doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
hi ik ppl probably asked u this 100 billion times but how long have u actually been practicing drawing. like actually sitting down and really working on every detail, making sure everything was proportional, erasing smthing 10 times until it's perfect, etc. & how many years years/months did it take u to actually draw things that look decent (ppl usually kind of learn/teach themselves how to draw things correctly and then you start improving your drawing style and experimenting)rnngOutSpaceHelpMe
Hey! Sorry for the late reply but breatheeeeeeee, it’s normal to suddenly feel stressed and overwhelmed when you see other people’s art. You might not like hearing this, but there just ISN’T a formula to follow in creating art, there’s nothing like “spend 3 hours a day for a period of 3 weeks practicing human proportions and another 2 hours on top of that on exploring different media starting with ink and pen, if you can continue this for over a year and follow the next 54 steps accordingly, you’ll become the next Da Vinci!”
I’m probably not the best person to ask advice for (since I literally didn’t have any time to draw anything this past month haha) but starting from your question I want to say that there really is not such thing as “drawing things correctly” and not everything needs to be “proportional” “perfect” “decent”, anything and everything can contribute to how a person perceives their own or other people’s art.
Okay, how about I put it this way, remember when you were six and you drew a family portrait for mothers day and you were just sososososo proud of it? And now you look back and see potato heads on stickmen and triangles for dresses- oh and don’t forget that pink bow sitting on black line that was supposed to be hair. But do you understand what I mean? You loved what you created then, why can’t you enjoy what you’re able to create now?
It’s okay if your art doesn’t look that decent right now, it just means that your eye can catch small details you would rather change and your hand just hasn’t caught up to it yet.
"it’s important to note that the process is valuable, there’s always something you’ll learn each time you draw, and enjoy it. Drawing only for the sake of “catching up to someone” or to “improve as fast as possible” is such relative and unreliable and fragile motivation. We all draw differently, how can you rate someone above another? Improvement will come naturally as you draw, forcing it will only make you more impatient. You’re only real competitor is yourself.” (ahaha this is a quote from my other post that addressed somewhat the same things but mostly about art style, you could go read it)
Having a critical eye is important to improvement in anything but don’t be too harsh on yourself. Don’t expect to become your favorite artist overnight because it’s simply impossible.
To answer your question, I guess I’ve been drawing from the moment I could hold a crayon but could I say I’m more serious about it now compared to then? Maybe. Maybe not. Oh gosh, this reminds me a lot of 13 yr old me with a DA account and a trackpad and aaaaaAAHHH I was so full of myself.
What I can say is that draw when you want to, as long as you want to, don’t force yourself to do something you won’t enjoy, don’t let others completely govern what you make because art is a form of communication, your form of communication, because at the end of the day it’s your voice, it’s what you like- even if you don’t show it to anyone.
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
might you have an Instagram??
uhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.yes, yes i do. It’s doodlegifts too, but I haven’t posted anything yet... I made it to talk to an art reposter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
Hullo oh my god you're so fucking amazing your drawings your replies you're so sweet and you've such a great blog I love love love everything about you so much honestly I am not emphasising enough on how beautifully you draw it's so lovely and amazing and so bloody cute and the best thing I've seen in quite some time these drawings are so unique and adorable to look at and you're so amazing okay now bye you sweet sweet sweet human I hope you find loads of happiness and love bye xx (っ˘̩‿˘̩)っ
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhHHHHH (;ↀ⌓ↀ) I’ve been dead on this website for 2 weeks and this is what smacks me in the face first moment I come back. I don’t really know what to say other than thankyousomuchialsohopewithallmyheartyoufindallthehappinessandloveandrainbowsandintheentireuniverseyouadorablehumanbeing. Ahem i don’t want to go in how my art isn’t really that unique and aH thank you for the vote of confidence. I really need to appologize for not being on tumblr for so long (and all the other asks I haven’t replied yet)….
Things have been going on in my school and in my home that kept me a bit stressed these days. I didn’t want this blog to be negative or centered around me but I just want to explain myself:
My parents are really loving and supportive, they’ve never been one to pressure me with grades (despite me being in a really academic and hella expensive school) or force me into a vision of what “a daughter” should be like and I’m so so so grateful for it. 
But recently I got into a HUGE fight with my Mom about LGBT rights (and hilarious as it is, the theory of evolution). And this is crazy because I’ve NEVER really fought with my parents, like EVER. This was after the pastor at my church (I live in China) had indirectly said that “gays would be banned from this country and Christianity is at it’s downfall especially in the western world because of all these contaminations”. Honestly, fuck it. 
As someone who draws gay ships (as small as it is) it feels like a big deal. I know I’m overdramatizing and I hope I don’t come off as annoying and needy as I probably sound right now but I don’t know what would happen if my family found this blog, or even my friends irl. Disown me? Take me to some crazy reform camp (I think that’s a thing)? Force me to change my beliefs? I really have no clue. 
But I still love my parents more than anything because they’re good and kind people - even if I feel like they are really irrational about some topics. Or I’m the irrational one, but let’s not quibble.
It’s really getting harder to be these different people at the same time. A different person in the church community, school community, at home and online on this tumblr blog. This is mostly due to the fact the people in these different social groups are so unyielding to new ideas, so comfortable in their own definition of normal, it’s hard to show different sides to my identity because I don’t just simply fit into one group. And especially when I realize the consequences if I mix all these different me’s together and I’m faced with alienation and judgement at best and scorn and maybe disownment at worst.
So I’m really sorry I disappeared or might keep on disappearing, I needed to think this out and approach it on my own terms. I was almost close to deleting this blog but I saw this anon’s message and all I can say is: thank you. I realize now that even if there’s one person out there who enjoys my art, I will keep doing it. Heck, I’d do it even if no one ever sees it because I love it. And hopefully nothing people say will keep me from loving it. 
I’m sorry anon for putting this onto your really nice and sweet message!! 
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
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Instructions: Draw your favorite character in your last outfit and answer questions below.
Draco Malfoy in my Sunday outfit (aka the I need to hibernate look)
Tagged by @upthehillart ! Thanks so much, this was really fun <3
Tagging: @convallarias-art , @avoidakedavra , @sadfishkid & anyone who wants to do this! (tell me and I’ll add you here hehe)  
Favorite color: Pink!
Favorite music artist: ahh I don’t know.. anything but hard metal & dark/goth
First Fandom: Harry Potter (well I guess pokemon but LET’S NOT TALK ABOUT THAT)
Favorite TV show: ………..mlp ε=ε=ε” “(/*• -•*)/
Favorite Manga/Anime: I used to love Saint Tail & Inuyasha (ofc there’s yoi)
Hobbies: art (duh), playing music (piano & guzheng), photography, softball, reading/writing, traveling, baking, (weirder ones include: watching documentaries, reading textbooks, going to science museums) etc. etc.
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
how did you come up with your style? how long it took? i used to draw a lot when i was a kid, but stopped drawing for about 5 years and only now i'm having more interest again, since i got an ipad pro + apple pencil and it's so easy to draw and stuff, but i feel like i never draw something of my own??? you know what i mean? i usually get inspired by other people's drawing and then draw something similar... please help a sister
Hi! I’m really flattered you would ask me this question especially since i’m no t the be st p erson tal k abo ut art s tyle. But I will try my very best to help and talk about some of my experiences. 
Alright, so first of, we need to understand what an “art style” is and what it sometimes indirectly implies. When I talk about “style” I’m thinking of art having a distinctive appearance that consistent, and a really developed/ unique one just screams the name of the artist when you look at it. 
So I don’t really have one, what I draw is a mixture of what I see, my previous experiences, the media I’m using, and the loads of artists I have been inspired by. Maybe the things I post here might appear to have some degree of consistency but I know I definitely don’t only draw like this, and categorizing the things I create in types of “styles” can dangerous and confining. If you put an apple in front of me and make me draw it, what I draw today will look different from what I draw tomorrow, or just a few seconds later. Unlike computers, we humans are incapable of replicating exactly what we did before (plus if you only draw the way you did before, how can you evolve and improve?!), it’s not a perfect reflection of what we see or what we imagine we see. 
I believe every piece of artwork we draw is an experiment, “what if I use my wrist more to create softer, rounder strokes?” “what if I use a but more rigid and angular ones here?” “what if I just replace lines completely using blocks of color?” “what if I use a vibrant color to outline this?” these questions guide me through my drawing process and what comes out is different. 
When you see artists create something and it’s consistent and beautiful and you can immediately recognize it, it’s because they’ve experimented so much and might just be content with settling down with a drawing process that is familiar and comfortable and likely incredibly relaxing/fun. Thus the fantastic style. But I personally don’t think there’s just going to be one day where you wake up and go like, mhm yup, that’s my style, nuh-uh, not ever going to change it, took me exactly 6325 hours to create it! To some this might be uncomfortable because there’s never a clear end goal in art, it’s endless and consuming. But thats where the beauty is, you can never be done exploring yourself and the world of “art”. (if you don’t believe me, just look at one of your favorite artists and scroll allll alllll the way back and just see how much their art has evolved and will keep on evolving) 
Forcing yourself to draw one way only, especially when your not completely happy with it, can definitely take the fun away, limiting your choices and making your art static. Please don’t be so influenced by “needing a style” and “having to draw and make my art look this one exact way” that you don’t branch out and let your art express itself. 
Also the fact that we sometimes can’t help but think of what other people want to see our art to look like, what’s expected of us. But what you draw is what YOU want to create, what YOU want to express, what YOU want it to look like. Not saying you should disregard what other people have to say because feedback is incredibly important, and a driving force to help us improve, but focusing too much on it can definitely bring lots of unintended stress and pressure. 
I get it. I really do. I’ve been having some trouble with my own art lately too regarding this because I just look at everything other people create and go like “I want my art to be realistic as heck like that!” “I want my art to be bubbly and cute like that!” “I want my art to look aesthetically pretty with those pastels like that!” “I want my art to have those strong expressive linework like that!” “I want my art to be minimalistic with vibrant colors like that!” “How in the world do they do that?!?” and here I am again in this endless battle against my own thoughts because there’s simply so so many different ways art can look like and I CAN’T JUST CHOOSE ONE. And even if you do it 99.99% of the times it won’t look the way you intend it to and you’ll have to try again. 
But it’s important to note that the process is valuable, there’s always something you’ll learn each time you draw, and enjoy it. Drawing only for the sake of “catching up to someone” or to “improve as fast as possible” is such relative and unreliable and fragile motivation. We all draw differently, how can you rate someone above another? Improvement will come naturally as you draw, forcing it will only make you more impatient. You’re only real competitor is yourself. I got discouraged so much before because I kept on thinking “I won’t ever be able to draw like that” and I really do regret those 3 years of my life where I technically “quit art”. Look back on what you were able to create a year ago, and look at what you can do now! Drawing because we want to is the only consistent reason that can keep us working hard but also having fun and loving every moment of it. 
Sometimes I just want that non-existent one definitive answer as to what my art should look like and who I should be as an artist but it just isn’t there. Art is such a broad notion, so so so many factors that can mold it to be ANYTHING. From the media you use, you’re creation process, the color choices (or no colors at all), what you’re feeling, what you imagine the end product to look like, everything and anything can leave an impression on what you create. 
And that’s why no. one. can. art. like. you. do. I can’t stress this enough. NO ONE can draw exactly like you do. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t have a consistent “style”, no one can mimic you exactly, because they’ll have to completely replicate your experiences, thoughts and feelings to do that. Everything you create is you’re own, even with all it’s inspiration from the world around us, to the artists you love. If it come out from your hands, it is yours, because no one can draw something exactly like it (ahem not counting art stealers but that’s something else)
Haha congrats on making it this far! I want to say, it doesn’t even matter if you can only draw stickmen because you can bet no one can draw a stickman perfectly fabulous like it. Even if you don’t like what you create, everything that comes from your hands is still yours and it is you’re time and effort poured into it. Don’t regret a moment of it. 
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
Umm your drarry art is adorable please keep creating content
yes yes sorry! I had so much planned to do over the break but I just became a lazy sloth, school is going to start again in 2 days (ugh!) but I’ll try to post something. BUT GUESS WHAT I’M WORKING ON RN 
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
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So sorry for all the late replies! I haven’t been able to come on tumblr till now!
Gabby you are the sweetest <3 ahhhhh I don’t think I even know 10 people well enough on tumblr to tag them but I hope you all have a fantastic new year and may all your otps wishes come true! (੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺˚
Maybe! I feel like poc Harry is more common on tumblr, (all the different depictions of him are really interesting) but idk I might just stick with how I have him now. More talk here
HAHAHAHAHA I’ve never really thought about it much but have you read sadfishkid’s post on Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood?  It is a GEM. Go read it now! I swear it’ll make your day
Why would I delete the drarry? I would never delete the drarry! although now i look back on it, aaaaAAHHHH it’s just a LOT little embarrassing.
I draw and animate on photoshop CS6! (oh gosh, I don’t think it can even count as animation, just teeny flickers of movement) and thankyouverymuchidkwhattosay
Why thank you so much!! I’m so happy my random doodles art can make other people’s day a little bit better (sadly, I have no style ;^; experimenting has always been really fun but I like the idea of something consistent and distinct…… like mine….idk?) Have a fabulous day too! You certainly made mine ༼つ ் ▽ ் ༽つ ~♡
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
I love your art so much. You draw Harry exactly the way I picture him. While everyone has the right to see and depict Harry however they like, it's really great to find a fanartist who doesn't draw Harry as desi like everyone else. I admire you for sticking to your personal vision.
Thanks so much! っゝω・)っ~☆
At first I was reluctant to draw Harry the way I do because I was afraid it would come off as white supremacy and get hate for it, but I know now to not to be paranoid and make baseless assumptions like that about the internet.
I hope you guys don’t mind me talking a bit more about this topic..
To me, fanons are not just a reflection of the canon universe but an extension of it, we’re all free have our own interpretations of the characters, to imagine them in our own fun and exciting scenarios usually within the boundaries of the original world but sometimes even taking it further. There’s no “correct” or “accepted” way to create/mold the world in which these characters congregate and that’s one of the reasons I’m so in love with it.
So if an artist draws a character the way you imagine it, that’s great! But if it’s different, that’s even more great! They’re essentially bringing out a new interpretation of them and exploring all the character’s potential. I personally like sticking with a white Harry because of some of the symbolic themes presented in the book but a POC Harry is just as interesting if not even more.
Of course, there is a visual culture in our society. There exists a shorthand language that everyone shares, an implicit set of rules, an internalized code for behavior. Even how we walk and dress are mediums in which we send these codes. And this doesn’t only apply to topics regarding POC but also gender norms and sexuality. As a member of this society we try to communicate in ways that are quick and deep, aiming to present a world in ways that could be real. Thus, there exists a “seeming normality” in the media, there are stereotypes, generalizations and assumptions. It’s not necessarily manifestation of reality but simply how society sees itself, how we see ourselves. We like to keep things simple, familiar and comfortable.
However, the internet has widely changed this, we have unlimited access to the marketplace of ideas. Ideas will naturally percolate and the marketplace- us- will appropriately address them. (that is, ignoring censorship and whatever….. hello from the other side of the firewall ヾ(・∀・`o)ノ ) (but even then, ideas and platforms that are being deliberately suppressed gains a certain degree of legitimacy and becomes even more attractive in being iconoclastic). Sure, information is still being filtered but we as individuals have never had so much control of the content we see
I’m proud to say that tumblr is a platform where there is no “set normality”, where ideas like POC Harry can become widely accepted and that’s why I absolutely love this community. It’s where we can embrace our differences, where sexuality, race and gender are not defining factors of a character’s persona, but only a description. Most of the time the media presents us with content that we, the audience, want to see, and most of the time it’s cute cat videos. This also applies to posting on tumblr. Whether we like it or not, we’re all influenced by the feedback we get, whether it’s warm support or micro aggression. But taking note of this can help prevent us from turning into little attentionmongers.
Just because I don’t draw POC Harry does that mean I don’t support it? Of course not! I believe in creative freedom but as a member of a larger community, do we have an obligation to advocate certain ideals, a moral responsibility in the things we post? Is there a line between what we want to see and what we should see? These are all terribly hard questions to answer.
Okay this post has already spiraled out of control and horribly off topic (sorry anon). But I just want to say this:
4 years ago, I was a homophobic Christian
2 years ago, I joined my school’s GSA (gay straight alliance) abeit secretly
1 year ago, I started using VPN and the Darknet to circumvent the Chinese firewall
6 months ago, I gradually warmed up my parents to the idea of homosexuality/transgender/freedom of expression etc. etc.
4 months ago, I created a tumblr
And now I’m here! I like to think I’ve come a long way but it’s nothing compared to what others have put up with. I’m still very religious although I don’t believe it should completely define who I am. Anyways, I want to end this on a good note: The world is a messy, annoying little place that can feel endless sometimes but like this anon said, stick to your own personal vision! You might not be in control of what others think about you but at least you can control how you feel about yourself.
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
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Have a very drarry Christmas!
(i know it’s past i’m sorry) but this one’s for ya’ll! Thank you so much for everything, these past months have been so much fun ヾ(♡ ³♡)ノ Especially @avoidakedavra for being the sweetest and most supportive person ever
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
Thank God I can enjoy your drawings everyday! I absolutely LOVE your Draco! He's my favorite. Especially the one where he stole Harry's glasses...Can you draw more of those? I'd actually love to pay you if I can! Your Draco is soooo priceless...
oh gosh! thank you!?!?!?!?!? I’ll take requests and suggestions but please please don’t pay me for anything! It’s 100% my pleasure to draw and your support is more than enough to keep me working hard  (´。• ᵕ •。`) ~♡
p.s I’m thinking of drawing a christmas drarry (although it’s almost here so idk if I’ll finish in time) but keep your eyes open for it! 
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
Could you draw snowbaz in Hogwarts AU (Gryffindor and Slytherin, our you can change ir ir you want c: )
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baz has lots of punishments in mind ;) 
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
why I don’t read fics
okay OKAY LIStEN. It’s 2 in the morning, I have an exam in less that 6 hours, but I can’t stop bawling my stupid eyes out because of this fic. (I literally regret all the decisions i’ve ever made up to this point in my life) A bags of chips and apple juice usually does the trick but NOTHING can fix my shattered soul right now.
If you want to have you heart flutter hopefully then crushed into a million tiny pieces, jumbled up and glued back together in amazing new patterns only to get SMASHED into smithereens again, go right ahead and click on this monster: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4041893/1/A-Certain-Kind-of-Memory
Oh wait. Don’t let me scare you away from this horrendously beautiful fic. It’s harmless! If you consider your soul being torn out from your body and disemboweling every organ and suffocating slowly in a sea of emotion and spontaneously combusting at the same time as harmless! don’t say you weren’t warned BE MY GUEST AND GO RIGHT AHEAD.
No but actually, please do read this fic, even if your not a drarry shipper! (plus I can’t suffer alone) It’s 96k of brilliantly strung words that makes you just want to read certain parts aloud and feel the words roll off your tongue and ugh just have 5 tissues at the ready and you’re set to go. The author really is brilliant, it saddens me to see their not active anymore.
SO yeah, I have been reminded once again why I don’t read fics, because of THESE MONSTERS RIGHT HERE. Okay I haven’t read them in a very long time and the first one I stumble upon broke me and I’m nothing but happy about it. If you have any way of pulling me out of this hole I was flung into, please do. (I should be getting some sleep) but send me a message or something and we can ramble about this together (i swear i’m not that needy) .
Yes I am rambling but this work touched me dearly and I don’t regret reading it at all (it’s really worth it). Also, if you’re not very comfortable with nsfw like me, there are a few bits in this fic you might want to skip over (hence the rating) but honestly, they’re not that important to the story so it’s completely fine to just skim over those parts.
also don’t be a wimp (like me) and skim the ending first
GOOOOOO (૭ ఠ༬ఠ)૭
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^a quick sketch to free me of my emotions
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
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Pickett, come and give me a smile. 
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
I LOVE YOUR ART! What programs/brushes do you use?
(This is for programs) http://doodlegifts.tumblr.com/post/152776143735/your-drawings-are-amazing-0-0-honestly-its-so
For photoshop brushes, I either make my own or get them from friends and tweak it just a bit to my liking, if you would like them please message me directly! (I think I’ll make a preset and send it to you) く(^ー゚)ノ
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
who's in your latest drawing? is it ron? i can't tell DDD:
Sorry! i know it’s hard to see my tags on my tumblr theme but that was a drawing of Snowbaz! (Simon Snow and Basilton Pitch) They’re from the book Carry On written by Rainbow Rowell and I would 100000000% recommend it.  I can’t start describing it without rambling on and on about how amazing the book is but (shhhh if you like drarry, definitely read it, it’s so so so so perfect)
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
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“Sunlight burns me”
“Me too”
“You’re an idiot, Snow.”
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doodlegifts-blog · 8 years
by any chance do you draw snowbaz?
canon pairings are my sunshine~~
(yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I will!!)
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