drhoneyandelley · 4 months
Is my honey hubby as fast as Porsche?
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I love my honey hubby very much. He is as sweet as chocolate chunk cookies ( you know what I mean reading the link here ; https://honeyandelley.wixsite.com/i-love-eat-wear-3/post/is-my-honey-as-healthy-as-guilt-free-chocolate-chip-chunk-cookies ) but also strict with himself with an athlete-mind. He often tells me, "Beyond your capacity lies new potential. Don’t set limits on yourself.”
While our car was being repaired recently, my husband commuted to the hospital where he works by cycling and taking the train. As he commutes by car, the opportunities to ride a bicycle have significantly decreased, so the first few days seemed quite hard for him. Returning home on the first day, he expressed his frustration, saying like "I couldn’t cycle in a way that satisfied myself." I was like "Okay... you are not an Olympic athlete after all." Then he replied "I should be able to do better.” Again I was like "wow, that line sounds very an athlete-like!" I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard that. At the same time, I thought it somewhat mysterious that he returned home out of breath despite riding an electric bicycle, but I didn’t delve into it at the time. However, he came back looking exhausted the next day, and the day after that as well. Let me explain that an electric bicycle is a bike equipped with an electric motor, making it very easy to pedal since it’s partially powered.
Then one day, I decided to attend a public lecture where he was presenting, blending in with the audience. That morning, I rode his electric bike, and he took my bicycle. And that’s when I discovered the truth. He pedaled with the ferocity of a Porsche’s start, maintaining a fierce speed throughout. No wonder he came home breathless every evening. As I realized this, I couldn’t suppress my laughter at his incredible speed. After all, the sight of him, impeccably dressed in a Dunhill suit, pedaling like an athlete, was a complete mismatch.
And how was his presentation, you ask? It was a big success, absolutely wonderful. To see my husband achieve such greatness, it made me feel proud of him all over again. And then, my husband and I happily cycled home together, saying like "no more Porsche, honey hubby! It's too dangerous."
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I could keep writing forevermore about my unique honey hubby but it's time to make a birthday cake from scratch for his big day. It is totally gluten-free healthy confectionary with rice flour, rice oil, beet sugar, soy bean yogurt and egg and adding a little pretty herbs like lemon balm and fruit. Bon Appetite!
I love, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 4 months
How can we balance love and differences in values within a marriage?
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I love my honey hubby. It's overwhelming love, seriously so much that I’ve never seen this side of myself before. I never forget about when we first met (this is another time) also never forget that I LOVE fashion and labels like Louis Vuitton, Dior, Moschino, Hugo Boss... these are my forever lovers. Oh let me add Philippe Matignon in my tights collection. My life has always been accompanied by luxury brands. I suspect I’ve loved dressing up since I was in my mother’s womb, so much so that as soon as I became aware like 4 years old, I was content wearing my mother’s high-heeled pumps at the door. However, a problem arose when I married someone who loves to discern the essence of things rather than their labels. (Of course, I have no intention of criticizing luxury brands. I acknowledge that their exceptional craftsmanship, backed by a long history, results in designs and quality that are truly unique. In fact, my husband also seeks high quality and owns various luxury brand products.) However, naturally, this led to a battle between my brand-oriented self and my husband, a clash of fundamental values. What do you do in such a situation?
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To reconcile our fundamental differences in values, we made an effort to thoroughly discuss and understand why each of us held our beliefs. Through this process, instead of completely abandoning our own values to accommodate the other, we gradually moved towards each other, learning to understand and respect our differing values and incorporating them into our own. It’s akin to taking the best of both worlds. What’s important is not to strive for perfect understanding and respect, but to let things go as long as each of us is reasonably satisfied. To accept things as they are. And the most important thing to remember is that, despite minor frictions and differences in values, we must not forget that we love each other. There is nothing greater than the most profound love. To love is the most beautiful thing. We must not forget this, nor get trapped by the obstacles that lie before us. For there is nothing more important than striving to protect our love for one another.
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As a solution, basically I’ve chosen to purchase my luxury items with my own money, not my husband’s. He does not care about the money but it's not a point of money but my pride as a fashion lover and a wife. I believe that the money he earns with such dedication should be spent in a way that brings him comfort. Even when buying with my own funds, I practice moderation. I carefully consider whether an item is worth purchasing, if it suits me, or if I already own something similar. More importantly, I make it a point to purchase luxury items with the future in mind, regardless of my age. I carefully consider whether I will continue to use the brand throughout my life before making a decision. (When I make a purchase, I feel it’s only right to utilize it fully. Letting luxury items sleep in the closet seems almost unfair to them.) This investment-minded scrutiny is crucial, especially since my husband is a doctor also an investor. Adopting his perspective is not only about understanding him but also valuing his approach. And he, in turn, compliments how well the luxury items suit me when I wear them happily. When both partners show compassion, there’s no need to give up either a love for collecting brands or a happy marriage. I’ve managed to have both!
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I could keep writing forevermore about fashion and love, but It’s time to start the prep work for the stewed meat dish with Disaronno. I like this unique and one of a kind flavor enriches stewed.
I love, therefore I am.
I wear, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 5 months
Love honey hubby, fashion and garlic?!
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I love my honey hubby and I can’t leave out fashion and jewelry either. So, even if it’s just a trip to the neighborhood grocery store, I can’t resist dressing up while contemplating what to cook for my beloved husband tonight. Of course, considering the occasion is essential. Since childhood, fashion has always been a crucial means of self-expression for me. I love coordinating outfits that blend a touch of femininity and uniqueness into casual attire. For casual jean outfit, pairing a unique design denim jacket with sneakers accented in gold or pink hues, along with pearl jewelry and a small Dior bag with a chain strap which makes the outfit more feminine and dressing-up, creates an outfit that makes my heart leap with joy. And dressed in the outfit, I went to the grocery store to buy.....garlic!
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Given the current situation where COVID-19 is prevalent at your husband’s workplace (the hospital), incorporating garlic into your dinner is a wise choice. Garlic has a multitude of health benefits, especially when it comes to boosting immunity.
Here are some reasons why garlic is a powerful addition to your meals:
Improved Blood Circulation: Garlic helps enhance blood flow, which contributes to overall well-being and warmth in the body.
Fatigue Recovery and Vitality: Its properties aid in combating fatigue and promoting strength.
Sweating and Diuretic Effects: Garlic encourages sweating and acts as a natural diuretic, assisting in detoxification.
Gastrointestinal Health: It supports digestive health and has mild antibacterial properties.
Blood Pressure Regulation: Garlic consumption may help lower blood pressure.
Prevention of Arterial Hardening: Regular intake of garlic is associated with reduced risk of arterial hardening.
Antiviral Properties: Garlic’s natural compounds are believed to have inhibitory effects against influenza viruses.
When preparing Japanese cuisine, there are many dishes that do not include garlic. Therefore, I make a conscious effort to actively incorporate garlic into my cooking.
I could keep writing forevermore about fashion and love to my honey hubby but it's time to cook dinner with the garlic!
I love, therefore I am.
I wear, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 6 months
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beloved of them all?
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I love my honey hubby. He loves me. We truly believe in that we are soulmates. We cannot imagine the life without one another. We love, respect, care, cherish, nurture and embrace our love itself. But it can never be always romantic as in a fairy tale. A lot of mess, in fact, very very messy around our relationship has been, like one storm coming one after another. I cannot look back on it without tears not because it is too tough or proud of being what we have accomplished but it is also, very cruelly, to see my own flaws. He is like a mirror as if it reflects who I am. I see myself through our relationship.
We have come this far in a relationship full of trials. When one problem is solved, a new one emerges, and each time my heart is shaken and I am completely exhausted. I keep asking myself whether I can continue my relationship with him, whether I have the stamina left to continue it, whether this relationship is wrong, whether the mysterious forces of nature are playing with my destiny and not blessing it. The other self within me whispers. 'If it's so hard, why don't you just let it go?' As if invited by these words, prepared to leave him, I expose myself to him, and have an honest discussion with him. It sounds like the voice of the devil, but in fact it is the whisper of an angel. It tells that if you are ready to break up with him, you should confront him with your true feelings in the end without regret. It would be much easier to say goodbye to him. But somewhere in my heart, I know that he is what my heart has truly wanted. So we patiently confront the problem, not giving up our compassion until the very end. We compromise with each other, give in to each other, corporate each other to solve our problems.
We love, respect, care, cherish, nurture and embrace ourselves. To love one another is to love yourself. Love is greater than anything. I love him again to love myself. Love one's own to love someone/something. We all love ourselves after all. Love is beautiful.
I could keep writing forever more how much I love him but it's time to mend one of his socks with a hole in it. We cherish whatever we have!
I love, therefore I am.
I believe in the power of love, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 6 months
Never ending I love you.
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I love my honey hubby. Even though we are not newlywed anymore, l am still crazy in love with him so much as to ask him “do you love me” several times in a day. I do, I just cannot help it. I am still in the mood of love at first sight. I love him and love to ask him so. It’s not just because I am anxious if he truly loves me but I enjoy seeing him chuckling and saying “yes” so quickly before I said the whole sentence. Besides, I love to hear him saying “I love you” smiling on his face. I say in return, of course. Surprisingly and fortunately, he is so patient that he’s never fed up with me “bothering” him, rather enjoying as well! I am the luckiest person to have that kind of sweet guy in the world.
In fact, the echoes of this I-love-you assures both of us that we are so intimate and connected with strong bond and bring us the sure thing that we are secured by each other’s love like we are forever no matter what.
Love is greater than anything. I-love-you phrase has so much power to make people confident. Besides, by saying that, we get more to love others. Love just comes from within and never dries up or fades away. Love those who are involved in your life, more importantly love yourself. I learned this from our relationship.
I could keep writing forever how I ask him if he loves me forever but it’s time to cook for my honey hubby. I have little time now so Miso soup with lots of ingredients is perfect for very easy quick cooking, still following you-are-what-you-eat.
Miso goes with any ingredients from vegetables to pork, beef, fish(cod is perfect), bacon, sausage and chicken. Pour water in a pot and add a dashi bag (which I introduced the former post) also add some ingredients with low heat which is preferable (but middle is fine) and boil them enough to be cooked. Then just add miso and stir. Bon appetite!
I love, therefore I am.
I cook, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
Versus a lovely six-year-old neighbor or myself?
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I love my honey hubby. I love our neighborhood especially love the sweet six-year-old girl who lives next door. She also loves me so much that when she sees me gardening, she comes running out of the house. Cute. She calls me by my first name. So far, she sounds very cute. But one day something happened.
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She asked me what she should call my honey hubby as also asked me what I usually called him. It was so sudden that I didn't know how to answer, so I quickly told her the truth, and she said she would call him that as well. It was okay, but still not good. Because it is only between him and me. Those are kind of what only lovers call each other. Wait, I'm jealous of a six-year-old girl? Oh, I can't believe it. She is just an innocent cute little girl. When did I become such a jealous person? Half joking, half serious. No, 90 percent joke, no, it's 70. It's okay. Our love is not something to be swayed by such things. No, that's not the point.
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I sometimes feel that I am very childish and immature. No one is perfectly mature as a human being, though, I told myself. In the end, it's totally fine because it's about our love and I won't hurt anyone, of course not her. All that kind of silly thought was going around in my head.
When he heard the whole story, he laughed a little teasingly and replied, "Now you are being like a six-year-old girl to me. You are so funny. Thanks to you, every day is fun."
Her voice calling us by our nicknames are echoing in the neighborhood today as usual. Lovely.
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I could write what is it like my love for him forever but I got to go make and arrange dried flowers on the wall.
Be aware to make dried flowers before it shrivels and petals fall.
First remove the leaves where you tie it with a rubber band*. Leaves contain a lot of water, so they tend to rot if left alone. *The use of rubber bands is highly recommended in case the flowers gradually dry out and shrink.
Hang them on the wall turning the flower upside down and enjoy them gradually fading their colors down a little bit and completely dried out. Done!
I love, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
No cooking for honey hubby, No life!?
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I love my honey hubby and I love to cook. I've always loved cooking ever since I lived with my family also ever since I lived alone. It is kind of a therapy or some sort of ritual thing for me. No matter how exhausted I am when I get home from work, I forget about the bad stuff and immerse myself into cooking. When it comes out perfectly delicious, I think, "Wow, I am a genius," and I feel so refreshed and recharged to face another day.
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Now that I am married to him, I love cooking for not only myself but him that brings way more joy to me. As you already know that I stupidly madly love him, I love to cook for him the most. Since he practices you-are-what-you-eat, I follow it and cook without artificial ingredients. Not to mention, he loves it.
He prefers to take supper at home, except on days when he needs to eat out on work. Yes, that exception means, I don't have to cook unless it is not for him on that day. As I confess, in a newlywed, I was feeling as if I were set free from everyday cooking on that day and was enjoy chilling out on the couch watching a film while eating some leftover popped into microwave.
However, I realized that I find more joy in cooking for him and I love that. Now when he has a day eating out on working, I feel so devasted with deep sorrow like "no cooking for you, no life! Oh honey, how could you do that to me!" as if it came to the world ends. That's stupid but I enjoy it. (I am a fan of Shakespeare). I know easy cook is good for spending time on my own but it's way better for me to cook for him because I love him. Love brings more joy. He taught me now. Love matters after all. Perhaps am I dependent on our love too much? Hell no, any kind of love is great. I love myself and love to eat. Now I find another enjoyment (he's the best, though) on solo-full course dinner time, cooking a little bit more gorgeous dinner on my own with cost double for one. Love is great.
I could write how much I love him and Shakespeare but it's time to make Dashi with very handy Dashi bag. Search DASHI OKUME on the Internet for more information if interested.
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Dashi is Japanese soup stock from sea weeds/kelp and bonito flakes, name a few. It works perfectly to cook like the taste of authentic, high-end Japanese food. Now it is used worldwide for French, Italian foods and more. I prefer ones from DASHI OKUME, which is now available online shopping in both the States and Japan, that has various range of combination from made-to-order, semi-order to already-made bags. Brava!
I love, therefore I am.
I cook with Dashi, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
Is my honey as healthy as guilt-free chocolate chip chunk cookies?
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I've always loved cookies, especially chocolate chip chunk cookies, which are at the top of my list. I just feel so happy tasting the butter and chocolates flavor. I make some and keep in a jar on the kitchen counter, that makes my day. Meanwhile I sometimes feel guilty about way too much sugar and fat, so I try healthier alternatives, swapping white sugar for beet sugar and butter for coconut oil. I'm inspired by my health-conscious honey hubby. He likes you are what you eat. Very inspiring, very smart. I love it. I love him.
One day I found a perfect guilt-free cookie when I was snuggling with him. To tell the truth, I cannot help with snuggling my face around his neck. It is just so relaxing. I am like a dog sniffing around for cookies or why? When looking up on the Internet with words "cuddle, healthy", there are various information hitting how effective it is for health. It says that cuddling creates a feeling of calmness and relaxation because of oxytocin, which is released when people or pets snuggle up or bond socially. In my case, I do with my honey hubby and delightfully mysterious thing is that he smells like cookies! Silly? Stupid? Weird? Indeed, but I mean it (at least to me). I am healthier now that I realize that my "cookie-man" would be the healthiest cookie in the world (only to me, of course), being able to feel so-called "cuddle hormone" without high calorie sweet sugar yet the sweetest.
I could write about how stupidly I love him forever, but it is time to stop for not making you feel sick and for reading lesson in English. The book in the picture below is a good start for easy reading, with cute cookies everywhere in pages, that would definitely make you want some.
I love, therefore I am.
I eat cookies, therefore I am.
I read, therefore I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
He changes my life and my shoes?
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I love my honey hubby for so many reasons. He changed my life and takes me to the world I have never seen before.
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I used to be kind of a typical city girl whose what's in and what's hot with the song "diamonds are girls' best friend" spinning around in my head. I love jewelry (because of my mother, and her mother, it's definitely in my DNA). I love fashion especially high heels that makes me look taller. I have always dreamed about long and gorgeous legs like Heidi Klum. When I was in a high school and went to work on the first day as a part-time job at a grocery store, I wore a pair of black pumps with 3-inch heels and little ribbons behind the ankles, so my boss was surprised and I said, "you told me to wear the most comfortable ones for me."
I had never had sneakers and it would have definitely been the last shoes I chose for my shoe closet until I met him, who loves climbing mountains, skiing and surfing. He often tries to make me challenge so many things and takes me go out. Purchasing a pair of sneakers for hiking was definitely my first! Since then, I am so obsessed with sneakers that I cannot help collecting because they are literally easy-to-walk and more importantly, so many fancy designs are out there especially since they have been on runway these days.
Now I am so grateful to wear them but more grateful to have him in my life!
I love, therefore, I am.
I wear, therefore, I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
Jealousy heart chocolates?
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I love my honey hubby so much and so does he. It sounds like a romantic love song so far. But sometimes I am too much, even enough he laughs at.
When he gets some chocolates and contained some heart-shape ones, I would loud out like “NO hearts from nobody but mine!” with jealousy. Practically, it is a good excuse for me to eat them because I am a chocolate-freak. I am easily jealous when it comes to him. But he is not uncomfortable with it. neither am I, in fact. What's important is jealous with humors in positive mind like "I love you enough to be jealous". Looking at me, he just chuckles with no confusion. See? He is totally fine rather happy with it! It might be just torture without positive mind. No happiness without positive mind. No true love without positive mind. No life without honey hubby (in my case).
I could write forever how much I love him but I get to go make non-dairy cream cheeses with soy yogurt for borscht see below;
Place a strainer lined with two sheets of kitchen paper in a bowl, add soy yogurt, wrap it with the edge of the papers, and place a weight on top. I use a plastic bag filled with water as a weight. Get it done in a few hours in a fridge. It's so simple plus you can recycle the bag as eco-friendly!
I love, therefore, I am.
I eat chocolates, therefore, I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
The power of love makes it heart-shaped?
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I heart my honey hubby so much that everything seems heart-shaped. It's rather magical or stupid or crazy? Literally, I am crazy about him. One day stupid magic happened--when we harvested vegetables in our garden, we found a little radish grew shaped a heart (rather a peach or more a little cute booty?)! We loved it. It was too cute to bite. but of course, we ate, dipping my original mayo sauce.
I believe that love is more beautiful than anything. Any kind of love, to family, to your dogs or cats, to even your Hermes bag in your closet, to love is splendid. To love someone/something and to be passionate make your days happier and even make you find a tiny little happiness or perhaps heart-shaped funny things (heart-shaped cut green onion in the pic below!). Love is powerful. You feel that you are alive and fulfilled a little more. So I want to spread love, shape things love, make it heart-shaped!
We have grown vegetables and herbs without agricultural chemicals since my honey hubby prefers you-are-what-you-eat mind also less-chemical life. I love the idea. I love you, honey hubby. He is always inspiring me with his witty logical yet lateral thinking. Adorable. I could write about him forever but got to go cook my special dipping mayo sauce;
mayo/mustard/rice vinegar/sugar/soy milk
mix all with preferred amount!
I love, therefore, I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
Love is essential.
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Every time remembering my honey hubby's tender smile, I put a smile on my face with feeling joyous. Every time remembering his soft voice, I feel so alive as if I could walk a thousand miles away. Every time remembering his warm hand holding my hand, I feel like heaven. Then I remember that I fall for him again and again and again. Why do I love him that much? Because he loves me and I love him. Love is infinite and immortal. Love makes another love. Love is essential for life. I could write forever how much I love him but it is time to make a bath oil with essential oil from scratch that is one of his favorites, see below;
20ml jojoba oil
1 drop of juniper berry/rose geranium/benzoin/thyme essential oils for each
6 drops of lavender bulgarian
add a tea spoon of the mixed oil to 200 liters of bath water
I love, therefore, I am.
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
Love and to be loved in return.
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I truly believe in the power of love. Love is more amazing, beautiful and powerful than anything in the world.
Looking at the photo of me and my honey hubby, I realize that I am content more than ever. (I look at the pictures of us a lot in a day because my honey hubby is so devoted to his job as a surgeon not coming back until late at night on business days from Monday to sometimes Saturday and I am ALWAYS missing him. So no doubt that I am like a dog in a rush to the door welcoming her owner when he comes back home.)
I used to be more hungry (even greedy) to get what I wanted and sometimes feel insecure thinking about my future. Now that my heart is filled with huge love from/for him, I am fulfilled and sleep peacefully beside him at night. He is everything to me (most of everything I confess. I am a fashion freak and cannot help it). He makes my day. I am not sure why I love him that much? Rose glasses? No, oh wait, well... it could be... NO. I would say it is the power of love.
Although the world is getting more in danger and chaos and we never know what it is going on, I strongly believe that all we can do for the better life is to spread love, to love someone you love and be loved in return, and love yourself.
Here is the words of Mother Teresa; If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.
I love him. He loves me. It is beyond description. It is the love. I could write forever how much I love him....but it's time to go cook dinner for my honey hubby who believes in "you are what you eat". Here are how I cook like below;
More than 3-4 dishes with various kinds of vegetables to take nutrition from a diet.
One cup of miso-soup per day that is one of the most popular and typical Japanese fermented foods.
Mostly fish or some kind of seafood for a main dish sometimes beef, pork and chicken because fish oil like tuna is better and healthier also cod is better digestion.
A bowl of rice sometimes brown rice less flour (I am trying gluten-free diet because I get feeling fuzzy and foggy with it).
Most importantly, cooking with love. The more I think of my honey hubby smiling on his face while eating, the better I can cook. Love is the best spice!
I love, therefore, I am.
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