dirtywresling102 · 4 months
Just a reminder to everyone this is my BACK UP BLOG!
Please hit up -> @dirtywrestling <-
That is my MAIN BLOG!
If anything happens to that blog I'll be hitting up this blog just in case!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
I just want everyone to know that this blog is my backup blog! Just in case Tumblr gets weird again and terminates my main Dirty Wrestling blog this will always be up and active- until then I don't really use it unless my main is down.
My main blog is: @dirtywrestling
I finally got it un-shadow banned so everything should be up and available to look at! If anyone has any questions please do let me know!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Can you make a Colten Gunn fan fix where the female reader is apart of the elite? And they find out that her and Colten are dating
For sure! If you can just request this on my main blog and I can totally write it for you!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Hi can you do a Kevin Owens x Male reader imagine? Kevin and the reader are exes (kevin was the one who broke it off) but after some time has passed, Kevin still can't get over the reader and the reader really misses Kevin and I just want it to be really fluffy 😭
It's something about soft Kevin Owens that does it for me
Anything for you ANON! If you could just request this on my main blog and I'll totally write it for you!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Can i request a fem!reader x eddie kingston thats super angsty. She finds out he's leaving AEW and confronts him about it as he's leaving the arena. Very much along the lines of her feeling betrayed by him leaving her and AEW and he's so mad that he's kinda just like you're not worth staying here
Yo, yasss! Anon if you can do me a favor and request this on my main blog @dirtywrestling I will totally write this!
This is just my back up blog in case tumblr decides to terminate my main
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
hii can you do austin theory x female reader smut, helping him “relieve stress” after he loses a match
For sure anon! If you can request this on my main blog that'd be dope! This blog is mostly my side/back up blog just in case tumblr terminates my main again
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
May I request a moxeddie & fem reader where she's new to aew and they find her after a match and automatically adopt her as their kid and then go full on dad mode when she gets attacked by JAS later on in the night? Bonus if they comfort her and take her out for chicken nuggets lol sorry if it's too long I just literally see them as awesome badass dads *offers doughnut*
*Eats doughnut*
YAS! So, this is my side/back up blog just in case tumblr terminates my main blog again. But if you copy and paste it into my main blog I will totally write this and get it out asap! Pinky Promise! Scouts Honor!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
I would like to request a Jeff Hardy x female reader where he is his current age and the girl is 24-25 and a long time fan of Jeff’s, they meet after a show and hit it off, they begin talking and then slowly Jeff begins to realize that he is falling in love with her, he invites her to another show and after a victorious tag team match he invites her to celebrate with him and they go to his hotel room and he finally tells her how he feels and lots of smut ensues ☺️ please and thank youuuu
For sure anon! This is my side blog/back up blog so I don't really write on here unless my main tumblr gets terminated!
If you copy and paste it on my main blog I'll get it out asap! @dirtywrestling
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Hey friend 👋 Would I he able to request a Primal dom Finn x male reader. Finn loves to chase after reader like prey, pin him down, mark him and rails him into the next century.
Finn would also use judgement day to find reader and drag him back to Finn.
Pretty please 🙏
Hey homie! Long time no see! This is my back up blog so if you request it on my main blog I'll get that out ASAP! @dirtywrestling
This one wow just wow it's chefs kiss!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
May u do a USO x roman reigns x solo x reader long chapter please I will pay or do anything I just need something too read for some hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And a y/n one btw also maybe like add hardcore or semi hardcore smut and then do a match part where reader helps in the ring while the bloodline confront sami and maybe sami kisses the reader and they beat him up and wtv else u want
Hey! Commissions are open on my main blog! @dirtywrestling this is just my side/back up blog just in case tumblr terminates my main blog.
You can even DM if you'd like so we can talk more about your commission! I really like this idea and can totally write this out!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Hi can you do an Austin Gunn with a female reader.The reader and Austin are friends and both like each other, but Austin thinks she has a crush one his brother.
Hey anon! I can totally write this! Copy this request and paste it on my main blog- @dirtywrestling
This is my side/backup blog just in case my main blog gets terminated!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Can I request an Austin Theory fic I saw you tag him in a post and had an idea. Idk I figured id ask because IVE MADE THIS MISTAKE BEFORE 🤣
I sure can write you a Austin Theory imagine!
This is my backup blog just in case my main blog gets terminated- Tumblr has accidentally done this in the past. Just make sure to read the rules for imagines before requesting it please!
Send it in to @dirtywrestling and I'll get it done ASAP!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Good morning!
Could I request female reader where female reader is friends with one of LIJ members introduces her the rest of the team and has real hardcore hookup with Naito but he ends up falling for her? Plus size/bad bitch personality 😊
I can totally write this! I don't use this blog as much- it's my backup blog just in case my main blog gets terminated like in that past.
If you request this imagine @dirtywrestling I'll be more than happy to write it!
Thank you!
0 notes
dirtywresling102 · 1 year
I just want everyone to know that this blog is my backup blog! Just in case Tumblr gets weird again and terminates my main Dirty Wrestling blog this will always be up and active- until then I don't really use it unless my main is down.
My main blog is: @dirtywrestling
I finally got it un-shadow banned so everything should be up and available to look at! If anyone has any questions please do let me know!
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Always Working - Simon 'Ghost' Riley (18+)
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Stripper!Female!Reader
Summary: Simon works as a bouncer at a strip club you perform at and a customer gets a bit handsy.
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Oral (Female Receiving), Cussing, Smut, Riding, Slight Breeding King, PTSD Episode, MINORS DNI!
Word Count: 4,202
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If someone were to ask Ghost what he’d do after being in the military he’d most likely just laugh and expect to be dead during battle. Ghost never saw himself in the retirement stage, he lived for the battlefield and he saw himself dying there. But that all changed when Price forced retirement early on Ghost.
Ghost wasn’t the only one, Soap also was forced to retire and a bunch of other men. Price stated there was a younger, fresher batch of men coming into the military and taking over Task Force 141. Ghost didn’t care that he was being replaced, he cared about not working anymore, especially for his country or maybe it was the fact he was scared shitless going back into the community. He didn’t know how he’d act upon regular civilians. The real world wasn’t like his missions he’s been on.
He’s been prepared on how to take an ambush from the enemy but wasn’t ready to speak to an elderly woman who needed help crossing the street or a small child staring at him with his mask over his face. That’s when Ghost realized he was a night person, less innocent people out and about staring at him whereas it seems like barely anyone during the darkness even paid attention to him.
So, what was Ghost doing after being released?
“Ghost.” Someone called out to Ghost who was leaning against the brick wall outside the building, looking towards the indoor bouncer who had a worried look on his face he informed what was going on. “We have a problem with that same guy towards Y/N.”
Ghost nodded, flicking the lit cigarette he was smoking and pushed himself off the wall and switched places with the indoor bouncer so he could check ID’s before anyone enters the strip club. That’s right, Ghost was an overnight bouncer for a strip club. The military retirement settlement checks were pretty damn good, a few hundred thousand a month to cover his bills, food and whatever the hell he wanted to buy, but Ghost was a working man. He couldn’t sit around at home doing nothing all day. 
The very first night Ghost was a retired man he walked into this strip club for a drink only to toss out a man who was getting too handsy with a dancer. The owner was slightly intimidated towards Ghost at first only to smile and say; “How would you like a job?” Ever since then Ghost has been working here, that was nearly four months ago.
Ghost knew who the bouncer was talking about, there was an older man named Gary who liked to hit the club right when it opens and toss singles to the girls. Usually he’s on his best behavior for the first few hours but after a few drinks he starts to get handsy and loud towards the women, that’s when Ghosts steps in. 
Since the club has been open for a few hours, Ghost knew exactly where Gary was. Ghost past booths full of rowdy men who soon fell quiet towards his presents. The knew not to fuck with Ghost and respect the women if they still wanted to enjoy the entertainment. As the booths were now behind him he could hear the men speak up and cheer once more towards the talent. 
Making his way towards the back of the building, Ghost passed by private rooms that were being occupied by private dances. He made his way toward room five only to stop the bartender that was about to walk in there and serve Gary more drinks. “Hold on Daisy, I think Gary here has had enough for the night.” 
The small brunette woman nodded and parted ways from Ghost, heading back to the bar to make more drinks for other customers. Ghost pushed past the long black curtains, the room was slightly dimmed with red lights from the corner of the room, music was coming from the speaker while Gary was leaning against the black cushioned leather chair enjoying the view in front of him.
Ghost also was enjoying the show. There you stood in the middle of the room, spinning and twirling around on the silver pole connected front the ceiling to the floor board. The way your half naked body moved swiftly with the music, your hair perfectly falling over your shoulders and the look in your eyes that made Ghost smirk knowing you were in the moment of the dance. Ghost glanced down at Gary, surprisingly shocked that he was well behaving for you, so what Ghost didn’t understand was why did the other bouncer say Gary was being handsy?
The loud echo of the harsh slap rang through Ghost’s ears as his eyes widened with anger. A large red hand print was forming on your bare ass cheek as Gary spanked you hard. You yelped loudly, grabbing the pole and straightening yourself up after bending over to give him a slight view of what your lacy thong was hiding. “Well don’t stop now darling! I have a full chub here!” Gary yelled.
You looked at Ghost, behind Gary who didn’t seem to notice the large bouncer. Ghost’s hand came down, clamping Gary by the back of his neck and lifted him up from the chair. “Shows over.” Ghost snarled.
“H- Hey!” Gary squirmed against Ghost’s strength. “I paid for two hours with her Ghost, you can’t just rob me like that!” Gary tried to fight against Ghost, even digging his heels into the carpet of the floor. Ghost kept moving towards the exit, basically dragging the smaller man. Approaching the door that had the red exit sign Ghost slammed the smaller male against the wall next to the door. 
“If I ever see you in here again I’ll fucking gut you myself, do you understand?” Ghost’s eyes were dark as he stared down at the man. 
Gary’s frightened features showed Ghost that he wasn’t going to be coming around here anymore. Nodding, Gary swore he wouldn’t come back here. “Good. Now go.” Ghost pushed him towards the exit door and shut it behind him, automatically locking the ex-customer so he wouldn’t come back in. Ghost exhaled through his nostrils, making his black balaclava damp, his tense shoulders slumped as he tried to calm his beating heart. 
He felt stares and glances towards him. Slowly turning around to face the people and dancers, everyone was staring at Ghost. “Go back to having a good time. Men, reminder do NOT touch the talent or you will be kicked out!” 
All the men murmured and nodded their heads, agreeing with Ghost’s rules and went back to watching the women as they started to dance again. Ghost fixed his mask over his face, clearing his throat as he made sure his appearance was decent once more before seeing you. 
Walking down the long hallway towards the back rooms, Ghost stopped at room number five and knocked on the side of the wall before entering. “Come in, Ghost.” 
Ghost pulled back the black curtains and entered, watching you pick up the scattered money laid all over the floor, his eyes traced the curve of your ass as you moved around. The small attire you wore gave him very little imagination needed when he could see how hard your nipples were in the bra. “You alright?” His English accent was thicker as he was still slightly angry at the customer for touching you.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” You sighed out, combing your fingers through your messy locks. “You know, it feels like we’re robbing the guy.” You chuckled as Ghost squinted at you, confused.
“How so?” Ghost crossed his tattooed covered arms over his large muscular chest. 
“Man comes here on a daily basis, always pays well and gets a two hour private lap dance only to not finish it because he can’t keep his hands to himself.” You counted the money in your hands. 
“Seems to me someone should follow the rules and he could finish for what he paid for.” Ghost gruffed out. 
“Easy big dog, I’m not complaining.” You pulled five twenties out of the pile you had. 
“You’re not complaining that he spanked you?” Ghost narrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at you while you walked up to him. 
You smiled at how protective Ghost was towards you, even if he didn’t mean to be, but the man was just doing his job. “No, not that. I’m not complaining that he pays nearly three hundred dollars for a two hour private dance only to be kicked out halfway through it and not refunded.” You pushed the one-hundred dollars into Ghost’s black gloved hand. “Besides, I’d rather have someone else’s hand print on my ass than his.” You looked up at Ghost as he stared down at you.
You couldn’t help but to smirk as you love to flirt with the large security bouncer. “Thanks for protecting me, you do more than what Tyler does.” You rolled your eyes knowing the other security guard just ran to Ghost after hearing about the problem. 
“Yeah, anything for my favorite girl.” Ghost’s chuckled, he could feel his face heating up underneath his balaclava as he got the hint that you wished it was his hand on your ass. “You know, you really should keep this money. It was you who got assaulted.” Ghost tried to give you back the money but you shoved his hand right back into his chest. 
“I know Dale doesn’t pay you shit, keep it.” You encouraged him, patting his hand.
You weren’t wrong, the pay was shit and the hours were long, but Ghost didn’t give a shit about the money or the long shifts as long as he knew you were safe. “Fine, but I’ll be thinking of you when I spend it.”
“I know you think of me a lot, I bet.” You teased him. 
Ghost swallowed thickly, shifting his weight on each foot as you laughed at him. “I knew it. I’ll even give you an extra job, walk me to my car after we close so you know I’ll get to it safely?” You pouted up at him, your hand still cupping his that held onto the money. 
“I suppose I can put in the overtime.” The outline of his lips twitched upwards as he smirked at you. 
“You know what time I get off.” As you slipped past Ghost you gave his ass a light tap in his black tactical pants. 
Ghost jumped slightly, watching you leave the small private room. His eyes were on your bare ass as you swayed your hips with each step you took, teasing him. “Little minx.” Ghost grunted, grabbing the inner thigh of his pants and adjusting them so no one could see the lining of his hard cock. 
The teasing between you and Ghost started the first week he was employed. At first it was just talking at the bar taking a few shots. Alcohol for him to ease his nerves about being around people, alcohol for you to loosen up and dance in front of strangers. Ghost thought he’d be an alcoholic, it seemed that alcohol helped him and his nerves but he was wrong, it was you who helped him through his anxiety and PTSD moments.
“Ghost, Ghost I need you to breathe.” You said as you pulled Ghost into a closet, shutting and locking the door to have more privacy.
His lungs, it felt like they were collapsing as his throat tightened up and his brain throbbed. Memories, awful memories of his teammates going into battle flashed behind his closed eyelids. “Fuck!” Ghost roared, his hand collided against the wall making a loud ‘thud’ sound. Ghost nearly killed someone. 
The man demanded more alcohol and tossed a shot glass towards the bartender Daisy, making it shatter against the wall. The loud sound of glass shattering got Ghost on edge making him flinch from the hectic sound. Grabbing the man by the throat, Ghost pulled out his knife from his hidden tactical pants pocket and held it to his throat. Everyone was scared and shocked by Ghost’s actions but not you. 
Your soft hands were on his shoulders and your small voice in his ear telling him to drop the knife and let the man go. He wasn’t going to at first until he felt your soft hands apply pressure to his shoulder, snapping him back to reality. This was a strip club, not the battlefield. Not an abandoned building that he and his squad was clearing out. Ghost stepped away from the man who ran out of the club crying that he was going to call the police. 
“If the cops come, Ghost isn’t here. No one of that name works here.” You tol Daisy as you grabbed Ghost’s arm and pulled him towards the closet. 
“Talk to me big man.” Your voice was soothing Ghost as he was finally breathing normally. 
“Fuck.” Ghost sighed out as the episode he had was out of his system. “I- I guess I just had a PTSD moment.” Ghost scratched the back of his head, the mask he wore was damp with sweat. Ghost looked at your confused expression. “I was in the military, high up.” Ghost explained. “Seen some shit people will kill themselves to not live within their head.” 
You nodded, cupping his jaw as you stared up at him. The circles of his eyes smeared in black paint. “If you ever have these episodes, you come to me. I’ll be here for you.” You leaned up towards him and pressed your lips against his skull cheek. “Let's hope we see more of those, you with a knife is pretty hot.” 
“Behave yourself, Y/N.” Ghost chuckled as you laughed with him. 
“Never heard the word before.” You teased, pulling out an old chair. “Here, chill in here for a bit. If anyone asks about you, not a word about you. If we really need you, we’ll come get you. You just relax.” You patted the top of his head and walked back out to do your job.
“Thanks, Y/N.” Ghost said after you closed the door, not to be used to hospitality. 
“Are you ready to go?” You asked Ghost who was waiting by the front door. You tossed on your sweatshirt. After clocking out you changed into your regular street clothes and stuffed your entertainment clothing into your gym bag. 
Ghost nodded, opening the door for you. “Bye Y/N, bye Ghost.” Daisy waved from the bar she was cleaning up and refilling bottles after serving customers throughout the night.
“Night Daisy!” You and Ghost said at the same time. The cool late night wind hit you in the face making you shiver, it was a nice night for summer, almost too nice. “It feels like fall time.” You crossed your arms around your body, walking next to Ghost towards your car. 
“Hey, I love fall time.”
“Of course you do Ghost boy.” You laughed at him, hinting at his balaclava. “Thanks for walking me to my- what the fuck!” You yelled, noticing your driver side tires were flat. Rushing towards the other side the passenger side tires were also flat, a deep slash visible showing that the tires were no longer compatible to hold air. “Fucking Gary.” You huffed, grazing your tongue over your teeth before you gritted them.
Ghost looked around at the building, seeing a surveillance camera pointing towards the parking lot. “I’ll have Tyler look over the tape and see if it was Gary, we’ll call the cops first thing tomorrow's shift. Luckily we have the bastards file throughout membership. But first,” Ghost pulled out his keys to his car. “Let's get you home.”
You walked with Ghost towards his car. “Oh look at you, protecting me during my shift and driving me home. How will I ever repay you, Ghost?” Jumping into the lifted jeep you shut the door after you sat down in the passenger side. 
“I can think of a few ways you can repay me but let’s just get you home first.” Ghost placed his keys into the ignition and drove off to your place.
Arriving at your apartment, Ghost followed you up the stairs stopping at your door. “You want to come inside so I can repay you?” You wiggled the keys into the holder, pushing your door open.
“Yes please.” Ghost followed you inside the apartment, he didn’t really have time to soak in the photos you had hanging up or the books you had placed on the shelves. Ghost grunted lowly as you shoved him down onto the sofa. “You practice at home?” Ghost grinned, seeing the long stripper pole in front of him, standing tall in the middle of the living room.
“Maybe just a little, practice makes perfect.” You said clicking play on the remote having music play from the speakers. You grabbed onto the pole, twirling around on it. As you twisted on the silver cold pole, you stripped bits of clothing here and there all the way down to your bra and panties.
“Practice does indeed lead to perfection.” Ghost hummed, his dark eyes watching you grind against the post. His teeth sinked into his bottom lip as he spread his legs, trying to adjust in his now tight pants. 
You couldn’t help but to smirk at Ghost, noticing the large bulge in his black pants. “Awe.” You coo, leaving the post you got on all fours and started to crawl towards Ghost, making sure to give him a perfect view of your breasts peeking out from your bra. Reaching his legs you placed your hands upon his knees, moving them inwards on his inner thighs. “Is my poor Ghost boy hard?” 
Ghost’s breath hitched in his throat as your soft hands grazed against his hard cock underneath his pants. “Hmm, fuck.” He groaned, trying not to buck his hips against your touch but it was no use. “So fucking hard, Y/N. I’ve been hard since I saw you dancing tonight.” Ghost’s eyes were dark as he watched your fingers dance along the button of his pants. 
“Well then, let me help you.” You purred, dipping your fingers into the hem of his pants and tugging them down. Your mouth watered at the outline of his cock through his boxers. His large dick making a big tent points up from the fabric. Grabbing the elastic waistband, you pulled his boxers over his veiny cock. Ghost let out a throaty moan as the cool air hit the tip of his cock making it twitch.
Swallowing the large pool of saliva in your mouth, moaning as your hand wrapped around his large thick heavy dick. “Oh fuck.” Ghost tossed his head back. “Please, please, fuck, Y/N.” Ghost’s voice was soft as he begged for whatever you had planned for him. 
“Poor Ghost boy, so hard.” You leaned forward, placing soft kisses against the head of his pre-come oozing cock. Kissing down his long shaft your tongue darted out and gave his heavy sac some kitten licks. Placing your flat tongue at the bottom of his shaft you slowly licked upwards and engulfed the tip of his cock into your mouth, slowly swallowing him down. 
“S- Shit! Y/N.” Ghost moaned, his hand grabbing your hair as he slowly rolled his hips into your mouth. “Good girl, fuck such a good girl.” Ghost moaned, his cock twitching in your mouth as you kept suckling him further down your throat.
The way his cock twitched deep in your throat had your cunt dripping, you could feel the juices slowly drip down your thigh. You moaned around his aching cock as your cunt clenched around nothing, begging to be full already. 
Bobbing your head up and down fiercely on his cock, you moan once more around his cock sending vibrations down his shaft to his balls. The taste of him had you craving more and more each time you pushed yourself further. “Y/N- I’m- Fuck, I’m going to come.” Ghost choked out.
Swirling your tongue around his cock one last time you slowly pulled yourself away from his saliva covered dick. You moaned, licking your swollen red lips. “Oh you fucking brat.” Ghost snarled, his orgasm backing off. “I was going to shoot my fucking load down that tight throat.” Ghost grabbed you by your waist and pulled you onto his lap. “But I guess I’ll just fucking fill this pussy with my come.” 
Straddling Ghost’s lap you gasped loudly as his two thick fingers plunged inside of your pussy. “G- Ghost!” You sobbed as you rolled your hips against his touch. 
“Fuck, this sweet cunt is so creamy all over my fingers.” Ghost hummed, his fingers diving in and out of your sloppy pussy. “That’s it my sweet girl.” Ghost praised as he watched the pleasure wash over your face as you tried to ride his digits faster. 
“Ghost, fuck yes. Please.” You begged, gripping onto his shoulders you kept slamming yourself down his thick fingers only to cry out loudly as he added another. “Christ!” You sobbed. 
Ghost chuckled lowly at how you plead for him. He could feel that you were getting close to your orgasm as your cunt fluttered tightly around his fingers. As you were about to push yourself down on his digits his fingers left your soaking pussy. “Ghost!” You sobbed out as your buzzing body was slowly coming down from your high.
“Not so fun when it happens to you, huh?” 
“Please, just fuck me.” You begged, your head resting upon his forehead. You looked into his dark eyes, panting. You could feel the tip of his leaking cock press against your entrance but not pushing inside. Your hands danced along the black mask, slowly pushing it upwards. 
“Mask stays on, love.” Ghost grunted out, his accent oozed thickly. 
Stopping your movements, the black fabric rested upon the tip of his nose, showing his plump lips and slightly stubble beard. Leaning forward, you crashed your lips against his, moaning at the sweet taste of whatever alcohol he drank earlier from tonight. You squealed against his mouth as his cock entered you. “Oh god, Ghost.” You gasped against his lips. The feeling of his large cock impaling your tight cunt had you shivering for more.
“Simon.” Ghost grunted which made you pull away and look at him. “Names Simon, call me Simon.” Simon’s lips twisted into a smirk, showing somewhat of his white perfect teeth.
“Simon.” You let out a breathy moan. “Oh, Simon.” You moaned louder as you started to rock your hips faster on his cock. “Right there, Simon. Right there.” You sobbed out as the tip of his cock grazed in an area you’ve never reached. 
Your nails dug into his dark shirt as you held on tight to him, holding yourself close to him. The sound of his thick cock pushing into your wet cunt was a sinful yet wonderful noise, it had your stomach twisting tightly along with hearing Simon moan lowly each time you raise yourself to the tip of his cock and slam down.
“Fuck, little girl.” Ghost snarled, his large glove hands gripped your waist as he guided you down his fat cock. You could feel the ridges of his cock each time he entered you. “I’m going to fucking come in this little pussy and fill you with my seed.” Simon’s voice was deeper as he fucked himself up into you. “Going to watch you grow round with my child and watch you perform.” Simon hissed.
The thought of performing with Simon’s child growing inside of you had your cunt clenching around his cock. Simon chuckled deeply as he noticed the sudden tightness. “That what you want lovie? You want me to fuck you sideways and get you pregnant with my kid?” Simon’s thrusts became more sloppier as his twitching cock pushed further inside of you. “Fuck, watch your tits get big and round full of milk.”
You were lost for words as you leaned against Simon’s shoulder, moaning as you were now a fuck doll for Simon, your movements stopped as you became paralyze from pleasure. Your clit grinds against Simon’s lower abs from each thrust. “Come with me little girl, I can feel your sweet puss squeezing me.” Simon’s large hands grabbed the flesh of your ass, marking it.
Your vision blurred as Simon’s cock kept drilling against your g-spot. “Oh- Oh yes! Simon!” You sobbed loudly, slamming back down on his cock as he pushed himself inside of you, pausing his movements as his come erupted inside of you. You both cried out loud as his long ropes of come spit inside of your spazzing cunt. “S- Simon, oh fuck Simon.” You shivered at the feeling of his warm liquid flowing inside of you.
“Shh, good girl.” Simon cooed as he rubbed your back, you both staying there for a while. “Well, it might not be my handprint on your ass but it will be my come dripping out of your cunt.” Simon noted.
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
FanFic Friday Should Be About...
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Another SPN week! Pick who you would like to read about this week for Fan Fic Friday!
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