dodgersdadswife · 2 years
mine — part 7
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Pairing : Chris Evans x F!Reader
Summary : Upon finding out your fiancée has been cheating on you after two years of being together, you've finally had enough. Thankfully, your neighbor Chris is there to help you move on.
Warnings : minors DNI, race not specified, age gap (reader is 25, Chris is 31), sexual themes, kissing, fluff, alcohol consumption, reader gets hit on, protective Chris. I do not consent to my work being posted elsewhere or used in any other context without my credit.
Word Count : 7.3k
A/N : Start of the vacation chapters! Forgive me if any parts of the story don't make much sense when it comes to the flying, I've never been on a plane before.
A little under two weeks has passed since your breakfast date with Chris, and since he asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course both of you have still been too nervous to tell your family, but in some ways it's made everything all the more exciting. It's the beginning of July, and you and Chris are on the phone packing the last of your things before you leave for the airport for your trip to Costa Brava, Tossa de Mar with your family.
"How many bathing suits do I need again? And should I bring shampoo?" "Bring the white one." Chris said casually, referring to the white bathing suit you wore to the beach with him. You remembered what followed. "You just like taking it off of me." You teased and Chris chuckled knowingly, but you both knew you were exactly right. "And you don't need shampoo, they'll have it." You stood with a hand on your hip and your brows furrowed, staring at your suitcase contemplating. "What if I don't like their shampoo..." "Then bring your own, but I don't know if you're gonna have room with everything you already have packed that you don't really need." "The only one who's gonna enjoy seeing me walk around naked because I ran out of clothes is you."
Judging by your overthinking, resulting in your overpacking, it's obvious this is your first trip out of the US. Chris travelled more when he was younger, but with school and his job he didn't get around do it much anymore. Of course when you offered for him to come along with your family, no way in hell was he turning that down.
"Jeanine wants us at the airport at 4pm, so we should get going." You're holding the phone up to your ear, and Chris notices how silent you've become all of a sudden. He starts to feel a little concerned, only because he can't see your smile through the phone and the fact that you're just appreciating the moment. "You alright?" "I'm really happy you're coming. Really happy." Chris grins. "I'm really happy I'm coming too, and I'm happy I'm going with you." You're both silent for a while, smiling stupidly in your rooms, until Chris speaks again. "Alright, get over here." "See you in a minute." You hang up and throw a few small things in your carry-on before moving onto you suitcase.
You fight for a good five minutes to close your suitcase before realizing it's more than a one-person job and shoot Chris a text.
"Come give me a hand?"
"Be over in a sec."
You hear your front door open a few moments later and Chris quickly making his way down the hallway. When he opens your door, he's got a sly smirk on his face and one hand on his belt, eagerly pulling it from its loop. He stops in his tracks when he sees you sitting on your suitcase, a surprised look on your face. "Oh." You raise your eyebrows at him, a grin forming on your face. "I thought..." he trails off, and you begin to laugh. "Not that I don't want to, but we don't have time!" You exclaim through your laugh and he starts toward you, re-fastening his belt. "That's why it's called a quickie..." He murmurs and grins at you, and you giggle as he kneels down in front of you and grabs hold of the zipper.
You watch, amused, as he tugs harshly at the zipper— the suitcase, and you who's sitting on top of it, being jolted as he does. You laugh all the while as you're practically being thrown around while he struggles with the zipper, until he finally shuts it all the way and gets to his feet with a proud grin. "Hah!" He takes your hand and hoists you to your feet, pressing a quick kiss to your lips when you meet him.
"You ready?" Your eyes rake over his face. In the last two weeks he's let his hair grow out a little more, likely due to your comment about liking the feeling of running your fingers through his hair. His beard is a little shorter as well. "Ready." You smile, pressing another quick kiss to his lips before grabbing your carry-on and reaching for you suitcase, not before Chris can take it for you, and heading outside.
The process of getting on the plane for the most part was a blur. You've never flown before and any time you've travelled has been by an insufferably long car ride, so it all seemed pretty confusing and you let your mother organize anything that needed to be dealt with, as she liked to be the one in control anyway.
You and Chris sat next to each other, your mother, Jacob and Amanda sitting in the row in front of you. Chris let you have the window seat despite your hesitance and insisting that he did, partially because he wasn't too fond of the idea of you sitting next to a stranger for such a long flight.
"Nervous?" He asked, and your eyes flitted to his from where they were locked on something out the window. "A little." Chris discreetly held his hand out for you under the arm rest so if your family were to peek back they wouldn't immediately notice anything, and you took it, your fingers intertwining with his. Chris felt your body become less tense, settling into your seat.
"Have you flown a lot?" You asked Chris, for the most part to distract yourself from your growing anxiety. "I travelled with my family a lot when I was younger, but it was more road-trips than flying. I don't get to travel much anymore, with work and everything." You frowned a little, despite how un-phased Chris seemed by it.
"Do you miss it?" Chris tilted his head, a small smile on his face. You could tell he was reminiscing, and it brought a similar smile to your face. "Sometimes. It was less about travelling and more about getting to experience things with my family, but I still see them all the time." You nodded your head, looking down to your lap.
You wondered for a moment if you were bothering him by asking so many questions, but judging by the soft expression he held when he looked at you you figured he didn't mind.
"Have you been to Spain?". Chris grinned down at you, admiring your curiosity. "No, this is a first for me." "Same." You murmured in response, making Chris laugh under his breath.
Butting into yours and Chris' conversation, your brother peeked his head over his seat to look back at you. Subtly, you and Chris disconnected your hands. "Sick of her yet?" He smirked, and you gave him a subtle glare. "Can't stand her." Chris replied sarcastically, both of you chuckling when you kicked his leg in response.
The flight was long but you and Chris napped most of the way after one or two glasses of beer served to you and a tipsy suggestion from Chris that you both took a trip to the bathroom but you, after some consideration, ultimately turning him down, deeming it too obvious if your family were to notice that both of you were gone. Your head rested heavy on Chris' shoulder and Chris' head leaned on yours as you both slept. Thankfully, rather than being suspicious your family only laughed at it and assumed it was a mistake, taking a few photos to show you after the flight. When you were woken up for landing, you and Chris both realized your position and immediately snapped upright in your seats with reddened cheeks, not realizing your family found nothing but humor in it.
As you stepped off the plane you were met with the hot air, immediately itching to remove the hoodie you had thrown on during the plane ride, one your family had no idea was Chris'. "It's beautiful!" Your mother exclaimed, Amanda responding with an agreeing hum. "It's hot." You added, Chris and Jacob both responding with more of a groan.
You all navigated your way out of the airport and waved down a taxi. It took a while with how busy the airport was, considering it was 11:00am in Costa Brava when you arrived. In one taxi was you, Jacob, and Chris, and in the other was your mother and Amanda. You had done some research before the trip and gathered that the lingua franca was English, so you were able to carry some small talk with the taxi driver, who's name you learned was Javier, during your drive to your hotel.
Though you held conversation with the man, him sharing a great deal of the stories he's gathered over his years in Costa Brava, most of your focus during the ride was directed to that of outside your window. Tight streets lined with ancient looking buildings built of tanned stone, scattered with windows and signs that protruded from the side of shops. The trees and bushes that lined the streets were were thick and green, some shading the cobbled road.
"Goodbye, Javier!" You called as he drove away after you arrived at your hotel and he waved you goodbye with a big grin. "He was nice." You commented, your smile lingering as you watched him disappear down the road while you waited for your mother and Amanda to arrive. "He just thought you were cute." Jacob added, making you slap his shoulder jokingly through a disgusted look and Chris and Jacob chuckle.
Your mother and Amanda joined you not long after, unloading their bags from the trunk before you all turned to the hotel. It was three stories and built of that same tanned stone on a thin street lined with greenery, across from what looked to be a small bakery. You could tell from the outside through the open windows and tall arched open door that the hotel was spacious, and filled with natural sunlight. It wasn't sterile and modern, but warm and welcoming, a variety of different patterns covering most surfaces that made it colorful however not too flashy.
From the outside, you could see through the building that doors lined the back wall of the building that faced the beach, easy access and a nice view. The hotel also was near the edge of the coast, so this half of the beach wasn't too crowded and in fact pretty untouched for the most part.
You and your family made your way inside, met with a breeze that filtered throughout the hotel. There was a middle-aged man sitting leaned back against the wall in his chair working the front desk with disheveled brown hair, a 5 o'clock shadow, and a white button up shirt that was unbuttoned about half was down his tanned, slightly burnt chest. You didn't blame him. The heat, even inside the hotel with the nice breeze, was almost too much. He looked to be about 30, you figured probably the son of whoever owned the hotel. He was good looking, but compared to Chris you barely gave him a second look.
Your mother signed herself, you, Jacob, and Amanda into the hotel and you all waited for Chris as he checked himself in. Subtly, you took note of the number of his room and stifled your grin when you realized, just as he claimed he would, he booked the room next to yours. You weren't left to be giddy about it for long before Jeanine cut off any conversations and ushered you all to the stairwell, complaining about the heat and claiming she needed to change, all of you ultimately agreeing.
You were not far away from the stairs on the second floor, your mother the first in the row, then Jacob and Amanda's shared room, then your room, and then of course Chris'. Thankfully the rooms were surprisingly cheap, so it was no issue with your mother for all of you to have your own room especially when you were there for only four days. Of course, that would be ideal for you and Chris... "Meet downstairs in 20?" Your mother offered as she handed you all your door keys, all of you agreeing and heading to your doors.
Chris silently brushed his hand across your back as he passed you to his room, small subtle touches all the both of you can really go on unless you're in private, in which you're sure privacy isn't something you'll find an abundance of during this trip.
You shared a knowing look with Chris from where you both stood at your doors, a reassurance of what was to come tonight, before separating to explore your own rooms. You pushed your door open with a bit of effort and were met with an open room and a high ceiling and a chandelier, a large bed on the right wall, the back wall lined with two tall windows and a single door that opened to a false balcony. The walls were that same stone that the outside was built of, however it only added to the atmosphere of the room, the way the natural light filled it and brought so much warmth to it. In the left corner of the room was a standing mirror, and next to that a wardrobe of distressed wood. There was a large detailed rug that filled the center of the room, and a couch and a tall lamp that sat against the wall to the right of the bed.
The room was filled with comforting tones, darker wood and reds and the patterned rug, along with the warm light that came from the lamp when you flicked it on for a moment, just to test. You continued making your way around the room, your fingers grazing against different surfaces curiously. You checked the drawers of the bedside table, finding a map, menus for some nearby restaurants, and a small bottle of wine sitting atop the table.
You took the next minute to explore the bathroom, the door to the right of your front door. On the far wall was a large shower that doubled as a tub and a few unlit candles lining it. To the left wall was a long counter with two sinks and two mirrors. It hit you that this was still a two-person room, meant for you and Harrison. Though it tugged at your chest, made your throat tighten, you didn't let it stifle your good mood. You were happy to be here, happier to be here with Chris.
You left the bathroom and made your way for the bed, flopping heavily onto your stomach in your exhaustion, fault of the heat. You rolled onto your back, staring up at the ceiling blankly.
You were scared. Since you and Chris have come to the realization that is your feelings for each other, you've never been together around your family for such a long time and if you were ever going to get caught, it would most likely be during this trip. Any time together over the next four days would be under the eyes of your family, of course except for the nights in which you intended to make the most of. You remembered when Amanda walked in on you. You trust her not to tell Jacob though, that she'll let your relationship with Chris run it's course without interference or interruption.
The heat was really setting in now and you were still wearing your clothes from the flight, far too thick and heavy for the atmosphere here. You decided on a white dress embellished with small floral detailing, one that hit mid-thigh and had straps that tied in bows at the tops of your shoulders. You glanced over yourself quickly in the mirror and continued to freshened up in the bathroom — considering how grueling your flight had ended up being, you didn't exactly look your best.
With 10 minutes left until your mother wanted to meet downstairs, you heard a gentle knock at your door. Your brows furrowed lightly, not exactly sure who it would be, but got up to answer the door nonetheless. To your surprise, though also to your disappointment with the part of you that was hoping it was Chris, it was the man working the front desk. You noticed you had been staring in surprise for a just enough time to make this interaction already awkward, so you wiped the lost look off your face, a slightly confused yet friendly look replacing it.
"Hello." You said, struggling to find where to go from there. "If there's an issue with our rooms or anything my mother's just two rooms ov-" the man raised a hand and waved it, dismissing you. "No no no, nothing like that... I just wanted to introduce myself." Your brows raised a little in surprise. "Oh." Since you had seen him downstairs, he seemed to have cleaned himself up a little. "My name's Miguel. And you?" You stared for another moment, a bit taken aback by the situation. "Cassidy." was all you said, not offering him your nickname. Your one-word response came off more as lost than rude.
Miguel's head suddenly turned to look at something to the right of him, his eyes locked there for a few moments. You curiously peeked your head out of the doorway as well to see Chris standing outside of his room looking confused as too why this man was at your door. You know Chris deep down is all soft for you, but standing there, 6'1" of pure muscle, god did he look intimidating.
"Cass?" His brows furrowed together, his head cocking to the side as though to ask if everything was alright, as though to say 'is he bothering you?' as he made his way towards your door. Judging by your widened eyes, the answer was a clear yes. Chris placed himself between you and Miguel protectively, only leaving your room to peek at Miguel through the space between Chris' waist and the doorway that he leaned on intimidatingly. "And you are?" "Miguel." The man answered dryly. "Nice meeting you, Miguel, but my girlfriend and I are a little busy right now." His mention of your title made your heart warm, and of course you could easily tell your family that it was just a ploy to deter Miguel if they were to ask about it. Miguel and Chris held eye contact for a while, their stares dripping with tension before Miguel's gaze fell to you. "Nice meeting you, Cass." He said the nickname casually after hearing Chris use it, but all it did was weird you out. You said nothing else as Chris closed the door.
"That was weird." Was all you said as Chris turned to lean on the door, his arms crossed. You noticed he had changed, now in a navy blue button up which he had rolled up around his forearms and left quite a few of the top buttons open to reveal his chest and a pair of jean shorts that ended right above his knees, his shirt loosely tucked in. Along with his sunglasses folded up and hanging from his shirt.
Your admiring was cut short quickly when he spoke. "What did he want?" He asked, his tone a noticeably protective and if you were honest it made something in your stomach flutter. "I don't know, he just told me his name." You watched Chris' expression as he mentally took note to keep an eye on the man, his eyes narrowing as gears turned in his head.
"So what do you want?" You returned the question, now leaning sideways against the wall across from Chris, mirroring him. His attention returned to you, his eyes raking over you and your new outfit. "I don't think we have time for all the things I really want, so we can just talk." You giggled. "What a shame..." You joked, smiling as Chris got up from where he leaned on the wall and stepped in front of you, making you straighten out and trapping you beneath him and the wall as be leaned down to kiss you, both his hands cupped your cheeks. It was sweet, innocent at first, though suddenly his tongue grazed yours and you heard a gentle groan in the back of his throat, so brief you were barely sure it even happened but god did it make you so much more impatient for tonight.
When he pulled away you slipped out from between his large frame and the wall, practically running to jump onto your bed, arranging yourself to sit with your legs crossed as you waited for him to join you. And he did, making his way over with a gentle smile as he maneuvered to lay with his head in your lap. He made your bed look so much smaller when he was lying in it.
Your fingers stroked through his hair and his eyes fell heavy as you thought, feeling like it was a good time to tell him how you were feeling. "I'm a little nervous." "Mm, about what?" He asked, his eyes opening to meet yours. "About getting caught." Chris smiled worriedly, making it clear to you that he had been thinking about that as well. "On the bright side, it means we wouldn't have to tell them." You chuckled, your fingers still stringing through his hair. "And they'd be so much more upset." You added, and Chris closed his eyes again. "I think they'll be just as upset either way. One way or another they're going to know, so just don't let it ruin your trip. There's no point in stressing about something inevitable." You hummed in agreement, feeling more at ease.
Chris, clearly sleepy both from the plane ride and the heat and a bit delirious, brought his hand up and lifted the hem of your dress from under his head over to cover his face, as though to take a nap. His head sat between your thighs under your dress now, and though the act was only intended to be playful it made you inhale sharply and heat rise to your cheeks before giggling and flipping the fabric away from his face to look at him. "We have to go soon, Chris..." He groaned groggily and sat up, however immediately after flipped onto his hands and knees and crawled to wrap his arms around your waist, forcing your head down to your pillow as he laid down on top of you, his head hugged to your stomach.
You grinned as you laid there, staring out the window at the ocean, your hands idly playing with his hair. You knew you had to head downstairs in a minute or two, especially if you were leaving from the same room it meant you'd have to leave before everybody else as to not be seen, but you had to make the most of every second you got, knowing your alone time with Chris would be scarce.
Chris turned his head and kissed your stomach, then up to the valley between your breasts, then your chest, up your neck as you tilted your head upwards with a small gasp, your chin once, and finally your lips, slow and hard, before pressing himself up with his hands with a grunt and finding his footing on the floor.
You sat up and swung your legs around and off the bed so you were sitting and facing him where he stood. His hands found your sides and lifted you to your feet in front of him. "Ready to go?" You simply nodded with a soft smile and turned to head towards the door, his hand finding the small of your back as you walked in front of him. You quickly grabbed your sandals from your bag and slipped them on before you headed out the door.
Chris laughed at you when you placed a hand on his chest to stop him from continuing as you peeked your head out the door, making sure the coast was clear of your family. At your nod, you and Chris continued down the hallway, your hand in his. "Do you know what we're doing?" Chris asked, looking down at you. "No clue, probably just exploring. I saw an art gallery on the way here, I might want to check that out." "Mind if I come with you?" You smiled up at Chris, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand. "Not at all."
You reached the lobby, separating your hands and moving a bit further from each other as you walked as to not draw any attention towards yourselves. You found yourselves in two chairs in the sitting area, waiting for the rest of your family.
"I think I'm gonna go swimming when we get back." You thought out loud, staring at the beach through the open back doors of the hotel. The water looked better than ever with all the heat. You looked to Chris in search of his opinion to find him glaring at Miguel who was standing at the front desk, unaware of the eyes currently burning holes into him. "Chris!" You whisper-shouted, kicking him lightly in the leg. His brows raised as he looked to you, as if asking what he had missed. As much as you loved how protective Chris was, the last thing you needed right now was a feud between him and the person who was currently running this hotel.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw your mother heading down the stairs, Jacob and Amanda not far behind. She wore a dress now, an olive green one that hit just below her knees. You stood to meet them, and as did Chris. You made sure not to stand too close to him, not wanting to give anybody any ideas. "Look at you!" Your mother exclaimed as she reached you, playing with the hem of your dress in a showing of her liking for it. "Thanks, mom." You smiled.
In the last two weeks since your fight with your mother she'd called and apologized. You were happy to forgive her, and though you didn't forget about what she had done you were happy to have one less reason to think about Harrison, especially during the trip.
"Are you all ready to go? You're all wearing sunscreen?" Your mother asked as she slipped on her sunglasses, fixing her hair. "What are we doing?" You asked in response to her questions, all of you still unaware of the plan. "Just exploring, seeing what there is to do." "Sounds good." Jacob responded, taking Amanda's hand in his and following your mother outside and right where she started down the street. Amanda was in a sundress, a long one that reached her feet, and Jacob in a pale green button up and tan khakis.
You and Chris in the back of your group, you felt his hand gently brush yours before linking your pinkies. The gesture was subtle enough that you could easily break away if somebody turned to look at you, but still enough to give you the contact you were both craving. You smiled down at your joined hands, Chris smiling down at you.
Your mother would occasionally point spots out to you — restaurants, wineries, bakeries, cafes, clothing outlets, while Jacob and Amanda seemed to be in their own little world, grinning and giggling at the littlest things. You and Chris were comfortably silent, though there were some points when you'd point out little things to him, like people, or the pretty flowers that lined the street, or suddenly the art gallery you were approaching, the one you told Chris about that you had seen on the ride to your hotel. You squeezed his pinky as you stopped, as if asking if he minded that you looked inside. He nodded his head at you, letting you know he didn't mind.
"Mom? Chris and I are going to stop in here for a bit, can we meet you somewhere later?" Your mother stopped walking, as did Jacob and Amanda, and turned to look at you. She pulled her sunglasses off, looking at Chris first. "Chris, you don't want to look around?" "Cass said she doesn't know how to get back, so I'm just going to make sure she doesn't get lost." It was a good excuse, as Jeanine knew how protective Chris had always been over you, not to mention the tight, twisty roads, but she still narrowed her eyes as she looked between you and Chris, as though trying to read you.
Your eyes caught Amanda who was only focusing on you, and you shared a knowing smirk. There was something nice about having one person you didn't have to hide your relationship from, somebody you know you can trust. Of course Amanda knowing was never intentional, but since she caught you both in your mother's laundry room it had been a bit less weight on your shoulders.
Your mother's expression softened. "Hm. M'kay, just meet us back at the bakery across from the hotel, I want to stop there when we get back." You smiled as innocently as possible at your mother. "Sounds good." She turned bac around to walk away and you and Chris headed inside the gallery.
The moment the door shut behind you you turned to Chris, your expression a little worried. "Do you think she suspected anything?" Chris chuckled, taking your hand fully now. "No, but even if she did I'm not sure she's the one we have to worry about. I think she'd even be happy about it."
Upon nobody asking you for payment at the door you and Chris continued on your way in. You eyes scanned the walls, filled with works from local artists. You loved looking at art as much as you loved creating it, breaking down the emotions and motivations of the art as much as you loved portraying your own.
You thought for a second about Chris' comment as you started down a hallway, taking a few seconds scanning each piece for the ones that especially caught your eye. "I'm not sure I want her to be happy about it." You responded, and Chris furrowed his brows, looking down at you. "What do you mean?" You sighed a little. "It just means she'll want to get involved, which means she'll start to get controlling. That's what happened with Harrison."
"How was she controlling?"
"She thought she should have a say in everything I did in our relationship. No choice was ever really fully mine. I didn't even feel ready to get engaged in the first place."
"You didn't want to get engaged?"
"Not that I didn't want to, I was just nowhere ready to. I was 23 when we started dating, and he proposed when I was 25."
"So how come you said yes?"
"I mean I didn't, at first. I told him I needed to think about it, but with the pressure from him and my mom I just kind of panicked and said yes. In a way I'm kind of relieved he cheated."
"How come?"
"Because I don't think I'd have it in me to break up with him if he didn't, and getting tied down in a marriage with him probably would have been the worst thing for me."
You looked up to Chris when he was silent for a while to find him smiling sadly at you, his brows slightly knitted together in sympathy. "I'm sorry it was like that." was all he said, but you could tell it was genuine. Your lips pulled into a gentle reassuring smile, shaking your head. "Don't be, I'm not. Everything worked out." It was vague but Chris knew what you were referring to, the fact that you were here with him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you to him, pressing a long kiss to the crown of your head. "It did."
You and Chris approached the end of the hallway, a single wall with one painting on it. There were hazes of color on it, reds, greens, pinks, purples, and beyond the sheet of color was what looked to be a figure. Only a silhouette, but you made it out to be a woman. It was painted to look like you were seeing from the perspective of the artist.
"What do you see?" Chris asked curiously. You stared for a while longer, stringing together your thoughts.. "Have you ever heard of the phrase rose-tinted glasses?" Chris hummed in affirmation. "Like that. Like maybe they were in love with the woman in the painting, but their love for her made them see her as something she wasn't." Chris stood silently, glancing between you and the painting as he took in your words.
You and Chris took some more time walking through the gallery, though most of the time while your eyes were on the art work, his were on you. Chris wasn't a huge fan of art except for yours. That's why he kept it in his home, like an extension of you. You both rounded back to the door and made your way back to the street.
You both made it probably a couple minutes down the road to the bakery when there was a brief pause in conversation while you pulled your hair back into a ponytail to get it off your neck, the heat getting worse as the day progressed, and you noticed Chris watching your movements intently before you heard him mutter a curse under his breath and tug your arm, hard. For a moment you thought your family had seen you, that it was too late, but when you began to lose your balance and Chris' large hand braced itself on your side, pinning you against the wall of the alleyway he had pulled you into, his other hand cupping the back of your neck to pull you to him, you knew that wasn't the case.
His lips were on yours in a matter of seconds following the longing look in his eyes as he scanned your face. "I don't know how I'm going to do this, Cass..." Chris said broken between kisses. You only hummed in confusion, as though asking him to explain further. "Not having you to myself..." You had no chance to respond further when he kissed you once more. His movements were rushed, needy, while yours were flustered, dazed, letting his hands explore your body freely as your arms winded around his neck to pull him closer to you.
"We can't do this here." your words were clear, but your breathy tone betrayed you as his lips made their way down your cheek and to your neck, his large, veiny hands trailing up your thighs. He hummed, as if to ask why not. As tempting as his hands were as they inched their way upwards, grabbing a handful of your ass, you were in public. If you were to get caught no doubt it would one way or another get back to your family and that was not something you'd be risking, as bad as you wanted him.
Needing a breath, you brought a hand up between you and placed your fingers over his lips, stopping him though he still leaned forward and nuzzled against you, pushing the back of your fingers against your own lips and making them the only thing between you. His forehead was against yours, his hands now on either side of your head and caging you in. Just barely, he whimpered. He whimpered and it took everything in you not to get on your knees right there. "Be patient." Your words held a promise of what was to come, looking into his eyes.
Of course, that wasn't the easiest for Chris. Since you started your relationship you realized how little self control he had when it came to his lust for you, but more than that he never wanted to upset you, so he pushed himself off from the wall and took your hand, making your way back out to the street, your cheeks still flushed as ever.
After eating lunch at the bakery, which you learned was also a café, you and your family spent a few hours at the beach, a bit of down time after your busy morning. By now, around 6pm, it had started to cool down and it was much more bearable to be outside so you and your family decided you'd get ready for dinner and find a place to eat.
You didn't change your dress from the one you had been wearing most of the day, only touched up your makeup with some more blush and mascara and added a few pieces of gold jewelry to your look. You spent a little time touching up your hair as well considering how messy it looked by now with the sweltering heat, and after quickly scanning over yourself in the mirror you smiled softly at yourself.
You and your family walked maybe five minutes over to a restaurant called "Can Sophia", one that a seemingly single father and his daughter who were also staying in your hotel recommended to you in the lobby after overhearing your conversation about dinner. After a few detours, fault of Jacob who insisted he heard the directions correctly and that everybody else was wrong, you eventually made your way to the restaurant.
Upon entering, you were all lead to the seating area which you were immediately met with the left, right, and back wall all made of glass, as well as the roof, closely resembling a greenhouse only filled with dining tables, all neatly set with table cloths, plates, and wine glasses. You were directed to a table for five, you and Chris next to each other, Jacob and Amanda next to each other, and Jeanine at the head of the table.
Immediately upon sitting, Chris' fingers found yours under the table and he rested your joined hands on your lap, a silent smile creeping onto your face.
You realized you had been zoned out when your mother's voice cut through your hyper-focus on where Chris' hand met yours. "What do you think you're going to get, Cass?" You looked up to see the rest of the table looking at their menus, while your gaze had been locked onto your lap and the back of Chris' hand the entire time. "Oh! Um..." you looked over the menu quickly, blurting out, and completely butchering the pronunciation of, the first thing you saw that piqued you interest. Chris and your brother both shared a look and a suppressed chuckle at your pronouncing of the dish and you kicked Jacob's leg hard in response, the rest of your table joining in on the laughter.
After your food had been brought over and everybody, except Amanda and Jacob who forfeited alcohol out of sympathy for his wife, had a glass of wine on the table, you all began eating.
"Mom, I thought you didn't like seafood?" You asked, taking a bite of your own food. She shrugged, raising her brows subtly. "Just trying new things." Her response struck you as cryptic for some reason and you narrowed your eyes at her, you noticed Jacob was doing the same.
Amanda and Chris shared a look and a small giggle, both impressed at you and your brother's intuition. "Is there something you want to share?" You continued, your mother's eyes not leaving her plate and she nudged at it with her fork. "I don't know why you read into everything so much, it's nothing!" You and Jacob shared a knowing look that slowly grew into a simultaneous smirk, both realizing what your mother was trying to keep on the down-low.
"Y'know what?" Jacob took over, Chris and Amanda both holding in laughs at the way Jeanine's children both seemed to be interrogating her. "What?" Jeanine almost snapped, getting a little defensive despite the growing smile on her face betraying her. "You seemed pretty friendly with that guy in the lobby." Jeanine's face immediately grew unmistakably red.
The whole table giggled as Jeanine covered her face with her hand, hiding the smile over her features. Your laughter didn't last long as it sunk in. You took a minute to realize, but this was the first sign of interest your mother had shown towards anybody since your father's death. Your grin fell, not to a look of sadness, or anger, simply taken aback. You noticed Jacob didn't share the same bewildered expression, that he was smiling alongside your mother.
Jacob was 20 when your father, Mitchell, passed away, while you were only 14, so the event impacted you more than it did Jacob in the long-run. That's not to say it wasn't hard on him as well, simply that he, for the most part, at that point had his life together, while you were still developing and tryin to understand who you were.
Chris wasn't around when your father died, as him and Jacob didn't become close friends until Jacob was 24 when they met in law school, but Chris knows the situation and the impact it had on your family through Jacob, and that you don't like to talk about it judging by the fact that he's never heard you bring it up.
You felt Chris' hand squeeze yours upon him noticing the way you were staring between your mother and Jacob, a blank smile on your face, snapping you from your thoughts. Your eyes met his concerned ones, and you didn't have to say anything for him to know what you were thinking about. You looked a little lost, but he could tell you weren't upset which brought him some sense of relief. "You okay? Do you want to go somewhere?" He mouthed, and you smiled lightly. "I'm okay." You mouthed back, Chris' thumb stroking the back of your hand worriedly.
You always appreciated how much he knew you, how he could tell from even just a few seconds of silence exactly was going through your head. Of course you hated to make him worry about you, but that was basically inevitable.
Of course you were happy to see your mother getting all giddy about a boy, seeing it warmed your heart, it was the idea of the boy himself that you'd have to start getting used to. Besides, when you were talking to the man in the lobby when he suggested the restaurant to you, he seemed nice, and as did his daughter who looked to be a few years younger than you, so you were far from opposed to the man having anything to do with your mother. Your smile returned as you looked at your mother, and the way she refused to look at you or Jacob out of embarrassment.
You and your family finished eating at around 8:00 and by the end of dinner all of you, except Jacob and Amanda, were all a little tipsy, you and Chris as touchy as you could be without the eyes of the others at your table, stealing as many glances as possible. With the wine already in your system it made going out for drinks seem like an even better idea, not to mention it was your first night of the trip and you were all too restless to get any sleep. All except Jeanine, who had been complaining for the last portion of dinner that her feet hurt and that she felt like she was going to fall asleep at the table. You all walked Jeanine who insisted on going to bed back to the hotel, her arm linked through Chris' who politely offered his arm to help her keep her balance, before continuing down the street to find a bar near your hotel.
A/N : I’m posting this from my laptop and I’m realizing how stupid I am for writing and posting everything from my phone.
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
How are doing?
I really love your writing style it really makes feel things to another level( not kidding) 🥺
What's are your other new fics you are planning on writing?
And what about my all time fav fic "mine" update
Hey! I've actually been going pretty good how are you? I really appreciate the support, it genuinely gives me so much more motivation to write knowing people are looking out for new posts, and it also just makes me happy, so thank you!
On the other hand I'm sorry about the inconsistency with "Mine". I was lacking a lot of motivation and didn't want to push myself too hard and start to lose interest in writing it, so I just took my time and would work on it whenever I felt like it. Also part 7 is a pretty big change of scenery and a small time jump so I've been putting a lot more work into planning it out which I think is partially responsible as to why it's taking so long, also the chapter itself is pretty long. I hope it's worth it though!
As of some new fics I'm planning on writing, currently I have an Ari Levinson one-shot in the works! Its a pretty spicy. Apart from that there isn't much, considering "Mine" is my main priority right now.
Also my birthday is next week! I'm going away for a few days so I doubt I'll get much writing done but who knows, maybe I'll get part 7 out before then?
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
i'm an expert opinion haver when it comes to films by the way. for instance when i see a bad movie i tend to shake my head and think like. well why didn't they make a good movie instead. but not everyone is smart enough to think like this.
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
as a fanfic writer, the best thing you can do for yourself is invest in the stories you want to read. don’t think about what will get popular, because it will make you miserable. write about what means the most to you. if you want to write pure smut, do it. if you want to make intricate worlds and complex characters, do it. write and write and write. contrary to popular belief, good art does not have to make you suffer. all my very best work is the stuff that i enjoyed writing
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
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Well, Chris Evans in 2014 was something else 
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
your camera roll when you're dating chris evans
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0 notes
dodgersdadswife · 2 years
feeding my new austin butler obsession
this fic is SO good
ruin you [part 1] | abutler
req hello can you write something about the reader being a famous actress and austin is friends with her so he drops her at her place and then before she leaves she kisses him then they start to heavily make out then she tells him to go inside her house and while they’re taking each others clothes off she stops him and she tells him she can’t do it but doesn’t tell him that she is afraid that she might ruin him because the media said she ruined every guy she has gotten with then he just gives her a small smile and a kiss on the cheek then leaves it kinda seems awkward idk but can you make so gentle and careful with her note this is my favourite thing i've written in so long, let me know if you want a part 2 bc i was lowkey feeling the tension for austin and y/n... wc 4k warnings angst, heavy makeout sesh
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     “yeah, another round of waters would be great. thanks,” austin smiled at the waitress, fingers tapping against the nearly empty glass that he held in both hands. the younger lady scurried off — she’s been frantic every time she came to the table, obviously recognizing the two of you but deciding against speaking out. you took another bite of your food, throwing a fry in your mouth and you continued what you were saying once austin looked back at you. 
     “so anyways, he asked me what my interests were. like what do i say to that, right? i hate when people ask me vague questions— it’s like at a job interview.” you deepened your voice for the next sentence, imitating a man’s voice as you said, “what’s your greatest weakness? god, i hate that.”
     austin just watched you as you spoke, taking a sip of his water. 
     “but really, how do i answer the ‘tell me about yourself’ question? like is it relating to the movie or like, am i telling them my favourite colour and my deep-rooted childhood trauma?” you finished, stuffing another fry in your mouth, and austin took the opportunity to respond. 
     “well, what did you end up saying?”
     “oh, i can’t remember. some bullshit i made up on the spot, i don’t know.” austin laughed at your response as you reached for your glass, downing the rest of your water as the waitress was returning with more. she set the two glasses down and you and austin both thanked her, you immediately reached for yours. 
     “oh, i was gonna tell you this the other day,” austin said, playing with the metal utensil he held between his fingers. you hummed, lifting the glass up to your lips as you looked at him. “that thing in the news. you know.” you expected him to continue. when he didn’t, you raised your eyebrows at him.
     “gonna have to be more specific — there’s a lot of things in the news, austin.”
     he rolled his eyes. “i meant, the stuff regarding you,” the boy clarified, and you gave him the same look as before. “you know, the stuff that was, um… not so, uh, nice.” once he had gotten his words out, you sighed. oh yeah, that. “don’t let it get to you,” he said, picking up on your change of demeanour. “seriously. people will say, uh…”
     “dumb shit?”
     “yeah,” he nodded, glancing down as he stabbed his fork into a piece of lettuce. “dumb shit. you can’t let it get under your skin, otherwise you’re gonna find yourself dwelling on the negatives and forgetting entirely about the good things you’ve got going on.” the thing you admired most about austin was his ability to speak so passionately, so intricately about any topic you gave him. no matter what it was, he could make himself sound so educated about it and give you his full, detailed opinion. you loved listening to his mind, and he was the best person to go to for advice. that was the thing about you and austin — he saw you like you saw him. he loved getting your thoughts on things and instead of talking through problems like he could do for you, you gave him a straight forward, raw and honest answer. that was exactly what he needed, and it was nice that the two of you often balanced each other out. 
     there were many times like that in your friendship with austin, which had been going strong for about seven years now, where you juxtaposed each other perfectly. it was simple details like, for example, your backgrounds. you both came from extremely divergent families. other times, it was things like your relationships — austin’s love life was catastrophically different from yours. he had been in a nearly decade-long relationship semi-recently, whereas you had never had a boyfriend in your life. many flings and many, many guys you had been with, sure, but no relationships. in regards to your best friend, you deemed it crazy what ‘settling down’ entailed. the two of you had had many conversations about the topic, as you had been there with him through his most recent breakup which was a devastating time for him, and you. it was hard seeing your best friend, your other half as you commonly called him, hurt so bad for such a long period of time. but you were glad he was back to his normal self, it being two years since, and that experience had reassured you even more that relationships weren’t for you. 
     “did it hurt you, at all?” austin asked, and you glanced up at him. you were still on the topic of the recent media outbreak about you. “or affect you, in the slightest?”
     “i don’t know. why?”
     “i just want to make sure,” he said, lifting another forkful of his fruit salad into his mouth. after he swallowed, he pointed his fork at you. “you’d tell me if it did, right?” you nodded without lifting your head, and austin reached over to poke your sandwich with his utensil so you looked up at him, which you did with an annoyed expression. “right, y/n?”
     “yes. i would.”
     “mm, good girl. now finish your food, we’ve got…” austin flipped his wrist over, checking his cartier watch. “twenty minutes, before we have to be at olivia’s.”
     your relationship with austin was not a relationship, despite every single person in both of your lives insisting that it was. your family, his family, every single one of both of your friends — it seemed to be an ongoing joke between anyone that knew you, that you and austin were not in a relationship. the two of you made it so accentuated that everyone made fun of you for it. any time one of you was going to an event, so was the other. and you were most likely arriving together. if you couldn’t get ahold of one of you, you could probably call the other and they would know what they were doing. everyone knew this by now but everyone also knew that you weren’t in a relationship. because anyone who knew you and austin, knew that austin did relationships, and you did not. 
     in fact, the entire world knew that now, about you, after a series of photos had been leaked a few days prior. 
     it happened all the time, celebrities having intimate moments of their lives spilled to the public only for it to blow over days later. but you had never had it happen to you before, not to this extent, which is why austin made sure to ask if you were okay about it. you had responded nonchalantly, not wanting him to worry, but inside it had been crawling under your skin like some sort of insect. it was humiliating — pictures of you sharing a kiss with some random man outside a bar, then getting a cab home, and to top it off the paparazzi had met you at your house and taken pictures there, too. but the problem was that this had happened once before, which fueled a story out of the press.
     y/n y/l/n - hollywood hustler.
     the pictures hadn’t made you mad, you got bombarded by photographers all the time, that was apart of your lifestyle. it was the headlines, the articles, the constant tweets on your timeline and the trending hashtags on what seemed like every single social media platform. it was embarrassing, knowing that was what you made for yourself. not your job, not your life, but your sexuality. because of the decision that you actively made in your life to steer clear of a monogamous relationship, you were now labelled a slut to the entire world. 
     it had died down a bit by now, the headlines being broadcasted days before, but it still ate away at you, knowing that you would see your friends in less than an hour and you knew what they would all be thinking. it stung not only your feelings but your eyes, as you tried your hardest to blink back your tears as you grabbed your water. 
     “hey.” austin’s raspy voice caught you by surprise as he placed his large hand on your smaller one, wrapping his fingers around your wrist. he pried your hand off the cup, holding it in his. “you okay?”
     you knew he could see your eyes watering over, so you wiped the sleeve of your sweater over your eyes and shot him a tight smile. “yep.” he scoffed, closing your hand into both of his firmly. “thanks.”
     “do you still wanna go to olivia’s? we can skip, if you want, go find something else to do.” austin’s eyes darted back between both of your’s, like he was digging deep into your irises to try and read what was going on inside your mind. he didn’t have to try hard — austin was an expert at knowing what you were thinking. 
     “no, we should go,” you said. he tilted an eyebrow up in question, and you nodded. “yeah. you haven’t seen anyone in a while. and if i don’t go i’ll feel worse than i will if i do go.”
     austin pulled his lower lip into his teeth, sighing as he looked at you. after a few more seconds of studying you, scanning just as many shades of y/e/c as he could find visible, he defeatedly nodded. “okay.” you went to pull your hand back, but austin just held it tighter. “we can leave any time you want.”
     “i’ll be fine, aus. i’m a big girl,” you teased, and austin rolled his eyes before releasing your hand. “plus, it’ll be nice to catch up with everyone.”
     about two hours was spent at olivia’s with everyone, just a small get-together with your friends and it was nice to catch up. you spent the whole time on the floor playing with olivia’s new puppy while austin chatted away about his most recent role in the big movie he just released. it was nice to spend time with your friends, hear what was going on in everyone’s lives, but your social battery had ran out long before you had even got there, and after an excessive amount of time spent talking about himself to his dismay, austin wanted to leave just as much as you did. 
     “text me, we’ll grab coffee or something, okay?” you gave olivia a quick hug, followed with goodbyes to everyone, and then you and austin headed out. you stayed silent on the way down to his car, not really speaking until he got on the freeway towards your house. 
     “do you think liv was being a bit strange with me?” you asked him, glancing over to the driver’s side. austin shrugged, switching his right hand to grip the wheel while he rested his left elbow against the window, hand coming to run through his hair. 
     “i don’t think so. why?”
     you shrugged. “just felt a bit off, talking to her. that's all.” austin hummed in response, and you left the topic there. it was nice, being with austin, because silence never felt awkward. there was never an uncomfortable moment with him, and if there was it was for a reason. the pair of you were like two peas in a pod, soulmates as you heavily believed, although it was strictly platonic. it was always platonic with austin. 
     a few blocks until your condo and austin finally spoke up, breaking his near-silent streak. “you sure you’re okay?”
     “yeah, i’m fine,” you responded, and he clicked his tongue in dismay. 
     “i don’t like it when you lie to me.”
     “i’m not lying.”
     “for fuck’s sake, y/n,” he snapped, and you looked over at him, surprised at his aggressive tone. he rubbed at his forehead, eyebrows furrowed as he focused on the road. “i can tell when something is wrong with you, so the least you can do is ease my nerves and tell me what the fuck’s going on.”
     you stayed silent for a while, unsure of what to say, and it wasn’t until austin pulled the car outside of your building when he spoke again. “i’m sorry, for raising my voice at you, but fuck, sweetheart. you gotta give me something to work with here.“ the way his eyes poured into your’s, not searching like he had before but begging you to see his. it was like he was asking you to look at him like he looked at you. austin cared about you, you had always known that he tended to you, but this felt different. more… passionate, than other times. he cared a little more today than before. 
     “i—” you stuttered across your words, a bit taken aback from the intense eye contact. glancing down, you watched your thumbs twiddle in your lap before looking back up at him. “i don’t know what you want me to say.”
     you watched the boy take your words in, every single syllable constructing each emotion onto his face as the gears turned in his head to fully understand your script. he sighed finally, biting his lower lip as he brought a hand up to cup your face, holding your jaw gently as his fingers leafed into your hair and his thumb brushed across your cheek. physical touch wasn’t uncommon with austin, but it wasn’t demonstrated enough where you were completely unphased by it. feeling his hand against your skin ignited the butterflies in your stomach, and you gazed up to meet his eyes again. 
     “just tell me when something is bothering you,” he answered simply, “please.” you nodded, feeling a bit of guilt after hearing his saddened tone. austin sighed again, bringing both hands to cup your face now as he squeezed gently, causing a smile to form on your face. “how am i supposed to be your superhero when i don’t know what you need saving from?”
     “i don’t need saving, aus.”
     “just let me be there for you,” he pleaded, and the tone dripping from his tongue was unlike anything you’d heard from him before. it was raw, vulnerable like he was sharing his deepest, darkest secret with you. so you nodded, smiling softly at him. his eyes brightened a bit before he took a deep breath of relief and pulled you forward to kiss your forehead. “let me walk you inside, yeah?”
     austin followed you up the stairs to the building, and he insisted on leading you up to your apartment, as well. the elevator ride was silent, his arm slung around your shoulders the whole time and your head nuzzled into his chest, and then he followed you down the hall to your door. 
     “okay, you can go now,” you joked, looking back at him as you dug around for your keys in your tote. “i’ll see you tomorrow, probably.”
     “no, i gotta make sure you get in alright,” he said with a bit of a teasing tone, and you chuckled. 
     “i think i can handle unlocking a door, austin.”
     “you never know,” he said, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. his eyes watched you fumble around in your bag, your fingers sliding through your keychain and then sliding the designated one into the lock. you glanced up at him while you were doing so, raising your eyebrows sarcastically while you audibly unlocked the door. 
     “what do you know? i did it.”
     the smile previously inhabited on austin’s lips slowly faded, replaced by some other emotion that you weren’t entirely sure of. it was a split second, but you saw austin’s tongue dart out to wet his lips, his eyes flicker down to your lips, and then all of a sudden he was pushing his lips onto yours. lips, lips, lips, that’s all you could think about. they were so soft, so warm, and so full; they felt so good against yours and you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss. his arm came to snake around your waist, his hand taking hospice on your lower back as he hugged you into him. his other hand came to cup your face the same as he did in the car, but this time much firmer and with more intent. 
     you hadn’t realized that you had kissed him back right away until you caught yourself moaning into the kiss. his teeth closed around your lower lip, pulling away just enough to create tension and catch some air before he kissed you again, with enough passion and lust to knock you off your feet. then, you realized what was happening. 
     austin pulled away at your sudden discretion, again reading your mind without you having to say a word, and your hands moving to press against his chest.
     “i’m sorry,” he blurted, and you counted this as the first time the boy had ever interrupted you. “i should not have done that.”
     austin let go of you entirely, his arms unraveling himself and his hand coming up to wipe down his face. your palms stayed flat against his chest, not ready to release him yet. “i should not have done that,” he repeated, his hands now tangled in his hair as he looked at anything but you. “that just made everything so weird, i’m sorry.”
     “no,” you said, finally able to get a word out. austin glanced down at you, eyebrows furrowed. “don’t— i didn’t…” you paused, taking a breath as you laughed at your nervous jumble of words. god, you felt like a teenager. “just kiss me again.”
     austin was looking at you as if you were insane, and before thinking you pulled him in by the shirt, causing him to lean down and crash his lips onto yours. this kiss was a bit slower, after he had found his grounding, and austin placed a hand on the wall behind him while you leaned back, snaking your arms around his neck. it was unbelievable how soft his lips were, his tongue feeling just as good as he swiped it against your own. blindly, you reached behind you and down, twisting open the doorknob and soon the door fell open with your and austin’s weight against it. 
     “mm, you okay?” he mumbled after the two of you had stumbled inside, somehow not breaking apart from the kiss. you hummed, or moaned, in response, and austin kicked the door close with a slam before he grabbed at your thighs and impressively lifted you onto the counter behind you. he knew your apartment better than you did at this point. 
     your hands came to tangle in his hair, tugging at the roots which incited a groan from the boy. even when you would be sitting on the couch with him, his head resting in your lap and your fingers leafing through his curls, austin would always let out light hums of approval — he loved getting his hair played with, and from this you could guess that the innocent act stemmed from a more erotic, pleasure-inducing action. 
     austin gripped at your thighs, his large hands taking home on your knees and sliding all the way up as he stood between your legs. he moved his fingers up to your stomach, sliding under your shirt and dancing them across your ribcage. his touch was warm against your skin, although creating goosebumps which he noticed. austin pulled away from your lips but continued to leave you satisfied as he instead trailed soft kisses down your jaw to your neck, your breath heavy as you leaned back to give him more surface area to work with. 
     “this okay?” he mumbled, and you nodded, feeling the butterflies fly frantically around in your stomach. he pulled away from your neck, his hand moving to your cheek as his thumb pulled down at your lower lip. he opened his mouth to say something, but you interrupted him, giving an answer to his unasked question. 
     “bedroom.” he helped you down from the counter, and the two of you made your way down the hall and into your bedroom before austin helped you lift your shirt up, hands caressing your body and his lips pressing against yours as he laid you back onto the bed. everything he did was delicate, treating you like china. he knelt over you, one knee between your legs as he sat up to pull his shirt off his body before leaning back over you, continuing his job of kissing you so lustfully you felt your brain fog and your thoughts diminish. 
     your one legs fell open around him, his hand moving to grip the back of your thigh and gently stretch you back, dropping his hips down to meet yours. a whiny moan left your lips at the sudden contact, and hoping to feel more you tugged at his hair again. sure enough, austin pressed his body down closer to yours, his bulge rubbing against you and you threw your head back, his lips attacking your neck now. 
     “still okay?” austin asked between kisses, his lips sweet against your collarbone now. you nodded, offering a breathy mhm as he squeezed your hip. “tell me if you want me to stop, okay baby?”
     you felt austin’s hands both move to your jeans, unbuttoning them swiftly as well as undoing the zipper. he slid them slightly down your legs, only about halfway down your thighs, before he said, “fuck, i’ve wanted this for so long, y/n.” it was then, those words that snapped you out of your trance, and suddenly you were pushing austin off of you.
     “i don’t know if this is a good idea,” you blurted. the look on austin’s face was one of disappointment but more misunderstanding. you sat back on your elbows, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “i just don’t— i don't want—”
     austin shook his head, placing a hand on the bed beside you and moving his other hand to cup your cheek gently. his thumb ran across your cheek, your lips falling still as he looked between both of your eyes. “it's okay, love. we don’t have to do anything.” you nodded, grateful for his patience. austin helped you dress yourself again, doing up your jeans for you. you sat on the edge of your bed, putting your shirt back on as austin did the same. he reached over, helping you untuck your hair from underneath the collar of your sweater.
     “you wanna tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of your’s?” he asked, his tone gentle as he played with your hair lightly, fingers running over the skin on your neck.
     you closed your eyes and swallowed deeply, allowing the feeling of austin’s skin against yours to drown you in his presence. you didn’t wanna answer — you were afraid he would judge you for bringing it up again when you didn’t even want to talk about it in the first place. pity was the last thing you wanted from anyone, and the topic of the media was all you and him had talked about today. you didn’t want him to think anything. 
     “is this about earlier?” he asked, and you didn’t say much. he always knew what you were thinking, regardless of if he could examine your emotions through your eyes or not. at your lack of response, austin placed both hands on either side of your head and tilted your head back to look up at him. “i’ll take that as a yes?”
     yes. "i don't know."
austin frowned, his thumbs swiping over your cheeks softly. "why are you still thinking about that, baby?"
because i don't want you to just be another guy. i don't want to corrupt your perfect image. i don't want to ruin you.
     “you know what? it’s okay,” austin whispered, his hands rounding over your face, lips pressing into a soft smile. his eyes were so kind, so forgiving. “we don’t have to talk.” he pressed a kiss to your head, arms moving to wrap around your body and engulf you into his. “just hug.”
     “i can’t breathe, aus,” you mumbled, and quickly the boy unwrapped himself from you. the two of you shared a laugh, and then he kissed you again. he kissed you softly, sweetly, like it could cure sickness and solve world hunger. he kissed you like he had been waiting all his life to do it, which he had, and he looked at you afterwards like he was in love. 
     because he was.
➳ @mesbouquins @reeldeal @suspiciousbutler @sagesolsticewrites @shimmeringlights44 @bonzaiblitzz @butlersbitxh @floralcyanide @sassy-ahsoka-tano @austin-butlers-gf @anangelwhodidntfall @she-is-juniper @butler-on-beale-street
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
mine — part 6
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Pairing : Chris Evans x F!Reader
Summary : Upon finding out your fiancée has been cheating on you after two years of being together, you've finally had enough. Thankfully, your neighbor Chris is there to help you move on.
Warnings : minors DNI, race not specified, age gap (reader is 25, Chris is 31), sexual themes, kissing, fluff, morning after pill (Plan B), not proof read. I do not consent to my work being republished or used in any other context.
Word Count : 3.7k (I apologize for how short this is! I wanted to end it off at a place where I could either start the next chapter from this same day or do a time skip to the trip.)
A/N : do you guys like when the chapters are over or under 5k words? also I am changing how far amanda is into her pregnancy. previously it was three weeks until her due date and now it's two months. this is because I'm throwing a vacation into this story and I want her to come hehe.
You woke up to Chris stroking up and down your bare back, his fingertips just barely grazing your skin as they traced lines and shapes. You were still hugged to him, your face in his chest and his chin resting on your head. You stirred a little, his other hand stroking your hair as he greeted you with a small "Good morning." Through his deep, raspy morning voice. You could tell from his tone that he was smiling. "Morning." You murmured back, your words muffled as you nuzzled against his chest.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, his fingertips still dancing across your skin, now repeating small scattered circles. "Good, really good." You assured, smiling against his chest and you felt his body shake with his chuckle. "Do you need anything? Water, breakfast, a bath?" He listed off a few things but you only shook your head, your smile growing. You loved how concerned he was for you, how much he wanted make sure you were content. "I'm okay..." You trailed off, something occuring to you then.
"Plan B." You spoke, your suddenness taking Chris back a bit. He backed away just enough to be able to look at you, his brows furrowed. You watched as his eyes widened and his brows raised, realizing what you were referring to. In your eagerness and excitement last night, protection wasn't something either of you had thought of. You had no reason to believe you could be pregnant, especially being on birth control, but there was no harm in being entirely sure.
"Oh. How soon do you need it?" Chris didn't seem bothered at all, and it made you feel comfortable talking this sort of thing it with him. A part of him almost seemed a little intimidated, nervous to say something insensitive about the situation but you admired it, the was he cared so much. You liked that there weren't any barriers between you two, like you were both just exploring your relationship, exploring eachother. "I really don't know, We should go as soon as possible, just to be safe." Chris nodded his head but did take a few more moments to lay with you, his eyes locked on yours. His eyes searched your features, just taking you in.
Something felt different now, though it wasn't bad. It was like something had finally set in. Something had been made official. It was a little scary, knowing that something had now solidified and beyond this point you and Chris could no longer end this and act like it was just a fling, but it was all the more exciting for the exact same reason. Nothing had been labelled, but you and Chris' feelings were now more than just feelings, they were physical, real.
Chris pressed a kiss to your forehead before turning over and sitting up. You noticed immediately he still wasn't dressed, and your eyes followed every cut line of the muslces of his back as he sat at the edge of the bed. He took a sip of the water that still sat on the end table before pushing himself up to his feet. Now standing tall, you watched every movement of his muscles as he made his way to his closet to put on some clean clothes. The way he stepped into his black boxers, then his jeans, and the way he lifted his arms to slip his shirt on and the ridges in his back and arms contorted perfectly when he did so. You smiled, not noticing the way he peeked over his shoulder to find you staring.
"Can I grab you some clothes?" He offered, seeing as you were very much still naked under his sheets. As much as he loved the reality of that, you couldn't exactly walk into a drug store in your current state and he didn't trust himself enough to get the right thing. "That would be nice, there's a spare key under the mat." You informed, a small smile appearing on your face when Chris strided over and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before he left.
When you heard Chris' front door shut, you rolled over onto your stomach and burried your head in his pillow, a big smile on your face. In your mind you continued replaying the previous night. Just the thought of it, the thought of him, made your heart race and your thighs clentch together.
In the time Chris was gone, you continued running through the night until you heard his door open once more, followed by Chris joining you in his room. "Does this work?" He stood in his doorway, holding up a blue sundress detailed with small white flowers. You couldn't help but remember that blue was his favourite colour. "That's perfect, but..." You noticed that in his outfit he had picked out for you, he was lacking undergarments. "I think you forgot something." You pointed out, sitting up and holding the douvet to your body. "I didn't forget anything." He grinned, reassuring you as he placed the dress down on the bed.
You sat in shock when Chris turned and left the room, leaving you to change. Not that Chris was shy with his women or that he was afraid to make his feelings known— you had always noticed how happy he was to show off his girlfriends whenever he would bring a woman around, making sure they felt appreciated— but it was bold for anybody. Not that you didn't like it, God you loved it, it just took you a moment to realize what Chris was intending with this. You grinned as you swung your legs off the side of the bed and got to your feet, dressing yourself in what he picked out and brushing your fingers through your hair before stepping out, your excitement growing by the second.
You stood at the end of his hallway and watched as Chris' eyes found yours from where he stood in the kitchen, for another morning in a row making you your coffee. His eyes raked over your figure with a subtle smile before landing back on your face. "You look beautiful." He spoke, his voice low as if he was just thinking out loud. "Thank you, Chris." You smiled. He turned and placed a lid on the travel mug he put your coffee in, placing it in your hand as he passed you with a grin on his way to the door.
You followed him out, lowering into the passengers seat as he held the door open for you. You took a sip from the mug as you watched him make his way to the drivers side, neither of you speaking when he sat in the car, nothing but a smile on both of your faces. You noticed how he kept stealing glances at you, smiling when you'd catch him.
You were both quiet for a while, a comfortable silence, but you still felt there was something you wanted to talk about. "I'm really glad we did that..." You spoke, trying to sound as confident as you could but Chris could tell you were nervous. "It was good, really good, for me, at least..." You fidgeted in your lap, your eyes glued to your hands. "I will never understand what goes on inside that head." He chuckled, shaking his head. "W... What?" Your brows furrowed, looking up at him now. You watched Chris' hand move to cover both of your own, holding eye contact with you the best he could considering he was driving. "Cass I hope you know that you're the only one I've thought about being with for the last 2 years, and you're the last I intend to be with..." His statement was blunt and it caught you a little off guard, not to mention the way he was looking into your eyes completely unwavering. It made you squirm in your seat, your eyes falling back to your lap with a flustered smile on your face. "And, I do want to do that again. Many, many more times." This he said with his eyes on the road, nothing but an afterthought but it made your face grow hot.
When you pulled into the driveway of the drug store, Chris immediately got out and walked around to open your door for you, holding his hand out for you to lift yourself out. You took his hand and he didn't release it as you made your way to the door, making it known you were together. Chris didn't go overboard with PDA, but made it very obvious that his love language was touch.
You walked along the isles with him until you stopped at the pharmacy counter. A bit uncomfortably, you asked the woman who greeted you about Plan B and after a short briefing, one she seemed to have recited countless times by the was she was whizzing through it, she walked you both over to the counter to pay. Chris subtly placed a box of condoms on the counter next to it and you felt your face grow hot when your eyes glanced at the word 'large', turning your head away as you immediately forced away the smirk that was emerging.
You began digging through your purse for your cash, him patting around his pockets for his wallet, a silent race with both of you intending to be the one to pay. Suddenly, while your eyes were glued to the inside of your purse, you felt Chris grip your arm. You looked up at him, your brows furrowed in confusion and expecting him to tell you 'not to worry about it' and that 'he didn't mind paying', but it was only a second before you spotted your mother standing a few feet away from you, talking to another pharmacist at the same counter about something, thankfully yet to see the two of you together. Chris widened his eyes at you, silently telling you to hide and you immediately ran behind the nearest isle.
You could hear your heart beating wildly in your ears, out of sight of your mother but able to hear their conversation. "Chris!" She exclaimed. "Jeanine! Wasn't expecting to see you here how are you?" By the muffled sound of your mother's voice when she responded you could tell she had wrapped him in a hug. "Just picking up a prescription for Jacob, about to be a father and still can't take care of himself." She tsked, clearly being sarcastic. "Yourself?" They were both silent for a moment, and you were assuming Jeanine had seen what was currently on the counter and being bought by Chris. "Oh?"
You could hear Chris' embarrassed laugh, and though you couldn't see you tell his face was as red as a tomato. "Well what do we have here? So you do have a special someone back at home?" She asked, and though her tone was light-hearted you could tell Chris was feeling put on the spot. Jeanine had that way about her, that she could make people feel intimidated without lifting a finger. It was probably how she knew so much, and how she could always get her way.
"Something like that." Chris chuckled again, and you could hear the sound of him placing his things in a plastic bag. "Well, you better introdu..." at the beginning of their goodbyes, it was your signal to get out of there. You, as quietly as possible, made a run for the door down the isle, then tiptoed out of the door and made sure it had closed before you sprinted back to his car, not wanting her to see you through the window. Seeing you here at the same time as Chris when he was buying that was bad enough, but catching you escaping would leave you with zero excuses.
You let yourself in the backseat and hunched down on the floor of the car, ensuring your mother couldn't see you if she were to follow him back to his car to say goodbye, as you could see her doing something like that. You were breathing heavily with your head lowered when you heard the drivers side door open one or two minutes later. "She's gone now." Chris whispered and poked his head in and around the car and you got up from your hiding spot, collapsing on the back seat, sprawled out with a sigh of relief. He chuckled, and as did you. "Holy shit." You blurted out, a hand pressed over your heart as it calmed down.
Chris dropped into his seat and slammed his door shut as he passed the box of Plan B back to you. "That was too close." He commented, and you took the pill with a sip of your coffee before climbing back up to the passengers seat. "We've gotta tell them." He said, and judging by his expression he clearly was not happy about it but you both knew it was too risky to try and keep it a secret. "We really do." You responded, and though your tone was light, trying to find humour in the situation, you were terrified, and you could tell Chris was too.
"Until then... you wanna get breakfast?" You felt his hand close over your on your lap, bringing you out of the overthinking he could tell was clearly occuring as he maneuvered his way out of the parking lot. "Yeah." You smiled, your hand turning over in your lap to let your fingers interlace. His thumb began stroking the back of your hand, a silent reassurance as you he pulled onto the road.
It was a quick drive to the small cafe on the corner or a busy street. Chris parked his car and walked around to open your door for you, holding his hand out for you to take when you stepped out. He let his hand rest on the small of ypur back as you walked into the coffee shop, bustling with all sorts of people, some alone, some with friends, some with their significant others. Chris stood with one hand in yours, the other in his pocket at he read over the menu.
You loved being in public with him. You loved that when people saw you, they could immediately tell you were together. You liked being his, and you liked that he was yours, and you liked that people knew that. Not because of PDA, or that you couldn't keep your eyes off of eachother, but that subtle body language. The small touches, the small glances, that was the difference that made it clear you weren't together for show, but because you genuinely liked being around eachother. You were so used to your relationship being kept behind closed doors, family members and friends entirely forgetting you were in a relationship at all, that even the subtlest displays of PDA made you feel special.
You ordered a coffee and french toast, Chris an herbal tea and a sandwhich. He payed, once again to your own displeasure, but before you could continue to argue he got your food and headed for a table towards the back of the cafe. Your table was next to an open window, a cool breeze filtering in and cooling you off. There were hardly any people where you were sitting, leaving you and Chris with some privacy. Chris took a seat so he was facing the rest of the cafe, and you took a seat next to him. There were some things that didn't change, such as that. You'd been nothing but friends for so long, 6 years to be exact, that sitting across from him, something labelled as romantic, seemed far too formal.
Chris took the lid off of his own tea, then upon watching you lift your coffee to your lips and burn yourself, he did the same for yours with a small chuckle. "You okay?" He asked as your tongue swiped over your top lip where you burned yourself. He watched your eyes meet his, gears clearly turning in your head. An idea just kind of came to you, and without much thought you spoke. "Kiss it better." You immediately felt a little embarrassed, a shocked smile slowly pulling at the corners of your lips at your own words, but his lips were on yours in no time. You laughed into the kiss at the way he immediately jumped at the opportunity, feeling him smile as well as your hands found his cheeks, gently pushing him away from you when you felt a few eyes on you.
He grinned as he pulled away from you, both of you left with a giddy, attempted-suppressed smile on your faces and a bit of flush on your cheeks. "You got any plans for the rest of the summer?" He asked. You shrugged, picking up your fork and knife and cutting into your french toast. "I mean I've been looking for a job, but other than that nothing really, apart from the trip." Chris tilted his head, looking a bit concerned. "Are you... doing alright?"
He was referring to how you were doing financially. You knew it wasn't condescending, and that he genuinely was more than okay with helping you out if you were struggling, if you would let him. He didn't realize it before, but with you in university he knew that Harrison would have been helping you out a lot when it came to money. You immediately shook your head. "Oh no, I'm doing fine, I just mean selling paintings can only get me so far, especially with school..." Chris' eyes lingered on you when you looked down at your food. He could always tell when you were lying.
You glanced back up at Chris, changing the subject when you saw how he was looking at you. "Um... speaking of the trip, now that Harrison's not coming you're welcome to. I mean obviously I understand if you can't get time off work, or if you're just busy but I just thought I'd a-" Chris noticed your nervous rambling and cut you off. "I'll book some time off work." You grinned, keeping your eyes down on your plate but Chris could clearly see your excitement. "You'd need to book another room, so Mom and Jacob don't suspect anything." "I'll just have to make sure my room's next to yours." Chris smirked and you smiled and shook your head, heat rising to your cheeks.
Your mother has been planning a trip to Spain, Costa Brava, for the last few months. Your mother offered to pay for you and Harrison, knowing the both of you were getting by but not exactly doing fantastic financially. It was in the air to invite Chris, but your mother and Jacob, along with yourself, were all very aware of the tension between Chris and Harrison. Now that Harrison wasn't coming, you figured your family would be happy to have Chris join you. After all it wouldn't be hard to say you only invited him for Jacob.
"Where have you been applying?" He asked, taking a sip of his tea. You took a bite of your food. "Nowhere yet, I've just been looking... I was thinking waitressing, or hosting, and Jacob was talking about me applying to be a secretary at his firm but I know we'd end up getting sick of eachother." Chris chuckled, knowing how right you were. You and Jacob loved eachother but you were both so competitive that you got on eachothers nerves way too much to be able to work together.
"Well, I know you don't want my help but if you ever need it, you know where to find me." You looked up to him, your expression was soft. You nodded your head. "How is your work?" You changed the subject, taking another bite of your food. "Good, not as busy as usual, but we've been doing really good." He trailed off as he leaned forward and wiped a bit of syrup from your bottom lip, then casually sucked it from his thumb. You watched the movement intently.
"I remember when you we first met, and you were still in law school." "Oh yeah?" He grinned, and you nodded. "You were kind of a man-whore." Chris nearly spit out his tea as a laugh took over him, but forced himself to swallow before he spoke. "What?" "You were cool about it though, y'know? You were subtle." Chris laughed, and finally you did too. "At least I wasn't as bad as Jacob." Your eyes widened. "What...?" Chris grinned. "You couldn't tell? He was so much worse than I was." Your jaw dropped in shock through a laugh. "He had the nerve, when he wouldn't even let me kiss a boy!" You both laughed, Chris' falling back into his chair as his hand clutched the left side of his chest.
"He always told me to stay away from you, y'know. I couldn't even look at you for a second without him threatening me." "So you were looking at me?" You smiled teasingly, and Chris grinned but furrowed his brows accusingly. "Like you weren't looking at me." He retorted and you grinned. "I actually did have a crush on you, but I thought you were waaay too old." "Jeez, thanks." You both chuckled.
"I have a question." You said abruptly, both of your smiles still lingering. Chris raised his brows slightly, letting you know you had his attention. "What did you always say under your breath?" "Hm?" "You'd always whisper that word, but you never told me what it was." Chris took a minute to realize what you were talking about, then his grin returned. He was silent for a few moments, contemplating, you supposed, if he wanted to tell you.
"Mine?" You repeated, a bit confused.
"I'd say it everytime you reminded me what I was waiting for."
"And what was that?"
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
hi! i just discovered ‘mine’ and it says f!reader but the names cass ?
Hi! I'm new to tumblr and Mine is my first fic so I don't know if maybe I should have done this differently but the reason I give the reader or protagonist of the story a name is really just because I hate the use of "y/n", and the reason I still say reader is because I write in second-person. The name is really just a place-holder or fill-in for "y/n". I really hope it doesn't take away from the story at all, I honestly wasn't really thinking about it when I started writing Mine because I didn't think it would get much attention.
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
mine — part 5
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Pairing : Chris Evans x F!Reader
Summary : Upon finding out your fiancée has been cheating on you after two years of being together, you've finally had enough. Thankfully, your neighbor Chris is there to help you move on.
Warnings : minors DNI, race not specified, age gap (reader is 25, Chris is 31), exclusively smut so feel free to skip this chapter and go to part 6 once it's published! (praise kink, size kink, overstimulation, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex and pls wrap it before you tap it, multiple o's, a bit of insecurity from past relationships, possessive chris, aftercare, lots of consent!) pining, kissing, fluff, not proof read. I do not consent to my work being republished or used in any other context.
Word Count : 4.0k
A/N : like i said above this chapter is only smut as it was originally a part of part 4 but i figured it was too long so why not break it up and make it easier for people who aren't comfortable reading smut? enjoy! this is my first time writing smut so constructive criticism is appreciated.
The moment you stepped in the door you wrapped your arms over Chris' shoulders, dragging him into you for a kiss. He leaned down to reach you as his lips stayed locked to yours and he lowered your bags to the ground, tapping the door shut with his foot. The kiss was slow, relaxed, but Chris' anticipation was growing, you could tell by the way that when his hands found your waist his grip on your cardigan was immediately unfaltering, as if he was holding himself back, wanting to slow himself down for you. He wanted to take his time with you, to learn you, not to rush you or ruin this by overwhelming you.
"Is this okay?" He asked between kisses as his cold hands carefully slipped under your cardigan, resting on your bare waist and sending a shiver up your spine. You nodded your head, smiling against his lips. You had no problem with taking it slow if it meant he could be sure you wanted this as bad as he did.
"You know you can stop this whenever you want?" You couldn't help but smile again, admiring the fact that he needed to be so sure of your consent before continuing with this. "I know, Chris." Your hands cupped his cheeks as you pulled away for a moment, looking into his eyes. "Okay." He spoke, connecting your lips through a subtle smile of his own. His hands moved from your waist to wrap around you before he stood up straight, lifting you off the ground as you hugged around his neck.
Your feet dangled above the ground as he walked you down the hallway, blindly feeling along the wall for his doorknob. When he reached it, he pushed open his door and set you back down on your feet, swinging it shut once more behind him. Your lips never separated for a moment, not even as he lowered you to the bed, his hands finding the underneath of your knees when your back hit the matress and moving your legs to wrap around his hips when he laid over you.
You could feel him between your legs, hard and pressing against you through your bathing suits, causing you to gasp under your breath. You could hear him inhale sharply when you made contact there, especially when your legs pulled him tight against you.
He broke the kiss but only for his lips to find the skin of your cheek, then your jaw, and trailing down your neck where his lips formed an 'o' and sucked lightly, forcing a suppressed moan out of you. The hickey was faint and low enough that you could hide it if you intended to but any other shirt would show it off. It was intentional, thought-through. He didn't want to inconvenience you, and yet he wanted the whole world to know you were his.
When he was done he pressed a kiss to the marking and flitted his eyes up to you from where he hovered above your chest. It was like something had set off in him with the way he looked at you, something like an instinct. His eyes were so curious and innocent, and yet so intense. Like he wanted to explore you in every way possible, to know every sound you could make, every way you could move, every way your face would contort when you felt what he was going to do to you, and yet he wanted to ruin you all the same. Not exactly that he wanted to ruin you, but that he wanted to ruin everybody else for you. Selfishly, he wanted to make it so you could never go back, or move on. So you were only his, and would only ever be his.
"Chris?" You felt his lips just below your collar bone, his large hands encompassing your waist. "Hm?" He hummed through the kiss, as if asking you to use your words. "Please...?" You whispered breathily, needily. It was all you managed to get out with how flustered he had you, but he understood well enough what you wanted.
He, with very little effort, snuck an arm under your back and moved you so your head was on his pillow, giving you room to splay comfortably while he laid at the end of the bed, his head facing between your legs. One of his arms wrapped around your hip and his hand sat on your upper stomach, adding slight pressure, holding you in place. The other left your waist, both of you watching as his large middle finger trailed a line the middle of your stomach, dipping over your belly button, and then gently over your center, taking in the warmth there and the way you shivered ever so slightly. Your hand moved to cover his on your stomach, something to cling to as he worked at you.
Satisfied with your reaction, impatient to see more, he trailed that same finger back up, only now he stopped at your bud, holding you down harder when you writhed under his touch. He added a bit of pressure under his fingertip and started a slow, tight circle, pulling a subtle whimper from you. Noticing how worked up you were getting, your breathing quick and shallow, he pressed a long kiss to your inner thigh to ground you, hoping not to overwhelm you just yet. He felt you relax under his hand a little, your breathing slowing as you adjusted to his pace.
As Chris continued, his pace unfaltering, you found yourself getting ancy waiting for him to go faster. You wriggled again, as if telling him 'more'. Chris' hand pressed you into the bed. "Words, Cass." You inhaled sharply when he stopped, waiting for you to speak in case it was too much. "More, please." Your voice was small, not used to anything but one-sided sex and feeling a bit embarrassed to ask. He didn't push you any more for you to speak up, understanding not to rush you. "Good girl." He praised, pressing another quick kiss to your inner thigh, closer to your heat now.
Chris got up from where he was laying and kneeled in front of you instead, looking down at you where you laid. He looked so tall, towering over you like that. He still was wearing only his swimming shorts, his chest and arms free for your eyes to wander. He looked into your eyes, intense and yet so infatuated by you as his fingers slipped below the hem of your bathing suit bottoms, searching for any sign you wanted to stop before slowly guiding them down your legs and tossing the fabric aside. You went to move your legs together, to cover yourself despite the low light in the room, but you were met with Chris' gentle hand at your inner thigh, humming a small "Mm-mm" and holding you open to him so he could lean down to you and press his lips against yours softly, your knees bent at his hips. He pulled away only to to whisper to you. "I want to see you." You nodded your head, a silent promise that you wouldn't shy away from him.
You gasped when his arm reached between you and his cold hand suddenly cupped your hot, bare sex, his eyes locked on yours while he watched how your brows arched up and knitted together tightly, more so when his palm gently kneaded up and down your folds. Your hand flew down to grip his wrist as he pressed his lips against yours once more, you subconsciously guiding his movements in the pace that felt best, the heel of his palm just barely grinding against your clit in a way that made you see stars. The kiss was slow, messy, you being too caught up in your pleasure and him too focused on giving it to you. He chuckled against you lips, low and gravely so it vibrated against you, satisfied with the effect he was having on you.
You felt one of his fingertips tease your entrance, dipping in and out of your wetness and dragging it up around your sensitive bud only to return back to your hole each time. You moaned against his lips each time he would go there, pushing you a little further each time. He waited until you were panting, your eyes practically begging before he let his finger slip inside of you slowly, breaking the kiss so he could watch with a ghost of a smile as your face contorted.
You gasped as you felt him plunge into you until his knuckle met your entrance, then slowly rotating his finger and wiggling it around as if preparing you for what was to come, knowing better than you did as of now that you would need it. "So fuckin' tight, Cass..." you half-moaned half-whimpered, your breathing quickening when you felt him start to pump in and out of you, his fingertips padding against your walls that continued to pulse around the intrusion. The next time he went to push back into you, he added another finger, stretching you out and pulling a long, broken moan from your lips.
"You doin' alright, baby?" He checked in, almost cruelly with the way you were just about to respong when his fingers then brushed against a specific spot inside of you that made your whole body jerk and tense, tightening your grip on his biceps as your jaw hung slack in a moan. That had been what turned the initial feeling of the stretch and adjusting to pleasure and anticipation, the coil winding tighter in your belly.
Noticing how you were yet to respond to his question and were looking to him as if asking if you were doing alright and that you didn't know for yourself, he reassured you. "You're doing so good for me, baby, so good. 'M so proud of you." Your back arched when he hit that spongey spot over and over again, overwhelming you when he continued to stroke it in a 'come-here' motion with his two middle fingers while his other hand rubbed fast circles over your clit with his thumb. It forced a string of breathy moans from your lips with each stroke. You were panting now, your arms hugging around his neck and your legs crossed over his waist, holding him to you while both his hands were working away at you.
One moan, much higher-pitched and sounding like it was a failed attempt at a verbal warning, let Chris know you were close when your words couldn't. Seeing this, he readjusted himself so he could look you in your eyes as he increased his pace ever so slightly, then keeping it consistent to eventually send you over that edge. "Eyes on me." He whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. Your eyes that had been squeezed shut blinked open and locked on his. You could feel the build up coming in fast, like a wave building momentum and waiting to crash.
You started chanting his name quietly, just under your breath, like another warning that you were almost there and you'd need him to ground you when you got there. "Right here Cass, I'm right here. Go ahead, cum for me." And before you could even process it your mind went blank behind your eyes and your jaw went slack, your breath catching in your throat for a long moment before you felt the onslaught of pleasure that flooded your body. At this you broke eye contact, needing him as close as you could get him and hugging around his neck once more. Chris could feel the slight shaking of your thighs when you came around his fingers, accompanied by the pulsing of your walls around him. He continued those same movements that originally drive you to your orgasm as he worked you through it until he felt an especially hard jolt, signalling for him to let you come down.
Chris let his fingers linger inside of you, giving you something to grip on to as you came down from your orgasm but he did remove his thumb from your clit, using that hand to stroke the hair from your forehead, soothing you and winding you down carefully. He could hear your breath calm down to slow, controlled inhales and exhales, your body heavy in his arms as you let go of any tension in your muscles.
You laid there for a few minutes while Chris showered the crown of your head with gentle kisses and rubbed your sides and your thighs, letting the tingling that travelled through your body cease before Chris felt you press a small kiss to his neck where your face was burried. He chuckled a little as he felt more kisses being pressed to his neck, growing increasingly needy as you sucked a small hickey onto his neck and suddenly your fingers were at the hem of his swim shorts, inching inside carefully. "Cass- Cass..." He wrapped his hands around your wrists, bringing them up to your chest and looking into your eyes.
You looked needy, already impatient for more of him. "You sure you can take another one?" He asked you, not wanting to push you too far. Your eyes flitted between his, actually thinking it over. Until today you hadn't had an orgasm in what was probably months with how little Harrison was around and how guilty you felt touching yourself, and it was intense, but you knew just as well that you wouldn't be satisfied until you went there with him. You nodded your head slowly, making sure he knew you really wanted this, that you were ready. "Do you want this?" You checked in with him now, your eyes concerned. You knew he had wanted this, he made it very obvious both by telling you and showing you, but you wouldn't blame him if he felt the sudden urge to back out now, knowing neither of you could come go back after taking this step. "God, Cass, you shouldn't even have to ask that..." his lips crashed to your then, his hands in which were wrapped around your wrists pinning them next to your head.
You smiled against his lips, trying to kick his shorts down to the best of your ability using your legs considering your hands weren't available. Chris inhaled sharp through his nose and his brows furrowed when he felt his shorts lower enough to almost reveal his length, one of his hands releasing your wrist to help his shorts down his legs and kicking them off the bed. You gasped when you felt him hard against your inner thigh. With one of your hands now free, you used it to reach down and wrap around him, not giving yourself any time to overthink it and back out before you did it. You swore you almost whimpered when you felt your fingertips barely reaching around his girth, the idea alone of him trying to fit inside you making you clentch around nothing.
Chris groaned, bucking his hips lightly upon feeling your hand move slowly up and down his length, as if trying to understand what he reacted to the most. He still didn't break the kiss, just let his sounds fill your head as he let you toy with him. Your hold inched up towards his tip, gently jerking there and earning you a moan from Chris' broke the kiss to burry his head in your neck, one fist balled in the pillow case next to your head and the other with an unfaltering grip on your waist. "Fuck, Cass..." he spit out, clearly trying to hold himself together to let you feel him out as your fingers cotninued to stroke his most sensitive area.
Upon feeling your fingertip drag over his slit, spreading the small droplet of precum that sat there, he grunted, his hands finding your wrists once more and this time holding the both of them under one large hand over your head. "I'm sorry Cass, I can't fucking wait." He tapped his length at your entrance, watching between your bodies as he did. You swore he looked the length of your forearm, your anticipation and nerved building as he nudged at your entrance, but as did your eagerness. "I'm going to take this slow, alright? Remember, you can tell me to stop if it hurts." You nodded your head and he released your hands, his own planted at each of your sides to support his own weight over you while yours found his cheeks, cupping his face as you looked into eachothers eyes when you felt him slowly begin to plunge into you. Your jaw opened ever so slightly as you felt the increased stretch, each of you breathing in sync with one another. Neither of you dared to break eye contact for a even second.
Chris was probably half was inside of you when he noticed you winced especially hard and he stopped immediately, not pulling out of you but letting the pain fade away. "Cass are you sure?" "I'm sure." You stopped to look in his eyes, a silent reassurance at just how sure you were. "Just go slow, please..." You continued, and Chris nodded his head. "Of course." He readjusted himself so he was holding himself up on his forearms on each side of your head, putting him even more face-to-face with you. One hand stroked your hair while you adjusted to the intrusion until you nodded once you felt you were ready for him to keep going.
Chris took his time with you, working into you and stretching you out gradually until the base of his hips met yours, each of you simultaneously quietly gasping when you both realized he was completely inside of you. You froze there, unable to look away from one another, just breathing heavily until your pain gradually simmered away into pleasure and Chris felt you pulsing around him.
You gave Chris a quick nod and you felt him slowly begin to pull out of you, then carefully thrust into your heat once more. Feeling you around him, warm and tight, was something he had been fantasizing about for a long time, and you heard his breathing go shaky after that one thrust alone. His hands balled into fists, gripping the pillow case around your head, once more restraining himself, holding himself back for you. Chris knew he was big, and the last thing he wanted was to hurt you by rushing this before you were physically ready for him.
"So fuckin' pretty, baby." He muttered as he watched your face grow hot. The moment was already so intimate, that in addition to his praise making you feel overwhelmed in the best way possible. He thrusted once more, this time a little faster and you could any pain slowly melting into pleasure, heavy in your stomach. Your noses brushed when his hips met yours and with your proximity he could watch every muscle in your face contort with pleasure, your jaw falling a little, your brows arching and knitting together, your eyes briefely squeezing shut but opening immediately after, not wanting to look away from him for any longer than you had to. "Faster, please..." Your thumb brushed over his cheek and he brushed over your hair once more. "Okay, baby..."
Chris gave you just what you wanted and continued increasing his pace until you were whimpering with every time he would thrust into you, your sounds only spurring him on. Your hands on his cheeks travelled up to thread through his hair, gripping hard to cling to him as you jolted each time he would pound into you. Chris was breathing through clentched teeth, grunting under his breath each time he would push into you, his expression hard and concentrated.
With one of his hands on the side of your hip, gripping to try and keep you in place as he rhythmically fucked into you with all his force, the other reached in between you once more to play with your clit. You were still sensitive there from your previous orgasm so when you felt the pad of his thumb rubbing over the bud frantically, you cried out, however any pain it caused you was a perfect contrast to the pleasure he continued to wring out of you and only added to your impending climax.
A ghost of a smirk passed over Chris' face as he leaned even closer to you, his lips grazing yours as he whispered. "Could he fuck you this good?" His hand left your hip and found it's place on your throat, not squeezing, just holding. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, shaking your head frantically in response. "He didn't fuck you like he should've, did he? Didn't fuck you like you needed?" You shook your head slower now, a whine in the back of your throat as your eyes squeezed shut. "That's why you're all mine now, and I'm gonna fuck you like you deserve..."
You felt tears rise to the surface, pooling in your eyes. Not in pain, or sadness, or fear, just the utter amount of pleasure flooding your entire body causing you to feel so vulnerable and overwhelmed. It was that good that you needed to cry. "You wanna know why I hated him so much?" Chris continued despite your lack of verbal response, knowing you were too fucked-out to speak. "Because he had what was supposed to be mine..." your eyes stayed locked on his as he spoke, taking in his words despite how zoned-out you may have appeared. "You wanna know what though? He's my favourite person now, because he fucked up bad enough that you couldn't forgive him, and now you're all mine. You're all fucking mine."
He watched as a few tears leaked from your eyes and he kissed them away gently, his thumb still urgently circling your clit while his other hand added some pressure to your throat. "I'm close, Chris..." the only words you could manage to get out, and he responded with a comforting "I know, baby..." He could tell, with the way your walls were fluttering around him and the way your whimpers and moans were getting closer together, more sporadic. You could tell Chris was almost there too, his thrusts growing harder and messier, his breathing heavier as well.
He looked in your eyes as he watched you start to tilt over that edge, more tears falling from your eyes as he just nodded at you like you were doing perfectly, guiding you through all of it through groans of his own. Your whimpers turned to louder, higher-pitched moans and you felt every muscle in your body tense as your release his you like a tidal wave. You squeezed your eyes shut and your grip tightened in his hair as you went silent, a cry catching in your throat that released as the initial impact of your orgasm passed. Your lips immediately attatched to his in a long, still kiss, and his hand that was on your throat left to hold your thigh where it was hugging his side, shaking vigorously with your climax. Your whole body was trembling, whimpers still quietly escaping you with every breath that left your lips.
Not long into your own orgasm with how especially hard your walls were squeezing and trembling around him, he met his own release, his abdomen tensing as he gently grinded his hips against you, riding out his own climax and carrying you through yours. Both of your breaths were shaky and somehow still in sync, both working eachother through your come-down as your lips never left one anothers, feeling him gradually fill you up.
You laid there for a few moments, your head burried in his neck, your arms hugging his neck, breathing heavily while he pressed small kisses to the crown of your head. His large hands stroked up and down your waist, then your hips, then your thighs, just gradually working your down until your breathing found a calm rhythm and you, for the most part, had finished shaking. "Did so good for me..." he whispered against your hair as he carefully pulled out of you, pressing another kiss to your forehead before he removed your arms from him and got out of bed, leaving the room without another word.
In his absence you looked around the dark room silently, only illuminated by moonlight from the window, your brain a little fuzzy from your post-orgasm haze. It took you a second to register him leaving, a bit of insecurity and worry starting in your chest. He wouldn't have actually just left, he's not like that. Is he? Did doing this change something for him? Your worries were cut short quickly when he returned to the room with a wet cloth in his hand and a glass of water, setting the water on the bedside table before kneeling in front of you. You felt the cloth being gently wiped over your folds. You flinched a little, still sensitive, but Chris just stroked your inner-thigh and pressed a kiss to your knee as he continued. "Sorry, baby... I have to." You nodded your head, watching as he ran the cloth over your skin, his expression concentrated on not being to rough with you.
When he was finished he tossed the towel aside and reached for the glass of water, bringing it to your lips and letting you take a sip. You watched him while you did, your expression soft, your eyes heavy. Seeing how exhausted you looked, Chris set the glass on the night stand and didn't bother getting either of you dressed before he took his spot next to you and brought the heavy douvet over your frame. With any strength you had left, you turned to your side and faced him, your arms hugged to your chest. Chris turned on his side in response and wrapped his arms around you, your head tucked under his chin. You were both silent for a while, both exhausted and sleepy and just enjoying eachothers embrace, but you heard Chris' voice speak up just before you dozed off. "Was that okay...?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper. You nodded your head, a small smile over your lips. "It was perfect."
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
mine — part 4
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Pairing : Chris Evans x F!Reader
Summary : Upon finding out your fiancée has been cheating on you after two years of being together, you've finally had enough. Thankfully, your neighbor Chris is there to help you move on.
Warnings : minors DNI, race not specified, age gap (reader is 25, Chris is 31), sexual themes, pining, kissing, fluff, angst, arguing, physical violence, alcohol, not proof read. I do not consent to my work being republished or used in any other context.
Word Count : 8.9k
A/N : originally part 4 (this part) and part 5 were supposed to be one, and then I realized how long it was and decided to break it up so part 5 will be out shortly! Also part 5 is going to be exclusively smut and pretty short, so if you are not comfortable reading that feel free to wait for part 6.
You woke up to Chris setting you down in your bed. Your own bed, much to your own disappointment. You understood why he made you wait. You had drank quite a bit tonight, and even if you hadn't it was still so soon. In a way you were glad he was acting as a buffer between you and you delving into your physical, sexual attraction for him, because the last thing you wanted would be to rush this and ruin it, or even regret it.
You knew he wanted it too by your conversation back at the bar that made it obvious he'd thought about it before, but he'd have to be okay with waiting a little longer. At least until you were, as he said, sober and in his bed, under his roof. He wanted it to be perfect, and if that meant waiting, he was happy to do so.
Your drunken state had been reduced down to a haze, enough that were able to recall the things you'd said to him at the bar. You felt heat rising up the back of your neck and to your cheeks once more. Chris couldn't see from where he kneeled next to your bed considering the only light in your room was the moonligt filtering in through the window, but he heard when you giggled at yourself. "Go back to sleep." He whispered with a small smile, his hand repeating the soothing motion of running over your hair as your giggle faded to a hum. "Could you lay with me for a while? Doesn't have to be the whole night, just a little while." Your voice was almost a whisper, your eyes remaining closed. He didn't answer for a few moments, considering his options, before you heard him stand, and then it was quiet.
You frowned and you felt your heart drop a little at his rejection before you heard a shoe hit the floor. Your eyes peeked open to see him towering over you, leaning with one hand on the wall while he balanced to take his other shoe off. You felt relief wash over you and another smile tug at your lips that you quickly stifled, a bit embarrassed at how badly you wanted him to stay the night.
You knew he would never make fun of you for something like that, not seriously at least, but a little part of you was scared to show him how you felt about him to the full-extent. You knew how badly you would get attatched if you got too close to him too quickly, which scared you. You hated to say it, but you could already tell that what Harrison did to you, lie to you and betray you like that, it was going to stick with you for a while.
Pulling you from your thoughts was Chris' weight in the space next to you. You felt the blanket that he placed over you previously be lifted up so he could cover himself with it, along with his arm draping over your waist and hugging you closer to him by a large hand on your stomach.
It's been a while since you've slept next to somebody, you realized. Even during your engagement, you realized how lonely you were. The thought made you feel vulnerable, so here, feeling safe with Chris' warm body pressed against you as if somehow coaxing your deepest thoughts from you, you told him. "It's been a while since I've slept next to somebody." You whispered, not even expecting much of a response, you just felt like you had to say it. "What do you mean?" He whispered back, his lips against the crown of your head. You took a minute, thinking over your response. "Harrison was never here for me to fall asleep next to. He would usually be there when I woke up so I never questioned it, but I don't actually remember the last time I fell asleep in the same bed as him." You didn't sound sad, and you weren't, just disappointed that you hadn't acknowledged the red flags earlier.
You felt Chris' hand pull you a little closer. "Maybe I'm selfish for this but I've always wanted him gone." "Jealous?" You teased, and he hummed drowsily in response, not willing to admit it but knowing that's exactly what he was. You placed your hand in his and settled against him, letting sleep overcome you.
When you woke up the next morning, you were pleasantly surprised to find Chris' arm still heavy over your waist in the same way it had been the night before. You carefully turned over in your place to face him upon realizing he was still asleep, taking your chance to unashamedly admire him. You hand came up to his face, your fingertips lightly brushing over his bottom lip as to not wake him. The way the sun illuminated each of his features down to the finest details gave you the perfect view. His smooth skin, his pink, soft lips, his long eyelashes, you swore you could stare at him for the rest of eternity. You had never realized what a beautiful man he was up close, only ever getting to look from afar.
As your hand trailed up his cheek, the very tips of your fingers barely brushing his skin as to let him sleep as long as possible, his blue eyes creaked open, softening when they landed on you. "Goodmorning." You grinned, this time not bothering to hide it. "Morni-" before you even got the full word out, Chris leaned into you to press his lips against yours. You both smiled into the kiss, letting it linger before he broke away and kissed your cheek, then slowly down your jaw and continuing down your neck, his hand placed to tilt your head up with his thumb for better access. You closed your eyes when the bright sun hit your face, your breath speeding up the lower he got until he stopped at your collar bones. Instead of working his way back up, he simply kissed your cheek playfully before throwing the blankets off himself and getting to his feet. You groaned dramatically, rolling over to press your face into the pillow as you heard Chris chuckle from the hallway. Despite your frustration at him for leaving you hanging, you couldn't help but notice that your sheets smelled like him and let yourself stay there with your face burried in the pillow for a little longer before finally forcing yourself to sit up.
You rubbed your eyes before glancing at your phone sitting on your nightstand, a notification of a text message that looked to be around a paragraph long. You stared at it for a while before picking up your phone, not exactly looking forward to what you were about to read.
Harrison: "Listen Cass I didn't want to pressure you so I didn't call but I can't do this. I tried to give you space, but I can't. I miss you, and I'm sorry for lying to you. I know I overreacted at first but could you please just let me come over and we can talk about everything? My mistake isn't worth throwing away everything we have."
You stared frozen at your screen for what felt like forever. You didn't know how to respond, you weren't even sure if you wanted to. You knew at one point or another you would have to see him again when it came time for him to get his things, but you certainly weren't looking forward to it.
You didn't notice that Chris had been standing in the doorway with a glass of water and two tablets of tylenol in his hand, looking concerned. "Everything okay?" You didn't tear your eyes from your phone. "Harrison texted me. He wants to talk." You watched Chris' expression drop. No way in hell was he going to get you back after what he did, and the fact that he thought he had any chance made Chris furious. "Tell him to come by. I'd personally love to have a talk with him." You knew what Chris implied by that as he made his way over to you and set the water and tylenol down on your nightstand, making you giggle. "We're not doing that, as much as I would love it if you did." He sat next to you and read over the text message. "What are you going to say?" He asked, not pressuring you, just curious. As much as he would love to rough Harrison up a bit, he knew he needed to let you handle the situation. You hummed as you thought it over, and began typing after a second.
You: "You can come over to get your things within the next hour, and then you can leave."
After sending the message, your elbows met your knees and your head fell into your hands. Chris rubbed your back as you groaned under your breath. Of course you couldn't expect him to never contact you again, until he got all his belongings back he was still very much going to be in your life, and not to mention the history you shared. It all felt like it was weighing down on you. All you wanted was him gone, and you knew you would never get that no matter how hard you tried. He would always be a part of you, a part of your past. It was all so frustrating. You felt tears pricking your eyes, but you didn't move from your position.
Chris had continues rubbing your back before he noticed how long you had been frozen in that position, and the slight shaking of your breathing as you cried. "Cassidy?" He urgently got onto the floor from where he sat next to you and kneeled in front of you. He gently pulled you hands from your face and tilted your face up with a thumb on your chin. "What is it Cass?" You took a deep breath, calming yourself down before you spoke. "It's just so fucking frustrating..." Chris rarely heard you curse, at least not directed at anybody. He realized these were tears of anger, not sadness. Your hands threaded through your hair before they came together in front of you, pressing the sides of your thumbs to your lips as you took another deep breath.
All the while Chris studied your face, his hands comfortingly stroking up and down your forearms as he calmed you, grounded you, preventing you from getting entirely lost in your anger. He noticed the slight bouncing of your foot, the way you held you breath between every inhale and exhale, the way you clentched your eyes shut.
Slowly your breath became more even, and Chris cold see you coming back to him. Your hands fell from your face to your lap and you leaned forward, the crown of your head meeting the center of his chest while he began stroking your hair. "I just want him gone. Completely. From my life, and from my head. I just want to forget he ever existed." Chris smiled sadly. "I know Cass, I know. That makes two of us." The last part he muttered under his breath, more to himself than to you.
Your phone buzzed again from the nightstand, but you let Chris look at it. "Harrison says he'll be here in the next thirty minutes." He followed up after a few seconds. You nodded, sitting back upright and taking the tylenol before pressing a gentle kiss against the corner of Chris' lips as you stood up. "You should wait in here while he's here. I don't trust him to not overreact." You spoke to Chris from your closet where he now sat on the floor with his back against your bed, picking out something to put on considering you were currently wearing only an oversized t-shirt and your undergarments. You figured Chris must have put it on you before you fell asleep the previous night. The fact that Chris was literally undressing you last night and you missed it nearly sent you into another fit of rage.
You decided on a pair of blue jeans, an off-white cropped top, and a think navy blue sweater that you wore off one shoulder, one button connected in the middle. "Close your eyes." You teased to Chris. As much as you were attracted to him, you didn't want to make it as easy for him as just letting him watch you change. He placed a hand over his eyes with a grin as you turned your back to him, removing the shirt over your head. Playfully you tossed the shirt at him and watched as it landed on his head. "I can't do this." He immediately got to his feet and exited the room with his hand over his eyes all the while, wanting to respect your privacy but knowing he couldn't control himself with only a hand between his eyes and you. You chuckled, continuing to change into your clothes for the day.
You left the room to find Chris in the kitchen starting the coffee machine for you, or at least trying to. You grinned at the gesture, not to mention his current stance. He stood with his hands wide, gripping the edge of the counter, his hips pushed back as he leaned forward onto his hands along with his hair still disheveled from his sleep. You swore you almost drooled. You noticed he had a mug placed under the coffee machine, but he couldn't seem to figure out how it worked. You giggled a little before making your way over to him, ducking under his arm to stand between him and the counter for access to the coffee machine. His head came to rest his chin on your shoudler as he silently watched you, not repositioning himself. He took mental note for the future. Chris wasn't a coffee drinker himself, but he hoped he'd be making a lot of coffees for you in the future.
With the coffee machine whirring, pouring your coffee into the mug, you turned in your spot and shifted onto your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. Now that you were facing him, he took a moment to met his eyes trail over your outift. "Pretty." He smiled a little. "Did your brother get this for you?" His fingers played with the material of the sweater, remembering to two Christmases ago. "Mhm. I swear he has better fashion taste than I do." Chris chuckled. "I doubt that." He stepped back a little, his hand finding yours and lifting it, signaling for you to do a spin. He watched you, letting out a "Whew!", making you laugh at how obvious he made it that he liked your outfit. You didn't notice, but as your back was to him he once again whispered that word, that damned word that would not stop nagging at the back of your head every time he refused to tell you what it was he was saying. With your hand still closed in his, he lowered his hand and pressed it against your back, smoothly pinning your own hand behind you while also pulling you into him. He kissed you, your laugh lingering throughout the kiss.
You twisted away and broke free from him, wanting to make breakfast and eat with Chris before Harrison came to get his things. You made french toast, stealing glances at him throughout while he added cream and sugar to your coffee. Something felt so right about all of this, mornings with him. You knew not every morning would get to be like this with how often Chris worked, but he made it obvious that in the time he wasn't working he was happy to spend it with you. You felt comfortable, you felt safe. Like you weren't just an option, you were a priority.
As odd as it should feel going from friends to this, whatever this was, so quickly, it just didn't. Adding a romantic aspect to the bond you'd already had for six years didn't feel strange, it just felt like something that was waiting to happen. That's all it was, adding something to what you already had, not replacing it.
You and Chris ate at your kitchen island, you sipping your coffee and him a glass of lemonade. "How's your coffee?" He asked between bites. "A little sweet, but it's good." You smiled, taking another sip. Chris narrowed his eyes at you for a moment jokingly. "Don't look at me like that! You asked." He grunted. "Would you rather I lie?" He shrugged as he took another bit of his french toast, as if saying 'maybe'. You grinned and shook you head through the silence. "How's the french toast?" You asked, taking another bite yourself. Chris held in a laugh. "A little sweet." Your jaw dropped as you turned to him, and he laughed into his fist, unable to hold it in. You punched his shoulder, not with all your strength but enough that it'd sting a little. He just laughed harder, you unable to stop yourself from smiling in return. You shook your head through a smirk, returning to your food, as did he.
Just as you and Chris finished up your food and you each placed your dishes into your dishwasher, you heard a knock at your door. You both shared a look, knowing what was probabky coming next. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked quietly, his brows furrowed slightly. "Mhm. I'll be okay." You nodded your head, smiling reassuringly despite how you could feel your anxiety rising in your chest. Chris pressed a quick kiss against the crown of your head, murmuring against it. "If you start getting uncomfortable just shout to me, I'll get rid of him." You nodded before leading him to your room.
Harrison knocked again, impatient as he's always been. You took a deep breath with your hand on the doorknob before twisting it and pulling the door open to reveal Harrison in your doorway. You never noticed before how punchable his face was. Harrison had medium brown hair and dark brown eyes. Only now, his hair looked messy and greasy and his eyes were accompanied by dark circles. He wore a black t-shirt and jeans. You realized he must have had to buy them, all of his clothes currently packed up in garbage bags.
"Hey, Cass." You didn't respond, only moving aside so he had room to step inside. As anxious as you were, you were equally as angry and you weren't going to be polite just to appease him, knowing he deserved none of your manners. "You things are on the back deck." He wandered further into your house, making no move for the back door. His eyes searched for any trace of himself but only found his absence. "You really couldn't get rid of me fast enough, could you?" He turned to face you. It took everything in you not to drag him by his hair out of your house, but turning this conversation hostile only meant the longer he'd be here. "I said, your things are on the back deck." He let out a long exhale. "Cass I know you don't want to talk, but I need you to know how sorry I am for lying to you." You felt your anger growing. "But not for cheating? You're not sorry for cheating? Don't forget that part." He sighed with frustration. You felt a pang of anxiety through your chest as you watched him get more and more angry, but upheld your cold exterior to him. "I am Cass, of course I am. We were going to get married and I know I fucked that up but people make mistakes, are you really going to throw everything away over one mistake?" He snapped at you, almost sounding accusing, like he thought you were in the wrong. He was gradually lessening the space between you with subtle steps in you direction. "Your 'mistake' lasted 6 months. You had 6 months to stop what you were doing. You aren't sorry you did it Harrsion, you're sorry you got caught." He was fuming at this point, and you noticed how close he had gotten. "It's not like that, Cass." you rolled your eyes at him. "Then what's it like? Because I think you spent 6 months manipulating me and making me think I was crazy, and now that I've finally had enough of it you're realizing that nobody else is willing to put up with your shit like I was, and now you're going to be lonely for the rest of your fucking life. You lost the best thing you had and you can't stand it-" you felt his hands on your shoulders, shoving you hard. Your eyes widened as you back hit the wall behind you and his hands planted on the wall on each side of your head as he towered over you, holding your eye contact threateningly. His hand slammed into the wall next to your head, making you flinch. Harrison had never been physical before, at least not directed at you.
As the thump sounded throughout the house you heard your bedroom door get thrown open and Harrison immediately backed off of you upon seeing Chris flying down the hallway. His eyes were immediately locked on Harrison the second he came into view and with no hesitation he grabbed him by the collar, practically lifting him off his feet and slamming him into the nearest wall. He was breathing hard through his nose, clearly distraught at the fact that Harrison had hit you, or at least that's what Chris had the impression of. "Chris!" You shouted, rushing over to him and placing a hand on his arm, not wanting the situation to progress too far.
Chris' eyes flitted to you and you watched as some of the tension released from his shoulders upon realizing you weren't hurt. He lowered Harrison to the ground slowly, though the anger in his eyes didn't falter and he turned back to him, glaring for a few moments before speaking. "Get your things and leave." Chris' said, making it clear that Harrison was no longer welcome here and that Chris would see to it personally that he didn't overstay his welcome.
As much as you hated Harrison, now even more than before, you still took the chance to silently relish in the petrified look on his face as Chris let go of his shirt and he rushed to the back deck, returning not shortly after with 4 large garbage bags in his hands and barely sparing either of you a look as he left, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible.
When Chris slammed the door shut behind him, you let out a sigh of relief. On the other hand, Chris ran his hands over his face, releasing a deep breath you didn't notice he'd been holding. His disappointment was directed towards himself. You realized how frustrated he was that he reacted so violently when Harrison had never hurt you in the first place. As much as it gave him a rush of satisfaction, Chris knew how much his outburst could complicate things now, especially the fact that Harrison was aware of Chris being in your home that entire time, hiding out in your bedroom.
Chris walked a few steps and dropped onto the couch, resting his face in his hands. You made your way over and plopped yourself down next to him, resting your head on his shoulder with one hand on his arm comfortingly, reminding him you were there. He took a deep breath before speaking. "I thought he..." He trailed off, shaking his head. You know exactly what he meant, so you didn't wait for him to finish. "I'm okay, Chris." You pulled his hands from his face and he turned to look at you, his eyes still just as worried despite your reassurance. "We're okay." You affirmed, placing a finger under his chin as you leaned in, kissing him gently.
He nodded lightly, his eyes dropping as he thought. "What did he say?" As he met your eyes again you forced a smile, trying to uphold your secure exterior but he was watching it slowly break away. You didn't speak still. "Cass, talk to me." You held your breath, finding the words. "He just... made me feel guilty. Like maybe I should have communicated more. Not that I would have taken him back, but maybe I should have let him talk..." Chris found your hands, holding them between his own. "Don't let him get in your head Cass, you've already been kinder to him than he deserves." You nodded your head against his shoulder. You knew he was right, it was just hard to accept. It was hard being so cold to somebody you thought was your entire future for two years of your life, even after they'd done something like that.
Chris got to his feet, pulling you up with him. He placed his hads on your shoulders to ensure your attention was on him. "We still have the rest of our day left, what do you want to do?" You smiled up at him, grateful for his effort to improve your mood. "For starters you should change." You giggled as his mouth formed an 'o', pretending to be offended. He still wore his clothes from the previous day, not getting a chance to change yet today. "Maybe a shower would be better." He added on, knowing you were right. You smirked a little, closing the space between you and wrapping your arms around his waist. "You could shower here..." you offered, and he only threw his head back with a small groan as he placed his hands on your shoulders. "As tempting as that offer is, we both know we should wait." He was right. It was a big step for both of you, and as sure as you were that this was what you wanted only time could really ensure that you were both ready. Chris gently pressed you away from him, kissing you quickly before turning and heading for your door, slipping his shoes on. You watched him walk out until he called to you over his shoulder. "You're welcome to wait for me, if you'd like." With a grin you wasted no time in jogging after him, not bothering about your shoes, slipping into his house before him as he opened his door.
Chris chuckled at you as you happily flopped down onto the couch, Dodger jumping to greet you with an abundance of kisses. He still had some food in his bowl from the previous day, Chris being sure to feed him more than usual knowing he'd be out for a while. "I'll be quick." Chris kicked off his shoes and began down his hallway into his bathroom, you sitting up to watch him. He left the door open a crack while he slipped his shirt off, knowing you'd be watching, before he gently pressed it shut. You felt heat rise to your face as you fell back onto the couch, your hands over your face at how flustered he had just made you.
You layed there the entirety of Chris' shower, your hands stretched above you as you sprawled out on the couch. You weren't going to act like Chris teasing you like that didn't leave you thinking about him. When you heard the bathroom door open you immediately propped yourself up on your elbows and caught a glimpse of him for only a second as he entered the hallway and started towards his bedroom with only a towel around his waist, his head turned to look at you over his shoulder. If you had a pillow you'd surely be screaming into it right now.
You bit your lip, unmoving while you waited for him to come into the living room. When he did he only had his shirt half pulled on, pulling it over his abdomen as he greeted you and leaving you to freely view his abs. You pressed your lips together to stifle your smile as you watched him fill himself a glass of water. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and blue jeans, each article of clothing hugging his muscles perfectly.
You groaned dramatically at the sight, once more falling back onto the couch. "What?" He leaned against the counter now, raising the glass to his lips. You sat up and narrowed your eyes at him, as if he was clueless to his teasing. "You're so mean." You whined, knowing that he knew exactly what he was doing. He smiled through his sip, shrugging innocently. "I don't know what you mean." You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch, padding over to him and grabbing yourself a glass.
"Have you thought about what you wanted to do today at all?" He asked. "I have a few ideas." You responded looking into your glass blankly, a bit embarrassed that he'd think the ideas were silly. "Why don't we do it all?" He smiled at you reassuringly and your face lit up. "Alright." You smiled. "I was thinking we could go to the beach, and you can rent bikes and there's a pretty quiet back road really close that we could go down." He watched you as you explained, admiring the way you had already thought through your day together. "You go get ready, I'll pack a bag. Did you want to bring any of your friends?" You nodded meekly and he smiled as you excitedly stepped up onto your toes and kissed him before rushing back to your own apartment, getting yourself ready for the beach.
You kept your sweater on but put a bathing suit on under your clothes and swapped your jeans out for a pair of jean shorts. You packed a small backpack, putting inside your sunscreen, a towel, a water bottle and a pair of sunglasses. You slipped on a pair of sandals and headed back over to Chris'.
He sat on his couch with Dodger's head in his lap and a backpack on the other side of him. He now wore the same black tshirt, but now with navy blue swim shorts in place of his jeans. "You ready?" He called over his shoulder from the couch upon seeing you in his doorway. "Yup, I texted the girls." Chris got to his feet with his bag and Dodger followed. "Sounds good, I texted some of the guys and invited them. Said they're coming and that they miss ya." You smiled, realizing how long it'd been since you've seen Seb, Anthony and Hemsworth.
They all worked at the same law firm, originally meeting in law school. They don't go as far back as Chris and Jacob but they're some of his closest friends. "God it's been too long since I've seen them." "They said the same thing." He grinned.
You turned as Chris reached you, both of you heading down the steps towards his car with Dodger following happily. Chris opened the door for you, then Dodger, and then rounded the car to let himself in the drivers side door. You quickly typed the location of the beach into your phone and set it up so Chris could see the directions before asking him about something that had been on your mind since he mentioned the guys. "Do they know about, um, us?" You fidgeted with your fingers in your lap, glancing up at him. Chris held in the smirk tugging at his lips, recalling the excitement his friends had when he told them 'Cass and I have something going on'. "It may have come up..." You were grinning now. "The girls pretty much have it figured out already, we didn't exactly do a great job of hiding it at the bar last night." Chris laughed. "I guess not." Dodger placed his paws on the center console, butting his head between the both of you. You cooed at him and patted your lap, him eagey jumping to sit with you. "Hi baby..." you scratched behind his ears, him panting happily. Chris glanced at you a few times, taking any chance to look at his two favourite poeple while still mostly keeping his eyes on the road.
When you reached the beach you were the first ones there of all your friends, however the beach was still pretty budy considering it was around 2:00pm and the sun was around its warmest. You and Chris parked before walking around a little while, finding a nice place to lie down your towels and settle down close to an old fence by the shade that Chris could tie Dodger's leash onto where he could rest in the shade. For now you didn't bother tying Dodger to his leash, letting him dig holes in the sand while you and Chris got ready to go in the water.
You simultaneously removed your clothes, leaving you both in nothing but your bathing suits. There was a small moment of sexual-tension-filled silence, your eyes raking over eachothers bodies subtly. Your bikini was white and strapless, a ring connecting the top in the middle. His swim trunks sat low on his hips revealing the deep indented V and the light trail of hair that led down from his belly button. You noticed his tattoos, the ones you didn't get to see often but were one of your favourite things to look at.
When you were finished admiring him, you turned back to your bag and fished out your sunscreen while he did the same, the both of you sharing a bit of a flush. As close as you both had grown since you'd broken that barrier resterday, it still felt a little odd being so open about your attraction for one another, despite how clear it was that you both felt the same way. You started applying your sunscreen, Chris doing the same. You would steal glances at him as he rubbed over his biceps and his chest, you taking much longer than him with your staring. By the time Chris was finished you had gotten all but your back, always leaving the hardest for last. Chris didn't even wait for you to ask before he spread some sunscreen between his hands and nudged your shoulder, signalling for you to turn around. You did just that, pulling your hair to one side and closing your eyes as his large hands massaged the cream into your skin, staring with your upper back and using his thumbs to release some of the tension in your shoulders before moving down to your lower back. You shivered a little as a breeze went by, and Chris took the opportunity to press a quick kiss to the space between your shoulder and you neck. Safe enough for the public eye but enough to get you flustered, a giddy smile tugging at your lips.
It was in the middle of your display of affection that your eyes caught Fallyn and Taven exiting their car. Taven was hauling over a rather large bag that you figured her and Fallyn were sharing jugding by how heavy it looked, Fallyn carelessly leaving her to carry it as she rushed over to you. "You look so hot!" You giggled as she exclaimed and quickly wrapped you in a long hug and Chris in a friendly side hug, each sharing a qmall "Good to see you" before she laid down her own towel next to yours. She turned to you then, wasting no time in grabbing your upper arm and hauling you a few feet away. Taven was still lugging towards all of your towels, Chris noticing and rushing to give her a hand to let you and Fallyn talk.
"I need to have a word with you." She tried sounding serious but it was no use, her excitement clearly bursting through. "When were you going to tell me that Chris and you were a thing?" You pressed your lips together in a refusal to speak, knowing you were guilty of not telling her right away like you normally would have. "Cass!" She shook your shoudlers in a mix of excitement and irritation at your stubbornness. "I'm sorry! I just don't want to rush anything. I really want this to work out so I didn't want to go around telling everybody and having them start setting expectations around us, you know?" She sighed through her smile. "I know but I'm still mad at you." You laughed under you breath and she wrapped you in a hug, tighter this time. "I want you to tell me these things! Promise?" You nodded against her shoulder. "Promise. And where's Mara?" Fallyn rolled her eyes as she pulled away from you and forced a dramatic groan, starting to walk back to the suddenly bigger group with you, the rest of Chris' friends now present and laying out a few foldable chair and a cooler packed with beers as they chatted with Chris and Taven. "She's with Adrius, said they had a little fight yesterday and she wanted to make sure they got on good terms again today." You grinned, remembering how commited Mara is to her relationships. It's always been something you admired about her. Any fights you've had as a group with your friends, Mara's always been the one to string you back together.
As you got closer, it was Anthony that noticed you first, a smile lighting up his face. "Cass!" He shouted, practically flying over to you and lifting you up in a hug. You laughed as he spun you around, walking a little and dropping you off again in the middle of the group. Sebastian gave you a tight hug and Hemsworth half hugged you while placing a bottle of Corona in your hand before openeing it for you. They then took their time saying hello to Fallyn who was a little less pleased by the hugs from the sweaty men who were far too friendly to notice but at the end of the day just happy to see them.
You all got comfortable, sipping beers and laughing, simply enjoying eachothers company. "And then Hemsworth started crying." Anthony said between laughs. Chris opened his mouth in mock offence, scoffing. "You clearly weren't paying enough attention to the movie because it was tragic." He spoke in his thick Australian accent. "Even India wasn't crying and she's literally 10!" Anthony shouted and Chris stuttered as he began trying to make another excuse but the group burst out into laugher, including Chris who was clutching the left side of his chest like his life depended on it.
As the group calmed down, all catching their breath, you pushed yourself to your feet and brushed off your legs noticing how quickly the time had gone by and it was already 4:30pm. Chris raised his brows at you, a bit intrigued as to where you were headed. "Chris and I are going to go rent some bikes I think, if any of you want to come?" You offered as you looked through your bag and pulled back on your sweater, letting in slip off your shoulder. It was enough to protect you from the afternoon breeze but not enough that it was sticking to your skin, making you sweat. The group shared a look, as if all thinking the same thing. Fallyn spoke up first. "That's alright, you two can go ahead." She spoke innocently, the group collectively stifling their smiles, all wanting to give you the alone time they were sure you had been thinking about judging by the small, subtle touches that never really went unnoticed. Chris got up then, shaking his head through the smirk on his face as he took your hand and lead you away towards the small station where you would rent the bikes, the group letting their laughs out when you got far enough away as if they had just 'pulled something off' and were celebrating their success.
Chris paid for two bikes for you both and you got yourselves situated before setting off, you leading the way to the backroad you had previously mentioned. As unnapealing as it sounded, the road was quiet and it was surrounded by full trees and grass, and if you went far enough there was a small pond you hoped you could stop at.
You had a few moments at first when you'd start pedalling that you'd immediately go off-balance and have to jut your foot out to prevent you from falling, Chris stumbling every time to reach over and try and hold you upright, shouting something like "Jesus!" Or "Careful!", but after a few fails and giggles at Chris' concern for your safety you'd finally gotten the hang of it. "I guess we can be sure that they know, now." Chris chuckled, shaking his head. "I guess so." You grinned, turning onto the backroad a little wobbily but straightening out pretty quickly. You don't have to drive far before noticing the change in scenery. There were bushes of mayflowers lining the worn down road.
Chis noticed you were quiet for a while, something clearly bugging you. "What's on your mind?" He asked, pedalling up next to you. You hummed, trying to find the words to answer him. "I just feel like... Maybe if it was you instead of Harrison I would have wasted a lot less time." You thought about it a lot, but now that you really knew what it was like being with Chris it only made you more frustrated that you could have been here all along. "Do you really feel like it was a complete waste of time?" Chris tilted his head to you, his expression softened. It wasn't accusing, he was genuinely just curious of what was going on inside your head right now. "Maybe not completely... I just feel like all of this has set me so far back." Chris was quiet for a few moments before he spoke. "If I'm honest, I don't think we would have ever happened if it wasn't for him." You furrowed your brows in confusion, turning to him now. "Why do you say that?" "I think we were too scared before. I know we both thought about it, being something more, but the idea of actually acting on how we felt felt so wrong." You stared at the ground in front of you as it passed by, taking in his words as your expression softened. "I've never thought about it like that."
It brought something else to your mind, the topic of your relationship. "What do you think Jacob is going to say when we tell him?" You knew he wouldn't be happy. Chris was his best friend and you were his little sister, and whenever he finds out that the two of you are something more than just friends you knew he would be furious, more at Chris than at you. Any relationships, even long-term, that you've had with any people, including Harrison, have never been approved of by Jacob. The idea of any person being romantic with you triggered an overly-protective response in him, you supposed it was his instinct to take over as the man of the house when your father was no longer around. "I don't know. He's not going to like it." You hummed in response, not exactly looking forward to that conversation.
"Mom's going to be happy, once she gets over the whole Harrison thing." You changed the subject, not wanting to worry about Jacob for the time being. Chris chuckled, the mention of your mother making him rememeber something. "You know, everytime I'd come over she'd always pull me aside and try to talk me into making a move on you." You groaned through a laugh, though you couldn't exactly say you were surprised as it seemed a lot like something your mother would do, always pulling strings behind the scenes.
You passed a lining of trees and were met with a shaded patch of grass under a large tree next to a pond, the sunlight filtering through overhanging leaves in beams that shone over the water. You slowed your bike and pulled off the road, letting it fall on the grass and Chris doing the same. You padded barefoot towards the shaded part of the grass, the green blades soft under your feet. Finding a spot you were comfortable with you lowered to sit with your legs out in front of you, leaning back with your elbows supporting you as you looked up at Chris who was moving to sit and fill the space next to you. When he sat down, you laid onto your back, letting your arms reach above you in a stretch before you let them go slack, still resting over your head. The grass was long enough that it outlined the sides your figure where you laid and tickled your legs. You let the silence fill the air, peering up through the leaves at the sky as Chris laid next to you.
It was him that spoke first, turning only his head with one hand placed lazily over his stomach and the other pillowing his head. "I really like how I am when I'm with you." It wasn't exactly a confession, nothing that he was building up to, just something that came to his mind suddenly that he wanted you to know. "What do you mean?" You asked, not changing your position, far too comfortable. He didn't move either, nor did you look at eachother. You thought maybe it was the lack of eye contact that made it so much easier to freely talk about your feelings. "How I feel, how I think, how I act. How I see everything." This felt like more of a confession, nervous to go deeper into his feelings like that. "Is it new?" The question seemed broad but he knew exactly what you meant. Maybe even more than you did. You had known eachother for 6 years and that was your way of subtly asking if this way he felt around you now was new in the wake of your romantic relationship or if he had felt this same way all those years. "No. I don't think so." You took a moment to process his words before a smile tugged at your lips.
Wanting to look at him now, you brought your arms back to your chest and flipped onto your stomach, using your elbows you hold you up. Chris tilted his head to you, still neither of you speaking. Something about the moment seemed surreal, the way he was looking at you like you were everything. Like he had been waiting for you forever, and now he could only relish in the fact that you were right in front of him, all his.
You shifted forward, closing some of the extra space between you before leaning in to him, however he shifted his weight onto one elbow and the other hand stopped you by placed a thumb over your lips, his hand cupping your jaw. "Wait..." he whispered, a ghost of a smile over his lips as he shifted to prop himself up on his elbows. His thumb pressed over your top lip, dragging down to your bottom lip and parting them slightly. You let out a breath, nudging towards him a little more only for him to back away just enough that you couldn't fully reach him, and you realized he was teasing you. You felt the corners of your parted lips turn up.
The air between you was thick and hot with anticipation. Each each time one of you would lean in to let your lips brush against the others you would lightly pull away, tempting one another as if waiting to see who would lose their patience first. Your mouth remained parted as his was unable to hold in a smirk, satisfied by the effect he seemed to have on you judging by your light panting. Not wanting to keep you waiting any longer it was him that gave in first, connecting your lips languidly in the one smooth motion.
Chris' hand at your jaw slid to the nape of your neck, pulling you harder to him. Suddenly you felt him shift, his hand moving to your hip as he rolled you over onto your back. You smiled against his lips as he placed his forearm above your head to support his weight. His other hand gently slid from your hip to under your sweater, resting it on your waist, gripping lightly.
Your own hand was threaded through his hair while the other grazed down his chest to rest on his lower abdomen, your fingertips dancing lightly over the grooves of his abs, wandering to trace down the v of his hips. He inhaled a sharp breath as your fingertips slipped just under the hem of his swim shorts before pulling out again teasingly. His hand left your waist to grip your wrist as you moved to repeat the motion, stopping you and pinning it next to your head. "Cassidy..." his voice was low, his tone making it clear that it was a warning. "Mm?" You smiled against his lips, playing dumb and testing his patience. At this he shifted to hover over you, his thigh between your legs, his knee nudging at your center. "Trust me I want to, I've wanted to, but not here..." You hummed, the protest stopping in your throat as he pressed his lips to it and whispered "Tonight." You took a second to understand what he meant before you rubbed your thighs together, the pace of your breath picking up slightly.
You took your time gathering yourselves, fixing your hair and brushing the grass off your clothes, before beginning the trip back. Judging by how quiet you were and the way your eyes would stare blankly at the road in front of you as you pedalled, your pupils dilating in and out in pulses, Chris could gather that you were still thinking about what he said, about what was to come tonight. He didn't interrupt you, seeing as you were clearly enjoying yourself.
Chris returned your bikes, you standing not far behind him with your eyes locked on the back of his head all the while. When he turned around and his eyes aligned with yours you smiled, knowing he had caught you staring. "C'mon." He murmured with a small grin as he placed a hand on the small of your back and led you back to your friends who waved and smiled as they noticed you had returned, Dodger's tail wagging wildly in Fallyn's lap.
"How was it?" Taven asked with a smirk when you got close enough, the question calculated. She, along with the rest of the group who mirrored the same stupid smile, clearly already had an idea of how it went judging by the disheveled look of your hair and your puffy lips, so you and Chris both simultaneously responded with a "Good", accompanied by a knowing look between one another.
Chris took a seat on his towel, lightly taking your hand from where he sat and pulling you gently to sit between his legs. Despite how your face grew red with so many eyes on you, you took a step over his knee and lowered to your seat, your back snug to his chest as one of his arms wrapped around your waist, the other behind him to support himself as he leaned back. Your head leaned back slightly to rest on his shoulder, his chin against your head. He couldn't see, but the rest of the group couldn't help but grin at that smile you had on your face, one they hadn't seen in the last few months you'd been with Harrison.
The rest of the night you and your friends talked and laughed until the sun started to set and they all agreed it was time to head home, all but you and Chris who decided you'd stay behind a few minutes and watch the sunset, the both of you far too comfortable to get up just yet, the both of you including Dodger who was curled up against Chris' leg.
Neither of you spoke, neither of you felt like you needed to. Chris' skin was hot against yours, his breath tickling your neck when he rested his chin on your shoulder. "You smell good." He mumbled against your skin where your neck met your shoudler. You smiled, giggling breathily. "Do I?" "Mhm." He responded, nodding against your shoulder. Your fingers traced over a small grass stain on his knee, then upon hearing a shallow exhale in response you proceeded to slowly inch up his thigh, far enough that you felt him shiver. You felt slight movement against your lower back, something pressing into you ever so slightly, and then Chris' burrying his forehead in your shoulder as he inhaled through his teeth. "We should go home, now." You suggested, and Chris just nodded his head through a slightly embarrassed laugh.
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@angelmather1 @iwantaharrystylesalbum @watercolorskyy @wildxwidow @hes-club @babyevansblog
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
I just wanted to check in about the series mine you have written..
Are you discontinuing it, oh God I hope not..
Or you have some personal issues so you are not active on tumbler
I just wanted to know when I can expect a update
Sorry if it bothers you 💐
I love the series soo much 💓💓💓
First off thank you so much for the support and it doesn't bother me at all!
I definetly should have given a notice and I apologize for not doing so, but I just got back from a camping trip this morning and haven't had service until now!
Part 4 is currently in the works (and is quite long, which is why it's taking so long) and I do not plan on discontinuing the series! Unless I announce so, the next chapter in the series can always be expected.
2 notes · View notes
dodgersdadswife · 2 years
mine — part 3
Tumblr media
Pairing : Chris Evans x F!Reader
Summary : Upon finding out your fiancée has been cheating on you after two years of being together, you've finally had enough. Thankfully, your neighbor Chris is there to help you move on.
Warnings : minors DNI, race not specified, age gap (reader is 25, Chris is 31), pining, kissing, fluff, brief arguing, alcohol, not proof read. I do not consent to my work being republished or used in any other context.
Word Count : 5.9k
A/N : this chapter is so hawt bye.
You don't think you've slept so well in years, waking up surrounded by your fluffy douvet and the golden sunlight illuminating your bed where you laid. A full 11 hours of complete bliss following the ridding of Harrsion from your home. Photos, clothes, gifts, it all sat in four garbage bags on your back porch. It seemed that every day that passed something new showed you how much happier and healthier you were without him in your life. For a moment you considered if maybe you'd moved on too fast, maybe you'd forced it, which would eventually backfire on you later when you discovered unresolved feelings that still hung around, but you had been ready to leave Harrsion since your suspicions started. It's not like he was ever around anyways, so truthfully not much felt different.
Last night you shot your friends a text before dozing off updating them on the situation. You didn't want it to be so public but you figured it was going to reach them one way or another, especially now that your mother knew, so you might as well have them hear it from you. Waking up now and reaching your hand blindly to your nightstand to retrieve your phone from the ocean of blankets you were surrounded by. After acknowledging the time, 11:27am, The first thing you were met with on your screen were the endless notifications from the groupchat you first texted, along with individual messages from each of your friends begging for you to answer them and explain more. It wasn't what you wanted to deal with first in the morning but you figured they deserves an explication after you dropped that bomb last night that was simply "I dumped Harrison."
"Hey! Sorry I was sleeping, basically I went through his phone and found out he's been seeing this girl named Kristen for the last 6 months and I kicked him out. We can go out for drinks later tonight if you want to talk about it more." There was an explosion of shocked texts from the groupchat before the unanimous decision to go out for drinks later tonight, all the girls clearly needing a good rant, as did you. You also shot a quick text to your family groupchat about dinner that night, your mother and brother both confirming they were available.
After about 10 more minutes of just soaking in the sunlight from your bed, you forced your heavy blankets off of you and shuffled from your bedroom to the bathroom in your tank top and sleep shorts. You glanced at yourself quickly in the mirror before turning on the shower. You hadn't showered since the morning of the day you dumped Harrison, and if you were being honest it showed. Your hair was frizzy and tangled, and after your cleaning last night which was a bit more of a physical strain than you would have expected you didn't exactly smell the best.
You took your time in the shower, turning the water a bit hotter than usual and letting it warm you all the way through. You let it run over your face and through your hair, hugging your body as you did. You made a mental note of all your plans today. You and Chris would head to your mothers at 4:30 for dinner before you would go out for drinks with your friends. Part of you hoped Chris would join you. You've noticed that you'd become more reliant on Chris in the last few days. Perhaps not reliant, but having him near you genuinely made a positive difference in your mood. You'd be lying if you said you'd be doing as well as you were now if he wasn't to walk through your door following your fight with Harrison.
You finished up in the shower before grabbing the towel hanging on the hook on the wall and wrapping it around yourself. You headed to your room and laid out your clothes for the day before changing and continuing to get ready. You wore your favourite jeans, along with a white strapless corseted top and an unbuttoned pale yellow cardigan.
Mornings like these were always your favourite. You enjoyed feeling busy, especially now that you had so much you wanted to distract yourself from. You worried that if you let yourself go you would never get back in control of your life, so you didn't let yourself falter for even a second.
After throwing yourself together a small breakfast, knowing your mother went full out when she knew she would have company and not wanting to eat too much beforehand, you did some work with 3 and a half hours to spare before dinner. It was June now so it was your summer break which meant you filled any of your spare hours with making as much money as you could. After all, univeristy wasn't exactly cheap.
You were currently making money by selling your art. It was something you were always pretty good at growing up so in recent years you decided you might as well make a profit from it, and it paid surprisingly well. You usually painted abstract landscape pieces and oil paintings considering they paid the most and you found the most enjoyment in it but you were adventurous when it came to your art and had tried near everything. Anything you weren't the most proud of was currently hanging in Chris' house after his reassurance that he loved it and taking it from you before you could store it away to never be seen again or throw it away.
You threw on an apron and tied your hair up before stepping out onto your back porch. You found that you didn't paint as well in a closed room, so this was where you always found the most inspiration. You set up a new canvas and threw a few colours onto your palette before sitting on your stool with your legs crossed, letting your brush freely throw the colurs onto the blank canvas. Your best works and the ones that sold for the most were always the ones that held the most emotion, so often times you simply painted whatever came to you naturally.
You sat in front of the easel for what felt like hours. You were at somewhat of a block, not exactly sure how you were feeling at the moment. By the time you had finally managed to throw something together, the painting ended up with a variety of greys for the background with pink and red blurs and streaks overlapping until it had almost completely overcome the dull greys. You stared at it for longer than usual. When it came to painting, you usually didn't understand the concept of what it meant until the final product was complete, and it was then that you determined why the painting looked how it did. Like a visualization of your emotions, only you had to figure out what those emotions actually were. This had you stumped.
As much as you would have loved to spend the rest of your day staring at the painting, trying to understand it, you realized you had spent two and a half hours, along with a snack break, in front of the easel and you now only had an hour before dinner, and it took you half an hour to drive to your mother's house. With half an hour to spare, you took your hair down and removed your apron, heading to the bathroom to wash any paint off your hands before you applied a bit of makeup, some mascara, concealer, highlight and blush. 15 minutes had gone by, so you figured you'd head over to Chris' now, considering you'd be heading there together.
When you knocked on his door and he swung it open, your eyes subtly raked over his figure. He was wearing a dark blue long sleeve henley shirt that he had pulled up around his forearms, along with a pair of blue jeans and the chain he always wore. He had cleaned up his beard a little but left it just as thick, and his hair was combed back, a bit messily but in the way that you knew it was intentional. You had to stop yourself from pulling your bottom lip between your teeth at the way his shirt hugged his arms and chest. When your eyes found his again, he was smiling down at you from where he stood tall, his hand resting on the doorframe. "Hi." You spoke through a soft smile, your voice sounding a bit shy compared to how you usually did. "Hi." He repeated back, stepping aside for you to come in. You walked inside and set your purse down on the small table by his door. He shut the door behind you, and you stole another quick glance at his back while he was turned away, immediately averting your gaze as he began to turn around again.
Something about all of this felt like a teenage crush, like everything you had pushed down when you were younger, knowing you and Chris could never be considering how scared either of you were to make a move, it was all slowly resurfacing. You found yourself getting nervous around him, and though he did a better job at hiding it he was the same around you, something neither of you were used to.
"You look pretty." He spoke as he placed his wallet and his phone in his back pockets. He didn't look at you as he said it, meaning as you had been taking him in when he opened the door, he must have been doing the same, just waiting to say something. You felt your smile grow, but stifled it before you let yourself get embarrassed at how giddy you were at his compliment. "Thank you." You tried to sound calm, but he could hear the subtle excitement in your voice that you failed to hide.
"You ready to go?" Your brows furrowed together in confusion, you leaning against the back of his couch. "Yeah, but we've still got another 10 minutes before we have to go." He patted his pockets for his keys, checking through a few kitchen drawers for them as he spoke. "I know, I just want to pick up a bottle of wine for your mother on the way." "Chris you know you don't need to do that." "I know, but I owe her. And where are my damn keys..." He was refering to all that she's done for him both financially and emotionally, taking care of him when his parents didn't offer him any support. You watched him search, your own eyes scanning his living room until they landed on his keys on the coffee table. You walked over and picked up his keys, and he turned to see you waving them around on your finger. He sighed and dropped his shoulders in relief as he strided over to you, carefully slipping the ring of the keys off your finger, before heading towards his door snd opening it for you to step out.
The car ride went quickly, filled with talk of what you'd done so far that day, and what you anticipated at dinner. You stopped for the wine and Chris asked for your help on what your mother would like, and you continued on your way. All of a sudden, he felt your mood drop. "She's not going to shut up about Harrison." Chris glanced over at you to see your eyes locked on your lap, your hands fidgeting. Seeing your anxiety growing at what was to come at dinner, he felt his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Then we can leave. I'll make up an excuse, we can find something else to do." You glanced up at him briefly, your eyes soft, before your gaze fell back down to your lap and you nodded your head, a small smile pulling at your lips at his reassurance.
That reminded you, you were going out with your friends after dinner and hoped to invite Chris. You figured you might as well do it now. "So, me and my friends are going out for drinks after this, if you want to come." Chris grinned, still keeping his eyes on the road. "I'd love to, as long as your friends won't mind." You rolled your eyes. "You know they love you, maybe a little too much." Chris chuckled and shook his head. Your friends always joked about how hot they found Chris, but more than that, it was about teasing you that you wouldn't admit it yourself, claiming that you and him were 'just friends, nothing more', and yet here you were. Feeling how you were, looking at him like that, 'just friends' was a joke.
You and Chris stood at your mothers front door, each taking a deep breath before you knocked, him holding the wine glass by its neck. Your mother's house is small, considering her and her dog are the only ones that live there. It's got white siding with black trims and a red door. It's nice, but it's not the house you grew up in. That house fit four people, with blue siding and white trims and a white door. When your father passed your mother couldn't stand living in the same house he did, and you didn't mind the change either.
Your mother came to the door quickly, basically squealing in excitement and wrapping one arm around Chris and another around you in a quick hug before ushering you inside "It's so good to see you both! And Cass, we definetly need to talk." You nodded your head at her silently, not looking forward to that conversation. Your mother, Jeanine, is a rather short woman, with shoulder length brown hair and a bit of her greys streaking through it. Next to greet you, Maggie, a 9 year old beagle. "Hi baby..." You crouched down to greet her as she stoop up, resting her front paws on your knees. You cooed at her as you pet her, dodging her kisses from making contact with your face. Chris chuckled as he watched you before handing the bottle of wine off to your mother, and in return getting a kiss on the cheek. "Oh Chris you didn't have to, hun." You shared a knowing look with Chris at your mothers repetition of your earlier words, and he only rolled his eyes. As you got to your feet again, you swiped your mothers lipstick off of his cheek and shared only a smile with him before heading further into the house.
You walked in to see Jacob and Amanda sitting at the island. You smiled, and Jacob came over to hug you right away. "Missed you, Cass." You smiled, neither of you pulling away from the long hug "Missed you too." You two were quite competitive growing up, but in reaching your adulthood you both grew a lot closer and were like best friends now. Jacob and you shared the same hair colour and the same softer features, only he was a solid 8" taller than you, you with your mothers height and him with your fathers. Amanda came off her seat as well, though she took a little longer with how big her belly had gotten, despite her still being 2 months from the her due date. Chris walked to her so she didn't have to go to far from her seat and wrapped her in a hug. Amanda had long light brown hair that reached her mid-back, and stood at 5'7". You swapped now, with Chris giving his best friend in a long 'bro-hug', and you hugging Amanda carefully, conscious of her belly. "It's good to see you!" You smiled at Amanda and she responded with a "You too! It's been too long." before she met her husbands side and he placed his arm around her waist, helping her back to her seat.
You all caught up while you helped your mother around the kitchen, all except Amanda who happily watched from her seat at the island, her hand placed over her belly while she sipped her water. Each time you and Chris passed eachother, he'd place a subtle hand on the small of your back. None of it got past Amanda who sat watching it all, but she just took mental note of it and decided that she'd bring it up later.
Dinner was plated and you all took your seats. Your mother sat at the head of the table, and Jacob and Amanda sat next to eachother while you and Chris sat next to eachother. What neither of you knew was that Amanda, observant as ever, was staying aware of every look or touch you and Chris shared with nothing but a hidden smirk on her face.
The topic of conversation jumped from one thing to another, at one point landing on Amanda and Jacob. "Amanda, you're 7 months now?" Your mother asked. Amanda nodded as she finished chewing. "Yep, only 2 months until we get to meet her." She spoke with an excited smile, almost more directed to Jacob. Their love for eachother was obvious as ever, and anybody would be jealous of the way they looked at eachother. As mcuh as you loved seeing your brother happy, it did sting a little. You tore your gaze away from them and looked down at your plate. It didn't get past Chris, however he looked back up to Jeanine as he heard his name. "Chris, have you got somebody back at home yet?" Jacob laughed, but he went quiet when you could feel Amanda kicking him under the table, making everybody at the table laugh. Chris gave him a light-hearted glare before shaking his head. "I don't yet, no." Your heart jumped a little at his use of the word 'yet'. Chris didn't date, that's why Jacob laughed. He was always too busy, but his 'yet' signified a change in heart. Your eyes stayed on your plate so you didn't notice when after a few seconds passed after Chris' response he glanced at you.
What you had been dreading had finally arrived when the topic of relationships had finally reached you. "And, Cassidy..." You took a sip of your wine, your eyes glancing up to your mother behind your glass. "Do you see yourself back on the market... anytime soon?" You raised your eyebrows. The whole table went quiet at the uncomfortable question, but your mother waited for a response. You set your wine glass down. "Yeah, I might." You spoke honestly. The only reason it wasn't a complete no was because of the man sitting next to you. "Well, don't you think you moved on a little fast?" She set her wine glass down as well, a little more aggressively than you did. She clearly wasn't happy with your response. Jeanine loved Harrison, so she wasn't exactly thrilled about the breakup. "Excuse me?" Your eyes were narrow, your brows knitted together.
Chris watched you, ready to pull you away and get you out of this if he needed to but he didn't intervene for now. "I'm just saying what I think, Cassidy, there's no need to get all worked up." You sat back, as if in disbelief. "Alright, if we're saying what we think, I think he cheated on me for six months and I can move on as fast as I want." Jacob's eyes frantically switched between you and your mother, his mouth opening to speak but not finding the words, wanting to break it up but in all honestly scared to step in. "He said he feels terrible Cassidy, would it be so hard for you to just hear him out?" Your eyes widened. "Oh he did? He didn't say that to me. Who did he say that to, mom?" Your mother looked at you angrily, refusing to answer. You stood up and shook your head, your chair pushing back behind you before you stormed off. "I can't believe you." Chris was quick to follow, racing after you as you closed yourself into the first room down the hallway, the laundry room.
The moment that door closed behind you, your tears fell. You immediately placed your fingers under your eyes to try and prevent it from ruining your makeup which would make it obvious you were crying, but it didn't do much, your cheeks already stained with tears. Your chest shook with your shaky breathing as you tried to contain your breakdown, and you had managed to somewhat hold yourself together until you heard a knock at the door, and Chris' voice. "Cass?" He called out to you, his voice low. "Cass I'm coming in..."
You didn't face him as he walked in, so he approached you cautiously. When he reached you he gently turned you around and wrapped his arms around you. You let yourself go, sobbing into his chest. You meant it when you said you had moved on, but you had gone all this time without a good cry and maybe this was what you needed. Not that you thought anything about what your mother said was acceptable. The fact that she was taking his side in all of this, and that she was still in contact with him even after what he had done.
You felt Chris pull away from you, and his large hands cupped each of your cheeks. "You okay?" His eyes flicked between each of yours, and you just nodded your head, your hands going to his wrists. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to cause a scene or anything..." Your eyes fell to your feet, feeling embarrassed. He shook his head immediately. "Do not apologize, especially not to me. You didn't do anything wrong, understand?" Your eyes met his again, but you didn't say anything. You still felt guilty for lashing out at your mother like that, knowing she had been through so much in her life. "Do you understand?" He repeated, bringing you out of your thoughts, dipping his head more so your faces were closer now. "Mhm." You nodded your head, finally giving him a response. "Good girl." He spoke under his breath, barely loud enough for you to hear it, but you felt it in your stomach.
Your eyes scanned his face, and you noticed how concern remained etched over his features. His thumb swiped under your eye, catching some remaining tears that were slowly working their way down your face. With that same thumb, he let it trail down to your puffy lips. He traced over your top lip, then your bottom lip, watching the whole thing as if mesmerized. As if he had spent his whole life thinking about those lips, and this was the first time he's touched them. You hadn't noticed, but your faces were now barely 3 inches apart, and you could feel his breath on your face, though you held your own. The tips of your noses touched, and immediately after the contact you heard him speak. It took you a minute to register the question. "Can I kiss you, Cassidy?" You didn't answer for a second, your gaze unfaltering as his hands still held your face.
After a moment of processing, your answer was your weight shifting onto your toes and raising yourself to close the small distance between you to press your lips to his. He was quick to return the kiss, clearly wanting it just as bad, if not, more than you did. Still, he was gentle. Upon his tongue trailing along your lower lip asking for entrance and you happily obliging you noticed he was warm, and his mouth still tasted like the wine you both had been sipping all night. Something in your stomach fluttered, and it pushed you to wrap your arms over his shoulders, his finding their way around your waist. You pressed against eachother in any way possible, as if wanting to erase any distance you've had between you over the course of the last six years. You noticed how flustered Chris was when he broke away to take a deep breath against your lips, panting as his brows furrowed in need, though your foreheads and bodies stayed pressed together. He muttered a quick word to himself through a small smirk against your lips, the same one you had heard so many times before but couldn't tell what it was, and despite your proximity, through his breathing you still couldn't tell what it was. You were too distracted to ask, pulling him by his collar back to you needily.
Chris wasted no time in connecting your lips once more, this time faster, his movements dripping with need. He walked you backwards towards the washer pressed against the wall, his kiss rushed, like he was struggling to hold himself back. He wasn't sure what he was rushing for, knowing he would never ask you for that so soon, but he felt like he had to make up for all your lost time. All your years of pining, of feelings you ignored, it all built up to now.
His hands found the backs of your thighs and he tapped once, signalling for you to jump up. His hands caught you against him and he placed you to sit on the washer, bringing you up to his height. You felt yourself panting as well, but you didn't break away. You don't think you could if you tried. You didn't realize how badly you needed this, how badly you had subconsciously been thinking about this, but now that it was happening nothing felt more perfect. His hands rested at your waist before one of yours left his shoulder to cup one of his, carefully sliding it up to one of your breasts. He waited for a moment, temporarily slowing the kiss, giving you a chance to ask him to stop and making sure you were okay with it before he gave in, his hand squeezing gently. His hand covered the entirety of that half of your chest, the other balled up in the soft fabric of your cardigan, using it to pull you harder against to him.
All of a sudden, Chris broke away from you, panting heavily with his head falling to rest his forehead against your bare shoulder, your cardigan having half-fallen off your frame. His hand that was on your chest was now gripping the edge of the washer, so hard his knucles were white. You knew he was okay, he was more than okay, he just had simply found himself so flustered that he worried he would get carried away, and he knew once he went there he wouldn't be able to stop himself, and even if you were okay with it, this wasn't the place.
"You okay?" Your returned his earlier words with a smirk. He chuckled deeply against your skin, shaking his head through a smile. One of your hands found his shoudler, the other on the nape of his neck stroking up and down, lightly stratching his head. Your head fell to rest against his, each of you breathing heavily, trying to calm down.
Your head snapped up at the sound of the door openeing, and your eyes widened when you saw Amanda's face peeking through the door. You were both fully clothed but by the flushed complexion both of you shared and the way you were holding eachother it was obvious enough what both of you had been doing. "Oh god, it's not—" Amanda only smiled, and zipped a metaphorical zipper over her lips. You watched in shock as she shut the door quietly. Clearly you and Chris weren't the only people who'd seen this coming. You and Chris shared a look of shock, before simultaneous laughter erupted between you.
You helped eachother look presentable, both giggly at getting caught, before stepping out of the laundry room together. You and Amanda immediately shared a knowing smirk, but the moment your eyes broke away you put back on your solemn expression. Of course you were still upset with your mother, but it was hard to be upset after what had just occured. You grabbed your purse from the kitchen table and Chris stood and watched you while he waited for you by the door. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." You said to your frustrated-looking mother before turning your back to her and meeting Chris at the door, walking to his car together.
The moment the door shut behind you, you let the cover go and you were all smiles again, as was he. He opened the door for you and you sat in the passengers seat, watching him walk around to the drivers side door. You were both silent, only a half stifled smile plastered on both of your faces and it wasn't from the wine, considering both of you were completely sober by now.
Other than discussing what bar you'd be meeting your friends at, you looked out the window in silence the whole drive, though your smile never left your face, nor did his, especially with how you were stealing quick glances at eachother the entirety of the drive. Not to mention, the situation happening in his lap half the trip that he refused to address.
When you arrived, Chris walked around and opened your door for you once more. You stepped out with a smile, finally breaking the silence with a simple "Thank you, Chris." He just smiled as he lead you inside with an oversized hand on the small of your back. You took a seat at the bar and waited for you friends, you ordering a vodka cranberry, and him a water, knowing he'd be driving you home tonight. "So." He sat, his elbows resting on the bar table. "So..." you continued. "Do you want to... forget that happened?" He asked, but you could tell by the way he asked that it didn't mean that's what he wanted, he just wanted to know where you were at, even though he was pretty sure he already knew. "No... Do you?" you stirred your drink slowly, a smile tugging at your lips, also already knowing what his answer would be. "Wouldn't dream of it." He smiled.
You bit your lip lightly. "So what took us so long? To do that, I mean." Chris took the toothpic from your drink, biting one of the cranberries from it. "You had a fiancée." He held the toothpic out to you, and you pulled a cranberry from it with your teeth. "Well I don't anymore." You grinned, clearly happy to be rid of Harrison. He mirrored your grin, just as happy for the exact same reason. "You do still have a brother though, and I don't know how happy he'd be about this, his best friend and his sister." "Mm... I guess we should stop then, huh." He smirked. "I guess we should..." you leaned in for another kiss, his eyes locked on your lips, but upon hearing Fallyn's excited voice in the bar you quickly pulled away, your eyes shooting back down to your drink, as did his.
You heard Fallyn and the other two girls getting closer and turned around, acting like you'd only just realized now that they'd come in. "Hey!" You exclaimed as you took your time hugging each of them. You saw Adrius, Mara's boyfriend, standing not too far behind her and his relieved expression upon seeing Chris. You chuckled a little as you all found yourselves to a circular booth. Next to you was Chris and Fallyn, and what you made sure nobody could see was your foot resting on top of Chris' under the table, the smallest touch you could sneak without anybody noticing.
"You better tell us everything." Fallyn tried to sound intimidating, the nosiest of the three girls. You rolled your eyes. "You don't want drinks first or anything?" They all shook their heads, practically sitting on the edge of their seats at this point. "Alright, alright..."
You took your time explaining the story, and by the end of it even Adrius was invested, asking questions throughout and geting just as upset as the girls when you'd talk about all the messed up stuff he did. The whole time, Chris sat staring at you intently, his elbow resting on the table with his head in his hand, angled so he was facing mostly you. All he could think about was how he couldn't wait to kiss you again. Well, not only that, he also thought about how much he loved your hair, and your voice, and your eyes, and your lips, and your skin, and your laugh, and the list went on.
The girls in fact had ordered some drinks half way through the story and were pretty drunk by the end of it, Taven and Fallyn in their own little world giggling non-stop and Mara looking asleep on the shoulder of her boyfriend. You and Chris on the other hand had your own conversation going, quiet enough that nobody else at the table could hear. "Do you want to go home yet?" He asked. "I'm alright, do you?" He shook his head but you furrowed your brows, only a little less drunk than all your friends now. "Are you sure? Becaaause you've asked 3 times in the last half hour." He chuckled, leaning in to whisper in your ear. "I just want to kiss you again, and I can't do that with all these eyes on us." You smiled and felt a blush creeping up to your cheeks, your head falling against his shoulder to hide it from him. His hand subtly slid up to the back of your neck, rubbing it lightly, soothing you. "Are you trying to make me tired so we can go home?" "Maybe..." he whispered down to you, and you giggled. "It's working." You whispered back. "It is?" He grinned. "Mhm." Your eyes fell shut.
A few minutes later, Chris convinced you to come back up to the bar so he could ask for a water for you. He knew you would crash as soon as you got home, so he wasn't going to let you leave until you finished your glass. You sat at a stool while he stood next to you.
"I'm not drunk." You assured him as he lifted the glass to your lips.
"Yes you are."
"Is that why you won't fuck m-"
His hand clamped over your mouth, his eyes wide as he stifled a laugh. "Cass, we're in public!"
"We can go to the bathroom." You spoke, as if it was so obvious. He rolled his eyes, bringing the glass back to your lips.
Your hands fisted the material of his shirt, trying to pull him towards you but he didn't budge. "Please?" You pouted up at him. He leaned down to your ear and placed his hand at the back of your neck, dropping his voice to a gravely whisper. "When I make love to you you're going to be sober, and it's going to be in my bed, under my roof. Understand?" You drew in a sharp breath. His tone along with his use of the word 'when' instead of 'if' shot excitement through your stomach. "I understand." You smiled drunkenly, burrying your face in his neck.
He took his time feeding you the rest of the water before you waved goodbye to your best friends and he lead you out to his car, ending up carrying you after you'd covered probably only 10 feet. "You owe me for this." You scoffed. "Are you kidding me?! All the times I've taken Dodger for you, he might as well be my dog." Chris laughed. "I let you sleep in my bed." "And I bet you loved it." "You might be right." He whispered before placing you in the passengers seat with a peaceful smile on your face, your eyes falling shut not long after.
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
hey do you have a taglist? if so, can i be added for the chris evans mine series?
Of course! <33
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dodgersdadswife · 2 years
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