dark-psycho-666 · 4 months
This was a poem I did a while back so yeah enjoy!
And so, the doctor said,
"Take this pill and you'll be fine.
Don't worry; it won't cross the line.
You'll wake up forgetting about time.
It's alright; just take the pill and go ahead.
Make sure you enjoy the thrill.
You'll love the empty bottle,
While you forget about your sorrows.
So take the pill like the doctor said,
And watch as the dread slowly ends.
But like the doctor said, you'll be fine.
You'll wake up just in time.
Painless and breathless.
You'll take it one more time,
Just to know that you'll be fine.
It will be alright; just close your eyes.
After all, this is what the doctor said, right?
You would be fine.
Just take your time.
And everything will be alright.
Close your eyes and count to ten.
And as time goes by, soon you'll end up
Saying your final goodbyes.
But don't worry anymore,
'Cause soon the pills will be no more.
So don't forget to make sure you...
Take your pills,
Just like the doctor said,
'Cause everything will
Be alright. All for just one more night
To make everything alright
After all, the doctor said it would
Be just fine.
So what's the harm in just tonight…
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dark-psycho-666 · 1 year
Random Thoughts
Remus: "if i make a "lovely" breakfast in bed for when you first wake up a simple "thank you" would be nice you know? not all this screaming and "how did you get in my house nonsense" Janus: *in utter shock* "no but really h o w d i d y o u g e t i n m y h o u s e ? !!!"
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dark-psycho-666 · 2 years
Remus: life smells weird..
That is all also happy pride month!
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Janus: you know I am starting to regret on showing you how this blender works
Remus: *drinking a bagel* what makes you say that?
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Tumblr media
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Thomas: Remus... why did you draw a pentagram on the floor again?
Remus: You said and I quote "satanize the house before I get home"
Thomas: ... Remus I wrote sanitize...
Also happy new year :)
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Remus: you love me right janus? *grins*
Janus: normally I would say yes without hesitation but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it
Concept from incorrect quotes generator
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Ok this has been on my mind as just a scenario I had in my head if patton and janus ever got into a argument
Patton: you where always better then me I could never be as good as you
Janus: I am better then you
Patton: then why where you so easy to curse!
Janus: so it was you...
Janus: *sinks out*
That is all....
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Janus: i trust remus 
Patton: you think he knows what hes doing?
janus: i wouldnt go that far 
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Roman: its dark in here
Remus: don't worry I got this *jumps up and down and glows*
Roman: how?!
Remus: I ate a flashlight it was ~spicy~
Roman: ⁉️
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
⚠️small continuation and Remus being Remus and logan playing along⚠️
Remus: *holding paddle* ccooomme on llooggiieee
Logan: where did the paddle even come from?
Thomas: ...
Logan: thomas? Why do we have it?
Thomas: *disappeared*
Remus: he was thinking somethings now come on are we doing this or not
Logan: *grins* sure why not~
Remus: *gulps*
Logan: come on count them out for me~
*Remus and logan vanish to the room*
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
⚠️semi spoilers with my own twist~⚠️
Logan: you can't turn anything on if you tried
Remus: you sure about that?
Logan: well there's no way you can turn anything on let alone me
Remus: alright~
*2 hours later*
Patton: logan why are your legs shaking so much?
Remus: he lost a bet~
Janus: *spits drink*
Logan: *blushes in embrassement&
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
⚠️semi spoilers from recent video⚠️
Remus: *holds paddle* come on logan its not fun when it's just me
Logan: *hiding behind the camera with a smirk mouthing something* ill make it fun~
Remus: *eyes widen and slowly runs*
Logan: *chases after him as remus screams*
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Logan: you know spiders with wings exist
Virgil: I know I have one but she flew out her cage a few hours ago I can't find her
*patton in his bedroom screaming*
Virgil: found her
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
remus may not be afraid to show up but he may feel defeated as he feels that he is not wanted just like virgil was at one point after all thomas had once said “just because you werent there in the room your presence was still there” so maybe remus is starting to question himself were he may think that maybe he is loseing touch with thomas and yes we have all seen remus come and go every so often but it has been a long time since we have seen him in a video so there might be a lot of not intensity but just alot of question as it could be in his own creativity were he may start to second guess himself or maybe his own intrusiver thoghts had started to get to him to the point were he feels that he has to control it for the sake of thomas knowing that he cant let it get to thomas anymore since now he may have had time to go over some things or even watch everything from a distance with remus there is still so much we have yet to see from remus after all he may be showing himself but still theres so much more to himself that we have yet to see like we have seen with virgil and that we thought that we had seen him all in the beginning till he started to open up more and be able to show his true self there is always more to what they give in the beginning which leads us to much more questions with alot of them being unanswered and leaving much more a mystery 
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
What if logan hates showing up to the videos not because of thomas but for the fact that he knows thst he's being ignored or talked over and that thy only listen to him when they all fall short of ideas but just what if logan sighs and just hates showing up and that's why lately we haven't really seen him all that much or that wheb we do he's just angry or has that cold look on his face because he just hates it and that he knows he can't duck out as bad as he wants to but what if one day he just dose and that he dosent tell anyone and just fades out and not say anything since he dosent want the other to throw pity in his face as he just wants to be listened to....
((Again all just thoughts dosent mean I am right in anyway!!))
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dark-psycho-666 · 3 years
Sorry this came to me just now as well it kept me up again just all thoughts that's all I got
I even wanna go the extra mile saying that technically roman was a darkside himself but since patton didn't want to be alone since it would break his heart from the pain of being alone but he was to scared of remus and what he might do and even hurt him worse so he took roman at a young age were roman and remus knew eachother and had a bond but patton would watch over it to make sure roman wouldnt leave to go back so then logan wouldn't follow and then virgil so he would be back to square one which would cause patton to break so that's why patton kept remus and janus away knowing they would be on it to get thenothers back to were they belong but patton was to afraid to end up being alone and would use his own excuses and tricks to keep the boys to stay without them realizing it as they just stayed with pat so he wouldnt feel alone and helped even if they were home away from home
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