I had the weirdest dream last night.
So first off I thought that it was real so when I woke up this morning I legit looked it up.
So onto the dream. So you know how there’s those allergies where people are allergic to like the sun or whatever? Well this was the reverse of that. This kid in my dream could only eat purses. I DONT KNOW WHAT OR WHY MY DREAM WENT THERE BUT IT DID AND IM SO CONFUSED ON WHAT THE HELL IT MEANT
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It’s brother bear all over again.
For the past 7 days, you have been waking up in the night looking at the mirror in your wall. This night however, you woke up only to see a bear asleep in your bed instead.
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[brings my cat and gets in with you]
[gets in my little clown car]
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Op is a hero.
Gonna start a post with blank memes. Please add any you have on hand and reblog to spread them.
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My mom informed me that this readers digest cover was photoshopped. That’s sad.
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Me Irl after the waiter just asked me if I wanted more to drink and I said no: omg I should have said yes! Now I have to wait a while *mentally screams*
Also me: I want a box but I don’t want to ask for one!
Also me (But in a bad mood): screams at person who pisses me off as soon as I see them.
Also me: fuck off *honks airhorn*
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So this is the first line of my Wattpad book. I don’t know why it’s so awesome. The rest of the book has scenes like this.
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Yes. That is an actual line. And without context it’s weirder.
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And then here’s another one.
I don’t know where that brain cell of authorlike writing came from in 15 year old me, but I’d like it back.
P.S. here’s the cover.
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“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take- Wayne Gretzky
-Michael Scott
I love this. Ok bye
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So there’s all these Peter and Shuri friendship posts but now we can add Cassie to it after endgame- and I feel like she’d fit right in.
Peter to Scott: You have a DAUGHTER!
Scott: Yeah. She’s about your age. Her names Cassie.
Shuri jumping out from under the couch: CASSIE CAN BE OUR NEW FRIEND- Stop Screaming.
Cassie- climbing out of a tree: What did you say? Did I hear my name? Dad. Stop screaming!
Scott: Screaming.
Scott: stopping screaming.
Peter: Awesome! Hi Cassie I’m Peter. This is Shuri and do you wanna hang out?
Shuri grabbing Cassie’s hand: Come with us!
Peter swinging away: Come On!
Cassie smiling: Bye dad. See you later!
Scott: What just happened?
Tchalla: Shes one of them now.
Happy: I hope she has fun.
Peter: Cassie you’re awesome!
Shuri: Did you really do that?
Cassie: I wish. Dad doesn’t let me touch his suit.
Shuri 5 hours later: I made you a suit!
Cassie: SWEET!
Tchalla: Well I have a new sister.
Scott just being shocked: Wait What?
Happy: Say bye to Cassie. She’s going to be spending a lot of time here.
Ned: Can I join them?
Peter: Oh hey Ned. This is our new friend Cassie.
Cassie: Hey!
Shuri not even looking up: How you doin?
Korg: Hi Guys I’m Korg and this is Miek.
Miek: Waves.
Scott: are you made of ROCKS *faints*
Luis: Oh no Scotty!
And that’s the end.
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And they would of gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids. (I’m sorry)
“Sorry, Carl, but... bad news.”
Carl the Animator: “Oh, great, what now?”
Ted the Animator: “It’s about your skeleton.”
Carl the Animator: “My skeleton’s amazing! What’s the problem?!”
Ted the Animator: “…it’s too good.”
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Carl the Animator: “…what.”
Ted the Animator: “Hanna-Barbera just sent the rest of the script. They forgot to mention it was just a guy in a costume all along.”
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Carl the Animator: “Aaaaand my super-epic skeleton is wrong for that why, exactly?”
Ted the Animator: “Well… the whole ‘not having room for a body underneath’ is prolly part of it.”
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Carl the Animator: “Oh. That’s stupid.”
Ted the Animator: “There’s no time to change this earlier stuff, but things like real, exposed leg bones…”
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Ted the Animator: “…don’t exactly work…”
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Ted the Animator: “…for a ‘fake sheriff guy in a suit’ reveal.”
Carl the Animator: “Humph. Well, I’ll endeavor to make him look sufficiently less-cool in the future.”
*2 weeks later*
Ted the Animator: “…so, about the current skeleton design.”
Carl the Animator: “Oh no.”
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Ted the Animator: “It’s just that… well, HB just informed us that the fake sheriff is gonna be a very corpulent fellow.”
Carl the Animator: “C’mon, I’ve been adding more room in the ‘suit,’ and gave a black outline!”
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Ted the Animator: “Yeah, but he’s… he’s a very large guy.”
Carl the Animator: “Ugh.”
Ted the Animator: “And very ridiculous-looking.”
Carl the Animator: “I feel like my skeletal artistic vision is being stripped away.”
Ted the Animator: “Can you just try to make him a little pudgier and less-serious from now on?”
Carl the Animator: “Fiiiiiiine.”
*1 week later*
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Ted the Animator: “Ok, um… as unsure as I am about that guy behind him…”
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Ted the Animator: “…that’s a nice improvement. That’s a sufficiently chubby, less-real-looking skeleton.”
Carl the Animator: “Thanks, I guess.”
Ted the Animator: “…buuuut HB would like it if he could be a little–”
Carl the Animator: “Seriously?! MORE pudgy and ridiculous?!”
Ted the Animator: “Yes, unfortunately, they–”
Carl the Animator: “FINE. Here.”
*30 seconds later*
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Carl the Animator: “There. Is that lame enough to work?”
Ted the Animator: “…erm… yes, actually, they love that design, and… want us to stick with it.”
Carl the Animator: *sigh*
Ted the Animator: “Y’know, somehow, I feel a little something has been lost along the way since the first depiction of the character.”
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Carl the Animator: “You mean like ‘any semblance of dignity?’ Like that?”
Ted the Animator: “Well… yeah.”
Carl the Animator: “My poor, poor skeleton.”
Ted the Animator: “I’ve never felt bad for a bunch of collagen fibers and inorganic mineral, but that’s animating Scooby-Doo for ya.”
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And that’s why I love these shows
Now, I don’t want to get ahead of myself...
…but I’m way too excited to wait…
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…before telling you all that after they get transported into the Scooby-Doo world…
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…and go into the malt shop…
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…holy crap the animators re-created the original dancing loops freakin’ perfectly.
And when I say perfectly…
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…I legitimately mean they got ‘em about as close to the originals as is humanly possible.
Even the creases in Fred’s shirt are the same… the fact that some people behind the scenes went to that much effort to sync the motions and make an old-school easter egg deserves a major shoutout.
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Is this you?
Sometimes I think I’m tough and brace and then other times I almost cry because I got a tiny bit of mud on my white shoes.
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You forgot
2066: Pokemon Die
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I was shooketh
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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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Aren’t we all
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I’m scared of Croc-bear
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