effodiantcorvi · 4 years
Numerology and the Tarot.
—Tarot post 1.
——Using: The Antique Anatomy Tarot(Claire Goodchild).
Numerology is the study of the spiritual significance and symbolism of numbers.
This guide will give you an easy way to blend Tarot and Numerology and improve your Tarot reading skills.
The best way to learn the correspondences between Tarot and Numerology is to keep it simple and begin with the digits.
If it’s been a long time since math class or if math was never your favorite, recall that digits are the singular version of numbers. Dating back to ancient times, they were the numbers that could be counted on fingers, which also gives fingers that name.
Some consider them 1 through 10 but for our purposes here I will reduce the 10 to its digits, 1 and 0. So 0 through 9 are the digits we deal with first.
Rather than memorizing seventy-eight numerical combinations, right away we can see it is easier to deal with the meanings of the numbers 0 through 9.
0 – Beginnings, purity, innocence
1 – Manifestation, creativity, and attraction
2 – Balance, unity, polarity
3 – Abundance, fertility, expansion
4 – Structure, stability, sturdiness
5 – Shock wave, challenge, conflict
6 – Communication, harmony, mutual aid
7 – Stagnation, introspection, reflection
8 – Stability, protection, sturdiness
9 – Expansion, growth
Let’s start with Zero. In most versions of the Tarot, the Major Arcana begins with Zero, the Fool. If you understand the archetype of the Fool, then you understand the power of Zero.
But if you don’t that’s ok. Let’s reverse-engineer this interpretation. Zero is round, it forms a circle and thus represents totality and cycles. Yet it’s also empty and represents emptiness, openness, and nothingness.
Zero is the beginning. It is purity and innocence. It is defined by absence.
One is the individual. If you know it as the Magician, then you know it is the power of the mind, creativity, and attraction. Where does manifestation begin? It begins with One.
Being of One mind about a subject rather than divided. Singular focus. It is an individual act.
One is the starting point, the first number to be defined. It is the definition and formation given to open thought (Zero).
Two is balance. This is also symbolized by the number Two of the Major Arcana, the High Priestess. She balances the opposites: the intuitive and the rational, inner and outer, and the hidden and the revealed.
Two is also unity. It’s polarity, two ones trying to understand each other, like two people trying to figure each other out.
From a couple, from Two, comes expansion. We put our heads together and develop ideas or launch a business. A couple comes together and creates a baby.
From Two comes also the tension of polarity. This polarity is broken when a third factor is introduced. This is like a triangle creating stability because of the third point. So then we have Three.
Three is abundance, fertility, and expansion. Three is the Empress, who shows the fruits of the labor of Two.
With all these resources and abundance, family and progress you’ve generated, you now need boundaries and definition.
Three is like the wealth you’ve amassed from sharing your work by blending One and Two. Wealth needs to be put to good use. Who decides what to do with the wealth and abundance? Boundaries, structure, and protection are needed.
This is where Four comes in. Four is the Emperor. The guardian and overseer who delegates boundaries to keep things in order.
Four is another point of balance. Now, two two’s, four is able to create something stable. Four is a house where two was a plank of wood, held up at both ends. Four is a table. Four is sturdy.
Four is contentment. Four is also complacent. All the wealth in the bank, everything solid and protected, life gets a little flat.
Luckily, Five comes next. Five emerges on the scene and shakes the table Four was lazily resting on. Five is the shock wave, the challenge, the conflict.
Five is the Hierophant, challenging you to live up to your higher ideals and not just settle for basic creature comforts.
Five is also the number associated with the Pentacles which are an entire suit (more on this in a moment). Thus the number Five represents the four natural elements, Air, Fire, Water and Earth as well as Akasha, the Spirit element.
Five brings growth through disruption.
All of this disruption becomes chaotic. Six is the number of communication and harmony. The Lovers, bringing balance to each other’s lives, helping to settle the problems through mutual aid.
Six is also considered a mystical number. It is the combination of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as explained in many theories and even mentioned in Dan Brown’s book The DaVinci Code.
In this book, the six-pointed star, also known as the Star of David, is explained as a combination of Feminine and Masculine principles.
The upright and inverted triangles together that create a six-pointed star represents this balance of masculine and feminine.
After the harmony and balance of the number Six, Seven awakes desire within us. It tells you that there is more to this life and tempts you to pursue a goal.
Seven in Tarot is also a number of stagnation and introspection. The Chariot asks “What do I need to change before I can move forward?”. Which direction should he go?
Therefore, before chasing your dreams, first, take time to venture deep into your subconscious mind and try to connect with your higher self.
Seven is also known as a lucky number and in some religions is associated with positive mystical experiences.
Eight is a number of infinity because of its shape. It is a number that reminds you that everything comes full circle. This is also depicted in the Strength tarot card by the infinity sign.
Eight is associated with abundance and expansion, stability, and securing your foundation. It is a number of harvest times and to some, the fall of the year.
Analyzing this number, we have the power of Two repeated Four times. So the power of unity and polarity, times Four, the power of stability, protection, and sturdiness.
Nine has great significance. With Nine things are almost perfect, almost complete. Nine is three Threes and thus has the magic and meaning of expansion and growth three times over.
The Hermit is numbered Nine. The Hermit brings us on a powerful journey to transformation from which we remember our inner power and advance spiritually and ideologically. The Hermit is not about loneliness, it is about the power of the individual to follow a unique path forward.
Then we arrive at Ten. What is Ten? The combination of One and Zero. The Fool and the Magician together but also the Wheel of Fortune. A reminder that anything is possible.
As you can see from this outline, each single-digit has at least one Major Arcana card associated with it.
And here comes the good news: you can apply what you know about the single digits to all Major Arcana Tarot cards. So, there is no need to learn double-digit numerology.
There are a few ways to do this, but we will keep it simple. Just add together the digits, to interpret the single number of the card and its meaning.
Now consider the Devil. Traditionally, the images on the Lovers and Devil card correlate to each other, yet the Devil is considered the inverse of the Lovers. Interestingly, what is the number on the Devil card?
It is the number 15. Reduce this number and you have 1+5=6. Therefore you have a numerical link between the Lovers and the Devil. This illustrates that the Lovers and the Devil share a lesson.
When the Lovers lose balance, they become the Devil. They become addicted, obsessed, controlling, jealous, and codependent.
Also, hello!! How’re you doing today? My name is Raven, I’m a 16 year old trans boy, and I’ve been practicing witchcraft for about five years now!
If you have any questions about something that I’ve posted; or something you’d like to see me post, send a message to me privately or ask in the ask box thingy!! I’ll answer your question(s) as soon as possible!!
Oh!! And, if you’re a beginner witch looking for some help; I’ll be more than happy to help you out!! I love helping people!
Have a wonderful day and stay safe!!
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