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Is "no one talking about this"? Or do you just get all your news from Tumblr?
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I come back only to find out that things are really heating up in the bread-and-toppings fandom. Tumblr truly is a place
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I will not shed tears for this man, but nothing will ever bring me to express joy that he has developed this horrific disease. Fuck anyone who claims "no tolerance for the intolerant" or tries to back-up their gut reaction of schadenfreude. Your insane lack of empathy is sickening.
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if thousands of conservatives could quit bud light over making a SINGLE can with a trans persons face on it, you can quit chic fil a for them donating millions to anti lgbtq groups and harry potter for being written by the face of TERFS.
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here’s a fun reminder
bees do not suffer from humans harvesting their honey, as they produce it to a level of excess that they cannot hope to use.
not only that, but without people deliberately breeding them for honey, they would have died out by now.
this especially goes towards you vegans who don’t eat honey thinking it’s animal abuse. don’t go out and buy agave nectar, which is so frequently made using inhuman labour policies. use honey, the best way to save bees.
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why gatekeeping the LGBT community is a necessary evil:
say that you decide to start a club it's an art club. you like this club, because it's full of artists just like you, who understand the struggles you go through. they have resources and advice and empathy to share, as do you, because you're all artists. but then one day, your friend who is not an artist, asks if they can join.
and they're your friend!! you want them to have fun too! maybe they have an appreciation of drawing, so you think it’s okay. so even though your friend doesn’t draw, you say sure! and they join the club. and they sit with everyone else and chat and talk, and everything’s good, it’s nice, it’s fun.
but then your other friend hears about your first friend being allowed in. and you already said yes to the first friend—how can you tell this one no? so you let this friend in, too. but then that friend decides that they really like the club, even though they don’t necessarily like drawing, so they invite THEIR friends. and what are you supposed to do? say no? you already have two non-artists in the club. so you grit your teeth and allow those people in, too.
and the cycle repeats. friends invite friends, word spreads around. pretty soon, your art club becomes an art-and-movies-and-book club. and then it’s an art-and-movies-and-book-and-instrument-and-comics-and-gaming-and-knitting club. resources are dwindling and it’s hard for the artists to talk about their needs with everyone else chatting away and detailing the conversation, but you don’t kick anyone out because you don’t want people to feel bad. after all, you made this club so that people could feel supported and understood.
then the worst happens: some people join who don’t like art. sure they say that they support artists, but these are the kinds of people who would stiff an artist their commission price, who would look down their nose and critique, who would say they feel uncomfortable with the fact that maybe some artists prefer digital art over traditional pencil & paper on account of it not being “real art”, and they’re very vocal about it.
soon, those artists that you’ve had from the beginning start to leave. they don’t feel safe and supported anymore. they can’t find the resources and help that they need. they feel unsafe and uncomfortable with such a large group inside what was supposed to be their refuge talking bad about them, sometimes even directly insulting them. you’re helpless to watch them go, because you did this. you let everyone else in. you set the stage for this exact thing to be able to happen.
maybe one or two artists stick around. but now the non-artists have made rules about actively creating art within the club’s time. the club is not a safe place anymore. no more artists join your club.
you are alone again, just like you were before your club, because you wouldn’t tell people no.
sound familiar? this is literally what is happening with LGBT centers right now, in the real world. there are LGBT centers where displays of affection are prohibited, where there are people who actively use slurs and insults against LGBT members, but are still welcomed in because of the “+”. this is real, and it’s happening all over.
gatekeeping isn’t fun. gatekeeping sucks. it feels bad. but it is necessary. we have to gatekeep in order to keep our LGBT family safe. we have to gatekeep to allow our LGBT family to have a refuge from the world, where they can be who they are without fear.
the acronym is LGBT. no Q. no plus. LGBT, and that’s it. we deserve to have a place to be who we are, and not have it turned into a microcosm of the outside world just because a few people couldn’t say no.
inclusivity is harmful. inclusivity will lead to the destruction of LGBT safe spaces and resources. inclusivity does infinitely more harm than it does good. please stop being complicit in the hatred & discrimination the community faces from people who are supposed to be “on our side”.
we are hurting, and inclusivity needs to end.
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anyway i was blocked by op so i’m posting this here just so i can have it on my page and in my likes thank you bye
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Meme Made by My bestie 💖
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Literally admitting xenogenders are just personality traits. Getting attached to things doesn't make them your gender.
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God this shit is so chilling.
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Jumping off what OP says here:
The “trendy traits” thing can really fuck up your self-perception. While transitioning, it is exceedingly important to focus on your needs and your priorities, *not* what your general social group thinks should be top priority.
An example of this that I lived through myself was how excessively radical “queer”/trans communities focus on proper pronouns and names. There was a lot of messaging implying, or even outright stating, that being gendered correctly and having people use your preferred name was the pinnacle of not just trans acceptance, but also trans *existence*. I spent a lot of time and effort focusing on trying to get people (mostly family) to respect pronouns and the name I chose for myself, agonizing over instances where strangers and loved ones alike slipped up and questioning my own dysphoria when hearing myself gendered correctly started to feel lackluster (read:normal) instead of exhilarating.
In reality, this exterior validation only goes so far. The best thing I ever did for myself was to give up on caring how the world saw me, and instead focus on how I saw myself. How I was feeling. Ensuring that I was doing everything I could to appease *myself* to make *me* comfortable.
Because that’s what transitioning is about. Easing the pain of dysphoria. Finding ways to address the things that are making *you* hurt. Not the things that others think you should be hurt over.
The words other people use for us are out of our control. And they aren’t ever truly going to be THE source of dysphoria, simply because dysphoria is an internal thing. Social interactions that lead to dysphoria are, in my experience, most frequently a symptom of an internal issue.
being trans shouldn’t be glorified or praised
at the same time it shouldn’t be looked down upon, and you shouldn’t particularly feel shame/ any less of a human for having this condition.
this issue is really similar to mental disorders. proper awareness is important for accurate understanding, but social media has driven people to misrepresent disorders in an attempt to give themselves excuses for their slight insecurities.
similarly, rn being trans is like some cool crap cause you get access to fun little communities and it provides you a word for your vague range of feelings that you just felt that need to label.
but they don’t understand the significance of labels. it’s not just to give a word to something small you feel. every human is different, but as soon as it’s jarringly obvious there’s a significant difference, then the use of a label is needed for clarity.
shit i went off point. anyways, the way i see people make trans their whole identity, and basing their entire personality off of it (in a extremely quirky disgusting manner). “you wouldn’t get it cause you’re a boring cis :3” “trans is special and unique ^_^”
the glorification of being trans and the misunderstanding of the actual painful issues leads many kids and teens to unknowingly give themselves “trendy trans” traits just to fit in. (actual psychological/ sociological phenomena. forgot name though, remember hearing about it)
coming from someone who was victim to such stuff, those spaces were really toxic. except the toxicity and negative sides are not outright. it’s really underlying and difficult to see when you’re trapped in that bubble.
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I completely agree with the point you’re making here, I get the exact same thing. I have no wish to be around screaming kids (who does tbh lol) and I find parenthood completely uncompelling.
However, I am the oldest of four. I’ve watched my parents try every trick in the book (I’ve tried some myself) with my younger siblings, and watched my aunts and uncles try techniques with their kids too. Reasoning with a child, no matter how dumbed down, no matter how diplomatic, works maybeeeeee…..40-60% of the time (dependent on subject of tantrum, how recently kid was last fed, how sleepy they are, how stressful the situation is, how many siblings have been picking at them and for how long… let alone each individual child’s temperament). If that kid has decided it will cry because Lion went in the machine, it’s going to cry and frequently there’s no solution except to wait it out and hope you can get to somewhere where the crying won’t bother others, or find a distraction. And airport security is genuinely the place where none of that can nor will happen, and where everything is primed to go as wrong as possible. There’s nowhere to take a kid who’s crying when you’re going through security, and if unfortunately, security takes four times as long with kids as without. It’s just a shit situation for everyone.
Related to what you noted, OP: I also think people are too wide with their description of child abuse on here (shockingly), because like. No. Picking up your screaming kicking toddler and moving them somewhere else isn’t child abuse. They’re a toddler, they literally do not know any better, and it’s the job of the parent in the situation to teach them that public isn’t the place for tantrums. But y’all, idk how to explain this in a way that gets into the thick skulls of some tumblr users, the middle of a grocery store when parent is probably trying to get in and out as fast as possible, and child is tired and grumpy already, and both are surrounded by other people and have a billion things to do, that’s not the fucking place to have a “calm conversation” with ur kid about how “honey, you really shouldnt scream in the grocery store, use your words”. Bestie this delusional calm conversation doesn’t exist, it’s just you talking to yourself while your kid cries.
No i dont think its a good thing to make hating children your entire personality but can i please just say that i dont like them and dont want to deal with screaming temper tantrums and meltdowns from other peoples kids (especially, ESPECIALLY when the parents are absolutely useless in dealing with them) without 30,000 people crawling out of the woodwork to assume that i think all kids should die
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I don't understand how people manage to believe that there's transandrophobia or whatever because like...
The transphobia I face is just that. Transphobia.
There's nothing else than just plain old transphobia.
While when I see transfems face transphobia, there's a layer on top. It's not just transphobia, but misogyny too.
And like... How can people not see that?
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Please god someone send me the link to the de-twitterification add-on for Tumblr I saw the post a million times from everyone I follow I SWEAR 4 days ago but was on mobile and didn't save it and now I can't find it anywhere and browser Tumblr is going to kill me
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