depth-arts · 3 years
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Debby gets so emotional when her friends leave.
Raven belongs to @adgerelli Ramjet belongs to @verumtee
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depth-arts · 3 years
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Is me as a bun
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depth-arts · 4 years
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The Te’Lai Household
Alaurena (Warlock) - Mother and leader of the household
Selain (Assassin Rogue) - First born
Kaleen (Barbarian/Warlock) - Second born
Elmyran (Sorceress) - Third born
Taraiya (Artificer) - Fourth born
Characters from a D&D campaign I was a part of. Elmyran was my character at the time.
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depth-arts · 4 years
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Ghost Trainer Jess
Coming at you with a new look.
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depth-arts · 4 years
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dem milf boobies tho
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depth-arts · 4 years
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Fading Opus
Since I’ve put Dusk Oceanos on a hiatus, I figure there’s no harm in showing off this character.
This is Fading Opus, mother of Sonata Dusk. A ruthless, calculating, and powerful siren, she only wishes to dominate and preserve, and will destroy any and all who would threaten her or her legacy.
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depth-arts · 4 years
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General Mood
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depth-arts · 4 years
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[The Owl House] - Galena (OC)
My little witch girl.
317 notes · View notes
depth-arts · 4 years
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22 notes · View notes
depth-arts · 4 years
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depth-arts · 4 years
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depth-arts · 4 years
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depth-arts · 4 years
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Debb-ating what to wear…
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depth-arts · 4 years
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depth-arts · 4 years
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depth-arts · 4 years
Charity Commissions Closed
I’d like to thank everyone who donated money to help those in need. You’re amazing people, and I truly appreciate your kind words in this difficult time.
The commissions will be released publicly once they are completed.
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depth-arts · 4 years
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[Black Lives Matter Charity Commission Event]
Last week, a group of my friends put together this incredible livestream event to raise money to go towards charities supporting the BLM movement, and to help support those suffering from the rioting going on across the US. While I did donate money towards the event, I still felt I could have done more, and while I’m currently unable to livestream, I do want to do my part and raise money to help support those who need it now more than ever.
The creator of @honeycrisp-tales​ is a very dear friend of mine, someone I’ve known since early into my role as the creator of @sunlight-horizons​ and @dusk-oceanos​. She is a wonderful, charming, funny, and supportive friend, and I wouldn’t be where I am without her. But most importantly, especially now, she helped open my eyes to a world of discrimination and fear that I was ignorant of for a long time.
As a british caucasian with a supportive family and a relatively decent childhood, I couldn’t even begin to grasp what the life of a black person can be from beginning to end. Though I’ve always been aware of the struggle, and I’ve always been disgusted by the racism and brutality brought down upon them, I was still relatively close-minded, and I took my white privileges for granted as a result. It was only when I met @honeycrisp-tales​ and got to know her that she made me understand more than ever how much I didn’t get the message.
I was humbled by my friend, and even today I still am. I’m truly blessed to have someone like her in my life, and while I can’t even begin to feel what she feels every day of her life, what I feel now is fear for her. I fear waking up one morning to hear the news that she was hurt, or worse, simply because she exists. I fear she will tell me something has happened, and her life may never be the same again. I fear that one day I will lose her because of the actions of another.
That’s what this event is about. For her, and for everyone like her, I want to help.
Starting tomorrow morning until Sunday evening, I will be opening commissions for bust drawings at $10 or more. Every penny and dime you donate will go towards the charities @honeycrisp-tales​ and our other friends donated towards last week in full support of BLM. Please see below for more details.
[Donation Form] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGBvtRkgnHKbKGf1mDm7X34bMKXZPDOD53nqXWJDP3E_60jw/viewform
You can find all the details and contact information on the form above. I will be reposting this entire message tomorrow to announce the beginning of my commissions, but please feel free to send in your donations and commission info the moment you finish reading this.
Once it is Monday morning in my time, I will close off the commissions and send all your donations off to be given to the charities my friends have chosen.
Thank you so much for your support, and I hope to receive your commissions very soon.
~ Take care of yourselves
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