db618 · 1 day
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db618 · 5 days
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db618 · 5 days
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db618 · 5 days
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"Oh, I'm so glad that you could join me on a beautiful night like this..."
...yeah, I'm really proud of how this one turned out, it took a fair bit of work!
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db618 · 8 days
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db618 · 15 days
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"Chelle has joined your party!"
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db618 · 16 days
My Analysis of "Lazarus Drug" by Meg Washington, and how it pertains to Bluey's "The Sign" [MASSIVE BLUEY SPOILERS]
(This post is going to deviate from my typical "all lowercase" typing style because I kinda want it to be taken seriously lol.)
So, I was doing some dishes earlier, and I started thinking about the song "Lazarus Drug" by Meg Washington. I started mulling over the lyrics and thinking about how it was used at the ending of the Bluey special "The Sign." The wheels kinda started turning and I felt compelled to attempt to present my interpretation and the thoughts I have about it.
Now, I'm not a music theorist or a seasoned philosopher or TV critic. I'm just about as much of a layperson as one can be. I'm just kinda calling things as I see them.
Although only the final portion of the song was used in The Sign, I wanna go over the full version of the song to give a better understanding of what all the pieces mean put together.
This probably won't be a play-by-play of every lyric (because I'm not that smart lol), but I'll do my best to get the point across.
Let's begin!
I am asleep, I am a slug I am a thief, I am a thug
The first lines of the song give the impression that the singer perceives herself as an impure person. She seems to bring attention to her vices of focusing too much on the self to the point where it could potentially hurt others.
You are grace, you are belief You are a Lazarus drug
This is where the song title comes in, and this section in particular is clearly very heavy on Biblical imagery.
Lazarus was a figure in the Bible, specifically the Gospel of John (John 11:1-45). He died of illness and had been in the tomb for four days. Jesus loved Lazarus so much, that he had wept upon the confirmation of his death. He then went to the tomb where Lazarus lie and resurrected him.
Note how the singer refers to the subject as a "Lazarus drug." When you think of a drug, you think either of something meant to treat an illness, or something meant to give someone a high. However, in this case, I think it's both.
Meg Washington said the following in an interview with ABC's (Australia) Double J radio station:
"'Lazarus Drug' is a song about love and euphoria and revival. It's really just an ode to whatever it is in your life – or my life – that makes you feel like rising up and floating in the middle of the air and splitting into light beams of happiness. "Writing this song was really special for me, because every time I sing it I feel the same way that I felt when I wrote it. I really wanted to make something that sounded like how we can make each other feel if we try very hard to share love."
The subject of the song is a loving, caring figure. You could even argue that they are a Christlike figure. The love and compassion that they extend to the singer not only heals their pain, but makes them feel high, as illustrated in these lyrics a few lines later.
And when you make A perfect circle in the sky I get so high I get so high I'm like a planet And I can't come down Oh, I can't come down
The next verse begins like this:
You are an angel And when you weep, the heavens rain I am a mermaid, eating at the sushi train
The "mermaid at the sushi train" metaphor is kind of up in the air, but I believe it might once again be highlighting the singer's selfishness.
Like, why would a mermaid be eating sushi? Why would she be eating her little fishy friends? Like imagine if Ariel was advertising frozen fishsticks... Oh wait...
It seems like a metaphor for thinking more about your own hunger rather than the needs of those you're meant to care for.
We sort of see this in both Bandit and Rad's subplots in "The Sign."
Bandit gets this high-paying new job in another city. He's going to have to uproot his family's life and take them away from the people they love and care about in Brisbane. However, Bandit doesn't really seem to consider too much how this might emotionally affect Bluey and Bingo. The way he sees it, he's doing the right thing. He believes he's guaranteeing a bright and comfy future for the Heeler family. He means well, of course. But in this case he's being so short-sighted that he doesn't seem to really take his family's feelings into account.
Likewise, Rad plans to move himself and Frisky out west after their wedding... Except that he didn't bother bringing this up to Frisky herself. His motives were arguably even more self-centered and short-sighted. He didn't bother asking Frisky how uprooting her own life would affect her. He just... assumed he could just smooth it over after the wedding. (I love you Rad, but... dick move, man. Dick move.)
But when you look in me With language in your eyes I get so high I get so high I'm like a planet And I can't come down
When the singer stops and looks at the subject, gazing into her eyes without needing to say a word, that "Lazarus drug high" comes back. She realizes that she's not in it alone. That there's people around her that love her and care for her, and they matter just as much as she does.
When Rad finally catches up to Frisky at the Lookout, they have this moment:
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Now at surface level "I know you like it here" could just be referring to the Lookout, since it's one of Frisky's favorite places. But on a deeper level, I think we can tell what this really means. It's referring to Brisbane. You can even see the city in the background here.
Rad finally wakes up and realizes how much Frisky's home means to her. Neither one of them has to say a word about Brisbane for us to know that Rad's had a change of heart about moving. The way they look at each other during this scene speaks volumes.
Likewise, there's... the moment.
Moving day.
I feel it in the morning I feel how low it lies And then I hear you calling And then I start to rise I feel it in the morning I feel how low it lies And then I hear you call my name And then I start to rise
The Heeler house is all packed up in boxes, and the family is getting into the car to leave their driveway for the final time.
But just as Bandit's about to get in the driver's seat, he stops to answer a call from Bucky, letting him know that the Sheepdogs decided at the last minute not to buy the Heeler house.
After the call ends, Bandit walks over to peel the "SOLD" sticker off the "For Sale" sign.
He then gazes back at his family waiting in the car. No words are exchanged. He just takes a moment to look into their eyes. He's reflecting on what this move will mean for them. He remembers all the sorrow Bluey and Bingo endured over the revelation.
And suddenly his eyes are opened to what really matters...
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And when I hear you calling Like you were always there I rise until I'm hanging In the middle of the air
He grabs hold of the sign, pulling it with the strength of two Bandits.
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And when I hear you calling I split like I'm a snake With golden light like fingers And then I start to break Into a billion pieces
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Oh, I shatter into constellations Like I've never been more here Like I completely disappear
The ego shatters. Bandit foregoes the self and realizes his oneness with his family. That they all matter. That what they have in Brisbane is beautiful.
Sure, he could assure himself a cushy high-paying job and ensure a "comfy" life for his family.
But his family was already comfortable. More than comfortable, even.
His preconceived notions of what a "good life" could be disappear, because he knows they already have a good life.
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I'm nothingness, but shining And everywhere at once I'm everything and everyone who is or ever was
Now this line is particularly interesting to me.
In eastern spirituality, especially Buddhism, there's a concept of "emptiness." Basically nothing and no one exists purely in and of itself. "Everything and everyone who is or ever was" exists because of interconnections through other factors. There's no inherent "thing" or "self." We're all one.
The words "emptiness" and "nothingness" in our western mindset seems to denote a feeling of despair and sadness. I think this is why Meg chose to word it as "nothingness, but shining." In the eastern mindset, "nothingness" is something that is shining and beautiful. It's not a sense of loneliness, rather a sense that you are not alone.
Bluey isn't a stranger to incorporating eastern spiritual thought into its episodes. Probably the most famous example is the episode "Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound," which is loosely based off the Buddhist story of Kisa Gotami. The episode "Hide and Seek" alludes to the practice of mindfulness meditation, which is a practice rooted in eastern traditions. You could even argue that the episode "Slide" has themes of Ahimsa, the eastern principle of nonviolence and not causing harm to other living things.
Even "The Sign" incorporates the Taoist parable of the Farmer, which teaches about accepting the unexpected of life, and not labelling anything as "fortunate" or "unfortunate."
I also personally see themes of the aforementioned principle of interconnectedness. The whole episode is basically a literal "butterfly effect." Every little thing, from Frisky leaving the wedding and the Heelers going to look for her, to Flappy (who originally appeared in "Slide." Oh wow, this goes deep!) flying into the Heelers' car, to Bluey finding a lucky coin, only for it to get stuck in the binoculars that the Sheepdogs later use to spot their new dream house... it all leads up to the ending.
The ending in and of itself can't really be labelled as a perfect happy ending, either. Bandit can no longer accept his new job, and will probably need to find new work in Brisbane. How will it go?
"We'll see."
And You're nothingness, but shining And everywhere at once You're everything, we're everyone who is or ever was, forever
The final lines are just a pronoun switch of the ones before them. This could be interpreted in multiple ways. The singer could be addressing the subject of the song, but she could also be addressing the listener.
The song ends on a reminder that we're all connected. We're affected by the circumstances we face, including the love we're shown by others. Likewise, the love we show others affects them and those around them.
Isn't that kind of one of the overarching messages of Bluey as a whole? How we treat others - our friends, our families, our children - goes a long, long way.
WHOO. That ended up being more of a ramble than I thought.
Anyway, I'm just calling this as I personally see it from my silly overthinking layperson perspective. You shouldn't by any means take what I say as gospel, but I do hope I've at least given you something to think about.
And, of course, feel free to share your own interpretations!
If you've made it to the end of this massive skyscraper of text, thank you so, so much. I love you. 💖
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db618 · 18 days
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man's best (smiling) friends 🐕
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db618 · 20 days
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db618 · 20 days
old tv/movie/home video logos are just liminal spaces for autistic people send post
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db618 · 23 days
Buying a car
English added by me :)
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db618 · 26 days
the first episode of blinky bill goes crazy icl… already talking abt environmental themes in ways kids will empathise with…
excellent and fantastic introductions to the characters
splodge: the logs talking!
marcia: yeah a log talking to a couple of log heads
nutsy already being seen pulling the megaphone of blinkys head (getting him out of trouble ALREADY it’s been like 5minutes)…
blinkys goofy ass sexism…
mayor pelican yelling at the workers to work faster like he isn’t literally standing on a fuckin ladder doing jack shit…
cunt serving dingoes. do i need to elaborate
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Also look at my son. he’s sad and upset and this is distressing and further evidence that mayor pelican is lich evil
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db618 · 27 days
haha i'm very funy
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db618 · 27 days
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43 notes · View notes
db618 · 27 days
Bill Cipher 🤝 most of the adults on Bluey
characters that are essentially
geometric shapes with eyes and
legs that i have felt attracted to 😳
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db618 · 28 days
got bored and decided to try my hand at another micro ytp
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db618 · 28 days
i am. so normal about him.
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