4:10 Moon
just this morning you were there glimpsing your curve I looked for you in the pre-dawn light there posing picturesque for all your scars a slender cloud at one shoulder not covering drawing the eye to your lustrous swell a glow to turn heads   Prompt from Word Light Show for April: a poem a day.
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When I become one with the sun
When I become one with the sun
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Prompt from Word Light Show on Saturday, Nov 1             “I Siiiiiing The Body E-lec-tric! I celebrate the mee yet to coooooome.” How often I sang those lines when I was a kid without even knowing what they meant. Dressed in legwarmers and cut up t-shirt, I spent many the afternoon throwing myself around my best friend’s front room with broad arabesques and high kicks as her little dogs pawed…
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My Poem, "Letter to Wright from Between Gusts" is Live at The Lake
My Poem, “Letter to Wright from Between Gusts” is Live at The Lake
Another delight from Robert Okaji.
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Trailer for My Chapbook
I’ve already reserved mine. Robert Okaji writes some of the most accessible poetry I’ve ever read. His works belong on every connoisseur’s shelf. #poetry
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One more thing about grief
One more thing about grief
I’m sitting here filling up my Google calendar with appointments for those must-do things before the big move. It’s amazing to me how much has changed in my life over the last ten years…six years…year. I’m thrilled and terrified and missing my son so much. My father too, but today I miss my son more. I love that there are all these positive changes happening, but I wish my life wasn’t changing…
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Departures and Grief
I’ve been preoccupied with death today. More accurately with grief. A colleague found out on Monday that her sister had died. Based on what they know so far, she died in her sleep. The sister had not suffered with a long-time illness. She was healthy in all appearances. Strong, happy, and healthy is how my colleague described her. Happy. This adjective is the least meaningful in a diagnosis, but…
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Small Town Ways
Take a sixty second vacation to the past.
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Swaying on his feet — one hand on the stair railing — Arden took sutsu to regain his balance. He was suffering the usual side effect of spending time with Doerdah — inebriation. After a detached mental scolding and a wistful vow to learn how to tell the man ‘no’ (in a way that Doerdah would actually acknowledge and respect), Arden carefully descended seven flights of stairs. Before the last step…
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Adrift: Arden's chapters: Chapter 02. Rizu Mui Market
Adrift: Arden’s chapters: Chapter 02. Rizu Mui Market
Rizu Mui market had accumulated over time like drifts of dry leaves in the harvest season. Situated on the first deck above the docks, the mayhem of the trader’s floor spread from wall to wall then climbed them eight terraces. Arden looked down on the whirlwind of trade from the cafe mezzanine seven flights up. The stalls, in their motley confusion of colors, were laid out in concentric circles…
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Adrift: Arden's chapters: Chapter 01. Rizu Mui Baths
Adrift: Arden’s chapters: Chapter 01. Rizu Mui Baths
Mirrors bounce and twirl from the ends of hundreds of branches; nine hundred ninety-nine mirrors of different shape and size. It’s the holy day, Kao Wol. The home trees glint. The family is radiant. Bast’s light as she nears the horizon is a blinding yellow, even diffused by stacked orchards of malanga and cyree. Behind closed eyes her splendor leaves a black spot on the translucent flesh of…
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Words Escape Me
A life celebrating beauty – seeking it out, sharing it, creating it…training yourself to find it in the darkest places – it’s not a bad plan. But as a word beauty can sound dull or superficial; unsuitable to the moment it is meant to define. It is not uncommon in our lives and language for the words we pluck from the scene of an adventure — with the tips of our grasping fingers — to fall short of…
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I Need A Hero Do you need a hero? We do. #writethis
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You’ve Got Mail: A Writing Exercise What are you writing about today? Get up close and personal with one of your characters - write yourself a letter from their perspective.
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Are you there Universe? It's me, Mabry.
Are you there Universe? It’s me, Mabry.
There’s no way to know who will hear this and the likelihood of my transmission making it to human ears is inconsiderable. Maybe that’s the wrong word, as I have considered it, but all I have left now is to choose hope or despair. I don’t feel hopeful, but I’m doing this anyway. My sister is one of those people who always says, “The universe will give back to you what you put into it.” I doubt…
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The Mysterious: Voting Poll and Reading List (click on the post title to access the poll) Last day to vote on your favorite. Don't miss out, start reading today.
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Myths By Moonlight
Brigit’s Flame Entry – Week Two October – The Mysterious “Myths By Moonlight” Word Count:405 Genre: Science Fiction in the larger work, poetry for the scene with an occult slant. This scene is one from my character Lady Saran in the novel Adrift. It follows her disappointing meeting with General Greaves and is more of a duty to her on this occasion than the spiritual ceremony she revels in every…
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A doomed moon
“Darkness is not just a thing of the sky, but a thing of the heart. In a heart of darkness dwells the ruination of man.” Lady Saran Stellaluneia recalled the line as she studied the distant surface of Phobos. The markings and craters of what passed for a moon locally seemed more like unkempt smudges and signs of abuse than the mara that gave character to La Luna of home. She turned away from the…
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