#i wish you the best
asuka-cream · 7 months
🎉!!Happy birthday to you @gooseworx!!🎉
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geniepuppet · 1 year
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"some of our engagement photos! taken by the delightful @/jack.dytrych at the great @/waltsbar ✨ ❤"
via @sararubin's Instagram
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pharawee · 11 days
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Plan.N.Ent (who have previously done Nitiman) have a new series in the works. There's not much info to go on right now except some character and teaser posters. Apparently the series' international title is I Wish You the Best and it stars Plant.N's own artists Vodka Phitchaphong and another actor named Reain (but sadly his ig doesn't offer any other info).
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goldkirk · 2 months
Hi, just wanted to say that I also escaped a high control group (not quite a cult) because of fanfic. Go us! I hope you’re having as wonderful a time as I am being human!
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! I am SO delighted for you! I’m so excited you get to live your life as hard as you want to and get so much joy from it now!
I’m filled with so much grief and suffering etc etc but I also experience so much gratitude and pure wonder and excitement and delight and good amount of the time too. This is more than enough for me. 🤙
I love this new wonderful experience of life we both get to have now! I wish you a bright and deep and rich and magical recovery as you keep always exploring on your journey ever onward!
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straykidsfanyay · 2 months
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bloggingboutburgers · 5 months
Wanted to come and thank you for the vent comic. I am still young and pretty sure I'm aromantic (or in the spectrum at least), and since I realized that about myself I have also noticed all the allo and amatonormativity that gets pushed in almost every piece of media. You managed to put into words all the feelings I get when I see or hear stuff that invalidates the identity (like I'm mad, but also I know it isn't meant to hurt anyone? So I just feel guilty for feeling mad?).
Sorry if this is long, your comics have helped me so much in coming to terms with my identity, and I could really see myself in this one. Thank you so much for sharing it!
I'm really glad if I could help, tbh. I think personally I'm beyond saving, I understood all of this much too late and made a fool of myself for years trying to chase stuff I couldn't reach, but... Yeah that's more or less the main reason I drew that comic. So people wouldn't make the same mistakes I made, and understood why they feel the way they feel – because GOD... Being told over and over that I was treated the same as others and I was indeed a part of places when I clearly wasn't really ate at me.
Like you said it's like... It's really hard not to feel guilty for being hurt even though it's not your fault. Just because people didn't mean to hurt you doesn't mean it's your fault for being hurt but... When the contrary idea is kinda pushed on you every time... Yeah it's a lot. My first reflex every time I'm reminded that this is the situation I'm in and that it's happening because I am the way I am is to hate myself. I hate myself a whooooole lot right now. But I don't think I do for fair reasons, somehow, and so I don't want people to end up in the same way I did, and so I just... Drew things. Yeah. I guess that's why.
Thank you for sharing that you felt seen. My situation may be beyond hopeless but at least this way I know drawing this wasn't all for nothing.
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poetbychoice · 4 months
I thought seeing you would hurt.
Yet all I can feel is happiness.
You look so carefree.
You look so happy.
You look well.
Everytime I see you,
Confirms it for me.
We were meant to love,
But we weren't meant to be.
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iroissleepdeprived · 4 months
Happy new year, homies!
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awyeahitssam · 2 months
Me, whenever I contemplate slipping back in time: I could probably make some money, but... all my fanfics will be gone. It'll take years for -that one story- to start, and it won't get -my favorite scene- until Sept. 2023. I'll have lost all my Bookmarks. What if I can't find -that one story-. Holy shit, I'm going to have to wait through the Slow Burn again—?!
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inksplashgirl · 8 months
Bye is sad
But it’s a
I will miss you, friend
But I know it’s for the best
And I let you go
With all the bittersweet goodness
I can give you.
I loved- love- you like my sister.
But it’s time for goodbye.
So go, best friend.
I’m sorry it wasn’t meant to last
But I’m glad we had some time and
I hope it’s more good than bye.
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queenie-blackthorn · 7 months
kill yourself
tried n failed like almost exactly three months ago so yk youre late to the party 👍🎉😘
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green-alien-turdz · 4 months
I can only assume that I’m the artist that anon is talking about (however I’m too shy to take myself off anon. Forgive me) because it is kind of obvious I take inspiration from your art a lot via my backgrounds and teen designs being detailed and grungy and gross + I give Kyle scars. But I promise I draw every pixel myself and never try to literally copy you I spend hours on these silly South Park drawings. you’re my favorite sp artist / fan artist in general and I admire your art a whole lot and just kind of discovered doing detailed gross backgrounds was really fun bc of your art. And I draw Kyle’s scars bc your Kyle brought me a lot of comfort as someone else who struggles with that so I started drawing them too bc it helps. I hope all that is okay dude I mean no harm
Hey, man, you're totally good- not need to worry!
Like I said in my response to that anon, I really don't mind! I've had quite a few people say that they were really inspired to draw more grimey, which is great! I legit don't own drawin mfs nasty. I'm sorry if me respondin to them made you panic/uncomfortable, that was not my intention. I hope that you have a good time drawin how YOU want to, n if you got some inspo from my bs, that's totally fine by me, man. I bet your art is great. I only care if someone were to literally claim my art as their own or to trace it. Like, I post publicly, so there's alawys that chance, but inspo doesn't bother me- n even the random bits that do, that's on me. I've had some people draw my version of Kyle, n I've had a few instances of bein a lil weirded out simply bcuz I draw my sh scar patterns on him, n seeing others draw that feels a lil weird- but I POSTED it, that's on me. Plus people sh in the same areas lol. But I'm gettin off track. I don't want you to feel bad. I'm glad that you're able to expand your art a lil bit n whatnot. I hope that you are free to express yourself n your feelins in your art, however that may be. I'm all over the place, sorry about that- but I hope the point got across!
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wisteriamemory · 29 days
I just wanted to say all of your art is so cool, and it got me to start watching Glass Mask
You have no idea just how happy this message made me. I'm so happy you like my artwork and moreover, I'm thrilled it got you to watch Glass Mask! ; w; <3 Hopefully, you can enjoy the series, it's one that's very near and dear to my heart. The manga adds a few more extra cute moments the anime(s) missed out on, so if you do enjoy it I hope you can check out some cute panels from the manga too.
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kennysaysthings · 1 year
Mac thinking to himself that Dennis is something to be worshipped is something so Incredibly personal.
The way Mac worships god is incredibly loud and unashamed, but thinking about how we’ve seen Mac develop, or maybe even just lean into these feelings for Dennis, learning to be unashamed about something he thought so shameful before. You can see the shift when, yeah his religion is important to him, but “are you more gay than you are Catholic?” “I don’t know they’re at war.” Has it even been more important than Dennis to him? Has it really even come close? Maybe he always cared for Dennis in this way but god always got in the way. Maybe now that he’s accepted this part of himself, maybe now that he realized god thinks it’s okay, Dennis is something he can believe in. His sexuality and his religion weren’t at war before because he couldn’t accept himself and he couldn’t allow himself to have these feelings, and we see these feelings being openly on display for Dennis until the end of season 14. it wasn’t that simple, he started openly expressing his feelings for Dennis, he practically worships the ground he walks on and everyone could see it. I mean with the whole depending on each other thing Dee says it in season 5.
But what now that Mac has been pulling away? What now that he’s finally thinking Dennis doesn’t want him, are we going to see Mac learn how to express that part of him in a more healthy way? I hope if Dennis tried to cling Mac back to him, that Mac doesn’t let it happen, I hope he treats Dennis the way Dennis treated him in “Times up for the Gang” I truly hope Mac publicly humiliates Dennis. Mac’s character is so pushed into religion it’s hard for him to feel something differently than he does for that, so when he started feeling this way while not showing it, he probably put it into the same box. Mac looks at Dennis like he’s the moon Dennis hung. He looks at Dennis like he is the Sun. Really I mean Mac worships the man with his need for Dennis to depend on him, he would be waiting on him hand and foot. (Specific word choice because yeah, most of Dennis’s requests or needs are completely unreasonable, but Mac would be right there.)
Anyway believe it or not this is the small version of this rant also a draft I apologize if you actually read all of that.
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justpked · 1 year
Hey PK! It's the anon who asked for advice on IF making ^^ Thank you so much for the advice, I only have some rough ideas and only have a few characters figured out(at least two or three ROs, who the MC is in relation to the world(spoiler very important and not as human as they look), and two NPCs, one who may be a RO if I can figure out how he fits in and the other a completely missable secret RO). A solid plot is still eluding me even if I have the start of it figured out and quite a few details on what led up to it, as well as some scenes and details including one or two ROs maybe dying depending on choices taken by the MC XD So I'll keep your advice in mind! (Especially considering I want to add at least one or more ROs but I'm blanking on ideas-) Any advice for writing code/using Choice Script? I'm pretty bad with coding so I'll take any advice for using choice script, especially if I try to make the MC as customizable as FS's MC XD (currently my IFs MC is planned to be sort of set for my own sanity cause first project, at least in having a human form, but I at least want to try to make their name and gender and basic physical details customizeable.)
It's great to hear that you have a nice, laid out outline so far! ^^
Do be wary when adding a lot of ROs. As there is the importance of how different will they be from one another, and the amount of different paths you might consider writing for them.
Coding in ChoiceScript is certainly much easier than Ren'Py and Twine (though Twine is 'open' and you can do a lot to make it look nice-) It will depend on what you want to code, such as the variables, the personalities, images and so forth.
The ChoiceScript Wiki is a great place to look at different ways to code, as I've spend a good few days and weeks trying to understand how to do things. I still go back to the wiki to when I mess up a variable.
Of course, when coding and creating variables, I'll say to make them matter. This is in terms of MC's stats and their actions. Such as if MC does something and it triggers a variable, make the variable count. There's no point in having variables that isn't considered highly important, making it a *temp variable would be better for it. The main variables in the Startup should hold weight to them.
Variables and what it does should be one of the few things that help provide players a reason to replay a different style, as it adds more to variation in terms of the plot. Totally not me dying in FS-
Aha, and don't fret so much. It's great to start out small in terms of customization. Sure, it's great to have players customize their characters a lot, but it's a lot of work and variables to keep track up.
Don't hesitate to look and code dive into other IF games to help you see how different coding looks too, as having a visual while working on yours is quite helpful as well until you get the hang of it. ^^
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
Today is also my birthday!! :0
So nice to share a day like this with a talented writer, just starded following and im already loving all of you works.
Kisses all the way from Brazil ;*
Hope you the best, and that the years may be kind to you in every way. <3
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Happy birthday to you as well!!!! I hope you get to have your favorite dessert and meal ❤️
Cheers to you! For getting older ❤️ I wish you the best!
And thank you so much for your kind words, I genuinely hope that you continue to enjoy my future works ❤️
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