drsamfitz · 6 years
1 Turning Head in four directions
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drsamfitz · 6 years
Got recurring low back pain? Do you have a "spondy"? This is a sign of instability and this exercise is a great home exercise to go along with the appropriate spinal manipulation. See me or your local Chiro with any questions! Cheers! #backpain #chiro #stretch #breathe #chiropractor #spondy #spondylolisthesis #functional
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drsamfitz · 7 years
A version of.. sunrise salutation.. Someone asked me what my daily yoga practice looks like the other day.. This is my basic morning routine is a great way to activate the abdominals and gluteals while invigorating the breath and stretching the shoulders,hips, and spine. Let me know if I can help! #yoga #lifeskills #parents #chiropractor #chiro #stretch #backpain #breathe @healthspacekingsford
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drsamfitz · 7 years
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So blessed to have this amazing little guy in my life!! #babyboy #daddies #parents #lifeskills
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drsamfitz · 7 years
Here is a version of a sunrise salute that I do (nearly) every day 3 times in the morning to get me out of bed.. great for stretching the hamstring, opening the hip, opening the rib cage and activating the gluteus 👍🏻😃
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drsamfitz · 7 years
TFL stretch for those with hip pain and tight ITB
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drsamfitz · 7 years
Got Knee or Hip pain? Or both? Particularly after running? You might benefit from this awesome lateral quad (rectus femorus) stretch! Get amongst it.
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drsamfitz · 7 years
TFL stretch for hip rotation
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drsamfitz · 7 years
Try this stretch for TFL and hip rotators to help get some mobility in your squats and stability in your running style. Cheers!
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drsamfitz · 7 years
Suffering from neck and shoulder pain? Stressed, sitting too much or too long in front of a screen can cause tightening of the muscle called Trapezius.  Here is a great stretch to keep you going through the day!  Enjoy my friends.
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drsamfitz · 7 years
Pain in the bum? Got Sciatica? Check out this stretch to get some relief and get moving again w/Chiropractor Sam
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drsamfitz · 7 years
Dr Chestnut’s 10 Biological Laws Determining Healthy Habitat and Lifestyle Choices
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Over the years, I have found a few authors and chiropractors who really understand function of the internal physiology and how health is built or destroyed.  After all isn’t creating health the goal of all medical pursuits?
The following is an adaptation of Dr James Chestnut’s “Eat Right for Your Species Type”.  He outlines the biological rules that our bio-psycho-social mind and body must follow in order to create healthy choices in our lives.  I really dig it, and i found it very insightful once I had fully digested it.  I thought I would share it with you all.
1. Your state of genetic expression determines your state of health or illness. (genetic expression is which specific genes are being expressed or which genetic recipes are being used to create states of structure and function and/or health and illness at any given time)
2. There is a direct causal relationship between habitat and lifestyle choice and state of genetic expression. Which genes you are expressing is determined by your habitat and lifestyle choices. States of health and illness are reflections of the genetic expression of habitat and lifestyle choices.
3. Healthy habitat and lifestyle choices for any species are defined as those that elicit the genetic expression of health within that species. This makes things so simple! What to eat, how to move and exercise, and how to think, feel, act, and interact in the ways required to express health are no longer confusing, they are defined by your species type. If you want to be healthy you must follow biological law, you must ‘Live Right for Your Species Type’.
4. The habitat and lifestyle choices required to elicit the genetic expression of health within any species are determined by the essential ingredients lists found on the genetic recipes on the specific DNA or in the genome of that unique species. The unique collection of DNA found within the genes within any species is known as the genome of that species. Genome is what defines species. Each species has a unique collection of DNA or a unique genome which contains unique essential ingredients lists for the expression of health for that species. Humans have human DNA that makes up the human genome that contains the unique human essential ingredients lists for the expression of health in humans. Giraffes have giraffe DNA that makes up the giraffe genome which contains the unique giraffe essential ingredients lists. This biological law is true for all species.
5. Healthy habitat and lifestyle choices are species-specific and species-wide. What represents a healthy habitat or lifestyle choice for any member of any given species is defined by the genome of that species and is thus specific to that species and is the same for every member of that species (because every member of that species has the same genome). This biological law applies to all species, including of course, the human species.
6. The essential ingredients for the genetic expression of health must be sourced from habitat and lifestyle choices. The ingredients themselves are not found in the genome, only the recipes and lists of essential ingredients are found in the genome.
7. Healthy habitat and lifestyle choices for any given species are defined as those that provide sufficient amounts of the essential ingredients necessary for the genetic expression of health and avoid toxic ingredients/materials that cause the genetic expression of adaption and illness within that species.
8. Failure to make habitat and lifestyle choices that supply sufficient amounts of the essential ingredients and/or to avoid making toxic habitat and lifestyle choices always results in the genetic expression of states of adaptive metabolism resulting in decreased health or increased illness. Such choices, and the chronic states of metabolic adaptation they elicit, are pandemic in Industrial Society and are directly responsible for the Chronic Illness Pandemic.
9. Making habitat and lifestyle choices that supply sufficient amounts of the essential ingredients and/or refraining from making toxic habitat and lifestyle choices, always results in the genetic expression of increased homeostatic (healthy) states of metabolism resulting in increased health or decreased illness.
10. To get and stay well, you must ‘Live Right for Your Species Type’, you must engage in habitat and lifestyle choices that increase the sufficient supply of the essential eating, moving, thinking, and social interaction ingredients and/or decrease the delivery of toxic ingredients that assist in the genetic expression of health for your species.
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drsamfitz · 11 years
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drsamfitz · 11 years
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drsamfitz · 11 years
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drsamfitz · 12 years
"we'll escape in time, where we go next I know I'll go only with you"
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drsamfitz · 12 years
"Stay bright, night lights, big city hype, outlasted outside in hindsight last night"
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