dungeonsphinx · 1 month
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dungeonsphinx · 1 month
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dungeonsphinx · 1 month
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quiet storm
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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Evolution of Cactus SBCs
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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TZXDuino to TZX-Cassette (2020) YOUTUBE LINK
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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Computerwelt, Christoph Morlinghaus (close-up shots of computer microprocessors)
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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Infinite Rays of The Sun by Luis Camnitzer, 1975-1978
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
It is (or has) been said by the wise, that : “All desire, no matter how small or large, significant or insignificant, so on and so forth; all and any desire in it’s various, ubiquitous, and myriad forms: it is desire that leads to suffering.”
Though perhaps I should have omitted the quotation marks in the above passage. For I immediately felt the urge to begin embellishing the rather simple and direct statement.
Suffering is inevitable in the consciously lived human existence. Many would posit that it is in fact, unavoidable- a surely to occur happening for the living (and perhaps as well) the dead. To experience sentience & to experience all of its events- emotions - glories - pitfalls - happiness’ - joys : one would do well to have constant vigilance and remain ever rest assured that CHANGE is the infinite-constant & suffering is the unit of measurement by which father time (Kronos-Saturn-Death) does weigh the long, yet essentially finite Aeons.
Those invisible forces which can only be known to the mortal mind as a causal result emanating from seemingly nowhere whilst simultaneously perceived as the axis by which the origin point of “nowhere” does remain anchored to the frequencies of celestial sounds manifested in imperceptible rhythmic revolutions: though, mysteriously: to be never understood. Must be that Deific algorithm still, despite advances in modern quantum physics, it appears the riddle will never be deciphered??
If unable to collectively admit it - unable to collectively grasp it - it also follows we ought not discover a working definition regarding Its fundamental essence- essentially becoming all to aware that such an endeavor to be futile the psyche thus shatters as we are unable to fit it within the carefully measured square areas -
Academia may perhaps claim peer reviewed research to be empirically sound within bias gradations, like layers, levels, and spherical resolutions- i.e. geometrically confounding yet eventually described in subtle nuances of the initiate within the Platonic- Aristotalian metaphysical purviews; and so, finally – inevitably adaptable, malleable from distinct fittings and materialized by intuition, coded- genetic - make up. Abstract Deity made in “our image”
A key to How the creation of material realm existence is first designed like a blue print drawn and materialized as a thought seed in need of germination: (Incubation:Fermentation)
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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photos of palestinian artist duniyana al-amour's room, where she was killed by israeli strike at the age of 22.
adnan, father of duniyana al-amour (2000-2022), sits among her drawings in her damaged room which was hit by an israeli strike, east of khan yunis, in the southern gaza strip, monday, august 10, 2022. al-amour's drawings in her damaged room after shrapnel tore through her bedroom during Israel's surprise opening salvo, hours before militants fired any rockets.
“i am not making anything amazing. i am merely trying, amidst this isolation, to make life bearable.” - al-amour on her work
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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queen of swords
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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“They sift thru overgrown piles of debris, Hot Trash at a park & ride Nativity Scene -!Three Mise Guys- All 3 - Cleft Bass Notes tattooed on their upper Lips-
Borderline, if not well disguised megalomania fueled by a shared penchant for sociopathic displays of pure/unadultered malice towards all life - They were brought up this way. A means to an end - horizontal frequencies attenuate to unspoken degrees displaying the verticality of multiplicity in simplistic anthropological discretion.
Genius is, well - known to visit troubled minds or vice versa ?? Genius is a troubled mind. Set theories, placed congruent one another: not at all in arbitrary measures - scared skeletal ..
Eventually I asked myself-
What Story is worth the effort of telling it?
Furthermore, a.) Writing It b.) Distributing It and c.) once printed :: Signing it across the globe ad infinitum ad nauseum :: ?! all of this as It (the story) is wondered at until a very tangible muerte miniscule fatal futilism infiltrates the collective mind- perpetually now fixated upon that which never ought to be known, or perhaps shall ever be ascertained by the senses, having a shared disposition which ought be genetically calibrated for the rigid nature of ordered chaos - and thus rendering it capital P Psychotic…… ??
1.) A personal theory regarding “Earth” - a collective historical narrative un-washed and un-cloven - clearly apparent is its nature, at once- both (simultaneously) creation and destruction embodied and thus attributed to faded idols which can no longer give any meaningful insight into their forgotten complexity, which be- born of a perplexing and paradoxical nature; one that is inherent within the allocated design of shifty dualisms- anthropomorphism of the stoned ape gang.”
- excerpt from, “The Merkstave Of Deirdre”
pg. 77.29 <••> ||••||
by Haji Hatori Cuthalion
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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Creator: Motokazu thesis research department モトガヅ文様研究部 編 Motokazu Mon'yo Kenkyubu
Title: かつとト輪廓 Katto to Rinkaku 1926 Japan via
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
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Art nouveau satyr, bronze.
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
I fucking love this Bosschart painting. Adoration of Pan.
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
the lines from the Homeric Hymn to Pan where Hermes is described as a loving and caring father, the way his heart is written to be fulfilled with joy as soon as he took the baby in his arms just when the nurse was just too scared of him, and how the Gods were so happy to meet him really makes me emotional and melts my heart. "He delighted all their hearts". Hail to Lord Pan ❤️
these are the lines:
“But when the nurse saw his uncouth face and full beard, she was afraid and sprang up and fled and left the child. [40] Then luck-bringing Hermes received him and took him in his arms: very glad in his heart was the god. And he went quickly to the abodes of the deathless gods, carrying his son wrapped in warm skins of mountain hares, and set him down beside Zeus [45] and showed him to the rest of the gods. Then all the immortals were glad in heart and Bacchic Dionysus in especial; and they called the boy Pan because he delighted all their hearts.”
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dungeonsphinx · 2 months
Greek Gods 101: Pan
Pan is a god of Shepherds, hunters, fields, mountains, forests, the wild, and panic. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Woodwind Instruments
Animal Bones (Ethically Sourced!)
Wild Mushrooms, Fruits, and Foragables (SAFELY; Don’t Touch Something Without 100% Knowing What It Is)
Bells, Drums, Etc.
Depictions of Wild Animals
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for him include:
Taking Care of Plants
Playing Instruments (Especially Woodwind)
Feeding Wild Animals (i.e. Throwing Out Deer Seed, Having a Bird Feeder, Etc. Please Do Not Feed Them Human Food or Get Close to Them)
Taking Care of Animals
Trying New Things
Hosting or Attending Parties
Taking Walks Through Forests or Meadows
He is celebrated in 1 Athenian holidays:
Mounykhia, maybe
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