dracomort · 50 minutes
as i get older and keep reading hp i really love the way that lily’s central and driving role in the narrative is missed both by us and by the characters for so long. i know there are also other narrative reasons for it and it does cause a tragically male-dominant cast. but to me it also means that one of the significant downfalls/obstacles for all of these men is their fixation on the father and the father figure and patrimony, that causes them to forget and thus forfeit the power of the mother. harry overcomes this cycle by taking after his MOTHER and filling his MOTHER’S role when he protects the rest of hogwarts from voldemort with his sacrifice. i love it. literature is full of men (and increasingly also women) taking up their father’s mantle, but for a boy to intentionally emulate his mother is rare.
lord voldemort, in particular, gets fucking steamrollered by this - as he deserves.
during the flashback to the night he kills james and lily in deathly hallows, he refers to james by his name and by calling him "the father", but refers to lily exclusively as "the mother".
sorry you didn't think she deserved a name [slash to be granted any recognition of her personhood outside of her motherhood], hun! hope not taking that seriously didn't cause you any problems!
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dracomort · 24 hours
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dracomort · 1 day
Papermonkey I need to hear about your Voldemort MBTI debate at a corporate mixer!
I'm gonna be honest, I accidentally had 2x the drinks I'd intended to have because I didn't read the cans so it's a bit blurry.
I was chatting to a finance bro who told me he reckoned he could guess my MBTI. Which he did, immediately. Kind of impressive except I don't I've ever met anyone who didn't guess INTJ within 1 hour of knowing me. He told me that he was an INFP, I told him, "you know who else is an INFP - Tom Ripley". He didn't know who Tom Ripley was, so I had to explain that he was a psycho conman serial killer. He wanted to know why I would make that comparison and I told him that tbh most characters in my MBTI family were psycho killers so he was in good company.
It's a bit vague after that but we discussed INTJ vs ENTJ Voldemort for a while, then I (unfortunately) started on my thesis about how Voldemort is "just so misunderstood". Roped a grad into it as well.
Grad: what are we talking about 😃
Me: do you think voldemort is misunderstood?
Grad: can someone tell me what the right answer is 😟
Me: you're supposed to say yes
Grad: oh SO misunderstood. The most!
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dracomort · 1 day
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dracomort · 2 days
ok salary man BL is not for me
romance fiction is meant to be ESCAPISM. yet here they are overworking and neglecting their personal relationships for stupid KPIs 😭😭😭
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dracomort · 2 days
Cards I made five years ago
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dracomort · 2 days
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Happy Father’s Day
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dracomort · 2 days
one of the many victims of streaming is the dvd homepage where they included lil games, bloopers, director commentary, and behind the scenes. I miss u gurl
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dracomort · 3 days
Wish tumblr just made blocking a thing alongside muting instead of replacing muting with blocking. Like sometimes I have nothing against a user they are just clogging my searches with incorrect quotes. And man are those quotes incorrect.
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dracomort · 3 days
sometimes pirating things is clicking three buttons and then the thing you want happily appears on your computer and you run off into the sunset together. other times you have to travel through 18 different dimensions and wait an hour and a half for you computer to muster up enough energy to download powerwash simulator off of so backwater site
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dracomort · 4 days
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dracomort · 4 days
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big love (base: 13th_1st)
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dracomort · 4 days
don't shoot the messenger but dumbledore was not the this all out evil guy that the fandom makes him out to be. is he frustrating sometimes; yes, but i feel like ppl forget he was literally a WAR general in the middle of a WAR. like of course the dude had to make some sacrifices, he was fighting a fascist dictator in order to save the entirety of the wizarding race 💀 you're not gonna come away from that death free and he needed to make some tough decisions
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dracomort · 4 days
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something something
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dracomort · 4 days
it's actually so funny how challenging it is to write bona fide graphic, horny smut. like people don't give smut writers enough credit. you are constantly running out of words to describe the same 2-4 body parts and same 4-6 motions. you are constantly attempting to do interesting and dynamic things in the prose with this extremely limited set of words. you are looking at your prose for the nastier bits and wondering if it actually sounds hot or if it just sounds goofy. you are then toning down your prose and then wondering if it now sounds tasteful or if it's just boring. you do ctrl+F for the word "cock" and there are 37 instances of it in the doc but you hate the 1-2 acceptable synonyms so there's nothing much you can do about it
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dracomort · 4 days
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6/12 doodles
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dracomort · 5 days
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happy birthday voldemort :3
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