dandelionwishes0234 · 18 hours
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anya and joey holding hands behind the scenes of the s3 press 😭🫶
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i unearthed this video of anya freya and joey getting ready for the witcher fest last year and it’s the most adorable thing you’ll watch today
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What always gets me about Fair by The amazing devil is how it portrays love.
I've never really understood songs where love is said to be this life changing, gigantic feeling that can make planets explode. Sure, love is great and it sometimes feels like too much, but for me, love is in the little things.
Looking at the other and liking their hair after they woke up, loving that particular tone their voice can take when they think no one can hear, folding laundry because you know they will be grateful when they see it and so many more.
Fair has it all, it's simple, it's domestic and feels so close to my heart, like someone actually watched my brain during my daily life with my lover and put everything I felt into a song.
It's poetic, it's packed with snippets of life and more than anything, it's silly !
Because that's what love is after all, knowing someone so much that even the most silly things they do is part of what you would include if you had to describe what love felt like.
Not enough love songs express how dumb love can feel like sometimes and that's why this song is for me the best love song ever written, it shows that you don't need to go out of your way to overcomplicate this feeling, you just have to look right in front of you
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Confession time: In Blossoms, when Joey Batey sings "You do not get to hurt me just because I asked you once if you were alright" this is all I can see
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joey batey randomly says shit about how jaskier would fuck his own clone and do onlyfans it’s no wonder we’re fangirling over here
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since geralt's whole face is going to change i think we should also let jaskier be full geordie and have no one question it
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dandelionwishes0234 · 10 days
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"Where's the strangest place someone's sang the song to you?"
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dandelionwishes0234 · 11 days
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Yep. Same for me Joey.
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dandelionwishes0234 · 21 days
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fascinated by the implication here that dandelion has at least once sent in a serious spy report in verse. my man up writing poetry about the goings-on of the world and sending it in to the crown’s intelligence. yes dijkstra i understand that this information is sensitive and its quick delivery is of the utmost importance but have you considered the rhythm of it… have you considered the meter…
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dandelionwishes0234 · 28 days
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dandelionwishes0234 · 1 month
Liam is taking over as Geralt in Season 4. Liam will give him a different face, and will give him a different voice.
That means that Geralt will sound different. And since Geralt will sound different, I feel this is the perfect opportunity to *pauses to look pointedly at Netflix* let Jaskier have Joey's Geordie accent.
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dandelionwishes0234 · 1 month
No, you know what, everyone be nice to Liam Hemsworth. He's not the step Geralt, he's the Geralt who stepped up.
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dandelionwishes0234 · 1 month
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dandelionwishes0234 · 1 month
A while back, after The Witcher seasons 2-3 came out, I Liked a couple of its songs on Spotify. Specifically, a couple of Jaskier's songs. Well, after I did that, Spotify started giving me recommendations based on those Likes. In those recommendations, here was one band in particular that had a male singer whose voice kind of reminded me of Jaskier's honestly, but there was something about it that just ... I have never been more attracted to just a voice in my life.
Now, I like voices. I pay attention to voices. And this dude's voice ... isn't particularly special. But there's something about his voice and the way he uses it that makes me Feel Things that just a voice should not make me feel.
So I made the conscious decision not to look up a picture of this dude. Because if he was ugly I was gonna cry.
So for MONTHS I listened to this band on repeat. And aside from my particular feelings about this voice, they're a great band! There is also a female singer, and she is also fantastic, though her existence is somewhat eclipsed by my Feelings around the male singer. Overall they have this strange sort of fey quality about them, both in the style and in the fact that for some reason I cannot bloody remember any of their lyrics. (Seriously, I'll give a song a listen specifically to pay attention to the words and by the time I'm listening to one line, I've already forgotten the previous one.) Enough that it's a bit startling when there's suddenly a line that mentions a cell phone. And all this time I resist the urge to go looking for any information on them beyond the music itself.
And then one day Spotify recommends me a playlist based on their music, and there's a new band thumbnail attached. (Or, new to me anyway.) It's a slightly better picture of the two lead singers. And this is still a teeny little thumbnail image on my phone, still pretty indistinct, but ... it's more than I had before. And I sit and I squint at that picture for a while, and I go, ".....Fuuuuck, he might actually be cute."
So finally I break, and I decide to look up a music video of the song that got me into this band in the first place. So I pop on over to Youtube and type in the name of the band and the song, and sure enough, there's the official music video, and there's a thumbnail for it with a picture of the guy. And again, this is a small and indistinct picture, but again, it's more than I had before. And again, I squint at this picture for a while and go, "........Wait a fucking minute."
Guess whose band it is. Go on, guess.
I had a friend I'd told about all this months previous, and I had to immediately text her and be like "IT'S JOEY FUCKING BATEY! IT'S BEEN HIM THE WHOLE TIME! WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!!!"
(For those who don't know, the band is called The Amazing Devil. The song that got me into them is "The Horror and the Wild", but my current favourite is "Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious", and my favourite for his voice in particular is "Farewell Wanderlust".)
So anyway, all that's to say, I really like this music....👉👈
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dandelionwishes0234 · 1 month
VIEWTIES MAGAZINE – Joey Batey (Solo Edition)
New Joey interview!
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