dolljoints555 · 2 months
Born to have joints that don't function and hurt a lot, forced to do manual labour
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dolljoints555 · 3 months
Disability pride month y'all♡
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dolljoints555 · 4 months
Yet another GP appt. Pain meds are a no go so I'm just gna have to go on a waiting pist for physio on the NHS bc lawd knows I can't afford private. I am getting referred to chronic fatigue management, but they only take you if your bloods are normal so I've got yet ANOTHER blood test (it's like my 10th in the past few months). Headaches are getting more frequent again, close to all day everyday rather than just 3 days a week for a couple hours. And I'm waiting for a psychosis screening. So all in all, my life's going great.
Lemme know how y'all are doing ♡
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dolljoints555 · 4 months
Had a concussion abt a week ago and I had to wait 3 hours for an ambulance and 10 hours in a&e to be seen by a doctor 🙃🙃
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dolljoints555 · 4 months
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Requested an appt from my GP almost a week ago, they hadn't gotten back. I called them td to see if I could get an appt booked, they said there was nothing for AT LEAST 2 WEEKS. Called 111 who gave me a phone consultation with my GP which they attended an hour and a half late, only for it to not be my GP but a receptionist. I've now been put on a pharmacy call waiting list. All I wanted was prescription pain medication (and maybe an ME/CFS diagnosis and physio referral) because my baseline has been worse and flare ups more frequent.
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