derangeddisposition · 11 years
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Mr. and Mrs. Rammstein by ~KillerOMeganekko
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
His movements, usually swift and defined mostly by their elegant ease, were now made with abrupt jerks in the direction of a name that seemed so foreign. A name, a single syllable, or two depending on the pronunciation given by the individual, held the power to claim his attention. Unfortunately, his own attention was not the only one called forth by the soft, half-breath emitted by the woman. The Cerberus inside him, alive and throbbing below a pale expanse of skin, was still alert and waiting.
His following movements were unfamiliar, made by his deeper urges than his own composed-self. The wet surface of his tongue poked out past sharp white teeth, grazing the surface of thin, seemingly blood-drained lips. Delicious, cooed his inner beast, as bloody orbs surveyed the woman as if for the first time. A piece of meat, that's how she was seen through the eyes of the beast. Nothing more than something to sink his fangs into. And oh how the Cerberus yearned to tear her flesh between the firm and violent press of his fangs, the sensitive flesh that would drip rich blood if only for his own pleasure.
And blood was surely drawn, though not from her own being. Haine in efforts to regain some lost composure, sunk those very fangs into his own lower lips, and thus decorating pale flesh with crimson. "Naoto...," he returned, ignoring the warmth produced by the blood.
Her eyes slid over, an action of self-preservation more than anything, as the swordswoman really did not want to have to deal with a crazy immortal right now.  Of course, what Naoto wanted and what she got were quite often two very different things.  Gripping the bag in which she carried Dog Biter, she watched the seemingly disinterested male carefully.
Words spoken, not to her, only served to increase the sense of worry felt.  ”Haine…"  This was not good, not in the slightest.  Nothing more was voiced, as words were hardly needed to convey the mood.  No, what she needed was to be prepared to fight if necessary.
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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I suppose it’s one of my favorite Haine shots ever /res: 1400 x 1050/
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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A characteristic tug of his lower lip gave light to his notorious expression of disinterest, one that so often distorted his features. Despite the usual air of neutrality towards his surroundings, deeper thought stirred beneath pale skin. His mood and control had been wavering, causing him to lash out in random outbursts, and the beast within challenging his hold on power.
"Hnn... be quiet," he snarled to the essence that lurked beneath his skin. His exterior was covered by prickled skin, hairs standing on end due to the discomfort of the malicious presence that plagued him.
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
Mun note:
Every single one of my blogs now has the mun’s triggers, so there is literally no reason to not tag these things. Here.
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
[[ I'll be on tomorrow! I've just been distracted with other accounts! ]]
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
Just a kiss on the cheek, really?
“Yes, really.”
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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derangeddisposition replied to your post: pasta dick
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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"Common sense dictates that you lie to them in a manner that will make them no longer want it, and you did the exact opposite of that, idiot."
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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"Why yes, yes I do. Really, a type of dog?"
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derangeddisposition · 11 years
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