drarryismylifeandsoul · 2 months
A Fangirl's realization while reading: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone
Only just recently have I, as a Harry Potter fan, gotten access to the first Harry Potter book and I noticed that Draco, when gossip hit him that The Boy Who Lived was on the train, quickly went to Harry's stall to introduce himself.
But that's only because I can imagine that when he realized that that boy he completely disregarded at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions was The Boy Who Lived he was like "Oh, shit! That guy really was that guy!"
That's kinda funny.
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drarryismylifeandsoul · 5 months
Helping Out (Drarry)
Got inspiration from an anime clip
 "Draco sweetie, don't you want some cookies?" Harry stopped and turned to his right.
Daphne Greengrass was latched into Draco Malfoy's arm eerily smiling sweetly up at him. "Sod off Queenie," he growled. He tried to look angry but Harry could see that he looked tired.
His eyes were drawn and he looked paler then usual. The raven haired boy frowned as the prefect tried to pull away from the thirsty Slytherin but she continued to hang on like a leech.
"I made them just for you! They're your favorite flavor~" She pulled on his arm harder. Harry felt something awaken inside him. He wanted to help Draco but how? Then he got an idea.
    "Hey Daphne! Stay away from my boyfriend!" he yelled. The blond looked up and focused her gaze on him. Draco looked at him with a bewildered 'what?' written on his face. "What did you say?" she spat with a sneer. He tried to suppress his grin. "You heard me!" he yelled walking towards the duo. "Get. Away. From. My. Boyfriend," he insisted faux angrily pulling her away from his rival. He then pulled Draco closer, sliding his hand around his waist. "You okay honey?" he asked innocently a small grin on his face. His enemy on the other hand just stared him at with a 'wtf?!?' look. Then all of a sudden his eyes flashed with realization. He mimicked his grin and replied with a bit of color on his cheeks: "I am now."
    Daphne just looked from one boy to the other incredulity written all over her face.
"W-what! You and Draco are a THING!?!" she exclaimed her mouth slightly ajar. "Yeah we are," the Boy Who Lived replied stroking the slightly taller boy's hair. He narrowed his gaze. "Do you have a problem with that?" he growled.
Immediately she went on the defensive.
"W-wot? No! I-I mean...you see...well-" she stumbled over her own words, sweat drenching her clothes. She swallowed hard, her eyes darting back and forth. "How long h-have you been to-together?" she squeaked, twirling her thumbs nervously. Draco looked at her and smiled. "I'd say three years...?" He glanced at Harry who nodded.
Her eyes looked haunted. "Three-*cough*-three YEARS!" she yelled before covering her mouth. She twisted her face in anger. "Absurd! Th-this has some kind of sick joke!" she looked at Draco with a dazed expression. "Nope." He glanced at Harry fondly. She stood there jaw dropped. "Th-There has to be some kind of mistake! Maybe you cast a spell on him. Yes! That's it! I'll tell the teachers! I'll...I'll...I-" She stopped talking and just stared at the two each having silly grins on their faces. 
    "There's no spell Daph. Now leave us," he smirked at her before dipping Draco. "Wait, what are you-mhmf!" the blond was cut off by Harry's lips. He froze not sure what to do. He'd never been kissed before. This was his first.
Harry ran his tongue over Draco's lips causing him to moan. He opened them slightly to which Harry stole the chance to glide his tongue into the other's mouth. Draco gasped and ran his hand through the Gryffindor's hair. He tugged on it inducing a moan from his rival. He did it again and felt Harry's hand travel lower. That was new. He did it once more and felt cool skin touch his thigh. Wow kisses can be like this?
However as quickly he kissed him, Harry broke away. He pulled Draco up to his full height and they stared at each other. The hallway was deadly quiet, only a few whispers disturbed the silence. Daphne however just stood there clenching her fists, her face red with anger. "T-This won't last! Mark my words! By the time you leave Hogwarts-NO! In fact before you graduate both of you will go your separate ways. I'll make sure of it! Oh yes I will!" She turned on heels and sashayed away flipping her hair like she didn't care though tears filled her eyes. 
Draco pushed Harry away anger on his face. "What the bloody hell Potter?" he yelled gritting his teeth. "What do you mean?" He was confused. He was just helping him, and the kiss was part of the act. "You don't mess with people like that you big oaf!" He looked angry but sounded hurt...and confused. "W-what? I was just helping!" he couldn't believe his ears. "Well I-uh...didn't ask for your help!" the boy retorted back but he sounded like his voice was going to break. "Harry!" a voice called out.
Harry turned around to face Hermione Granger and her mere companion, Ron. She looked all sweet and smiles and Ron had his hands behind his back, like a proper gentlemen.
"You're late for Transfiguration Harry. Come on." She gently took his hand and dashed off Ron not far behind.
"You ARE going to explain to us what the monkey feathers I just witnessed at Lunch k' Harry?" she hissed glancing at Harry with a 'won't you?' look. He was sure Ron too felt the same way. He looked back and saw Draco just staring forlornly at him. Immediately guilt washed over him. What has he done.
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Happy Halloween :)
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Philosophies Of The Great Guru And Her Prodigy turned 1 today!
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It was sitting rent free on my laptop window.
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Eclipse By Mijan In a Nutshell
Harry: So abut your father-
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Encapsulates drarry in a nutshell 
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Inspired By A Line In A Drarry Fanfic
Draco: I have...feelings for you
Harry: I have...feelings for you
J.K Rowling: The feeling was friendship
The fandom: tHaT’s BuLsHiT
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A Ravenclaw Who's A Drarry Fangirl turned 1 today!
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I liked this picture so I reblogged. All rights go to @drasin
Inktober Day 31 - Trick or Treat
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Johnny Cage x Erron Black
Prompts list -> [LINK]
Link to Ao3 if anyone prefers to read there -> [LINK]
Poor Cassie really hoped for a werewolf and Indiana Jones…
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I need your help
So I want a dog. Like really bad. The breed me and my sister have  simultaneously picked is a German Shepherd (the American Show line type. Yes there are different types of German Shepherds). My older sister shut it down saying they’re too expensive (in this country they’re over $6000 but in the USA they’re a mere $1000), my mom said we’ll just want it to sleep with us and my dad said we have no fence therefore we can’t keep one. But there’s a guy down the street with no fence like us and he has FIVE!
I’ve disregarded them all and decided to research the breed. In a week I’ve learned so much. I’ve found breeder and everything and I plan to convince my parents to get us one. Any tips on how to convince them? Relay your tips or experiences down below. And pray for me 🤣  
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Hi Guys :)
Yes I’m alive. No I didn’t mean to not update for so long.
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This is a book I’ve been writing for a while now. Would appreciate if you check it out. I need one more read in order to post the next chapter
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The link to the blog
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If you love this blog then you’ll love my secondary one. It’s basically  guru/philosopher themed where I (The Great Guru) and Eddy Fran (The Prodigy) post semi meditation and inspirational quotes we make up. Now go on my children, I await.
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Draco's Dish soap
Professor Snape: All right let's start off with a simple problem. So Johnny has nineteen bottles of dish soap-
Harry Potter: Wait, why does Johnny has so much dish soap
Draco Malfoy: MiNd yO BuSiNeSs pOtTaH!
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