diviastudies · 3 years
official re-introductory post
My name is Divia. I have been lurking around the studyblr community for a few years and am finally willing to step up and be part of the active community. I’m a first year Psychology student at one of the universities in the Netherlands.
Here’s a little bit about me!
name: Divia
pronouns: she/her
currently studying: BSc Psychology
some interests: 
taylor swift
gilmore girls
what to expect:
100 days of productivity!
inspirational photos and some updates
book reviews (?)
some studying templates (?)
I’ll be tracking the hashtag #diviastudies! Please be nice to me <3
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diviastudies · 3 years
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i think we all know this feeling of being stuck inside your routine. you’re not really sad but it just feels like something is missing. so i’m here to give you ideas on how to spice things up™️ (or just make life more enjoyable).
paint your nails in an exciting color. paint them in several colors idc. now every time you see your hands (which is very often) you see your super cool nails
listen to a new music genre. like something completely different. if you like rap you will listen to country music now. jam your heart out i know u want to (here & here are some playlists if u need any ideas)
on that note revisit songs you liked when you were younger. we gettin nostalgic
sometimes you just need to watch a good old vine compilation 
food!!! this can be such a huge factor. something as simple as switching your breakfast from toast to cereals, just smth new, can make a huge difference. try new things out, have fun (recipes here, here, here and here)
same thing with the things you drink! add lemon to your water, drink some tea, try iced coffee out, buy water from a diff company, …
a cute cup for your morning drink can really lighten up your mood too
get some magazines and cut things out you like. now get an a3 (a4 is okay too) paper and make a big collage
ikea trip? ikea trip!! don’t forget to eat smth there too yum
after showering put on some good smelling lotion and just enjoy the feeling
now put on your favorite underwear and an oversized shirt. maybe take some cute pics just for yourself. trust me you will feel better
rip a paper into little pieces
cuddle with your stuffed animal idc if you feel stupid, you will feel better
maybe spice things up with the way you look? try out a new hairstyle or invest in a new accessory you like (jewelry, hair ties / clips, belts, scarfs, etc.). it doesn’t have to be expensive, there’re lots of cute things in second-hand stores for example!
start a challenge in whatever you’re interested in. maybe for a hobby you always wanted to try out or pick up again. there’re tons of challenges on pinterest. i think i will try this one out though
write a love letter to yourself. you deserve one. fold it into a very small piece and put it into your pocket. this is now your lucky charm because trusting in yourself is all you need sometimes
buy groceries but this time with a friend or family member. catch up, have fun, buy some cookie dough and eat some cookies
picnics!!!!!!!! i love picnics!!!!! they’re so cute and actually super easy to organize. you can go alone or with someone else. just grab the food you have at home and a blanket and go to the nearest spot you find. even your garden or balcony. you can easily incorporate this into your day if you don’t have much time. instead of eating your dinner at your kitchen table you will go on a picnic now
if you have more time, you can bring a book with you or some art supplies and enjoy time outside
taking a walk listening to your fav album can help so much
change your bedding. you don’t even need to buy a new one, just wash it and get that feeling of freshness
open one of these sites (1, 2, 3): and read an article that seems interesting
buy flowers for yourself and put them in your room
change the color your laptop highlights things in
declutter your phone and laptop in general. set up some new backgrounds that make you happy
vary your commute. take the bus instead of the subway, get off a station earlier, or if you can, take the bike 
change the places you do things. try studying in the library or a café, scroll through your phone not in your bed but at the kitchen table, read on the floor, every small change adds into spicing things up
take a bath when you shower normally or the other way around
light candles in the evening
search for your old nintendo and play some games
stretch in the morning. even for 2 mins is good
download some new apps
try a no social media day
instead of a black / blue pen write in a different color (for example your groceries lists, on post-its, in your journal, …)
i hope some of these ideas can help you! most of the are easy to incorporate into your daily life and take no to little money.  have a nice day!! <3
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diviastudies · 3 years
40 Study Tips & Tricks
I thought to write down the “script” to one of my most viewed videos, with 40 study tips & tricks. It’s easier to read them and pass on the word!
Organization Tips:
1. Incorporate homework and classes in you daily planner – that will give you an overall glimpse of how your week will be about and how much time you need to spend in your studying sessions!
2. Color coordinate classes – be it notes, your planner, your textbooks or binders, pick a unique color for each class and work around the hues of that color to get more organized!
3. Make your own syllabus – if your professor doesn’t provide a syllabus for your class, try to make one before the school year working around your given textbooks or other given material.
4. Make study guides – make a study guide from your syllabus and draw before each topic two boxes: one for a midtest and one for the final test. When you have one of these tests, check the boxes when you’ve finished studying the chapter so you won’t miss anything!
5. Reference your material throughout – most of the times, we students work with in-class notes, textbooks and a syllabus. Since we get small bits of information here and there it’s important to reference every page throughout all your material so you can quickly access your information without having to flip endlessly through pages!
6. Keep a dashboard nearby – Whenever you use a notebook or a binder, make a dashboard on the first page with post it notes so you can quickly scribble any questions, homework or page numbers. When you get home, you just need to open your dashboard and attend those notes.
7. Print any tests, exercises and exams you can find – keep those in the end of your binder. These are perfect to practice before exams and tests because they really reflect what you will be tested about. Set an alarm clock for the deadline and start working on those!
8. Condense – organization disappears when you have too many of everything. Working with more than one planner in your life will make everything chaotic. If you think you need a second planner because you don’t have enough space to write in the first one, it’s because you don’t have available time as well. Don’t fool yourself and set achievable goals!
9. Customize your textbooks – most of the times, textbooks are formal books where information is hard to come by. Make your own tabs and write every chapter on them so they stick out – flag any charts, tables or graphics. Everything needs to be incredibly accessible!
10 Print a special planning sheet before finals: Organizing your studying by chapters and/or topics before finals is tremendously important since it lets you organize the amount of time you dedicate to each subject,
Study Sessions and Time Management
11. Save at least one afternoon or one morning a week for intensive studying. These is your “life-saver” – when you get so full of homework and projects that you can’t incorporate them into your daily academic routine, one free afternoon to organize your school life will really come in handy! Make an appointment with yourself!
12. Prepare in advance – although most professors may not ask you to prepare a class in advance, if you have the means to, go ahead. Grab a sheet and make a summary of the chapter your class will be about. Write the major topics and key information and take that guide to class. When your professor repeats previously studied information, you will be able to understand everything much better!
13. Never leave something behind – Even if you have a more light class, where professors don’t request homework or any side projects, don’t let that fool you! Be disciplined and be your own professors! Make your own projects and learn everything you can so you can nail those finals when they arrive.
14. Write your questions – most of the time, in a heavy study session, we come up with tons of questions and sometimes we just leave them behind. Write them down in your dashboard or a small notebook and ask your professors (personally or via e-mail). You can also ask your schoolmates in a facebook group created for that purpose!
15. Set an alarm clock and reward yourself – even if you study during an entire afternoon your studying will be pointless if you don’t take regular breaks. Set an alarm clock for one hour/one hour and a half and then take a 15 minute break. Never study for more than 2 hours straight! Even if you don’t notice, you’ll get less and less focused.
16. . Make a list – before each study session I like to grab my notepad and write down everything that I need to do before my session ends: the chapters I need to read, the pages I need to go through and the homework I need to complete. Sometimes I even write theses lists when I’m in college so I’ll have more determination to complete those tasks once I get home.
17 Work on the least interesting thing first. There are always classes or projects that we like the least – and those are the ones that we need to tackle first. You will start your studying session concentrated, which will let you go through the worst tasks faster.
18 Print, print, print. try to print everything you can and never study from your computer. Having your PDF files printed at hand will let you concentrate better, highlight and write some notes in the margins. You can take these everywhere with you and even turn them into small guides for future classes!
19. If you finish ahead, don’t quit. Perhaps the time you’ve saved for your study session has come to an end way before you have planned. That doesn’t mean you should stop right now – Take that time to review what you’ve learned so far or prepare other classes ahead of time!
20. Study in an organized space – make your own studying corner – bring everything you will need, from textbooks, binders and notebooks, to a cup of coffee and your computer. Keep them neatily organized on your desk so everything is at hand and on sight. Put on some soft background music (links down below) and adjust the lightning.
In class notes
21. If your professor provides PowerPoint slides before each class, print them (six or four per page) and bring them to class. Write in the margins and more throughout information in the back so it’s all condensed and tight. This is where you’ll take your notes. If you prefer to write on lined paper, think about copying some ruled paper to the back of your printed slides.
22. If your professor asks you to prepare your class in advance, try to make a small guide for each class. Open the comments column in MSWord and print the pages with that column. When you go to class, incorporate the in-class notes in that column, next to the relevant information so everything is nice and condensed.
23 If you are in a information-heavy class, try to adopt the Cornell method, which is the best, in my opinion, when you need to be a fast writer. There’s a video right here on how to use this method.
24. If you are in a bits-and-pieces class, which is that kind of class where the professor just gives a few key points and then gives practical examples or makes you work in group, try to adopt the box method – you can draw these boxes yourself or make them with post it notes – these are way more visual and perfect to memorize information.
25. Write in-class flashcards – if you don’t have flashcards around, make tiny flashcards on the top of your notes, where you cover the definitions you’ve written with the name of the definition. Each time you open your notes, try to remember the hidden definition. Automatic studying, every time!
26. Participate in class – nothing better than to be actively involved in your class discussion. For most of us, shy creatures, participating can be dreadful – but once you get out of your box, you’ll see how participating really makes you understand the subject!
27. If you have any questions during class, raise your hand and ask them. If your professor doesn’t like being interrupted, write them down and approach them in the end of the class. Sometimes, the little things we don’t understand are exactly the ones that come up on the final exam!
28. Ask for examples. Examples are probably the thing that makes your brain connect the information faster. If your professor isn’t keen on providing examples, suggest your own and see if your answer comes up right. Sometimes, examples are the thing that really makes us understand our material and our definitions, since they transform formal information into relatable events.
29. Sit at the front. It sounds too straightforward but sitting at the front really makes wonders. You won’t get distracted by what you classmates are doing, you will focus on the professor, who is right in front of you and you will resist the temptation of going to Facebook and Instagram during a boring presentation.
30. Write a brief summary at the end of the class. During those five minutes where everyone is dismissed and leaving the room, write a brief summary of that classes’ key points in the back of a page – this is fundamental in the Cornell method but can be used in any other method as well.
Finals Guide
31 Skim through your material two times: at first, you should start by studying your material starting from the end. The last lessons will be fresh in your memory and it’s very important to reinforce your knowledge on these while you can. In the second reading, you should start from the beginning, as usual. It’s important to make these two readings so you can go through the information in a much more flexible way.
 32. Make a mindmap of each chapter. A mindmap is a chart that relates key words and important information, making it easy to understand the relationship and hierarchy between such key words. Use colors and images to memorize your material better. Oh, and don’t forget to check out my video on how to make mindmaps!
33. Read each of the titles and try to say out loud its contents, explaining each concept and the relationship between them. Imagine you are the teacher and are lecturing that subject to a crowd. If you skip any of the subjects, do it all over again. The more you repeat, the better you will memorize.
34. It’s time for some flash cards!  Write the topic or the title on one side and the meaning or the explanation on the other. Try to cover as many topics or titles as you can and go through your cards while memorizing as best as you can each of the concepts. Try to do it backwards if you have time to do so!
35. On the day before the exam, skim through your mindmaps and flash cards again and always try to study while talking. Saying your content out loud will force your brain to relate information in a much more cohesive way and you’ll memorize everything much better.
36. Read the entire exam from top to bottom. Underline or circle any important words that you think will be crucial in you answer. After that, calculate how much time you should spend answering each question: this simple calculation will take only twenty seconds and will help you organize your time. Try to save five minutes at the end for revisions.
37. If you are solving a written exam and not multiple choice, try as much as possible to organize each answer in a structured way, saving two lines just to present your line of thought and writing each different argument in a different paragraph. Draft a conclusion at the end to underline the centre of your answer. Sometimes softly underlining some keywords is important to make your professor notice that you’ve correctly given importance to certain concepts.
38. Use these symbols for each question: one dot if you aren’t sure of the answer, two dots if you are sure of your answer and a circle if you are completely unaware of your answer. Start by answering any question with two dots; after those are all answered, go on through the two dots question. Leave the circle questions to the end – and ALWAYS answer them! Even if you don’t know what they’re about, who knows if you will be able to come up with something right?
39. Review your test one final time – many times, we make a lot of mistakes under stress and now is when you should spot them and amend them. This can be the difference between a B and an A!
40. Don’t take this too seriously – school is an important aspect of our lives but it isn’t everything. Failure comes many times and these failures can even drive you away from something that was simply not meant to be. Don’t stress out because everyone goes through the same!
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diviastudies · 3 years
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Active Revision Techniques
How To Do Uni Readings
How to Revise BIG Subjects
Keep reading
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diviastudies · 3 years
soothe yourself | self care
helpful sites
music for studying | more music
note taking methods  | another one
studying methods
english | physics | chemistry | biology | maths | languages 
how to learn a language
ultimate guide for writing | writing resources | writing helps | tips for writers
how to write a kickass essay | write a great essay | stuff you need to write essays | essay tips | essay checklist | grade your essay
how do I study for…
bullet journals | a guide to bullet journals
the testing effect
everything you need to succeed in school
time management
how to annotate | another one
guide to aesthetically pleasing notes | improve your handwriting
create a study guide
resources | helpful websites | there’s an app for that
get more out of google 
productivity resources | 14 apps to become productive | how to stay productive
lazy night owl school survival guide
apps for a better life | useful websites for students
masterpost of studying tips
social media citation guide
college masterpost | another one | starting college on the right foot | packing for college | how to survive in college
how to ace that college interview
food to stay motivated | motivation guide
how to stay awake in class
balancing a healthy lifestyle
studying on your period
huge masterpost for the semester
a very long list to help you survive school
not enough time to finish an assignment?
100 delicious cheap recipes 
53 posts for students
high school cheat sheet
other cheat sheets
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diviastudies · 3 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
590K notes · View notes
diviastudies · 4 years
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As most people are working and studying from home right now, I wanted to share some concrete, implementable ways you can help yourself feel better. Though I believe productivity and quantity of work done (or lack thereof) doesn’t/shouldn’t translate into your self-worth and how you view yourself, when you get work done, you actually do feel better in your own body. 
By the way, it’s the first time I’m formatting a tips/guide post like this, so I apologize that I couldn’t be more concise.
I’ve spoken to a licensed professional counsellor as well as to some professionals who have been working from home for a long time, and some of the advice above is from them. I’m also sharing from my own experience as someone who used to be very productive and an (ex-)overachiever, and still attach a lot of my self-worth to grades and other tangible accomplishments. I hope these slides can help you. In case it’s hard to read, I’ve included it (reworded) in text form if you’d like to read more. 
Keep reading
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diviastudies · 4 years
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27.01.19 | 14:10pm.
actually have the attention span of a moth
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diviastudies · 4 years
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every minute spent on planning saves you ten minutes spent on execution. short essays probably don't require that much preparation beforehand, but if you're writing something longer you should probably spend some time planning first. this is the process i go through when planning my essays, and i find it works really well!
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diviastudies · 4 years
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the beauty of home, literature, art and academia
follow me on instagram for more
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diviastudies · 4 years
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498 notes · View notes
diviastudies · 4 years
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08.06.20 ~ I’ve been pretty busy ultimately, with a lot of exams and assignments! And the last week I received a set of highlighters that I bought on aliexpress and I was very excited to try them. They are “fake” mildliners but I definitely love the colors 💓 (and they were cheap!)
Go see my studygram 💕 I post different notes there ☺️
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diviastudies · 4 years
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15 - 06 - 2020
Today I got a (2 page front and back) letter I wrote myself 5 years ago, when I was 16. I decided to write back. 
‘‘I am a sixteen year old kid who looks up to her future self and thinks : ‘You are the reason I keep going so don’t disappoint me.’ ‘‘ 
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diviastudies · 4 years
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I’m enjoying energy metab!!! I cannot wait to regret this when I’m deep in pathways. Haha. It has been raining frequently and I love how cozy it is these days. The rainy season is upon us and so I feel sleepier in the early parts of the afternoon.
I took a 10-min nap today, and brewed coffee, only to forget to put decaf so I’m doomed from sleeping as early as midnight 🥺🤧 Oh well, I’ll just read to sleep then. lmao.
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diviastudies · 4 years
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Fun is something we all need more of when the going gets hard, especially when the notes are long and the subject is hard! Here’s a few tips to help you become more interested in your work & keep on going.
Interactive Study Tools!
Written Kitten: get a kitten/puppy/bunny pic every 100 words
Quizlet: play fun games with your flashcards
Memrise: add custom mnemonics to your vocab terms
Clozemaster: pretend your language learning is a video game
GoConqr: go and make those online mindmaps
Khan Academy: make your learning totally interactive
Online Resources: a masterpost from youtube to history!
101 Study Snacks: (mostly) healthy, fun & easy snacks
Study Foods: a fun & healthy guide to what you should eat
Feed Yo’ Brain: sweet, savoury, or a drink? all covered!
5 Recipes That Make Life Easier: simple & necessary
5 Cheap, Tasty, & Healthy Snacks
Buzzfeed Tasty: simple & delicious video recipes
Study Playlists Masterpost: everything you ever need
Study Playlist Masterpost: aaaand some more! in categories!
Soundtracks for Study: to help you get through that study sesh 
& shoutouts to my favourite playlists:
calm down & work
rose redux
mildliners playlists
study nonstop
Study Sounds: not quite playlists, but calm and great for studying
Coffitivity: pretend you’re studying in a coffee shop
Noisli: study in nature rather than your room
How to Stay Organized: oodles of helpful tips!
Organization: advice both physical and digital
Organization Methods: a bunch of different strategies
The Organization Guide for Lazy Students
Staying Organized in College: a seven step guide
How to Keep Binders Organized For School
Study Breaks!
Study Break Ideas: bet you hadn’t thought of doing yoga
Energizing Study Break Ideas & What To Avoid
Online Pomodoro Timer: work, break, repeat: all timed
Study Breaks: ideas for those 5 minutes of downtime
Studying 101: The Pomodoro Technique
Non-Studying Things To Do During Your Free Period
How To Illustrate Your Notes: perfect for visual learners
Guide to Pretty Notes: spice up your dull note-taking habits
Fundamentals of Visual Notetaking
Doodle Ideas: an adorable guide from studypetals!
Tumblr’s Bullet Journal Explore Page: for ultimate doodliness
There you have it! Try mixing up all these different strategies for maximum fun while studying.
If you have a way of making studying fun that wasn’t included, please please reply & let everyone know!!
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diviastudies · 4 years
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13.05.2020 / 11:33pm
i found my previous phone and while the battery is awful, its pictures have such good quality
also tried making a homemade cinnamon latte ft. the morning sun
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diviastudies · 4 years
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this sounds a little bizarre at first, but it’s true that there are a lot of different and effective ways to put sticky notes to use! so, in case you were wondering what to do with those little post its sitting on the corner of your desk, here is an array of possibilities!!
textbook notes
sticky notes are incredibly useful when taking notes form a textbook
super nice guide
great step by step guide
and another amazing guide
watch this awesome video!
actually bookmark your book
bookmark important pages in a book like the index, glossary, etc
mark those essential pages of your own notes, the ones with the definitions and formulas you know you need to look back at a lot
use the sticky notes to summarize info!! whether from a book, or a website, or any other resource, it helps a lot
summarize by page, or by section, or by chapter
plot summaries
reading summaries
there are so many different methods for organization that could use these
of course, use them as reminders for anything and everything
color coding: papers, files, books, and more
make mini to-do lists, write down your tasks for the day!!
keep writing prompts, important formulas, or other necessary and factual information on sticky notes and put them on the wall in front of your desk
or in your notebook/binder/whatever-you-use so that you have them with you all the time!
remember this!
number your sticky notes when marking a book, it’ll keep you organized
also color code them
when taking notes use as many abbreviations and symbols as you can, there’s limited space!
they are small and they tend to get all over the place of you don’t stay organized, so make sure you know where they are
also remember to discard old sticky notes (when they’re no longer needed)
other awesome uses + info
make a flip book!
the sticky edge can be used as temporary tape (really temporary)
keep them in an everything book
print on them to keep it neat
+ printables!
use / them / for / your / art
effective uses
good reasons to use sticky notes!
manage your time
post-it plus
super cute sticky notes!!
more masterposts!!
AP world history
AP chemistry
the pomodoro method
how to use flashcards
the Everything Book
welcome to high school
tiny study spaces
what’s in a pencil case
i hope this was of help to you! keep shining like the star you are and remember to be awesome today!!
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