eatthecupcakeplease · 3 years
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And she just another pill popper
Looking for an escape
Hide me in the secret place
That’s the only way
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
Ode to My Lady
by me
-to many of the ones that came before me
Birth you gifted to the world
Love you poured into the rivers
And the streams turned to gold
You planted seeds that will grow forever
Plentiful with fruit that touched God’s hands
The trees dripping with the bee’s sweet nectar
Grass covered floors that bless our feet
When walked upon uncovered
To keep us all connected to our own existence
Beauty comes from you and it is your name
No wonder they hate you so much and use it in vain
They attempted to murder you and take away your power
But you were born a warrior
That fights only when you feel threatened
And with all of the things that have transpired
From the beginning of time
They have barely left a scar
No one can take away your reverence
All the wonders you’ve seen
The whole universe lives inside of your heart
You know why butterflies must first be caterpillars
For us to know all of the sweet things of this life
We must transform
So that we cherish them
And know we are deserving of their grace
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
Painting of Michael Jackson in Thriller by me ✨
I’m currently taking commissions 🤗
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
If only life was as simple as the books
If only things were as simple as looks
I’m on my way to heaven
Devil standing at my front door
Wishing he could get in
Sleepless nights, fighting dreams, & killing everything
Wake up and it never stops
Pay for it with your ego
The truth is inevitable
Either you find it or never be free
Just let it be, just let it be
Take a new leap of faith
You’re only as strong as you think
And if you say you can’t you won’t
Just let it be, just let it be
Red room, red everywhere
But I shine in the midst
Throw me in the furnace
The fire is hot, but it won’t touch you
Cool water flowing through you
The Most High got me
Fuck the matrix
Death to my ego
- DeLady Khepera
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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My blackness is a blessing
Why do you see me as a curse?
What do we have to do for you to see our worth?
Been trying to hold our greatness since the beginning of time
Stolen or murdered in cold blood every time
As a woman of stature and dignity
I hate to feel enraged when all I desire is respect
Having faith in what I envision in my mind
Instead of the the red and blue streaks, gunshots blasted in my nightmares
Screams that just wanted freedom
You’d be surprised to know I wished I dreamed About ghost and goblins
And I could say I just had a bad dream
But when I asked God to help me understand
My ancestors lit the flame
And let me touch a little of the past and the present
With a few drops of our future
To keep me on my toes
Even when the fight took out their bodies
They never died, they never left us
All they endured flows through us
Every feeling of disgrace or regret
Every time we settled for less
Every feeling of compliance, reliance, and compromise
Still runs through our nervous system like a sickness
Every time they kill another one of us
Every time somebody that doesn’t look like us
Gets handed a cookie and a pat on the back
For doing something they would have shot us for
It gets triggered
And the question we have to ask?
Am I up next?
Because what they did last time wasn’t enough
And they ain’t gone stop until they see we’ve had enough
Evil and hate in this world take us as a joke
When we say turn the other cheek
They know no limit
First ones on the carousel
And as long as we keep riding with them
Like everything is sweet and the truth we can’t see
We’ll always be thrown in the ringer
And they’ll keep swinging and spinning
For another round
But what is a world where there is no segregation?
Everybody living freely and not controlled by their ego
Judgement thrown out the window
Free as a bird with no destination but space
People together all the colors of the rainbow
After the nightmares are over, as crazy as it seems
I travel to this place in my dreams
A place of love and compassion
A world that believes in God and the law of attraction
Where we know we’re all created uniquely, but not differently
Hopefully one day
Hate, greed, and confusion won’t have the audacity
To make our home it’s playground
Hopefully one day
We can all walk with each other
And see everything that God made
Is meant to be cherished forever
And golden
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
Painting of Michael Jackson in Thriller by me ✨
I’m currently taking commissions 🤗
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
A crazy world we live in
People judge you from your sins
They name you for your mistakes
Never taking time to notice change
When change is constant, reminded by the seasons
Never taking time to see within
I have no reason to hide, the vision is crystal clear
Look into my eyes and I’ll show you my soul
Tell me what do you see
Do you see this human body
Or do you see the passion in my heart?
The desire to love so deeply it never ends
It crosses oceans, countries, galaxies
An infinite space I wish to live
Do you see the scars from where I’ve been
Or do you see where I’m going with all I’ve learned?
We’ve never been too far away
I lift my hands and feel reverence
The light found me and hugged me
I could never be stuck in the abysses of some man’s dream
Surely our Creator knew the game to play
But only a few will win
It’s such a shame to see my people suffer from the unknown
When knowledge is our gift
Intelligence is our birthright
Yet we create sectors only to divide us
Out of fear, jealousy, greed, and emotions
False hope that it makes us stronger
When the ultimate prize for our demise is death
Man kills himself daily with the expectation that God will save him
When you can only save yourself
God only wakes you up in the morning
And tucks you in at night
Living in our last days and humility is amongst us
Get right with you and worry about no one else
Look in the mirror through your eyes and tell me what do you see?
Do you see yourself?
For hell we pay a hefty price
But heaven has always been free
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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The Lord is my Shepard, I lack nothing
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
Just a regular girl who went through and came out of depression. If you’re struggling with it, you can come out just like me 😌 Peace, Love, Light, & Blessings
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
If only life was as simple as the books
If only things were as simple as looks
I’m on my way to heaven
Devil standing at my front door
Wishing he could get in
Sleepless nights, fighting dreams, & killing everything
Wake up and it never stops
Pay for it with your ego
The truth is inevitable
Either you find it or never be free
Just let it be, just let it be
Take a new leap of faith
You’re only as strong as you think
And if you say you can’t you won’t
Just let it be, just let it be
Red room, red everywhere
But I shine in the midst
Throw me in the furnace
The fire is hot, but it won’t touch you
Cool water flowing through you
The Most High got me
Fuck the matrix
Death to my ego
- DeLady Khepera
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
Reasons For You to Stay......because we can’t get enough of each other anyway
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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✊🏽💛 -peace-love-light-blessings
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eatthecupcakeplease · 4 years
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When you see that ass
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