denimalano16-blog · 8 years
SPREAD THE WORD! Don’t give the Philippine flag to the Boys in Manila. According to the Republic Act No. 8491 SECTION 34.e “It shall be prohibited  to wear the National Flag in whole or in part as a costume or uniform”. A lot of ARMYS during this Wings Tour gave their flag to BTS and Jungkook took the habit to wear the flag. BUT DON’T GIVE THE FLAG TO BTS IN MANILA. They may get in serious trouble for disrespecting Philippines’s national flag. And get banned or/and sued as a result, even if they didn’t know. This happened to Madonna before and it caused a huge uproar. 
Tell your philippino friends, reblog it, send it … just spread it.  @mimibtsghost
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
"Sorry.... I can't." he said storming off, leaving you numb. Your face didn't show any emotion but inside you were slowly being eaten out by loneliness and longing, longing for the one person you thought would be there for you... your bestfriend; your soulmate; the one person who you thought will keep you safe but ended up giving you the most horrid of dangers. DEATH, at first you were scared as hell as much as any other person you wanted to live your life, be happy, have a family, be loved but all this was over with just one simple trick the universe gave you. You were destined to be with your bestfriend, you felt it the spark the sudden joy that crept to your face the first time you touched as happy as your face was his face was blank as if he felt nothing. You set your goal that day to make him fall for you but as years passed your friendship only got stronger and the longing in your heart grew with it. You saw him as the one guy you would end up with he saw you as the sister he would cherish. After years of keeping your secret it slipped from your mouth one night during a fight with him, all because of a stupid and petty fight. You lose him, him who gave you warmth even if he didn't realize it... he was your everything. You fell to the ground, violent coughs raking your body every cough you made only tightened your chest more it suffocated you. With every cough came beautiful flower petals colored in the softest of pink, you knew it was finally over. The pink petals surrounded your whole being your coughing adding more to the pile until you were completely choked by it. The last thing you saw was a beautiful bed of pink petals reaching out for you to take your eternal slumber. You slowly closed your eyes letting the darkness engulf you in its comfort. -------------------------- Omo! Did you guys like the change of style? I couldn't think of a text scenario but I got interested in hanahaki disease its so sad to learn about that. So here's some angst about it. Hope you liked it and I'm sorry if I made you cry or something. *throws you lifetime supply of tissue* *gives you bone crushing hug*
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
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When Bangtan is being overprotective - Bangtan GC -
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
Everytime you touch somebody you get a flash of your entire future with them.
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
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Whenever suga forgets to sleep - Yoongi -
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
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When someone asks you out on a date (๏_๏) - Bangtan GC -
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN YOONGI!!! Omo your now 24! Continue to be the awesome, swagalicious and cute rapper that we all love so much. Please have fun in your career, rest man rest and have fun with the members and your family. Bangtan fighting! Happy Birthday suga my bias wrecker!
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
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Taehyung texts you to get advice on how to shut up Jungkook.
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
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Training -Jungkook-
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
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HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JUNG HOSEOK!!! I am really sorry for being late my WiFi crashed so yeah still... to the 23 year old rapper, dancer and all around sunshine of Bangtan we ARMY’s wish you good health and a nice year for your career. Hoseok Fighting! Bangtan Fighting!
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
Stupid Girl - Jimin -
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So I would like to present some legends so you wouldn't get confused. f/n=friend's name y/j/s= yours and jimin's ship name f/j/s= friend and jimin's ship name
I would always include a legend on the weird shortcuts I will use for the chapter, so make sure to read the a/n at the start and end.
Your P.O.V
It's another boring saturday and I'm at home, bored out of my wits. I decided to call f/n to go and grab coffee with me.
calling f/n...
f/n: Hey girlie what's up?
y/n: Girlieee.. I'm bored, can you grab coffee with me?
f/n: Mianhe girlie, I can't.. I'm having bestie day with chim chim. Wanna join us? We miss you.
y/n: Nah.. I don't wanna ruin my OTPs date. Go f/j/s, FTW! Love you girlie. Say hi to chim for me.
f/n: We are not dating and yeah will do. call ended...
" I am all alone I guess", I sighed.
f/n,jimin and I were friends since gradeschool. We're currently in college now and our friendship is now stronger than ever.
I totally ship f/n and jimin because they are very close since senior year since they were in one section and me in another, and now they're currently taking the same course, making their bond stronger. Plus, they look really cute together, but sometimes I wish I was f/n.
You see, I have a little crush on jimin, but seeing them makes me quite happy because f/n had a bad history of boyfriends and I think if f/n and jimin would be a couple, f/n wouldn't get hurt. So now, as much as possible, I avoid jimin or push on with my f/j/s ship so I wouldn't develop anymore feelings for jimin.
Jimin's P.O.V
"We are not dating and yeah will do."
"So what did she say?"
"Shes still thinking f/j/s exists."
"Aigoo..That girl, doesn't she know I like her? Like, isn't it obvious how I treat her better than other girls? Well, except you f/n but, you're like my sister."
"That's the problem we're too close, I mean, it's fun to have you as my brother but sometimes, people mistake as a couple."
"Well let's just continue with bestie day", I said, sad about the fact y/n won't come with us.
I miss her so much... This past few days, she's been very distant with me, it's like she's purposely avoiding me and I just don't know why.
-- Timeskip brought to you by the jamless jimin--
Your P.O.V
It's monday today, I was roaming the empty halls of the school when suddenly...
"Y/n wait up!", called a voice I recognize far too well.
I was about to run for my life when a hand took hold of my wrist.
"Y/n, are you avoiding me?", I tried not to take a look but two hands took hold of my shoulders spinning me around.
His face had a mixture of sadness and anger, his eyes searched mine for a response.
"No I'm not it's just I have some thing to do, uhh... I was gonna pee, yeah pee." I answered avoiding his eyes that were melting me by the minute.
" Oh sure okay see you later at lunch, I'll treat you a strawberry cheesecake", He tried bribing me with my favorite cake.
"Mianhe.. but I have to eat with my classmates to talk about a groupwork", I said breaking away from his hold on me and then walking away.
Jimin's P.O.V
Shes really avoiding me, she doesn't say no to her favorite cake especially if it's free.
I was thinking about ways to stop y/n from avoiding me when someone slapped the back of my head.
"Yah! Can't you hear me... have you gone deaf?", f/n shouted at me.
"Mianhe f/n, I was just thinking about something", I answered mind still thinking about y/n.
"Are you thinking about girlie?" she questioned even though she knows shes right.
"Ne, I think shes really avoiding me and I don't even know why", I say frustration evident in my tone.
"I'll go talk to her and see what's the problem", she said patting my back for comfort.
"Thanks I owe you one"
"Just repay me with blueberry cheesecake later", she said gigling a bit.
"Will do", I said chuckling at her love for cheesecake, it strongly reminded me of y/n.
F/n's P.O.V
Here I am searching for my troublesome bestfriend, I know shes avoiding jimin. I think I know the reason why, I just need to talk to her to confirm my suspicion.
"Aish... where is that girl", I have been searching for her for quite sometime now.
Then I realized something... "garden!", y/n usually comes there when she wants to think.
I ran to the back of the school where the garden is... there she is sitting on the swing set.
"Y/n!", I shouted happy to find her after the long search.
"Oh hey girlie, do you need anything?", she said sadness evident in her tone.
I sit beside her, occupying the swing next to hers.
"Is there something you need to tell me", I asked hoping to know what's troubling her.
"Nothing... just tired I guess", she answered not looking at me.
"I know your lying, spill now", I said firmly she knows I won't stop til I get a valid reason.
"Do you like Jimin?", she asked hesitantly, nerves clearly etched in her tone.
"I knew it... you like him don't you?", when I said that her face became red like a tomato.
"Umm...well yeah... a bit. Please don't be mad with me I'll back off if you guys are dating and I'll avoid him if you want...", she kept on babbling.
"We're not dating, I don't like him", I placed my hand on her mouth to stop her from her rant.
"Will you stop babbling if I removed my hand?", she nodded. l removed my hand from her mouth.
"You don't like him...he likes you f/n, won't you give him a chance?", my eyes widened at what she said.
Aigoo... this girl is so oblivious, she can't seem to see that Jimin and me are not an item.
"He doesn't like me... he's like my brother, and besides... he likes someone else", I explain to her.
The school bell rang signalling the start of classes.
"Come on, let's go or we'll be late for our classes", I said reaching out a hand to her.
"Ne... let's go", I noticed that y/n was deep in thought again, like a new problem had arose in her mind.
Jimin's P.O.V
"Hey chim chim", f/n said in a sing song tone.
I'm currently having lunch in the canteen when f/n entered in a happy mood.
"What happened that made you so happy right now?", I asked really curious, f/n isn't usually happy this much.
"Well someone owes me two slices of blueberry cheesecake", she said smiling.
I looked at her puzzled about what she was talking about.
"Promise me... you'll buy me two slices of cake if I tell you"
"Just say it, I'll buy you a whole cake", I was really curious on what she knows.
"Well... I advice you to ask y/n out because... she likes you", she said with a big smile on her face.
I froze, her statement wasn't really sinking in that fast.
"You know... I'll leave you to think about a way to ask her out", she said walking away.
"But what will I do?", a thought that was running around my mind at the moment.
I was thinking of a way to ask her out... when a thought popped in my mind.
"Perfect!", I smiled, my eyes disappearing.
-- Timeskip brought to you by the dancing blackhole Jimin--
Your P.O.V
It's been a week since my embarassing talk with f/n, since then her and Jimin have been acting weird. I felt that they were hiding something from me.
"Yah! y/n... girlie", someone grabbed your shoulders.
Wuen you turned around you saw f/n, she was currently panting, her hands on her knees.
"What happened to you?", you said looking at your poor bestfriend catching her breath.
"We have to go to the main theatre", she said grabbing your wrist, dragging you to the direction of the main theatre.
When you arrived at the main theatre, you saw many students were already there.
"What's happening, why are there many students here", you asked your bestfriend, but instead of answering you f/n suddenly shouted.
Suddenly the crowd infront you split into two, making a way for you to pass. At the front you saw Jimin holding a bear and a box of your favorite cheesecake.
"Come on let's go... he's waiting for you", f/n said grabbing your wrist once again.
"J-jimin what's all this for?", you asked feeling concious of all the eyes that were on you.
"Yah! You stupid girl, is it not obvious... I like you. It hurt me so much that you were avoiding me because you thought f/n and I were dating. Like eww... no offense f/n, but I only like her as a sister", he said looking at f/n who was shooting daggers at him.
"What are you trying to say?", you were still unsure of what jimin was pointing out.
"I like you... please go out with me", he said with puppy dog eyes.
Well who could resist those eyes, you were sure it wasn't you... "yes", you said smiling.
Jimin eyes went wide... "wait are you sure", he said not believing you said yes.
"Yes I mean it", you said giggling at his reaction.
"YESSSS!", he shouted picking you up and spinning you around.
He set you down and hugged you.
"I love you", he said smiling.
"I love you too", as you said that, jimin slowly closed the distance between the two of you.
Slowly his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. It lasted for a few minutes until you both broke away,catching your breath.
You smiled at Jimin and he smiled back.
You were so happy to have jimin, even after all the times you avoided him... he still liked you with that you were super thankful.
This is also Available in my wattpad so go and check @queen_che16
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denimalano16-blog · 8 years
Don’t call me Noona! - Jungkook -
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So here is an imagine about the cute maknae sorry if you are younger than jungkook and this will have a slight smut in it.  This is my first bangtan one shot and it’s also available in my wattpad account so check if you like it’s @queen_che16. Enjoy my sailor soldiers.
Your P.O.V
Another boring day here at school.Gosh, I dont even know why I still go to school, it's so boring. Good thing its free period right now or I swear I would literally kill someone, let me tell you, I don't want to hide another body right now.
I was heading to the rooftop to rest until someone called my name.
"Y/n noona!" well it was no other than jungkook, my brother jin's friend.
You see, I'm 4 years younger than jin and jungkook is 1 year younger than me, and because of the slight age difference, jungkook has become my bestfriend out of all my brother's friends. Even though I'm just a year older, he insists to call me noona.
"Yah! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me noona!" I said furiously. I just really hate being called noona, especially by him. You see, I have a small crush on the cute maknae.
"Mianhe noo- y/n.", Jungkook said, bowing his head in shame. I felt guilty for shouting at him, he was just giving me respect.
" Its fine, just don't call me noona again, araso?.." he nodded as I looked at my surrounding, just ending up looking at him again.
"Oh yeah, what do you want from me that you're shouting like a mad man here in the halls..?", I asked gigling a bit.
"Well I was just wondering if you could help me with my studies, you see I'm failing english again", he laughed quite nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Which specific lesson are you studying?" I asked.
"We are studying greek gods now." he answered.
"Oh, that's pretty easy. Okay, so just come over to my house around 5, is that okay? Oh, and bring the necessary study materials you have for the lesson", I instructed him.
"Ne thank you noo- y/n." he said with a salute while I fake glared at him for almost calling me noona again
-- An amazing time skip brought to you by jin's dislocated shoulder dance--
Jungkook's P.O.V
Yahoo! I'm gonna spend time with y/n noona! You see, I had a crush on her since the day Jin-hyung introduced her to me, but I kept it a secret since she's older than me and jin-hyung would be mad if I dated her little sister.
I am currently walking to her house which is a few blocks from my house. I knocked on her door as I reached her home and waited for her to answer.
The sight that greeted me was jaw dropping, y/n was currently wearing a crop top and short shorts with her hair naturally cascading around her face. I got snapped out of my thoughts when y/n snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"Kookie stop staring, it's uncomfortable for me", she said, a slight blush tinting her face.
"Mianhe, you just look beautiful right now", I said, smiling shyly.
"Do you have the study materials with you?" she asked avoiding my compliment.
"I think I didn't bring the right materials mianhe, do you have some?", I asked shyly.
"Ne, I think I have some in my room. Come on, let's go", she said as she turned towards the stairs.
I froze on the spot, I haven't been in her room before, especially it's just the two of us in the house. Jin-hyung usually comes home from school around 6 or 6:30.
"Kookie are you coming or not?", she asked me from halfway up the stairs.
"Ne, I'm coming", I said, pushing back the dirty thoughts that are flooding my mind.
--Timeskip brought to you by jungkook's lamb skewers--
Jungkook's P.O.V
An hour has passed in our study session and y/n has succesfully taught me some of the things I need. She's currently teaching me about Chronos, the father of Zeus,Poseidon and Hades.
"Y/n, can we take a break for awhile, my heads gonna explode out of all this info your giving me", I said pouting.
"Okay, what do you want to do for awhile?", she asked me giggling.
"Let's play truth or dare!", I said excitedly.
"Ok sure." she answered.
"Ok, you go first.Y/n truth or dare?" I asked.
"Truth", she said, hesitation evident in her tone.
" Hmm, how was your first kiss like and who was it with?", I asked her. I was really curious about who first claimed her beautiful lips.
"To tell you the truth, no one has ever kissed me before. I guess I'm just really ugly", she said, tearing up a bit.
"Kookie am I ugly?", she said, tears flowing from her eyes.
"No you're not. For me, you're the most beautiful girl in the world. And if I could, I would kiss you right now because..I really like you y/n!", I said truthfully.
I saw surprise plastered on her face. And right then, I realized what I just did. I was about to exit the room when I felt arms hug me from behind.
"I like you too Kookie. Please don't leave me", she said, tearing up some more. Her tears had my shirt wet, but I didn't mind.
I faced her and hugged her back.
A few seconds later, I pulled back from the hug.
" I like you.. Actually, I think I love you now Kim y/n... Please be mine", I said, looking at her pleadingly.
" I love you too Jeon Jungkook and yes, I shall be yours" she said drying her tears.
"Can I kiss you now?", I asked her, as I lifted her chin to have her look at me.
She nooded, and I slowly leaned in. Our lips connected and I swear I felt sparks.
I pushed her on the bed and hovered over her. I connected our lips again and licked her lips to ask for entrance, she complied and opened her mouth. I slid my tongue inside her mouth, and our tongues moved in sync.
My lips slowly trailed down her jaw down to her collarbone, nibbling on it and going below her ear trying to find her sweet spot. After some time, I finally found it when she released a loud moan of my name.
I was about to take of her crop top when suddenly...
"JUNGKOOK! What are you doing with my sister!?", Jin-hyung shouted in anger.
I quickly scooted away from y/n and fixed myself, her doing the same.
"You didn't answer my question!",Jin-hyung said furiously.
"Hyung, me and y/n are dating now", I said, looking up at him.
"y/n, do you like him?", jin asked y/n.
"Ne oppa", she said shyly.
"Do you like my sister jungkook?", he asked me.
"I love her hyung, with all my heart", I answered smiling.
"How long has this been going on?", he asked us.
"About 10 minutes ago", y/n said with her head hung low.
"And your already making out?! Gosh! But if this is what makes you happy, I guess I should just go with it. But I swear Jeon Jungkook, if you ever hurt my sister, I will forget your my dongsaeng.. araso?", jin said still looking mad.
"Ne hyung, I will never hurt her", I said holding up my hand like I'm taking an oath.
"You better", jin said as he went out the room.
I turned my head at Y/n's once more as my lips curved into a sly. smirk.
"So..where were we?"
Hope you liked it!
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denimalano16-blog · 9 years
Reblog and see if you get a color
PURPLE: I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
FUSHIA: I wish we were friends in real life.
GREY: You make me go asdfghjkl.
RED: I love you with a burning passion.
GREY 2: I wish you would notice me.
PINK: I think you should follow me.
TEAL: We have a lot in common.
BLUE: You are my tumblr crush.
ORANGE: I don’t like your blog.
GREEN: I think you’re cute.
BLACK: I would date you.
BROWN: I don’t like you.
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