deanqel · 8 months
I love you Lisa Frank, I love you Hello Kitty, I love you bedazzled everything, I love you Barbie, I love you Bratz Dolls, I love you Totally Spies, I love you animal print, I love you My Little Pony, I love you glittery lipgloss, I love you tacky keychains, I love you gel pens, I love you sparkly stickers, I love you temporary tattoos, I love you Polly Pocket, I love you stick-on diamonds and pearls, I love you jibbitz on funky Crocs, I love you bright colours, I love you princess themed events, I love you clip-on earrings, I love you "girly" "kids'" stuff.
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deanqel · 8 months
girls (me) only care about one thing (hello kitty) ₊˚⊹♥︎
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deanqel · 9 months
having PCOS is some special kind of hell only a biological woman will ever have to deal with. you'll basically be told that you're at risk for cancer, diabetes, you're infertile, you'll get hirsutism, your hair is thin, your periods painful and irregular, you're constantly tired, constantly hungry, you're always in some kind of pain or discomfort, you might eat less than you need and still gain weight.
you'll be told the only thing you can do about it is diet and exercise, which is fair, it works, but you literally are at risk for high insulin resistance and fatigue as symptoms. you can only swim against the current. now, you can also take birth control pills but they don't solve any of your real problems, they just hide them and if anything the second you stop taking them your health will get worse.
And did I talk about mental health? well, you're at high risk for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and eating disorders. fun right? and it's not some obscure disorder, 10% of women have PCOS. It's a common ailment, you'd think it's well-researched, that OB-GYNS are experienced in treating it, or at least empathetic. Right?
No, literally no. Nobody cares, you have to be your own doctor, go to Reddit for information, and look up research papers. You trust tiktokers more than your medical providers because the best they're gonna do is tell you to take a pill that won't be that effective, diet, and come back when you're pregnant. Oh, your pain is unbearable? Just take some paracetamol. You can't seem to lose weight? Get a grip, you just need to eat 0 carbs and exercise every day, and lift weights. Get some laser treatment for your facial hair while you're at it. You're tired all the time? Doesn't seem that serious, everybody is.
Or worse. Oh, your labs come out fine, you're fine. You have a healthy BMI, what are you worried about? You get a period every 40-ish days so it's not that bad. Not that you're barely eating, exhausted all the time, in severe physical pain, and emotionally distressed. You'll be able to have kids! Cheer up!
And all this? Because the medical industry doesn't care about women.
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deanqel · 1 year
There’s something about the character Mae Borowski from Night In The Woods that resonates with me on a personal level. The first generation college dropout, The community that seems to be tolerant more than anything else. The tired friends that place expectations on the shoulders of Mae. Watching everyone around you fall in love and grow up while you’re staring at a wall you made yourself, but you no longer comprehend how to tear down. The urge to run and lash out, but knowing it’ll never quite be worth it. The feeling of complete isolation from people you knew your whole life.
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deanqel · 1 year
we literally live in a dystopian world where sleepy girls are forced to work
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deanqel · 2 years
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@certain-nostalgia 's archive <3
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deanqel · 2 years
my crush just told me she'd be going crazy over me if she were a boy 💔
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deanqel · 2 years
y'all are being so mean to cassie tbh lol, she didn't deserve any of this
the girl is literally traumatized, her dad was an addict who left her when she needed him and NEVER called her again, the whole entire universe had her sex tapes that she was forced/manipulated into making which made everyone treat her like shit and slut shame her like there's no tomorrow
and still after making this mistake with maddy y'all wanna bury her alive. sure its not okay to fuck your best friends boyfriend wether he's an ex or not especially if the friend is still not over him and if you know how abusive he was but really now, she's never had a decent male figure in her life and is seeking that male validation and love that nate seemed to be able to give her
also i love love loveeee fez but tbh him and cassie aren't friends so why would she cover for him if that'd put her in some sort of danger, or a situation that she doesn't wanna find herself in. i can totally see why she snitched
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deanqel · 2 years
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you’re my sunshine
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deanqel · 2 years
i just read through my old posts from the time i was obsessing over hxh lol i kinda miss that, and i also miss posting every single thought of mine on here
that period seems so much more peaceful now, i was a life embodiment of "no thoughts, head empty" just waking up in the morning to sit in my room and spend the entire day watching hxh and making my silly little posts about it
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deanqel · 3 years
i feel like fucking screaming
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deanqel · 3 years
The person I reblogged this from is super cute and deserves to have a nice day
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deanqel · 3 years
ive been thinking about something and you know what? killua deserves better. no one ever talks about gons selfishness and it bothers me so much.
note//: dont come at me if you dont agree, i don't hate gon in any way but some things need to be said
so since the day one can you tell me has killua made any bigger decisions while with gon? like- they always do what gon wants and it can be because killua doesnt have any goals really but its still not okay because gon has never at any point shown he's grateful~ he also does not care about what happenes to anyone around him while he's trying to achieve his goals
did he ever ask killua how does he feel after he put him through so much? did he ever sincerely apologize for making him suffer? i dont think so. and im not saying gon is a bad person- he's lovely and always trying to help everyone around him but its the fact that he's selfish and if he tried harder he could've been a friend killua deserves
but keep in mind that he's only 12-13 and he needs to develop so much more but again you don't see that behavior in killua who is the same age as gon so the problem is that gon doesn't see when he's being not so good friend to killua
7/9 times killua cried it was because of gon. 0/? times gon cried it was about killua. gon cries as a result of his own frustration and actions that put him in a certain situation. he cries when he feels powerless. he has never once cried over another person. gon cries over his own shortcomings
he has, on several occasions, identified killua as his best friend. but gon is driven by the next thing he needs/wants to get done, not by his friendship with killua. he doesn't consider killuas feelings. while killua is crying for gon and doing anything to help him, pushing his own limits, gon is only thinking about what is the next thing he is going to do, again, for himself. not for anybody else but for his own amusement.
when i first realised they're going to part their ways, i was literally crying because i couldn't imagine those two not being together. but now that i think about it, it's good, especially for killua. he's going to find his own sense of self, he finally has something to live for (Alluka) and he has time to heal, both mentally and physically, from all the trauma gon has put him through.
that's it, thanks for coming to my ted talk <3
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deanqel · 3 years
soo does anyone else feel like gon is acting different in the chimera ant arc? especially during the 110-117 ep (maybe even later im currently on 117th lol) like he's much stronger than earlier but he's also angrier and idkkk its just weird, the way he treats killua is annoying and i feel like theyre not as close as before coming to the palace
killua also seems sad all the time and like everything gon does is hurting him in a way :(( i cant do this because i understand gons anger because of kite but again seeing him like this makes me so mad
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deanqel · 3 years
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do yall have this problem somebody please tell me!! like? okay im still on the CA arc 😭 its literally so interesting but im just stuck there like when i just started watching id watch about 10-15 episodes a day and now its just like 2 episodes every two days AND IDK WHY because it is interesting but still~ for me nothing will ever top heavens arena :)
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deanqel · 3 years
do yall have this problem somebody please tell me!! like? okay im still on the CA arc 😭 its literally so interesting but im just stuck there like when i just started watching id watch about 10-15 episodes a day and now its just like 2 episodes every two days AND IDK WHY because it is interesting but still~ for me nothing will ever top heavens arena :)
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deanqel · 3 years
"gon you are light" is on episode 85 and it is indeed a sad episode
oh no 😿 its the next episode im watching and i dont think im emotionally ready
thank you for the answer <33!
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