dorklordcanada · 4 days
Wherefore Magazine?
A few weeks ago I sort of bullied myself into launching a TTRPG magazine in 2025. In fairness it’s something I’ve had on my mind for years, but it wasn’t until that ill-fated social media post that things sort of gelled around the idea, and it shifted from something I could do to something I had to do. Since deciding to go ahead I’ve thrown myself into planning and research, mapping a bit of the…
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dorklordcanada · 3 months
Gen Gone, Part Two
This is Part Two, you can get the context over in Part One. Much like in Part One, I’m going to start with a couple of points that, if they make you mad (because you disagree, not because you should rightfully be mad at our capitalist trash fire), the rest of this and probably Part One are going to piss you right off. Despite its “we’re just a simple country gamer” marketing overall, Gen Con is…
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dorklordcanada · 3 months
Gen Gone, Part One
Let me state two things off the top that might save you some reading: Zionism=/=Jewishness. What Israel is carrying out in Palestine is genocide and their Jewishness in no way excuses anything. I one hundred percent support the CRIT Awards in general and there decisions around this year’s awards in particular. If either of those statements make you mad, jog on, the rest of this is not going to…
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dorklordcanada · 4 months
TTRPGs for Palestine Itch Bundle
In response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine, Jesthehuman is hosting a TTRPG charity bundle alongside 354 creators to support Medical Aid for Palestinians who work for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. They provide immediate medical aid to those in great need, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of…
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dorklordcanada · 5 months
Extra Life (Solo) TTRPG Weekend
I had intended to run games during Extra Life’s official Tabletop Weekend a few weeks ago but health issues got in the way. But every weekend can be Tabletop Weekend if you believe. So join me April 26-28 for my Extra Life Solo TTRPG Weekend! I’m playing solo TTRPGs and chatting, most importantly I’m raising funds for Extra Life. Every donation enters you in a draw for signed copies of My…
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dorklordcanada · 5 months
Over at The Rat Hole
I swear I planned to post more, I swear. But the facts don’t lie and my previous post was in January, so… Anyway. Hello! I’m back! SAD and executive disfunction are a hell of a drug. Keeping it simple for today, head on over to The Rat Hole and check out my interview with Eli Hauschel, the Kanaka Māoli Creative Audio Professional, Gamemaker, and Award-winning AP producer. Eli has a lot to say…
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dorklordcanada · 8 months
2024 Challenge
Less than three weeks into a new year and already I need to call in my fellow cis white mascs for an educational huddle. I swear, y’all must have made being a clownshoe a resolution or something. Here’s my 2024 Challenge to you all: Make 2024 the year you stop shitting on someone’s joy like it’s your fucking job. When someone on social media talks about something they love, whether that’s a book,…
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dorklordcanada · 9 months
My Only New Year's Resolution
I don’t normally make new year’s resolutions. But when Prismatic Wasteland issued their challenge to bloggers to create a new resolution mechanic, how could I say no? We love a good resolution system around here, but I hope you’ll accept this instead. The Any Two System – When the GM gives you the difficulty number for a check, add any two numbers from your phone number (including area code)…
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dorklordcanada · 9 months
Brent's 2023 Wrap-up
I generally pull together a list of everything I’ve done in a year. It helps me when I need to update biographies for this and that, and it’s easy to forget things and let them slip through the cracks. I honestly didn’t expect this year’s list to add up to much, though. It seems like the last year has been one struggle, like wrestling wet sand into submission. But when I put it all down on the…
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dorklordcanada · 10 months
Updating the Ko-Fi Shop
Every once in a while I go over old creations and see if there’s room for improvement. I don’t have a set schedule for this, it usually happens when some other thing I’m doing reminds me they exist. This week I used swarms of bees and the Hedgicorn I created in a charity game I ran Monday (make sure to follow the link, there’s another one Thursday you don’t want to miss). Naturally this got me…
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dorklordcanada · 10 months
Supporting Palestine
You might remember my friend Jes from our interview back in July, when they were releasing their excellent Uncaging Nicolas on Itch. One of the things we touched on in that interview was Jes’ commitment to supporting charity through tabletop gaming on their channel. So it comes as no surprise, with the atrocities committed against Palestine in recent weeks, that Jes wouldchoose to lend aide to…
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dorklordcanada · 1 year
Wandering to NJ Web Fest
May of 2022 I had a Twitter conversation with two friends that changed my life. I didn’t realize it at the time. Life changing moments masquerade as totally normal moments, only revealing themselves when you look back at when it all went so right/wrong. In the moment Anne and I were wishing Krissy a happy birthday and Anne hoped they could collaborate on something sometime. Half joking, I offered…
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dorklordcanada · 1 year
Summing Up: Writing a Campaign Synopsis
This past Sunday I wrote a thread on Twitter I thought might be worth posting in a clearer format here. We’re putting out the casting call soon for [REDACTED] so I needed to pull together the campaign synopsis, which is one of my favourite exercises for a new campaign. They are an absolute necessity for actual plays, ensuring everyone is on the same page coming into the project. But I used to do…
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dorklordcanada · 1 year
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“Trans is a made up word”
“Word is a made up word”
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dorklordcanada · 1 year
Need an Editor?
I am a skilled freelance editor of TTRPGs and I would love to work on your game. I offer a free, no obligation editorial assessment so we can decide if we're a good fit for one another. I would love the chance to work with your words, why not contact me?
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dorklordcanada · 1 year
Ways and Wanderings AP Looking for Support
Season Two of our award-winning Wanderhome AP begins recording in August, and we would love your support! You can help us out by buying ad space on our show (details in my Ko-Fi Shop) or by coming on as a Sponsor (brent.jans at gmail.com for details). Let's support each other! ko-fi.com/dorklordcanada/shop
One of the things I want our show to do is help spread the word about other creators in the space, whether that's TTRPG accessories, other actual plays, Indie TTRPGs, you name it! Your support would mean the world to our small production, and we would love to show our thanks by shouting your name from the rooftops. So please reach out and let's talk!
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dorklordcanada · 1 year
Ways and Wanderings AP Looking for Support
Season Two of our award-winning Wanderhome AP begins recording in August, and we would love your support! You can help us out by buying ad space on our show (details in my Ko-Fi Shop) or by coming on as a Sponsor (brent.jans at gmail.com for details). Let's support each other! ko-fi.com/dorklordcanada/shop
One of the things I want our show to do is help spread the word about other creators in the space, whether that's TTRPG accessories, other actual plays, Indie TTRPGs, you name it! Your support would mean the world to our small production, and we would love to show our thanks by shouting your name from the rooftops. So please reach out and let's talk!
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