edspageds ¡ 4 years
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*artist thinks of nothing but these losers all day*
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
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Hello! Itfandomprompts is back with another monthly prompt event for you all to participate in! We are collaborating with @anon-nom-nom95 & @redhotreddie​ to create The Losers’ Club Presents: Terror Time!, an ao3 collection of horror filled stories to celebrate the spooky spirit of October! You can find the collection HERE
Rules: Create any form of art, moodboard or writing with this “horror” prompt and tag @itfandomprompts with your creation so we can reblog! The creation has to fall in some sort of horror category - it can have fluff but must be horror based. Writers, to be a part of the Terror Time ao3 collection the fic should be a minimum of 1k words. Reminder, this is loser x loser ships only, and please tag creations appropriately.
You can connect with any of our mods if you have a question regarding this event. Have fun and we’re all excited to see what you all create!
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
kyle im gonna bother you again bc i have my notifications on for you 😘😘😘 sorry im annoying 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ but i have to give you a prompt im so sorry i just love your writing so much. it's the "did you at least think of me when you were having sex with her" i love you 😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰
Prompt: “did you at least think of me when you were having sex with her ”
Ship: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier - Reddie
Rating: E
Word Count: 2.3k
CW: notSFW, affairs, basically Eddie is having an affair with Richie and it’s good for neither, but they can’t keep themselves from each other.
I may have gone slightly off the rails with this one, but I hope you still enjoy! You’re never a bother, and I love hearing from you!! sorry this took as long as it did!!
Send me your prompts! <3
Richie licked a strip up the column of Eddie's throat, savoring his shuddering breath, his fingers tightening on his biceps. Eddie trailed his hand up, splaying one across the jut of his chin, the other digging into his scalp, carding through his hair. 
He never wants it to stop, Eddie's hands drawing him closer, heated skin pressed together. He can ignore all the signs; the pale band on his finger where his wedding ring normally sits, the secret meetings in far off private locations, the distance spanning between them in the light despite their tender embrace in the dark. 
It's not hard for him, pretending that is. Lost in the bliss of Eddie's throat, peppering little kisses and love nips. Eddie arching against him, his hard cock rubbing against his thigh. His pulse racing, the thud of his heart roaring through his veins. 
He can pretend it's all for him. That he's not sharing.
That Eddie's heart belongs is his alone, encased snug in the spot where Richie's used to be. Because he gave his to Eddie months ago. 
If he were any more of a romantic he might even say he gave it to him that first night they met. Dim lights and booming music forcing them close, Richie leaning toward the bartender, and into Eddie's space to order another drink. 
He didn't notice him at first, but he tugged on his sleeve. Richie turned to him, and almost swallowed his tongue at this gorgeous man, blurry, but glowing under the neon beer maid sign hung above the bar. He scrunched his nose, the stench of alcohol strong on Richie's breath, but he didn't move away.
Eddie reached into his bag, and offered him a Listerine strip, still entranced in the bob of Richie's adams apple. 
"You need it." He said it matter of fact, maybe even a little snootily, and Richie was smitten. 
Like a gradual heat, spreading from the base of his neck outwards to the very tips of his fingers and toes, his fondness for Eddie grew. It happened so slowly, he didn't even realize what he'd given away, until he laid in bed, watching the sun tickle across Eddie's cheeks. His chest aching where his heart used to be, that he even realized he'd given it away. 
And he likes to think Eddie's given him his. In between lingering lips, and sweet nothings fucked out of his throat, he belongs to him. Stretched on his cock, holding Richie still so he can take in the slight sting, pleasure racing up and down his spine. 
Their breaths mingling, only thinking of each other. Richie can pretend, lost in Eddie's enchanting brown eyes. 
He can pretend that his heart beats only for him, and that beyond this room he can hold his hand, whisper love into his lips until his cheeks are a bright cherry red, and have those eyes reflect it right back.
He's drunk on them, the lies he's built up to fool himself. But, in this room he can. Because here, here it's them. Just them. So, Richie can lie, can pretend, as long as he has this. 
As long as he has Eddie. 
(He tells himself that, every day, and every day, the words ring a little more hollow.)
Richie presses against him, savoring his name rolling off his tongue in pleased hums. The head of his cock smearing cum across Richie's abdomen. "Richie, Richie…" whispered in the night like the sweetest, saccharine promise. His nails scraping down the expanse of his back lightly, tingles spreading like ripples in their wake. 
He thrusts in little movements, savoring the drag, and briefly wishing he could feel him without a condom on. It's safer this way (safer for her anyway). Bubbling deep beneath the surface, in the pits of his mind, he wonders what Eddie would do if he took it off. Felt the blunt head of his cock nudge against him, weeping in white across his rim. Would he shudder in want, tugging Richie closer? 
Mindless of anyone else but them, a sign of his true desires. He doesn't, because he respects the other man's wishes too much, and because he's afraid of what might happen if Eddie tries to push him away. If the beast hiding away under his flesh, just past the subcutaneous tissue, will lunge out not caring past its hunger, past its craving for Eddie, whole and completely. A beast that's been fed on jealousy and envy gnawing away at its gut, and only knows want. 
Eddie tightens his legs around him, breathlessly whispering "Harder" into his ear as if he can feel the beast slumbering inside him, howling out for relief! Like he knows Richie, can see that part of him, and wants just as much. 
Richie adjusts, getting his legs under him, thrusting into Eddie in a harsh, quick snap of his hips. The slap of skin on skin just as rewarding as the quick pants of his name spilling out in each thrust. Pure primal lustful fucking, the kind he can never get from her, and the kind Richie won't let Eddie soon forget. 
He fucks an impression of himself into his body, in place of the love he wants to cradle him with, because at least there's that-at least she can't touch him like this, have him like this, make him moan like this, Richie's name slipping off his tongue like a prayer. 
Eddie pants harshly, fingers scrambling for purchase traveling from Richie's hair to his shoulders, to his arms and back again, arching into each trust. As if he can't get enough of Richie, as if being balls deep inside of him isn't close and he wants even more-everything Richie has to offer, only Richie has to offer. 
Richie strangles a moan in the column of Eddie's throat, pumping the other man’s cock as he cums grinding into his prostate, a glow of devotion in Eddie's half-lidded brown eyes. 
Eddie follows right after him, beautiful climaxing crescendo playing through every muscle, as he clings to Richie just as tightly. Both panting, muscles loosening with every breath. 
Eddie tugs at him insistently, and Richie meets his waiting lips with his own. A wet, messy slide of tongue, spit dribbling into Richie's beard. Every cell in Richie's body yearning for the other man, screaming with each press of his lips 'I love you, I love you, I love you' but he doesn't say it. 
Barely holding the words clogged in his throat, too scared to admit it first, because of what Eddie might choose over him. But, looking in his eyes now, the dim light of the moon split in ribbons across his face, Richie can't imagine he'd pick anyone else. 
It might be the confidence the afterglow gifts him, it might be foolish, it might be reckless, but he can't stop the tide bubbling out, the words right there, right there on the tip of his tongue because Eddie… "Eddie, I-"
It's barely a whisper, just a hint of a ring muffled by distance, but it's familiar and shatters the illusion built up in Richie's mind. Eddie scrambles out from under him, shoving his shoulder and barely paying any mind to him in his pavlovian conditioning to answer that fucking phone.
The conversation is hushed, Eddie at least having the good grace to huddle into the on-suite to spare him listening to whatever bullshit he tells his wife to keep up the illusion of a happily married straight man. The sound of the tap running as he cleans off the evidence of his affair. Platitudes of affection dribbling in half-truths, her name on his lips like he wasn't just singing Richie's while getting railed on his cock. 
He doesn't bother removing the condom, letting his limp dick rest against his leg, semen seeping out just because he knows it'll piss Eddie off. He grabs a cigarette from the bedside table, the nicotine barely soothing the bitter jealousy spooling in his gut. 
It's not long, but it's enough for the distance between them to grow like years in the yawning distance of the bathroom to the bed. 
"You could clean up, Richie."
He blows a smoke ring at the other man, flicking ash to the floor. "And you could be less off a prissy shit."
Eddie scrunches his nose at the stale smoke lingering in the room, but his eyes also don't leave Richie's body which should say enough about his hypocrisy. Richie's not being fair, he knows he isn't. The unnecessary cruelty clenching his heart might have made him bite his tongue, apologize, but he already gave that away to the man hallowed by the bathroom light.  
In its place, resentment festers.
Eddie scoffs, gathering his clothes. "I don't have to stand here and listen to you be an asshole. I have a perfectly good bed at home that isn't being occupied by a gargantuan man baby."
"Yeah, it just has your gargantuan wife, Eds." It's a joke, but it's said as an insult, the words leaving his mouth like molten garbage.  "How is she by the way? You know, she's got a lot of cushin' for the pushin'. Bet her pussy feels real nice around your dick, huh? Or can she even feel it, like a tiny prick in the hay."
"Don't fucking talk about her that way, she doesn't deserve your shit!"
"But, she deserves you coming here getting your brains fucked out, while you simper at her. Yeah, real chivalrous of you Eddie-bear." Eddie's face is scarlet, sputtering indignantly even as he stands naked in the face of the truth. 
Because that's it, the simple truth of the matter. Eddie's willing to get fucked within an inch of his life, but fuck if he can be honest about it. 
"What the hell has gotten into you, you know why we have to do it like this." He hesitates a moment, eyes flickering between his gathered clothes and Richie spread out glowering at him. Internal debate, clear on his face. 
Maybe he should leave, quit this endless cycle they've found themselves in. 
Instead of backing away, Eddie comes closer perching on the edge of the bed, hand resting right by Richie's foot. "What will my job think, my mother- and I can't just leave her and run off with you in some happily ever fucking after! Like we're some Sunday lifetime special. I can't-"
Richie smiles sardonically, taking the cheap shot. "Be honest? Yeah, kinda got that already."
He scoffs, but it's not hurt in his eyes. He looks at Richie like he understands, like he knows what he keeps asking, and how much it hurts every time he walks out that door and pretends they don't know each other. Pretends like their relationship is this dirty little secret to stay shoved away in the dark. 
"Fuck off, you know I would if I could. You know that." He implores, lightly brushing Richie's ankle, but that gentle touch isn't enough to stem the tide of dark, possessive jealousy that spills from the aching pit in his chest. 
"Do I? Because what I know Eddie is that I have to meet you in far off dive bars just to have a conver-fucking-sation. What I know is you're too afraid to even text from anything other than a burner phone for fear of your wife finding out." Richie feels sick, the words coming out cutting, but he can't stop the muck from bubbling over out of his mouth. He's not loud, barely speaking above a whisper, but Eddie recoils like he's screaming in his face. 
"What I know is that you're more than willing to sell your shit to her for a few more minutes riding my cock. But, you want to know the thing I don't know Eds? The one thing I'm really dying to know?"
Eddie's fists open and close, refusing to meet Richie's eyes, but steeling himself nonetheless. Richie, for a moment, wants to take it all back. He can't stand hurting him, can't stand the person this is turning him into. Twisting into his guts, serrated knife kissing his intestines. Can't recognize himself from the ploppy shit that floats down in the sewers. 
He can deal with it, pull him close regardless of the hurt festering away, because isn't the lie more beautiful than the truth? Isn't it better to have him, have this, then nothing at all? 
Eddie looks at him then, defensive eyes and a haughty tilt of his head looking at Richie like he's the scum of the earth. 
And maybe he is, to hurt the person he loves most. "What? Do I still love her? That's what this is about isn't it. You're so fucking pathetic Richie."
But, Eddie's hurt him too. 
He doesn't move suddenly, doesn't seem even slightly rushed as he puts out his cigarette on the bare bedside table. Eddie furrows his brow, clearly a lecture quivering on his tongue, but he holds it in as Richie lazily slides closer. 
He lightly brings his hands to Eddie's cheeks, the other flinching, before leaning into the warm touch sighing in comfort. 
Richie smiles like a predator, cruel and all bright white teeth. "Do you think of me, when you're fucking her?" 
Eddie's breath hitches, startled gulps, but Richie doesn't give him a chance to catch it. He crashes their mouths together hot and heated; pouring in all his hatelove hatelove hatelove, teeth clacking harshly. Eddie grips his shoulders, blunt nails digging into his skin as they jam their lips together till he tastes blood, either his or Eddie's doesn't really matter at this point. 
Eddie presses closer, clambering into his lap as Richie yanks him, the mess leaking from his condom between them in a disgusting sticky mess. It's harsh and heated and says everything and nothing it needs. Eddie tugs on the hairs on the back of his neck, kissing him like it's the last time. 
But, holding him close, primal and near violent intensity sparking in flames, the biggest lie is that he could ever let this go. 
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
I’d love a “I think we were too loud last night” !!!
Prompt: “I think we were too loud last night”
Ship: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier - Reddie
Rating: M
I had more of a funny idea for this one, so hope you like!
Send me your prompts! <3
Eddie awkwardly shovels another spoon full of sweet potatoes into his mouth. The normally delicious meal turning to ash on his tongue. Mr. and Mrs. Tozier carving into the holiday ham like they didn’t hear Eddie cum all over the guestroom desk (Or, Richie’s Room, as his husband insists it be called. Despite everything Richie related having been purged from the room for years in favor of doilies and colourful fake flowers and anything else you’d expect an elderly women to collect.) Either their hearing really is starting to go, or the two of them have the ability to keep remarkably straight faces. 
He didn’t think anything of it at first. Richie’s fingers in his mouth, pressing down on his tongue mostly muffled his sounds, save the ‘thump, thump, thump’ of the desk nudging into the wall on each thrust. 
But, mostly muffled still isn’t quiet. 
It’s not until he’s downstairs the next day, helping Mr. Tozier peel potatoes for this very meal, hearing Richie hum in the shower a full floor away like he’s in the next room that he realizes his horrible mistake.
“So, uh. Do. Do you normally hear things that well?”
Idle conversation Eddie, just idle conversation. 
Wentworth smiles innocently enough, and Eddie isn’t sure if he’s mocking him or not. “You bet your fur!”
He says like it’s some inside joke to say an old timey saying no one uses anymore. “If I knew the kind of boy we’d be raising! Should have listened when they told us these walls were thin. Thought it’d help hear when that boy was up to trouble. But, it mostly wakes us up anytime someone flushes, ha! You learn to tune it out, like a sleep-sound.”
Which means he heard. He heard them, and is just being polite with the best poker face Eddie’s ever seen. Or, he mistook the sounds for something else. Maybe the ‘thump, thump, thump’ could be mistaken for the rattling of pipes. 
Yeah, but what the hell did they think his moaning was? Fucking cats in heat?
Especially when Richie pulled out, his cheeks clenching around the void left by his cock. Only to be replace by his fingers, fucking his-
“Cream? For your potatoes, dear, does it need more? I’m worried it was a touch dry.”
Eddie chokes on a grin. “Nope. I’m good. It’s good. De-lici-ous”
Richie, however, shoves food into his gullet like he doesn’t know the meaning of shame. His whole plate scrambled together into who knows what, gravy on potatoes, on meat, on stuffing. 
Which. Okay. It’s Richie, so that’s probably true. But, his parents heard them fucking, and Eddie can’t be the only one freaking out about that here.
And how can they just smile through a meal, knowing this? Eddie knows they know. If this were reversed, and they were at Sonia’s, she would have pulled Richie out of the house by his ear and thrown him on the lawn. Making a nice spectacle for all the families on their street home for the holidays. 
Eddie lasts maybe two seconds after Mr. Tozier heads to the kitchen to get the desert, and Mrs. Tozier insists on taking their plates and refuses even the notion of help before he’s whispering harshly to Richie. “What the fuck?”
If Eddie could read Richie’s mind (a small mercy that no one can), he’d hear him run through a check list of all of Eddie’s angry expressions. And, also wonder if it’s worth it to burp like he was going to, or if Eddie will pinch him in the side for being gross. But, he also kinda wants Eddie to pinch him in the side, cause he likes the attention, and Eddie never actually hurts him when he does it. It’s just nice to feel his touch, like an overgrown cat, he preens into it no matter how small. 
Richie’s mind races ahead of his mouth, that matches his thoughts in a rather eloquent “Uh...?”
Eddie huffs leaning in close, eyes on the door like a whole circus is about to bust in. “I think we were too loud last night!” He hisses.
The ornate grandfather clock tick-tocks in the silence.
“Wha-pfft- no, Eds. Baby, holy shit, see my parents-”
Mrs. Tozier walks in and Eddie slams a kiss to Richie’s mouth to shut him up. Richie melts into it, overfull and stated from the meal, warmth exploding in bubbling pops in his gut. Which works perfectly as his face was already bright red, but at least now he as an excuse when he pulls back to meet Maggie’s soft eyes. 
“You know, I’m so happy my Richie found you again. You boys were always so close, it’s nice to see some things don’t change.”
Eddie flushes red for a reason that isn’t embarrassment for the first time this evening. 
Maggie takes her seat, and Wentworth follows right after, pie in one hand, ice cream in the other. And the tender familial moment is enough to think, maybe he should just let it go. Clearly neither Tozier parent were willing to bring it up, and they didn’t seem in the least uncomfortable. Far be it for Eddie to ruin such a wholesome moment.
Oh no, that’s what his husband is for.
“So,” Richie says so casually between mouthfuls of fresh strawberry rhubarb pie Eddie doesn’t see the warning sign. “You hear us fucking last night?”
Maggie chokes, admonishing him like it’s second nature. “Richie, language!”
Wentworth doesn’t even bat an eye, speaking with a full mouth. “Oh, no trouble like that son. Couldn’t hear you over knocking boots with your mom.” He winks in a very Richie way and Eddie is horrified to learn it’s inherited.
They share a good laugh, and Richie just smiles like he knows an even bigger joke in all this. “Still keeping the corks in? You know you’ll have a break in one day and won’t hear a thing.”
“The only breaks we have to worry about here, is break outs from the hoosegow. Still got a bounty on one Richie the Kid.”
Eddie wants to thump his head on the table, but Richie places a comforting hand on his thigh, the warmth soothing him. “Hear he goes by Richie the Man now. Keep the feelers out tonight, he’s got a partner-in-crime, and that ones a wild stallion, and their known to be loud.”
His eyes say it all, but he laughs innocently enough while Eddie wants to smother them both under twenty-three blankets.
Eddie would like to say he had the self-restraint to be respectful after that, even if they couldn’t be heard, it’s still a risk. (As if that wasn’t half the fun.)
Besides, as Richie said, he can’t help it. 
This stallions a loud one.
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
Cam Boys Sequel: Chapter Two!
let’s take it all in stride by camerasparring
Chapter Two: Ben and Eddie go on a date! Sushi! Flirting! BYOB! 
Read here on AO3!
They all made an agreement to do this together, to be equal partners in what they’re doing, and not leave each other in the lurch. The lingering emotions don’t really matter when they’re on camera: this is their job. And maybe that makes it feel safer. In the confines of this fictional-porn world they’ve created for themselves, no one tells Ben he “shouldn’t worry so much” or that he’s “just fine” or that he’ll “never find someone willing to stoop to his level.”
It’s just that things have started to… change.
The Ben POV I have been itching to write since the beginning :D 
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
Ask me a prompt, get a short fic 💖💖 Haven't done prompts in awhile and after getting half way through a wip, I feel motivated!
If you have your own, I'll also do something for that!! Note if you'd prefer 18+ or not!
Send me your prompts! <3
compilation of prompts by me, and many others to hopefully inspire you♡
“I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”
“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
“Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
“you make me feel alive. for the first time ever, i feel like i can breathe”
“i fucking love you” “hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober”
“i really want to kiss you right now” “do it then”
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met”
“Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought I should move it so I could see you better.”
“i dont know how to exist in a world without you”
“The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.”
“did you at least think of me, when you were having sex with her?”
“no. the moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up.” 
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
“i swear, if you say another word, i’ll leave.”
“that ship has sailed. i’ve had my one great love already”
“Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds?!”
“if i asked you to stay, would you?” 
“i don’t know who you are anymore”
“of course i still love you. but i hate myself for it.”
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
“i can’t have this argument with you again” “but-” “no. i’m done”
“Seeing you between my legs is so hot.”
“I may or may not have left some….marks.”
“I think we were a little too loud last night.”
“Really? You wanna have sex….here? Now?”
“the noises you make are incredible”
“You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour - time to show me what, exactly, was on your mind.”
“we’re just…friends.” “friends don’t do this type of shit!”
“she may be all lollipops and candy bars, but I bet behind closed doors she’s hand cuffs and gags.”
“bite your lip once more, i dare you”
“what you gonna do about it, stud”
“I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
“god i love your hands” “lets put them to good use then”
“i know you can be louder than that.”
“come on. i want the neighbours to hear you scream”
“do you like that? like being in control?”
“Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs.”
“Did you just slap my ass?” / “Actually, I firmly grasped it.” / “Did you just quote Spongebob?”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“where have you been all my life?” “hiding from you”
“shut up with all that soulmate shit”
“I’d punch you, but that’d ruin that pretty little face of yours.”
“sorry, is that supposed to impress me?”
“Maybe you should leave the cooking to me.”
“so it’s a date?” “nope. not a date” 
“it’s because i’m so attractive isn’t it?” “i say this. and i cannot stress this enough. i find you completely repulsive.” 
“alright daddy long legs, next joke please”
credits to some of the accounts whose prompt lists inspired this one: @connorshero, @starman-thorsus-canos-jock, @glitterquadricorn, @calumsendgame, @alloveroliver, @justforshitsandcackles, @whcczes, @hellsdemonictrinity, @poeticparker, @dresupi
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
18+ Drabble - Home
Summary: Frustration builds, but sometimes a stranger can sooth the raised hackles of the heart. Eddie meets Richie at a bar. 
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Warnings: notSFW, alcohol, explicit sexual content, implied drunken sex
Word Count: 1.2k
Part vent work, part smut. But mostly smut lol.
Eddie likes to think he can deal with a lot. 
Despite his thorny exterior, he's not actually the type of guy to snap on a dime for no reason. And even then, he doesn't get truly frustrated and angry to the point that he holds it against the people at fault. That takes effort. That takes time. That takes build up. 
Resentment. He's familiar with it. Living with his Mother, it grows in him, slow and sure, the little sapling nourished with every cloying call of his name and tear stained bat of her eyes. He hates feeling like this, letting things fester into an unrecognizable soupy mess, till his anger becomes an all consuming cloud of apathetic contraction. Tightening his muscles, and sitting like a stone in his stomach. 
He yells to get it out, to let his feelings free so they don't bottle up inside him, pounding harshly around shaken and fizzy, ready to explode. 
He hates it. 
His skin stretched tight over the set of his shoulders, throbbing dully. Harshly digging his teeth into the soft flesh of his lip, a distraction to the rattle of cool anger in his veins. 
He's not the type to drink his feelings, but the light amber liquid sloshing in his stein would tempt him otherwise. It's swill, disgusting sawdust sludge that drags across his tongue on each swig. 
He keeps sipping it. 
He shouldn't even be here. She'll smell it on him, the minute he gets home like a blood hound, and ask him in that same cloying voice, "Eddie-bear, where were you?" The phantom memory driving another sip down his throat. 
He intends that to be his evening, stewing in silence, eating up the tiny back corner table closest to the hustle and bustle of the back room where a rowdy group plays pool (far too loudly) that no one else wants the little section he's dug out for himself. And even if they did, his deep set glower keeps them away. 
Free to wallow in his self-made misery, Eddie doesn't expect the door to the back to swing open quite so suddenly. Nor the stranger that stumbles drunkenly, falling into the seat across from him with a laugh. 
He expects him to take one look at Eddie, and turn tail from the buzz kill. To rush away with a chip on his shoulder, and then go back to his buddies gossiping about the asshole in the corner booth. 
But, he looks at Eddie and does the least expected thing he could imagine short of punching him.
He talks.
"Whoa, you a cousin of Oscar the Grouch? Hey, never met a celebrities cousin before!" It's clearly a joke, but he says it with a serious earnest flare that has Eddie's lips threatening a smile.
"You write that yourself? I'm impressed."
"Really? I thought that one was, like, at most a 4, could use some work."
"No, I'm impressed you can write." 
The other man smiles a wide toothy grin, clearly caught off guard, slapping his knee laughing a throaty chortle. "And he's got jokes! Richie Tozier's the name, and laughter is my game. Care to play?"
He's wiggling his brow and clearly drunk (or perhaps just drunk on his own overstuffed ego). Eddie opens his mouth to tell him to fuck off, and maybe shove it up his ass.
They end up talking for hours. 
If asked to repeat the conversation, Eddie remembers maybe something about Anthony Perkins and Squidward? How that translated to this mans hands on his ass, shoved up against the wall of a hotel (a fancy one in Upper Manhattan no less!!) Eddie doesn't know. 
What he does know is the drag of his beard across his chin and lips is driving him up the wall. Literally, Richie hicks him up easily, groping and grounding his palms across the clothed surface of his ass. Nibbling at his lips, both of their hard cocks unignorable between them. Eddie's never done this before, gone back to a mans room, one he just met at the bar after some hours of conversation. 
He barely remembers the jump from there to here, mind distracted by the press of his lips, wet and hot on his own. He wonders what Richie's lips will feel like dragging across his thighs, trailing up to his spread cheeks. That irresistible tongue lapping at every inch of exposed skin, his beard prickling pleasantly in it's wake. 
Richie presses more firmly against him, and Eddie goes nearly feverous with want, the hard press of his cock into his own, even covered by layers of clothes has his hips twitching in anticipation. Savoring the feel of every inch of Richie colliding into him. 
And, God, is that a lot. 
Eddie can feel him, how big he is, and he wants him. Wants that cock fucking him hard, fucking him until every last thought in his head is banished, but the blissful drag of that cock pounding into his prostate. And it'll hit deep, he knows it will, it can't possible not with such girth. He wants to shove Richie down on that bed, and sink down on his cock till it presses so deeply inside him he can think of nothing else. Till Richie can think of nothing else. Thrusting up into him, gripping his thighs tightly while Eddie bounces on his lap, moaning without a care who hears them. Wanting them to hear, wanting them to know how hard Richie fucks him, and how much he enjoys it. 
That just for tonight, even if it's only tonight, Richie is his, just as Eddie is his.
Fucks him hard enough that he forgets his mom. Forgets her and her bullshit, and her fingers constricting around the back of his neck like an unseen vice. Forgets her self inflicted victim-hood, and crocodile cries. Forgot his job and his stress, building one on top of the other. Demands for more, bigger expectations, despite an ever growing in-box of paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! And clients surgery sweet knives, stabbing him, digging him right between the shoulder blades because its just One Simple Request, Eddie. One favor, one favor, one favor until its a million and one favors and he's rubbed to the bone, shiny and breakable, but it won't stop! Won't ever stop, so he drowns himself in Richie. 
Not on the bed, or on the wall, but face first against the large reinforced window of his hotel overlooking the city. Richie's fat cock pressing into him, as his vision blurs the lights below into a mass of colour, and all he thinks of is the man fucking him like he knows him. 
It doesn't make sense, but he fucks him like it’s the first, and last time. Fucks him till all Eddie cares about is more pleasure, more delicious burning pooling in his gut, his hot panting breath fogging the window, bracing himself on the sill with his arms. Fucking him deep and hard, right to the core, till Eddie's spilling across the wall and carpet in clear glops, and Richie grinds into his ass. Emptying himself into the condom with a groan. 
And for one peaceful, wonderful night, he feels like himself again. Not the man with a sickness called anger and bitterness stewing inside of him. But, Eddie, just Eddie. Normal, happy, content, Eddie. 
He doesn't see Richie after that night. Not until the Jade anyway.
But even while he forgets the face, the name, he doesn't forget that night. 
And the echo of the man who felt like home.
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
i wish i could say i love all the losers equally and can’t pick a favorite but unfortunately eddie kaspbrak and mike hanlon do exist so
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
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Derry Remixed – a Remix Exchange for all IT adaptations! Signups open now!
What is a remix? Fanlore describes a remix as “A fanwork that is a re-envisioned version of an earlier fanwork.” This can take many forms, including, but not limited to:
● Genre shift — what if [fic], but it’s horror instead of a romcom? ● Setting shift — what if [fic], but they’re in space? ● POV shift — what if [fic], but from someone else’s perspective? ● Focusing on a single moment in the fic and telling it in your own words. ● Missing scene. ● Changing the ending.
In this exchange, you sign up to remix someone else’s fic, and have your own fic remixed!
Full FAQ and Rules here!
Signups close August 2. (Countdown!) Remixes are due Sept 18.
Thanks to @mere-mortifer​ for the lovely header and footer!
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
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More It (1990): The Good Ending-Edition   XD
(ignore my half-assed attempt at the background and non-knowledgeable rendition of medical equipment lol)
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
Honestly, this put a smile on my face cause I've been very stressed lately, thank you 💕 HOPE YOU'RE HAVING AN EVEN BETTER DAY!!! 💖💖💖
@edspageds KYLE I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A GOOD DAY!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
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I made a difference in the world!
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
Reddie 18+ Drabble - The Challenge
For a request by @candy-gothic Technically this ran a slight bit longer then a drabble, but I liked the idea, and I hope you enjoy!!!
Summary: Eddie is pretty tolerant of Richie’s pranks, turns out, this is a very good thing.
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Warnings: notSFW, exhibitionism, naked man challenge
Word Count: 1.5k
Eddie likes to think he’s not easily fazed. Faced with the kind of idiots he works for day-in and day-out that like to make demands with little idea of how possible the job actually is, it’s amazing he hasn’t blown up in his superior's face more than twice. 
When faced with the kind of idiot he has at home, well, let’s leave it at living with Richie has prepared Eddie for even the most surprising of events. 
His endless patience combined with his unsurprised demeanor make it so he’s given Richie free reign to attempt whatever comedy thing he likes involving Eddie- within reason. He doesn’t understand the draw to any of those online internet comedy videos, but Eddie’s not really a comedy guy in general despite living with a literal comedian. He has final say on what is and isn’t posted, and when a joke is taken too far. Only issue there is, it takes a lot for Eddie to deem something ‘too far’.
Clearly, Richie took that as a challenge.
Eddie’s on a zoom conference, just taking a sip of his hot tea while the meeting droned on, and out of the corner of his eye he sees Richie. He doesn’t think anything of it, Richie likes to do his own thing, but be in Eddie’s company when he’s doing work stuff like this. It’s romantic, that he just likes being in Eddie’s presence even if they are doing separate things. That being together brings him a comforting blanket of warmth.
But, then he sees Richie, and chokes on his tea.
“Kaspbrak, shit, are you okay?” He doesn’t know which one of them asks, and really has to strain himself to suppress the reaction his body wants to make at the sight of Richie, buck ass naked, standing proudly in front of him recording.
He clears his throat, coughing, and schools his face into a bored expression. "Yes. Thank you for your concern. Please continue."  
His customer service voice takes over, and the meeting progresses. But Eddie’s lost any bit of the little attention he's paying it as Richie glides a hand down his chest wiggling his brows suggestively.
As if there was a way to take this that wasn't fucking suggestive. Eddie keeps his face neutral, but flips Richie off just out of sight. 
His grin grows, the little shit, and he points at his face and then his phone mouthing something along the lines of 'smile for the camera'. With startling clarity, Eddie realizes this is a prank. 
He wants to kill him. 
Instead of murder, he keeps his expression dull. “-and for the quarterly assessments, Kaspbrak?” 
“Yes, sir. If you’ll see the flow chart on page 23 of the packet I emailed you…” While he speaks, he palms his cock through his jeans, completely out of sight of his work call, but completely in-sight of Richie. 
Richie's breath goes ragged, laser focused on Eddie's hand, grip faltering on his phone as he quickly realizes his joke backfired spectacularly. And now he's standing naked, in their living room, with his incredibly irresistible boyfriend watching him out of the corner of his eye on the couch rubbing his crotch under the tv tray he's perched his laptop on, teasing Richie with what he can't have because he's on a goddamn work call. 
Or at least, that's what Eddie thinks is going through Richie's mind. That Eddie’s proved his point, and they'll settle this later. Clearly, he underestimated the depth of Richie's horniness and lack of shame when instead of escaping back up the stairs to jack off leaving Eddie in peace, Richie wraps a hand around his shaft pumping in a smooth stroke, hairy thighs flexing. 
Eddie covers his involuntary moan in a cough, quickly downing a sip of his tea in between talking. He could put a stop to this, shoo Richie off and focus on the current meeting. Get his half-hard cock to calm down, and pretend that he cares about what’s going on in the slightest.
But, that would imply Eddie wanted to stop. That his blood wasn't racing in his veins as Richie watched him through the lens of his camera, stroking his thick cock till it was red and weeping at the head. 
Eddie forces his expression to remain neutral as a dark flush works its way up his torso, beads of sweat budding on the surface of his skin like the growing wet patch on his boxers where his cock pleads for attention straining against his pants. "...It's hard to give an estimate here without more on-site data, but initial estimates by picture evaluation is included." 
He says the words on auto-pilot, having reviewed his notes more than twenty times. He tries to keep his eyes straight forward, but he can't help letting his gaze track to Richie. 
Richie licks his lips, thumbing the head of his dick, the hot length of him twitching in want. Eddie's nerves are a live wire as he pops the button on his jeans, slipping the zipper down slowly. Richie shivers, squeezing his cock as a heavy bead of pre-cum leaks out. Fuck, Eddie wants to push all this to the side and lick it up. His mouth practically watering, he has to audibly swallow the excess saliva.
He hopes the group just thinks he's nervous, or any number of normal explanations for his red complexion, even while he palms his tented boxers, Richie practically shaking in want but holding himself back till at least Eddie finishes talking.
"...any questions?" Richie steps forward, panting harshly as he pumps his cock not even two feet away pupils blown wide with lust.
"Only a few Mister Kaspbrak, what about the…" Richie actually whines low, but no one seems to hear it, and it just makes Eddie smile, shifting to nudge down his pants and boxers so his cock springs free, hard and aching for attention. While he keeps his expression cool and collected, he teases his length with feather light touches that have him arching forward. 
Richie is practically overwhelmed with desire, eyes locked on Eddie's cock, still angling the phone to capture all of Eddie's blatant debauchery. 
Eddie wonders if Richie will watch this later. Maybe while he's away on tour, and craving everything about Eddie. Think about touching Eddie everywhere but his cock, let him squirm trying to keep a good look for the camera while practically rutting up into the underside of the table desperately wanting touch in all his most sensitive places. Wanting Richie's touch in all his most sensitive places. 
He stutters briefly, squeezing the base of his dick, blinking a few times to keep his focus. 
Now, Richie's just behind his laptop. Large form making Eddie's balls tighten in want, the manly frame of him enough to have Eddie stumble over his words. He can't help being distracted, not when Richie's eyes are on him devouring him with reverent desire and affection. Eddie keeps talking mindlessly, and hopes his shitty speakers continue to be shit so no one hears the slide of Richie's hand over his cock. 
He wants him to cum all over his thighs, paint him white while Eddie fools his colleagues into thinking he's perfectly proper, even as he fucks into his own fist slicked by Richie's cum.
"...and I believe that concludes our business. Thank you all, see you in the office on Monday. Enjoy your weekends." 
Eddie doesn't even get in more than a half cut off 'Goodb-' before Richie shuts the laptop shoving it and the stand to the side crowding into Eddie's space to slot their lips together in a messy slide of tongues. The harsh burn of Richie's scruff dragging against his lips. Desperate to touch, Richie’s hands rove over his body, and Eddie's skin lights a trail of fire in his blood everywhere they touch. 
He shucks off his pants, Richie pressing close in between his legs, man handling him to get their cocks rubbing together. Eddie surges forward licking a strip up Richie's throat, savoring the taste of his musk. They can't stop, not now, not so close. 
Richie gets his hand around both of them, and Eddie's toes curl, fucking up into his fist and the slide of skin on skin, so delicious. It drives him wild. Richie drives him wild with thrashing, feverous wanting dipping and soaring through his blood. Like a stampeding herd vibrating throughout his entire body. Until he's on the edge, lips shiny with spit, slightly swollen from their aggressive mouths. 
Richie pulls back, camera still trained on him, as he cums, undone. 
It doesn't take much for Richie to tumble after, and into him, panting heavily on his shoulder. Bubbling great waves of warm affection making his limbs weak and his eyes heavy. Eddie smatters the side of his head in light pecks, warm content stewing. 
Cuddled close on the couch, catching their breath, it probably goes without saying, but Richie doesn't get to post his video.
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
Reddie 18+ Drabble - In Red
Summary: Rachel wants to dress up nice for her partner. Sexy nice, with emphasis on the sexy bit.
Pairing: Female Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Warnings: notSFW, body worship, Fem!Reddie, lingerie
Word Count: 695
Edna loves wearing cute undergarments. 
Striped panties with lace and little bows, or pretty pink bras Rach sees in passing at the strip mall in the windows of those fancy boutiques. It’s something Rachel loves about her. She never knows what beautiful sight she’ll find beneath her collared shirts and hoodies. 
She envies her almost, able to fit into all these pretty things, while Rach is stuck shoving her ample cleavage into the same tanned generic nondescript bra. 
She doesn’t hate her size, or her style, Rach grew up as a frumpy twig before puberty hit, then she ballooned into a woman with pudgy love handles and shiny stretch marks. As if all of her personality couldn’t fit anymore, so it stretched her out like blowing up a real big bubble of gum. 
She just wishes she could find the pretty things in her size like her girlfriend easily can. Something fuzzy and drapey, sheer in parts to tease bits of her skin. Or tight, with intricate designs that squeezes at the meat of her stomach and gets Ed’s head spinning in lust. 
Not that Edna complains about her plain underwear! 
Usually the minute she gets her eyes on Rach’s naked form, she’s looking at her like she hung the moon and stars on the planes of her skin, and in the dots of her chicken pox scars. 
Rachel just wants those frilly girly things. Wants to browse shelves of soft satin lingerie feeling the cool fabric glide across her fingers. She wants Eds to feel that on her too, the silky texture on her breasts as she cups them in her hands, pure adoration on her face.
She wants to dress up nice for her partner. Sexy nice, with emphasis on the sexy bit. So, when she finds the perfect shop online, she can’t help herself from ordering a few things. 
Just to try!
She isn’t disappointed. 
The first time she sees herself in the mirror, in a matching set of red lace undergarments lovingly crafted, she’s blown breathless. Turning and angling herself every which way, running her hands over her skin imagining Edna’s there, her soft palms skirting about her inner thighs. 
But, she worries, maybe Edna won’t like how she looks? 
It’s a stupid worry, because Ed’s loves her even when she’s strung out with bags under her eyes, greasy hair, downing coffee like mints, trying to get her brain to spit out words on a page. 
Still, she waits, and Edna manages to find it hidden in their closet before she can tell her. Pink flush high on her cheeks as she rubs the material between her fingers, lips slightly parted. 
Before Rach can stutter out an explanation, she asks her to put it on, watching her with deep breathless wanting and zero intention to turn around.
She strips slowly, letting her clothes pool on the floor beneath her like decadent robes around her feet. Goosebumps rising on her skin in the cool air of their home. 
She should be cold, but Eds stare heats her from the inside, spreading from her belly. She steps out of her underwear, and Edna’s hands shake with the need to touch her.
Rachel’s practically breathless as she pulls the red silk panties up her pale hairy thighs. Edna’s thighs clench together tightly, shifting to put pressure on her clit while she watches.
There’s an electric power in the air, building between the two women as Rachel slips the bra straps over her shoulder, the material highlighting the softness of her breasts. She asks Edna in a near whisper for help clipping it, her breath hitching as her partner's fingers graze across her back. 
Dressed up, the two appraise each other in anticipatory silence. Edna drinks her in like a fine wine, savoring every last sip, before reaching for her with a tender kiss, molten to the touch. Desire simmers inside her, fueled by every loving caress and worshiping press of Edna’s lips, searing her affections into Rachel’s skin, burning away any residual doubt.
“Beautiful.” Edna whispers, and before the love of her life, she doesn’t feel pretty. 
She feels like a Goddess in Red.
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
Hey everyone,
For the first time I’m opening commissions. I’m asking for a 10$ donation to either We Love Lake Street,  Midtown Global Market Mend or Reclaim the Block to help MN neighborhoods rebuild from the riots. 
I’m opening 5 slots for now in hopes of getting people their fics quick. Send me proof that you donated 10$ and, in exchange, I’ll write a 3-5k fic. 
If you’re curious if I’ll write a certain prompt/ship/trope please feel free to ask! I’ll also write a missing scene or continuation from one of my fics. 
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edspageds ¡ 4 years
311 notes ¡ View notes
edspageds ¡ 4 years
I haven't done this here, so I'm not sure if there'd be interest, but send in some headcanons or requests and I'll write a short drabble/my own headcanons on it!! 💖
NSFW also OK!
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