eemagineme · 5 years
Best design systems
A design system helps everyone in your business to maintain brand consistency. It’s a collection of guidelines that explains how your branding assets should be used in everyday communication and marketing efforts.
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eemagineme · 5 years
Demystifying Regular Expressions
Understanding the basic building blocks of regular expressions and their syntax in a practical, hands-on example by Steve Grunwell https://stevegrunwell.com/blog/demystifying-regular-expressions/
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eemagineme · 5 years
#cssday talk: line-break in css explained
Excellent talk and slides from Florian about line-break in CSS
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eemagineme · 5 years
Front-end Developer Handbook 2019
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Written by Cody Lindley  this handbook is a guide that everyone can use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing it in 2019.
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eemagineme · 5 years
Building the New facebook.com with React, GraphQL and Relay
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New Facebook redesign is fully powered by React and Relay and in this video Facebook tech staff is discussing how latest features of these technologies, like React Suspense, help delivering a high quality, modern web experience at Facebook.
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eemagineme · 5 years
What makes a great manager isn’t the problems they solve, but the questions they ask.
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eemagineme · 5 years
A curated collection of web accessibility tips, tricks, and best practices. Part of must-have items for any weebsite.
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eemagineme · 5 years
Una Kravets and Rick Viscomi discuss the state of CSS.
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eemagineme · 5 years
Forbes says Serbia is 56th on list Best Countries For Business 2019
According to Forbes annual report Serbia is ranked 56th in the list of “Best Countries For Business”.
Rankings are decided based on 15 different criteria and include reports from Freedom House, The Heritage Foundation and many others.
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eemagineme · 5 years
Trend of Hype Driven Development
Every team has at least one moment when considering new “hype” technology when starting new project. Been there, done that. Daftcode prepared great list of hype driven development techniques and practices. 
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eemagineme · 5 years
Why most entrepreneurs fail to build a successful business
#goodreads by Ovi Negrean on starting your next big business idea and how to minimize the chances of your business failing while swinging for the home run we’re all longing for.
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eemagineme · 5 years
JAMstack is helping freeCodeCamp to serve millions of learners
freeCodeCamp started as NodeJS/Express web application but with emerging rise of new JAMstack technology they have switched to Gatsby.js and made it even better
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eemagineme · 6 years
Trello’s startup story
Everybody loves Trello.
We use it everyday in our team collaboration.
But have you ever wonder how Trello was made and what is their story?
Read on: How Trello Grew From A Scrappy Startup Into A Powerhouse Brand
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eemagineme · 6 years
Driving Digital Strategy by Sunil Gupta
Sunil Gupta, Professor of Business Administration and Chair of the General Management Program at Harvard Business School, recently gave a talk called "Driving Digital Strategy".
This particular speech covered the topic of business models and how they change as a result of technology. Using examples, he pointed out our need to redefine how we compete, and how we create and capture value.
Check it out yourself and take notes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y60yeHak5bE.
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eemagineme · 6 years
Eemagine Updates and Where to Find Us
Hey folks, we’re adding some changes over here. Since we’ve got a lot of content and we want to keep posting, we decided to use more channels to do so.
From now on, our current Tumblr account will be dedicated to bookmarks, interesting links, and some cool stuff we read or binge watch as a team (mostly nerdy stuff, like our thoughts & updates on Star Wars, Marvel and similar).
Eemagine blog will be a part of our main website, with a focus on our know-how in IT technologies and trends.
Also, a new addition that we’re pretty stoked about is our new Eemagine web magazine and our Medium account.
Eemagine web magazine is dedicated to useful info on different opportunities like startups, IT meetups, and financial resources for beginners in our field.
On the other hand, since we find inspiration in a lot of amazing individuals around us, we decided to start sharing their roads to success.
Check it out and don’t hesitate to reach out - we love getting feedback from you.
Thanks for being with us.
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eemagineme · 6 years
From online to offline - Eemagine in Croatia
Those who work both locally and globally know that it’s not only a job, but a great way of life, too. Meeting your clients and partners from around the world is really important, especially if it’s a long term collaboration, which can only be bettered by meeting in person.
The weekend of May 18th - 20th, we took a trip to Karin, Croatia to meet some of our partners and clients from Italy.
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Most likely, something every digital nomad, or any IT person in that manner would love was the setting. Our host, Marko, who is also one of our long-term partners from Italy, made sure it was a top-notch one. Villa Bianca, a cozy spot in the middle of nowhere, looking like a perfect coworking hub made just for us and our team of 3.
Our Italian partners, Guido, a mastermind, and Emanuele, a web designer, made sure we felt “very Italian” during our stay. So in between all the talks about startups and business development ideas, we probably gained at least 2 kilos enjoying some genuine Italian cuisine like pasta and every kind of cheese there is. Discussing about different trends in our countries and how we can apply our magic to it. We did come up with some amazing stuff, but we can’t tell you that… yet.
Hiking or spending time in the nature while we were there really made us love what we do. Well, love it even more. We’re staying connected in the online world, but it’s even better when it comes to meeting in person and occasionally moving our online world to wherever it takes us. This time, it was Croatia. Who knows where we’ll be next!
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eemagineme · 6 years
Vacation Tracker - Organize Your Slack Team
Vacation Tracker Slack bot helps you organize your team during vacations and holidays. Founded by Slobodan Stojanović this Serbian startup is aiming to improve organization and coordination amongst your team members.
How does Vacation Tracker help your team?
With Vacation Tracker, your Slack expands as a simple tool for tracking your team’s vacations and days off. That being, you can send requests for your days off or respond to those directly from Slack, all depending on your position in the team. It’s really easy to use - after adding Vacation Tracker bot into your team account, just type in any channel, and the bot will help you with your requests.
Dashboard for managers allows them to approve or deny requests, manage notifications and have a neat overview of the team’s days off, keeping the schedule in one online spot.
Every change in team members is synchronized, so there’s no need for manual updates.
This startup is a great idea for improving organization around your team. Slack is definitely one of favorite team tools out there, certainly at Eemagine, and we’ll give it a go.
Its authors are giving it a 6-month free access for closed beta testing, so give it a try - http://vacationtrackerbot.com/.
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