deathbunny404 · 3 years
Meaning of the witches' runes pt.1
Sun ruled by the element of fire
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when used on a spell: for positivity, new beginnings, optimism, to call upon sun gods
when seen on a reading: going on the right direction, good health (other runes closest to the sun shows how you see yourself and how you appear to others)
represents: ego, self image, self esteem, growth, happiness
keywords: beginnings, good news, health, joy, ego, warmth, nourishment, self esteem, public image
Moon ruled by the element of water
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when used on a spell: intuition, subconscious mind, to enhance the power of the spell, to call upon moon goddesses, spirituality
when seen on a reading: it's important to listen to your inner voice and follow your intuition
represents: clairvoyance, psychic abilities, mysticism
keywords: lunar, illusion, subconscious, intuition, introspection
Flight ruled by the element of air
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when used on a spell: for communication, networking, information, word-to-mouth, social media
when seen on a reading: look at the surrounding runes to learn about the change that is going to happen, it could also mean that you might need to flee the situation, you might be moving houses or places
represents: movement, travels, quick changes, high knowledge
keywords: movement, travel, info, news, media, freedom
Rings ruled by the element of spirit
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when used on a spell: to connect, for binding
when seen on a reading: it reminds us is everything in the world is connected; the dance of the seasons; the never-ending cycle of birth, death and rebirth; alliances and connections between people
represents: binding, cycle of life, alliances, connections
keywords: collectivity, sharing, teamwork, partnership, Alchemy, life cycle, the universe
Trinity or Romance or Flower ruled by the element of fire
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when used on a spell: to heal broken hearts and relationships
when seen on a reading: you have a healthy lasting relationship or you will have one soon, but beware that something is off, be aware of abuse and codependency, set boundaries and protect yourself
represents: emotions, relationships, harmony, love of all kinds, balance
keywords: love, relationships, sexuality, emotions, harmony, friendship, balance, boundaries, protection
Woman ruled by the element of earth
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when used on a spell: to call upon the goddesses, being instead of doing
when seen on a reading: passive state that allows us to heal and grow
represents: feminine polaritpolarity of the world
keywords: healing, creativity, hearth, fertility, compassion, channeling
Man ruled by the element of fire
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when used on a spell: to call upon gods, to take action
when seen on a reading: it is time to take action, stand up for yourself and protect what matters to you the most
represents: fatherhood, courage, willpower, strength
keywords: courage, warrior, self-reliance, protection, willpower, leadership
Harvest ruled by the element of earth
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when used on a spell: to reap the fruits of your labor, prosperity, good luck
when seen on a reading: you'll finally receive what you seek, you might need to sacrifice something to achieve what you want
represents: abundance, end of a cycle, getting rid of the old, the entire learning process
keywords: rewards, end of a cycle, success, abundance, sacrifices, manifesting, fulfillment, achievement, gratitude
Crossroads ruled by the element of air
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when used on a spell: for big change, transition
when seen on a reading: you're about to make a big decision, there are many ways to reach the same destination and the shortest path isn't always the best option, don't be afraid to move forward, trust your heart and you will make the right choice
represents: free will, big change
keywords: gateways, choices, transitions, faith, wheel of fortune, free will
Star (the wishing rune) ruled by the element of air
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when used on a spell: for confirmation, grain light
when seen on a reading: to learn more about your life purpose check its closest runes, if you're going through a hard time stay strong and you'll reach the end of the tunnel
represents: hope, joy, fulfillment of your greatest wishes, luck, fortune
keywords: life purpose, fulfillment, aspirations, hopes, joy, wishes granted, a place of rest and blessings
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deathbunny404 · 3 years
It’s used for dream and divination purposes. Here a few teas I know:
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fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net fuckyeahitchywitch.tumblr.com
Mugwort is also recommended for digestion, and in case of amenorrhea as it contains estrogen (Its Latin name is Artemisia vulgaris, based on moon goodness name. Moon=cycle). But that’s   why you shall not use it if pregnant or suffer womb cysts. I had such cysts and cannot use my mugwort now (gathered myself) .
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I sell it (5 euros) on my Etsy. Have a look! 
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deathbunny404 · 3 years
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I hope you fall in love with someone who always texts back and never lets you fall asleep thinking you’re unwanted.
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deathbunny404 · 3 years
And just when you started to think things were better trauma makes it worse.
Just when you think things are okay the world comes crashing down on you.
And you can't reach out for help because you can't let people see you struggle. You can't let the ones who care about you see you in a bad place.
Fuck the people who made me hurt so much.
Fuck the people who caused me trauma that I will never be able to live without.
I'm so tired of feeling worthless. I'm so tired of feeling like a failure when I know im not.
I know I have so much potential and yet I'm being held back. I'm getting knocked back onto the ground and it gets harder and harder to get back up.
Sometimes I wish life could be easier
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deathbunny404 · 3 years
I wish you had fixed things on your own
I wish you hadn't stabbed me in the back
So now you'll learn to do better and be better
I think its time this is finally done and I feel bad that this is how it is but I've tried so much to help you and make things better and you just made them worse
So no more lying and no more hurting people
No more over stepping boundaries and no more losing control
Its time that you cool off and take a breathe
I really do wish you the best
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
In favor of Halloween have a luigi themed ouiji board
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
I went from depressed to manic back to depressed
And now I can't sleep so I'm stuck here tired and depressed while thoughts of suicide pop into my head.
I dont have anyone who can hold me and tell me im worthy of life.
I dont have anyone to tell me that yes life is rough right now but it will be okay.
I dont have anyone
And I just want to be okay
I want to see the sunshine and to feel happy
I want to experience love and know what its like to be cared about
But im scared ill never see that. Because I keep finding myself in the same place no matter what I do
Im stuck and im worn out and one day I might not be able to keep up this fight
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
Lately I've been trying to manifest love.
I open my heart to try and draw in the one im meant to be with.
But eveytime I think that I even get slightly close, they just dissappear.
So today, even though I'm feeling closed off, and like its impossible to find the one.
I'll still let my heart sing in the hopes of finding that one person who will be my other half.
I'll keep my mind in a good place and stronger myself so that I'll still be here when they come into my life.
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
I've never really been able to see my own future all that well. And as a kid I could kinda see who I'd end up with but for a while that dissapearred. Now I can see my future a lot clearer now and im not too sure why. Makes me wish my drawing skills were better to i can draw the face I see.
Im ready to cross paths with them and im excited too. So heres to me hopefully never having to be single again.
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
So im sitting here with my candles not knowing why I need them tonight and as I sit here i see myself.
Its a younger me and she's distressed so I give her a hug and all of my pent up emotions are released. She told me what I need.
Right now my soul is cold. I lack the love and emotion I was never raised with. And I'm always gonna be seeking it. But there is one person who can help to fill this void and i feel desperate to find them.
I dont know when we meet but I do know just how happy we are together. I really do hope its not a long wait but I know that the wait will be worth it.
I just want to speed up the process and help us to meet sooner. So here's me manifesting you and I closer, even if I'm not yet sure of who you are.
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
I am such a disappointment in my parents eyes.
I've got tattoos and I'm a witch. Not to mention I'll take late night trips to meet up with people.
In their eyes im so disappointing but im living my life and enjoying it, so I guess I'll stay the disappointment
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
I find someone i have alot in common with and I seem to grow obsessed. I can't control it and its gonna cause me to get hurt.
Yes theyre cute and they seem nice but what if they're not the one? I'm gonna scare them away.
Im terrified because I don't even know how to feel.
This type of emotion is unknown to me. I didnt grow up to learn any of this. Hell, I can barely interact with people in the first place. How am I supposed to handle someone I seem to be attracted to?
How do "normal" people work? What is it like to not worry about every little thing?
I mean what if we're too similar and its toxic?
I just dont know. Please, oh please be the final one. Prove my anxiety wrong.
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
Im so tired of feeling alone.
Yes i have friends but I want someone else.
I want someone to really care about and someone who will really care about me.
I know friendships can last for ever but I want a relationship that lasts forever.
My one friend is getting married tomorrow and its so exciting. I just wish I could have that.
Im starting to feel like ill never be good enough.
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
Altars 🔮
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What is an Altar:
An altar is a workplace of a witch where they keep items used in their practice. It is where a witch can practice their craft in a space they have created for that specific purpose.
Do You Need an Altar:
No, you don’t! Altars are not necessary for a witch. Many witches that practice in secret cannot keep an altar and that does not make them any less a witch. Some witches just prefer to not have an altar.
Types of Altars:
Permanent Altar: An altar set up in a spot with the intent of it staying there long-term. It could be a shelf or a shelf or something similar.
Travel Altar: An altar carried in a small container for on-the-go work. Can be carried in an old altoid box, a shoebox, or another small container. Contains only the basics such as a tealight, a lighter, small elemental symbols, a couple crystals.
Hidden Altar: An altar left in an area where other people can’t find it. Could be hidden behind clothes in a closet, in a shoebox, or made to look like regular room decorations.
Shoebox Altar: It’s in a shoebox.
Digital Altar: Some witches can’t keep an altar in person, perhaps because of a lack of space or because they are practicing in secret. They might keep a Pinterest board, a Tumblr blog, or a folder of apps on their phone in place of a physical altar.
Religious Altar: An altar dedicated to a specific deity or deities where offerings are placed and a witch may take time to pray to or meditate with their deity.
The Whole Room: Some people like to make a whole room their altar. A kitchen witch might keep crystals by the window, candles on the table, sigils on their cooking utensils. The whole room is their witchy workplace.
Yourself: Some witches choose to have themselves be their altar, practicing a healthy lifestyle to maintain their altar and decorating themselves with certain colors, jewelry, makeup, or clothes.
What to Add to your Altar:
Personal Items: Pictures of your family, pets, ancestors, or you. A souvenir from a trip that changed your life. A piece of art you made, a poem you wrote.
“Witchy” Items: Athame, wand, tarot deck, pentacle, altar cloth, crystals, candles, a pendulum, a bowl of salt, a scrying bowl, shells, plants, herb bundles, incense, a mini besom.
Religious Items: A statue of a deity, a deity’s symbols, pictures of a deity or things sacred to them, a religious text.
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
Small Witchy Challenges to Reconnect to Your Practice
Sometimes it can be hard to really feel connected to the actual magickal side of being a witch. Personally I’m involved with my deities or other spiritual/personal things 110% of the time but I don’t always feel connected to my actual witchcraft. So here are a few small magickal challenges I thought up to help anyone in a similar situation.
✨ – Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening yourself to whatever it is you’re seeking.
✨ – If you have any books with pre written simple spells in them (most intro to witchcraft books have a section) flip through it and find a spell that calls to you and do it! As written, just to practice getting out of your head and going through the motions of spell work.
✨ – Send out blessings. To your crush. A new friend. Your best friend. Your mom. Whoever.
✨ – Call up your energy into your palms and then place them on your own heart to send yourself love and healing and to connect yourself to your energy.
✨ – Spend some time picturing the kind of witch you wish you were, your ideal witchsona if you will. Then tell yourself that’s exactly who you already are. Keep reminding yourself whenever you feel disconnected from your craft that you are already an unbelievable witch.
✨ – Go back through your old book of shadows/grimoire and reflect on what’s worked for you in the past.
✨ – Wake up and tell yourself first thing “I am a witch. I am magick. My life is full of magick. I see and feel all the magick around me. I am a witch.”
✨ – Pick out outfits or accessories that make you feel witchy. (Bonus points for intentionally planning a super witchy outfit on the full moon)
✨ – Do a spell for anything that’s coming up in your life that you want to work out a certain way, no matter how trivial it seems. Test this week? Do a spell. About to start a work out routine? Do a spell. First date? Spell. Gotta stay on budget grocery shopping? Spell. Your worth it, it’s good practice, and if it all ends up working even better!
✨ – Write down spell ideas as they come to you. Save them as notes in your phone and then come back and flesh them out in your BOS later.
✨ – Come up with your own challenges! If you’d like to share, tag me on your post or send them to me, I’d love to hear your ideas!
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deathbunny404 · 4 years
I love that people you shed blood, sweat, and tears for, stab you in the back and leave you there in cold blood. Doesn't matter what you had done for them. Maybe im just in a vulnerable spot but it still hurts.
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