dee-pops Ā· 2 years
Standing on the roof on a cold winter night, can feel the breeze touching my cheeks.
So much to say, countless words, but not the urge to speak.
The beauty of the sky, says it all No stars yet beautiful, cloudy yet sheer.
Wish to stand here till the dawn, to see the day unfold as the sun will rise.
The warmth of the sun the bright sky birds chirping new day, new surprise.
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dee-pops Ā· 2 years
I sat on the couch, opened the magazine, and started reading. Five minutes into reading saw three girls came out of nowhere and sat beside me. They look very similar to me, except one looked selfdoubted, one minimally self-controlled, and one lackadaisical. I wondered, why do they look like me? Suddenly it blacked out, the room got filled with darkness, there was not even a single ray of light. I went searching for the door to get out of the room. Though it was my living room, I couldnā€™t find the way out.it seemed as if it was some sort of maze. After struggling for half-n-hour I finally got my hands on the door nob. I opened the door, a sudden rush of light flashed my eyes. I was about to step out and suddenly one of the girls held my hand. So confused I tried to get my hand off her grasp. As I was about to step out again, another one did the same. This event was in a loop for twenty minutes. There came a point that I snapped and screamed at the apex of my voice, suddenly they got vanished into thin air. I had no clue what was happening to me but the only thing I could think of at that time was getting out of that room. So I stepped out of the room. As I was walking through the corridor, I saw another ā€˜meā€™ coming towards me. Though she was far I could already see the confidence, determination, courage, and selfactualization in her body language. Again confused I kept walking, suddenly she started running towards me. By the time I could figure it out she hugged me. I opened my eyes and found myself in my bed with the alarm clock constantly buzzing on the table next to my bed. - DIVIJA PANDEY
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dee-pops Ā· 2 years
You are a garden and God is the gardener, if he is removing people from your life then he is chopping the dried leaves off so that the tree could grow properly.
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dee-pops Ā· 2 years
ā€œLove is blindā€ but why this phrase seems to lose its meaning when it comes to petting an animal? What is the need to buy an animal and love it? Arenā€™t we compassionate enough to love an animal with a ā€˜not so cuteā€™ face? Do we lack compassion to the extent that we need to buy a cute face to purposely love it? So what exactly is the point of buying an animal and then love it? Buying is not petting. Petting is treating (someone) with affection or favoritism; pamper. Buying pets does no good to the animals instead it fills the pockets of the pet shop owners. Wondering where the animals commonly sold in pet stores come from? The vast majority of them come from suppliers who breed them in crowded, factory farm-like conditions. Animals bred in these facilities are routinely subjected to filth and deprivation. Many endure prolonged, painful deaths without receiving any veterinary care. Those who survive are bought in bulk by pet stores and handed over to anyone with the cash to pay. What happens to pet store puppies who aren't sold? As with other unsold inventory, they go on sale. Stores buy puppies for a fraction of what they charge their customers. ... If the puppy still doesn't sell, stores will often cut their losses and give puppies away to employees, friends, or rescue groups. Common problems in the pet-shop industry include selling sick and injured animals, failing to provide proper veterinary care, keeping animals in unsanitary conditions, and using inhumane methods to dispose of sick or unwanted animals. Puppy mills are mass breeding facilities that pack animals into cramped, filthy cages and breed female dogs over and over again until they are unable to continue having babies Horrific conditions, poor genetics, early weaning, and stress can cause puppy mill puppies to develop serious health and behavioral problems that are expensive and difficult to treat. Even worse, pet stores often make false ā€œno puppy millā€ promises or claim to have ā€œzero toleranceā€ for cruel breeding. Let's look at some figures now, ā€˜buyingā€™ a pet would cost you around ten to fifteen thousand, irrespective of the expensive breeds, then the dog food, toys, and all the other stuff will add up another four to five thousand to your bill, which makes it around twenty thousand. Ask yourself is it worth giving twenty thousand to these shops and owners which somehow will invigorate the cruelty towards these animals? Whereas you could just adopt two stray puppies in just one-fourth of the money you are willing to spend in buying a pet from the pet shop. We know the breed and classification but the animals, to them you are a person who is feeding and taking care of them, they will love you the same notwithstanding your caste, creed, gender, or color. So why not we love them irrespective of their breed? So next time if you go to a pet shop and buy an animal, ask yourself ā€˜What is the need to buy an animal and love it? When I can just love the one who needs it.ā€™ ā€œItā€™s not about doing what you need, itā€™s about doing what they needā€ - DIVIJA PANDEY
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dee-pops Ā· 2 years
To describe the relationship between us,
am short of words
looking at each other
then turning away
feels absurd.
The unspoken conversation
Between us is magical,
When I look at you
You look away,
But when I leave
You seek for me.
We both are aware
That we are afraid of
Confronting each other
Neither you nor I
Even try to come closer.
You are on my mind
The whole day
So much that I see you everywhere
In the kitchen, balcony, porch
And sometimes in my backyard,
And these are my feelings for you my
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dee-pops Ā· 2 years
My Old Shining Star
The wrinkled hands who picked me up first, the craving for water in his eyes, when I felt the thirst, time flew, I grew kindergarten changed to primary, everything was new, except the love in his eyes for me, now the class got upgraded, I was pampered but also scolded, his anger made me fear, but a chocolate compensated each tear, his time to go was coming near conversations became cold, weaker his ear, one day the body gave up, and his soul flew up. Right from the day, I was born, to the day he became a star, our relationship came this further, and all the love in the above lines for my beloved grandfather.
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