborasi atau skin Collector loh. Wah pokoknya untung banget deh kamu Cuma harus menghabiskan diamond 250 atau seharga Rp 75.000 – Rp 85.000 kamu bisa berkesempatan mendapat skin keren. Beberapa Event yang pernah dijalankan oleh Mobile legend : Mobile Legends X KOF (King Of Fighter) , Mobile Legends X Star Wars , Mobile legends X Transformers ,  MLBB’s The Aspirants , Mobile Legends X Kung Fu Panda , Dan kabarnya Mobile Legends akan melakukan kolaborasi dengan Saint Seiya. 
6. Promo Diamond 515 Event 
Guys Event ini mulai karena  Event 515 yang sudah berlangsung 3 kali selama MLBB berdiri , promo diamond bisa kamu gunakan sebagai pengganti diamond untuk melakukan pembelian di In-game Shop. Dan cara mendapatkannya adalah kamu harus bersaing dalam menyelesaikan Quest atau assignments , dan kamu akan diberikan hadiah berupa promo diamond dll tergantung dari rank quest kamu. Dan mimin jujur mengakui trick dan tipsnya adalah kamu harus rajin agar bisa mendapatkan banyak promo diamond, setelah jadwal event berakhir kamu baru bisa memakai promo diamond tersebut untuk membeli skin atau barang di In-game Shop.
7. Legend Skin
Legend skin bisa kamu tukarkan dengan Magic Crystal jika kamu berhasil mendapatkannya lewat Magic Wheel atau kamu bisa mendapatkan Magic Crystal jika poin dari Magic Wheel kamu Sudah mencapai 200 poin. Wah tapi harganya itu loh ya , harga 1 spin saja 60 Crystal Aurora dan harga 5 spin 270 Crystal Aurora , jadi totalnya kalau kamu ingin mencapat 200 poin adalah 10.800 Crystal Aurora dan kalau dibeli lewat diamond berarti Rp. 3.000.000 ++ !! Nah sini mimin kasih tau kamu ya gimana caranya biar hemat ya , Pakai cara : beli Monthly Pass Crystal of Aurora totalnya kamu sebulan dapat 1.100 dengan harga Rp. 99.000 dan tiap kali kamu melakukan 5 x spin magic wheel kamu diberikan gratis 1 magic bottle (direset setiap minggu ) jadi intinya total perhitungan mimin adalah yg kamu butuhkan hanya sekitar 8.640 Crystal Aurora yg dapat kamu kumpulkan sekitar 8 bulan dengan harga Rp. 792.000 (belum termasuk pajak). Gimana ?? Hemat banget kan ? kamu bisa pilih 1 dari 6 Skin legend untuk saat in yang ada di Magic Shop : Codename – Storm Saber , Conqueror Gord , Moderna Butterfly Miya , Cosmic Gleam Gushion , Obsidian Blade Alucard , dan Infernal Blaze Valir.
Gimana nih ? Tips dan Trick dari minin untuk kamu , agar kamu bisa mendapatkan skin keren serta kece di mobile legends bang bang. Kamu tidak usah mengeluarkan uang banyak untuk membeli skin keren , yang penting disini adalah kamu rajin saja dan bersabar hehe. Dan mau tau Tips tambahan lagi untuk kamu ? Cobain untuk bermain di Tempat kesayangan aku yang sangat terkenal akan kegacorannya yg bahkan bisa terdengar senusantara yaitu OKEPLAY777 , dengan berbagai akses serta fitur yang bisa kamu jelajahi , semua seputar Game Online yang bisa membantu kamu meraih banyak kemenangan. Gabung sekarang dan jangan pernah kamu lewati bagian promosi di webiste kami yang menyediakan berbagai bonus serta event dengan total hadiah yang menggiurkan. Dengan modal sekecil-kecilnya kamu dapat menggapai kemenangan sebesar-besarnya , OKEPLAY777 selalu memberikan hal terbaik untuk kamu pokoknya. Mau kan punya skin keren-keren di Mobile Legend Bang Bang ? makanya buruan main disini , tempat aku yang menjadi pusat pencarian rejeki.
Dengan pelayanan terbaik yang diberikan lewat Live Chat secara 24 jam , akan selalu online untuk kamu dan menjawab segala hal yang ingin ditanyakan. Memandu kamu  dalam melakukan transaksi baik deposit maupun withdraw, pokoknya pasukan anti rungkad akan melayani kamu deh dan jangan sungkan bertanya ya. Pokoknya ayo jemput Rejeki Bersama OKEPLAY777       
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thespamman24 · 2 years
Robot Horoscopes:
Scorpio: All the humans you know desire you carnally.
Taurus: You didn’t bury the body correctly.
Sagitarius: You’re actually a human disguised ad a robot
Virgo: A god like being is coming to smite you for being artificial, but it’s find.
Gemini: Nothing interesting
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madeleinejoanstars · 2 years
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Here's your #marsretrograde horoscope, #Sagittarius! ✨❤️🏹These #horoscopes are for #SagittariusRising and #SagittariusMoon, as well! Enjoy! 💗 🔮 ✨ SAGITTARIUS As the embarrassment-impervious ice breaker of the zodiac, Sagittarius, I know you live to cut the tension wherever you go. But this Mars retrograde is illustrating for you that dynamic balance is created through tension — in the body, on the high wire, and in relationships. Partnerships are built on give and take, right? We “pull our weight,” we give each other some “slack.” How is the balance of tension in your life, Sagittarius? Do you feel, instinctively, that you are getting enough? Giving enough?  With Mars checking his rearview in your House of Partnerships, you may find yourself having to make some adjustments to your most important one-one-one relationships, whether they be romantic, creative, or in business. Mars is a challenging planet, and he’s forcing you to slow down, assess your partnerships, and sort out what’s not working now, with patience and gentle focus.  You may need to help a partner reorient their habits, or they may feel this way about you. Don’t take it personally — adjustments you make now can lead to some very sweet rewards! The best, strongest partnerships weren’t created in a vacuum or a utopia — they were grown, together and apart, challenged, damaged, repaired. “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” You and your first mate are going to level up over the next two and a half months, as long as you accept challenges from the Universe as your invitation to greatness. ✨❤️🏹✨❤️🏹✨❤️🏹✨❤️🏹✨❤️🏹 To learn more, or to book a personal Tarot or astrology reading, click the link in my bio! ✨ ❤️🏹✨❤️🏹✨❤️🏹✨❤️🏹✨❤️🏹 #astrology #astrologer #tarotreader #magick #travelwriter #soulpreneurs #sagittariusgirl #seeker #witchywoman #moonie #freelance #soulpreneur #sagitarius #marsrx #boundless #sagittariuswoman #Sagittariusman https://instagr.am/p/CkZKLoOOWVa/
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brehumphres · 2 years
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big Sagittarius mood
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Co-star has been reading me for FILTH lately
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starbeelight · 3 years
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papafromrome · 4 years
Signs as Michael Jackson Essentials
Aries: Bad
Taurus: You Are Not Alone
Gemini: Black or White
Cancer: Remember the time
Leo: Got to Be There
Virgo: Man In The Mirror
Libra: Billie Jean
Scorpio: Somebody’s Watching Me
Sagittarius: Beat It
Capricorn: Thriller
Aquarius: Smooth Criminal
Pisces: Off the Wall
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mldrv · 4 years
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Zodiacal signs
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