Don enters the training room humming a song.
"Everyone stop for a moment! You guys will never believe what just happened!"
"Good or bad?" Alicia asks.
"Neither! It was awesome!" He says, stressing each syllable, smiling. "Do you guys remember Melody?"
"The girl that you trying to call to a date in the last four months, but chicken outs everytime?" Ben guess.
"I wouldn't put on that words..." He thinks for a moment "but, yeah, she." Getting back to his euphoria, he continues. "I actually talk to her today!"
"Oh my God!" Alicia says shocked. "What did you say to her?"
"I get close to her on Jitter's line, get all courage that I could, looked in her eyes, and said: 'Wonderful weather we're having!'"
The room got in silence for a moment. Ben narrowed his eyes to Donny. "That's it?"
"Well... Then I got scared, get my coffee, and ran away the fattest I could. Buuuut.... I talked to her! Today I effectively talked to her."
"I can believe I wasted my time hearing that!"
"Why? It was a huge advance."
"Really, Allen? Really?"
N/A: Thanks for your time, hope people enjoo! :D
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They are getting ready to Wayne's Charity Balls, when Kate, tediously waiting for Damian to finishing his hair, that had taken the last half hour, decided to look for something to do on Dami's phone, until she enters the gallery.
"Yes, beloved?"
"Why do you have so many photos of flowers and sunsets, and than like twenty of me?"
"I only take photos of things I find beautiful."
Kate narrow her eyes to her boyfriend. "And you find beautiful how I try to reach with my tongue, a french fry in my nose?"
"You would be surprise how beauty can be find in the most unimaginable moments, beloved."
"Really...?" She stared at Damian with suspicious. A long moment pass until he quickly spill:
"Ok, we are saving some pictures to do the 'horrible photos' montage in your birthday, but in my defense it was Allen and Ramon's idea! If you decided to get mad at someone, they are the ones!"
Kate stared at him surprised, until burst into laughs.
N/A: Thank you for your time. Hope people enjoy. Maybe is not good but is made with love. n_n Sorry for any mistake, English isn't my first language.
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