#intermediate witch
ts-witchy-archive · 4 months
Fun witchy things to spice up your school/uni/college year
School/uni starts in late Jan/late Feb here in Australia so leave me alone if you're already in the middle of your school year lol /hl. These are just a few things I did when I was in HS and intend to do now that I'm going to university next year.
Enchant your water bottle with cleansing/purifying energy. The water will cleanse your energy this way. I do this to help me chill the fuck out. I do not do well with academics and the last thing I need is to pick up other people's stress.
Draw sigils for academic success in the back of your notebooks and planners.
Try binding your hair or veiling this school year! It doesn't have to be for religious reasons, it can just be to protect your energy.
Colour code your books or folders to what you need from each subject and set the intention accordingly! For example, red for math because you need confidence and strength or green for science because you need some extra luck in that subject.
Do you remember the erasers with yes and no written on them? Yeah! Make one of those and flip it for on the fly divination! It actually works if you put enough intention into it and it's a fun way to pass time.
Use colour magick in your outfits and shoes/shoe laces! This is a lot of effort so I've rarely do it but I've heard a lot of good things from people who regularly do. Just be careful that you don't accidentally send a nasty lace code message with your docks (or other boots) and shoe laces.
More colour magick but get coloured pens that correspond with your wanted intention! The ink could be coloured or just the outside, it's up to you.
If you pack your own lunch try your hand at some kitchen magick this year! Deli meats, bread, butter, pasta, tofu, etc all have their own uses and meanings. You can do some amazing stuff with food! I really recommend you try it at least once :)
Set your computer's folders names to affirmations or intentions! "I have incredible grades" "I respect my physical and mental needs" "I have the perfect work/school/life balance" are all examples.
This is less about school/uni/college but enchant any jewellery you wear with protection or dedicate it to a deity!
Again, not super school related but do a glamour spell with your skin care and/or make up. It just puts me in a good mood and sets the tone for the day.
I hope you enjoyed! As always, suggestions and tips are more than welcome :)
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
I divide witchcraft into three levels - beginner, intermediate, and advanced, but they often coexist. You are rarely at just one level at a time.
Beginner Witchcraft: the What of magic. This is where you learn the basics, the procedures, the associations, the methods. (When it comes to most divination, I'm here!)
Intermediate Witchcraft: the Why of magic. This is where you question what you have learned to understand it.
Advanced Witchcraft: the How of magic. This is where you take the information you have learned from the previous two categories and learn to use it in your own way.
Beginner Witchcraft: use salt to cleanse.
Intermediate Witchcraft: salt cleanses because it has multiple functional capabilities, including scouring, disinfecting, and absorption.
Advanced Witchcraft: salt is sodium. All forms of sodium have cleansing capabilities. The most absorbant form of sodium is sodium bicarbonate. This box of baking soda has been in my pantry for a few months so, even while closed, it has absorbed some of the protective essence of my home. Therefore I can open the box of baking soda and use it to absorb the negative energies out of my suitcase from this terrible trip. The home energy will capture and negate the away energy. I can then combine the baking soda with vinegar, which is effectively opposite on the pH scale, and which has strong banishing energy, to render both the energies and the chemical composition of the baking soda inert and I can dispose of it safely down my sink.
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witchcab · 11 months
Master post of Flower Correspondences.
Divine Alignment, Energy Healing, Energetic Fine-Tuning, Magical Power, Mystique, Psychic Abilities, Protection
Authority, Confidence, Elegance, Excellence, Intelligence, Intuition and Inner Knowing, Knowledge of Our Own Divinity, Self-Mastery
Comfort, Gentleness, Grounding, Healing and Immunity, Keeping the Peace, Staying True to Oneself
Creativity and Playfulness, Crown Chakra Opening, Joy, Self-Acceptance
Astrological Wisdom, Beginnings, Cleansing and Detoxifying, Connection to the Divine or Cosmic Realm, Doorways and Transitions, Gentleness, Psychic Abilities, Protection, Romantic Love with Spiritual Overtones, Support for Teen Girls and Newly Menstruating Maidens
Freedom from Past Hurts, Gentleness with Oneself, Healing the Inner Child, Letting Go, Natural Beauty and Wildness, Relationship Healing, Trust
Awareness of the Interconnectedness of Life, Awareness of Invisible Reality, Intuition and Insight, Mathematical Prowess, Protection, Sacred Geometry, Walking Between the Worlds
Cleansing and Releasing, Grounding, Integration, Mediumship, Connecting with Transitioned Loved Ones
Beauty in Pain, Emotional Availability, Healing Depression, Attracting Love
Beauty, Cleansing, Radiance, Passion
Divine Connection, Opening the Crown Chakra, Peace, Peaceful Transitions, Saintliness, Sleep, Soothing Grief, True Innocence
Alignment with the Divine Feminine, Authenticity and Decision Making, Energy, Friendship, Humility and True Confidence, Receptivity, True Prosperity
Beauty, Heart Healing, Love, Perspective, Rebirth, Vigor and Longevity
Animal Support, Breaking Curses and Spells, Healing and Protecting Children, Peace and Harmony, Positivity, Prosperity, Sleep, Soothing
Divine Love, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Remembering One’s Primal Innocence, Romance
Agelessness, Timeless Beauty, Chakra Healing and Clearing, Circulation, Digestion, Physical Healing, Courage, Determination and Following Through, Inspiration, Passion, Joy, Removing Energetic Blocks, Strength, Success
Longevity, Mental Clarity, Optimism, Protection, Solving Mysteries, Soothing Grief
Creativity and Playfulness, Freedom and Liberation, Healing, Luck, Magic, Prophetic Dreams, Wild Joy
Heavenly Assistance, Beauty, Clarity, Comfort and Luxury, Emotional Balance and Stress Relief, Happy Children, Happy Home, Marital Bliss, Positive Thinking, Sensuality, Trust
Abundance, Beauty, Faery Communication, Gentle Strength, Health and Healing, Protection, Purification, Simplicity
Healing from Abuse, Freshness and Purity, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love, Self-Worth
Enduring Partnerships, Graceful Change, Inspiration, Stillness, Youthfulness
Banishing Nightmares, Cooling Violent Emotions, Happiness, Wealth
Dreams, Mystique, Occult Wisdom, The Sweetness of Shadows, Transmutation of Emotions
Health, Simplicity, Purification, Wealth
Animal Protection, Divination, Happiness, Healing, Wishes
Astral Travel, Concealment and Invisibility, Discernment, Divination, Enchantment, Magical Power
Health and Healing, Fortification and Heartiness, Simplification, Support for Healers and Health Care Professionals, Success through Service and Joyful Work
Clarity and Focus, Health, Love, Memory, Organization and Efficiency, Perspective, Success
Courage, Faery Connection, Heart Healing, Protection
Clarity, Courage to Make Necessary Changes, Healing Depression, Self-Love, Removing Blocks, Transmutation, Womb Healing
Exorcism, Goddess Energy and Feminine Healing, Happy Home, Health and Healing, Heart Healing, Love, Positive Energy, Protection, Purification, Strength, Courage, Resilience, Support for Children, Truth
Connecting with Ancestors and Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Deep Issues, Luck, Memory, Physical Healing, Protection, Transmutation
Freedom, Harmony and Relaxation, Independence, Passion, Romance, Sexual Desire, Swift Assistance and Activation
Divine Connection, Protection, Purification, Sacred Space
Healing from the Past, Healing Land, Reclaiming and Realigning with Heritage, Reconnecting with Old Ways, Remembering Past Lives, Strengthening Confidence and Spiritual Energy, Strengthening Memory
Activating Intuition, Awakening Sexuality and Releasing Sexual Blocks, Good Luck, Letting Go/Endings and Beginnings, Prosperity
Abundance and Luxury, Attracting Gifts, Charm and Irresistibility, Glamour, Influence
Boundaries, Deconstructing Challenging Karmic Patterns, Hex Breaking, Protection, Redirecting Curses and Psychic Attacks, Restructuring Energy Field
Aligning with Divine Timing, Being Present, Grounding
Alignment with Inner Truth, Creativity, Energetic Balance and Calibration, Intuition and Divine Messages, Love-Drawing, Purification and Protection, Walking Between the Worlds
Abundance, Joy, Sensuality and Attractiveness, Sexual Healing, Relaxation
Grounding, Inner Fortification, Harmony, Protection, Resilience
Breaking Old Patterns, Exorcism, Getting Energy Moving, Healing Depression, Space Clearing, Speaking Your Truth, Coming Out of the Closet, Strengthening Boundaries, Strengthening Will
Clarity, Cleansing, Divine Alignment, Harmony and Balance, Healing, Joy, Protection, Relaxation and Stress Relief, Relationship Healing, Releasing Guilt and Shame, Releasing Pain Associated with Unrequited Love
Chakra Balancing, Magical Power, Passage Between the Worlds, Peace, Psychic Abilities, Romance, Sweet Spirit Summoning
Angel Invocation, Divine Assistance, Divine Love, Divine Beauty, Entity Clearing and Protection, Goddess Alignment, Harmony and Ease, Legal Success, Safe and Harmonious Travel
Dog Healing and Balancing, Faeries, Imagination, Otherworld Communication
Awakening Ancient Wisdom, Fidelity, Goddess Energy, Independence and Personal Power, Wonderment and Awe
Body Chemistry, Emerging from “Desert Periods,” Emotional Detoxification, Holistic Balance
Cleansing and Detoxification, Happiness, Health and Healing, Healing Depression, Skin Healing
Death and Rebirth, Happiness, Heart Healing, Protection, Success, Vitality, Walking Between the Worlds
Awakening to the Magic of Life, Clarity and Simplicity, Happiness and Harmony, Intuition and Divine Guidance, Receptivity, Relaxation
Connection to the Otherworld, Freedom from the Past, Present-Moment Awareness, Reclaiming Personal Power, Self-Love, Spiritual Refreshment, Romantic Love
Banishing Prejudice and Supporting Tolerance, Choosing to Create Your Own Reality, Creativity, Freedom, Independence and Creating Your Own Archetype, Protection, Releasing Fear of New Situations
Abundance, Creating Your Own Luck, Abundance, Focus and Long-Term Determination, Success in School or Work, Tapping Your Own Divine Energy Source
Emotional Healing, Strength, Protection, Transmutation
Beauty and Elegance, Expressing Uniqueness, Goddess Energy and Queenliness, Ecstasy and Sexual Pleasure, Fertility, Harmony, Romantic Love, Spirituality and Intuition, Wealth and Luxury
Calming Stress Relief, Clarity, Gentleness, Ideas, Love, Love Divination, Purity, Self-Exploration
Cleansing, Healing, Prosperity and Luxury, Protection and Exorcism, Success and Confidence
Beauty, Carefree Joy, Domestic Bliss and a Happy Home, Inspiration, Fresh Perspective
Abundance, Balance, Falling in Love, Sensuality, Sexual Healing, Body Positivity
Creativity, Freedom, Healing Adolescents and Inner Adolescents, Long-Distance Relationships, Love, Youthfulness
Calm Energy, Communion with the Infinite, Invisibility, Overcoming Addiction, Making Peace with Death, Perspective, Relaxation and Sleep, Surrender and Release
Admitting Feelings, Healing Grief and Heartache, Home Amidst Despair, Relationship Healing, Transforming Karma
Balance of Extroversion and Introversion, Balance of Gentleness and Greatness, Embracing Personal Power, Mystique
Abundance, Beauty, Clearing and Blessings, Dreams, Emotional Healing, Friendship, Protection, Purification, Romantic Love, Secrecy, Self-Love, Spirituality
Clarity, Connecting with Inner Silence and Space Consciousness, Deep Cleansing, Emotional Detoxification, Emotional Disentanglement and Energetic Cord-Cutting, Exorcism, Meditation, Reclaiming Personal Space and Boundaries, Removing Blocks, Self-Respect
Hex Reversal, Owning Your Power, Protection, Truth
Happiness, Health and Vitality, Potency, Power, Radiance, Sustenance, Strength, Truth
Comfort with Luxury, Irresistibility, Feminine Friendships, Femininity and Personal Power
Intuition, Funerals, Peace, Protection and Purification, Sensuality, Wealth
Beauty, Desire, Gratitude, Grounding, Heart Strengthening, Love Goddess Alignment, Love, Relationship Healing, Simplicity
Dream Magic, Healing Depression, Heart-Opening, Influence, Peace and Harmony, Relaxation and Stress Relief, Sleep, Soothing Grief, Wealth, Wisdom
Connection with the Faery Realm, Eternal Love, Good Luck, Healthy Balance of Work and Play, Heart Healing, Joy, Lightening Up, Magic, Physical Healing
See “Pansy”
Clarity of Desire and Direction, Cooling Passions, Creative Flow, Healing Depression, Heart Healing, Purification, Spiritual Nourishment, Transmutation
Beauty That Increases with Age, Divine Blessings, Comfort, Love, Healing Grief, Softness, Soothing, Stress-Relief, Wisdom
Banishing and Exorcism, Divination, Healing, Releasing Negative Emotions, Protection
Joy, Healing, Love, Peace and Relaxation, Sex and Sexuality, Body Positivity.
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psychopomp-recital · 1 year
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Beginning ways to test the waters if you’re considering the Death Witch/Worker path.
✦ Cemetery & Graveyard Volunteer Work
- Picking Up Trash
- Cleaning Tombstones
- Grave Cataloging
✦ Death Doula Certifications
- Mundane, but will allow access
✦ Funerary Rites & Customs
- Research different cultures
~ *more than your own*
- Research certifications to perform them
✦ Ancestor Work
- your cultural customs
- generational trauma
- asking for aide in workings
- and so on…
✦ Spirit Work
- starting with local spirits
- animal spirits
- plant spirits
- kinds of spirits
- and so on…
✦ Forensic Sciences
- how death affects the body
✦ Religious Beliefs
- kinds of Underworlds
- kinds of Otherworlds
- kinds of souls
- what happens after death
- death & chthonic deities
While I do think it is important to have a mentor of some kind, hopefully this can let you test the waters a bit.
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mercythedarkwitch · 7 months
Hello and good morning my fellow witches
its been awhile since I've been active with the community here on tumblr and this blog definitely needs a touch up.
I'm looking to follow/interact with more blogs that mainly/have spme focus on:
Chaos Magic
Fire Magic
Luciferian Witchcraft
Wheel of the year
Tarot spreads
Intermediate witchcraft
Protection magic
Reblog or DM me if your blog reflects any of this!!!
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Invocation And Evocation
Invocation and Evocation are English words that are often used interchangeably.
They are both derived from the Latin word, "vocare" which means to call forth.
Both words can deal with summoning interaction with non-human entities.
Yet, many people, especially those with knowledge of the occult, believe there are differences.
With an evocation, a non-human entity is summoned, but is not linked to the caller. The entity remains in an outer area. The energy that is used to summon the entity is also believed to be derived from outside of the caller.
With an invocation, the caller becomes a medium. The entity that she summons is meant to come forth within her. This person is generally believed to use inner resources or energies to allow this to happen.
When the process of invocation is successful and a non-human entity is acting through a person, a number of changes are believed to be possible. The person’s voice, for example, may be altered. Her physical appearance and demeanor may change.
Legal Terms
Law is another area where both of these words can have relevance and may be confused. In legal terms, an invocation involves summoning something from another case. This could be documents or physical evidence. An evocation involves transferring a case from a lower to higher court. If a case, for example, is removed from a district court and taken to a supreme court, it has been evoked.
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littlewitchygreen · 9 months
Intermediate Witchcraft: Next Steps
So, you've done your homework on the basics, and you've practiced the early skills. What's next? Where do you go from there? How do you learn more? Well, there are several factors that go into intermediate witchcraft along with several routes to take, and I'll explain a bit of that here.
Part of the issue with moving into more advanced magic is that most available books cater to beginners. That is because of a few reasons that I'll get into further in the post, but that does leave the issue of how to find more advanced information still. This is where deep-diving into specific topics will serve you well.
There are going to be few if any 'Witchcraft 201' books out there, because more advanced knowledge is not going to be that generalized the way introductory knowledge can be. However, if you look into specific topics, there are a lot more books. You don't have to specialize in one area either - you could look at books from as many fields as you'd like: deep-diving into astrology, herbalism, tarot, curses, whatever you'd like. Growing your knowledge in a specific area will make you more advanced overall as you expand your knowledge base.
Many of the more advanced texts are also going to be much drier than the popular books for witches just starting to learn skills - historical texts, academic papers, etc. So, look beyond what you can find on the shelves of the most popular bookstore in town as well. I'd recommend looking into databases like JStor, Google Scholar, and even university databases to see what you can find there. As always, consider who is publishing the information, what biases might they have, and what may be inaccurate or culturally appropriative when taking in new information to stay accurate, safe, and get the most out of the information you find.
Another route some people take is finding a more advanced mentor when they are struggling to progress on their own. This is one of the reasons why some of the more advanced information is not widely published as well, as it is not always appropriate for the information shared through mentorships to be widely spread. In some cases, this is because it is part of a closed practice that you have to be initiated into or taught directly, and in other cases it's because the information is personal to the mentor.
Still, there are pros and cons to going this route and it's all based on who your mentor is.
Some pros: you have someone experienced in witchcraft who can guide you more personally than a widely available book and who knows your personal practice very well - and who can share information, experience, etc accordingly.
Some cons: your mentor has only one perspective out of a vast array, they have biases that are in their practice as a result of their practice being their own, and they have intimate access to you and your spiritual life because of their role.
My personal suggestion to anyone considering this route is this: do your research on who you are accepting as your mentor, remember that what they teach is their practice not the practice, and even consider having multiple mentors over time to diversify information and beliefs that you learn. Your safety and wellbeing are paramount, so never accept someone as a mentor lightly, as having that kind of role in your life is a heavy responsibility and some may abuse that kind of access to you.
UPG stands for Unverified Personal Gnosis - or unofficial information gained through personal experience. This is in my opinion the primary reason there aren't more widespread 'Witchcraft 201' books available, as a lot of the information those books would contain is obtained through personal experience rather than from official sources. This is also why many witches begin to talk less and less about the more advanced aspects of their practice, as UPG generally comes from experiences that become more and more personal to the witch in question.
Along that line, your practice will primarily continue to grow through personal experience of your own and continued practice. Books and teachers will only take you so far before you have to gain knowledge yourself and get better at the skills on your own. So, at a certain point, significant portions of your own practice will become UPG as well.
Many witches are fine sharing some of the less personal aspects of their UPG with others, which is how new information and ways of doing things still spread. Offline, I've had multiple witches share with me parts of their own practices, for example, which have influenced the way I practice - and vice versa. However, each of our practices were still different from each other, due to the UPG each of us has and our different approaches to practicing.
Understandably, it can be frustrating trying to figure out where to go once the guidebooks most of us start out with are no longer applicable or available. So, one of the most valuable pieces of advice on how to continue to progress that I ever learned is this: never stop asking 'why'. Why does this mean that? Why do we do that? Why is this done that way? Why is this a common thing but not that?
I hope this helps someone, and best wishes!
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prismonautic · 3 months
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read the document in its entirety and make a decision if you want any spiritual information to be discovered in your sleep / astral travels.
once you have chosen to have truths revealed to you in your dream, repeat the incantation - “ivaliem” (ee-val-ee-ehm) before you go to sleep. when you repeat this incantation, you agree to having the astral energies surrounding you read + translated into symbolism that your conscious mind will understand within your dreams. your dreams are a window to the astrals, and what’s happening astrally is bound to happen in your physical reality. instead of being blindsided by stealthy attacks, get some intel with this spell and stop them in their tracks.
ivaliem is a one-word-spell. when you activate it via chanting it intentionally (whether it be inside your head or out loud), all of the commands i’ve embedded into “ivaliem” will be embedded into your subconscious, manifesting into your reality. i like to call my one word spells “.exes,” since they’re comparable to executable programs that your computer (your subconscious) will open and run in your reality.
this clarity spell is good for people seeking confirmation regarding people/environments/energies that they’ve been feeling suspicious about lately. the dream that follows after casting this clarity spell will be the confirmation message of your inquiry.
the spell is designed to get the energy signature of who you’re dealing with EVEN if they intentionally cloak themselves energetically + give you a clear and direct link to them and their workings against you. this makes it easier for you to accurately target them in your shielding/protection/return to sender rituals.
from experience, i’ve learned that the more that this one word spell is repeated, the stronger its energy becomes in your life. if you really want to have one-word-spells pack a punch, repeat it more than 20 times. i’ve found 10 to be the bare minimum to get some effects from the spell.
if you want the spell to be stronger, affirm it in your head until you completely fall asleep — AVOID THIS IF YOU’RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH VERY VIVID DREAMS, ESPECIALLY WITH HEAVIER TOPICS!
IF YOU ARE INJURED IN A DREAM / HAVE DESTROYED VALUABLES IN YOUR DREAM / EAT ANYTHING IN YOUR DREAM: make sure to establish protection against this person and prioritize healing any damage you’ve experienced from this person’s works.
the symbolism below is what ivaliem will show you if applicable entities are connected to you astrally (e.g best friend talking shit? ivaliem will show them with black lipstick on in your dreams — and whatever else happens in the dream is additional context on top of that symbolism).
the list of correspondences below will be updated periodically. for those who want to regularly use ivaliem in your protection spell routines, it’s a good idea to check back here for updates every once in a while :)
☆ a person with black lipstick / a black mask over their mouth / a black mask covering their entire face.
black lipstick indicates that the person is spreading gossip against you in the dark, and it’s strong enough to affect anything revolving around your energy. if it’s black lipstick, it’s rooted in pure prejudice, malice, and/or envy that makes them act out against you. it’s a THEM issue, and you haven’t done anything to justify anything they’ve done to you so far.
if you’re getting a person in black lipstick as opposed to a black mask, you’ve already had some doubts regarding their position in your life. this dream is also telling you that you need to trust your intuition regarding how people feel about you in life — if you have a bad feeling about someone and something is telling you to distance from them, DO IT! it will later be revealed to you why you felt that in the first place. listen the first time in order to avoid finding out the hard way.
when you perceive an opponent in your dream realm who has black lipstick, the best course of action == a transmutation, return to sender, and truth spell bundled together to
A) stop the gossip and its effects in its tracks
B) remove any damage inflicted upon you towards the caster
C) have your name cleared of any slander if applicable to your situation.
a black mask around the mouth indicates that someone you wouldn’t expect to go against you is speaking against/looking down on your goals in silence.
for a lot of you, this is a long-term relationship in your life — whether it be a partner, colleague, friend, or family that you believed would support you no matter what. if this applies to you, it’s likely that you’re being blinded to the true character of this person by all the history you have with them.
just because someone has been around you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have your best interests in mind. just because someone has been in proximity for you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have the quality characteristics they need to even deserve being connected to you.
this correspondence will be most common for people who have big dreams that people would naturally cast doubt on / project their limiting beliefs onto you.
for those who get a person with a black mouth mask, you might wake up from this dream feeling betrayed and in disbelief, and possibly even guilty — you might end up in denial about their status in your life too. questioning their character is a wake-up call.
the best course of action for a person who has a black mouth mask in your dream:
A) a return to sender spell that transmutes all the negativity that they sent towards you in the dark into a situation that exposes their true feelings and intentions for you.
B) once this exposing situation manifests, you will know how to go about this connection. however you go about it, make sure that you are prioritizing having genuine MUTUAL connections in your life that respect you for who will stick with you with REAL love through thick and thin. you need to surround yourself with more integral people.
C) until that situation manifests, be watchful towards that person’s character, not just how they operate around you. just because they do things for you don’t mean they someone of upstanding character. look for where their authenticity lies, and if they’re someone who really stands on their values, or just goes to people based no how much someone’s presence benefits them. are they here for you through the thick and thin, or do they disappear the moment things start to get hard?
when you’re working against someone with a black face mask that covers their entire face, it’s a severe and intentional version of having a black mask cover their mouth.
this person knows their negative feelings towards you and still intentionally acting on their malice towards you. THIS IS NOT YOUR ALLY. they’re only seeking to get something out of you then discard/betray you. this dream will be more common for the people who are very giving, even to the point of being over-giving and stretching yourself thin for others — often for the sake of approval.
the best course of action for a fully masked person:
A) cast a general banishing of people who are actively working against you and your goals / leeching off of your energy for their own selfish purposes.
B) after the banishing, look at who falls away from your life. note that it’s a good thing they’ve fallen away, because their presence would end up being damaging to your path in the future.
C) whatever voids they have left in your current life after being banished, fill the voids by planting the seed of attracting more integral and authentic people into your community.
NOTE: your social circles will experience a heavy purge if there’s a lot of people just using you and keeping you around for the sake of convenience. walk into the dark fearlessly - you’ll come out of it a newly healed person.
• someone spreading a disease to you that affects your appearance / sense of sight, hearing, and balance
• an ambush against your home
• you getting put in prison
stay tuned!
if you have any questions, please message me.
if you like this work, access my other works through my linktree!
last updated: 2/5/2024
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wortcunningwitch · 9 months
quick question for witchblr, specifically people who are knowledgeable about hoodoo practices: i’ve seen the books “of blood and bones” by kate freuler and “utterly wicked” by dorothy morrison recommended by a lot of people for those who want to learn about baneful magic. however, i’ve also seen a few other people say both books are appropriative, specifically of certain elements of hoodoo. what are y’all’s takes on this? are they worth reading?
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seaside-apothecary · 10 months
For my intermediate or advanced witches
(yes, I’m calling you names in the terms of Skyrim lock picking skill levels, sue me)
What are your favorite herbs? Why? What are they used for? Tell me your secrets about the herbs lol 👀
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wizardsaur · 1 year
How often do you "go through" your magic/kal stuff?
Perhaps this is best asked of practitioners who've been in the game long enough to have a lot of magic/kal accoutrement. But how often do you sit with each tool and ask: "does this still fit my work?"
Sometimes, no matter how much you love that piece, the answer is no. It's been gathering dust for months, maybe even years. Loved, but untouched.
I go through my tools about once a year, usually in December or January. And rehome the pieces that need a new start. Been at this for long enough that I have several peeps in my circles who appreciate a well thought out altar gift.
To say goodbye with grace & to pass on a powerful piece to a loved one is an honorable thing. Likely better for your Craft, too.
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crowluver · 1 year
happy new years!
Mine hasn't been that good I feel like I didn't do anything significant this Yule and I'm vv disappointed in myself :/
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
Intermediate Kitchen Witchcraft: Nutrition
The ideas of nutrition and healthy eating have been corrupted by the diet industry. Auntie says fuck that. Think of nutrition as a matter of nutrients. Don’t take, don’t deprive. Add to your body! 
For intermediate witchcraft, think of things as macronutrients (big) and micronutrients (small). A macronutrient is what your body uses the most of, while a micronutrient is what your body uses a smaller amount of. 
Macronutrients are: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Your body needs all three of them - yes, even fat and carbs. Fuck what the diet industry told you and listen to Auntie: it is not only ok to eat fat and carbs, it is actively a good thing. 
Micronutrients are: vitamins and minerals. Your body is a gloriously complex, divine structure that requires a steady supply of the Earth’s bounty to thrive. You can use these amazing things She has given us to improve your body and your mind. Use what She gives you!
Let’s take a look at some common magical ingredients and the micronutrients they give you! This will help provide you with a greater understanding of how to use them to craft your kitchen spells. Magical properties are purple, practical are pink.
Cinnamon: Healing, protection, warmth, love, prosperity. Vitamins A, B, C, K; calcium; magnesium; potassium; phosphorus. Useful in lowering blood pressure, high in antioxidants, can improve insulin sensitivity, protects against heart disease, powerful anti-inflammatory. Connect the practical value to the magical value. What do you think corresponds? The one that jumps out to me is love corresponding to heart health.
Lemons: Purification, cleansing, joy. Extremely high in Vitamin C; fiber; B6; potassium. Lowers your risk of kidney stones, antiseptic properties, big immune booster. Once again, compare the practical and magical uses. I see vitamin B6 connecting to joy - B vitamins are known to improve stress responses.
Arugula: Attraction, abundance, sex magic, psychic powers. Potassium, calcium, folate; vitamins B, C, D, K, and A. Calcium & vitamin D work together for bone health; eye health; high in antioxidants; improves iron absorption; contains many elements shown to reduce cancer risks. I see a connection in iron absorption and sex magic.
Now, while these are a very direct nutrient-to-association correlation, we do also need to remember that there are other factors. Taste is a huge factor in kitchen magic! Cinnamon associates to a warm disposition; cinnamon is a hot food. Lemons are a sunny food. Arugula is easy to grow, therefore it is abundant.
Comment below with your connections on the ingredients listed above. OR
Choose your favorite magical ingredient and reblog it with an analysis of how its magical properties correlate to its practical properties. Feel free to delve into some of the other connections too!
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witchcab · 11 months
What is a Taglock? -  A taglock is a component of a spell designed to target that spell to a specific person, persons, or concept. -
Traditionally taglocks are often physical things like blood, hair, or fingernail clippings from that specific person, but there are many ways to link a spell to a person, and these are just some options. Often it can be difficult to acquire such personal links, and so other methods can be easier to obtain, and can be used together to strengthen the spell's link to your target. Forms of taglocks include: Blood of the person (keeping in mind that blood can be difficult to store, hard to obtain safely, and behaves differently when not fresh.) Other bodily fluids (saliva, sweat, semen, urine etc,) Hair (cut or plucked or from a brush,) Nail clippings Teeth (kept baby teeth or teeth pulled as an adult and kept) A photograph of the person (arguably the most commonly used taglock because it's easily accessible) A signature A maker's mark, personal sigil or any other glyph the person uses to represent themselves The person's full name (preferably in their own hand,) Clothing that the person owns and has worn (preferably unwashed) Used gum Cigarette butt (be certain it was smoked by the person)  A poppet can be used to represent a person in place of a taglock, or one can be used in combination with a taglock / taglocks, usually by incorporating the taglock/s into the creation of the poppet. This list is of course not at all exhaustive, please feel free to add on any other forms of taglocks that you like to use, and if you disagree about the value of any of these in forming a link between a spell and it's target that's okay, all our practices are different.
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psychopomp-recital · 1 year
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What to ask yourself and consider before committing to the path of a Death Worker. Take some time and consider your answers and write them down.
What does death mean to you?
• take a second to think about your personal beliefs on what death is, and what it means to die.
How do you handle transitions?
• do you resist or embrace transitions and change?
How would you react to having spirits and other entities such as deities in your space?
• do you have the skills to handle constant activity in your space?
• do you know how to keep out specific entities, do you know how to banish them?
How comfortable are you with interacting with the grieving?
• do you have the capacity to care about the living wounded by death?
Why are you choosing this path?
• wanting to genuinely help?
• just the aesthetic?
• revenge/spite?
Do you believe you have the coping skills to handle the more gruesome deaths?
• even if you can’t physically see them you will end up hearing details and accounts
How have you been affected personally by death?
• have you died?
• has someone close to you passed?
The list isn’t perfect or everything you should work on! It’s a great inner work practice.
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the-first-aeon · 11 months
Who am I?
I like to go by A, I’m a nineteen-year-old intermediate practitioner that’s enamored by angels. I don’t know much about angels; I just like to look at them (statues, drawings, and whatnot). I don’t think I’d be the one to work with them either, at least; not right now. Maybe sometime in the future, but not now.
I do however, work with the infernal divine; along with some Greco—Roman deities. I’d rather not list them here, but maybe in the coming posts I will. I’m still feeling out this community; so I’m sorry for having some hesitations with sharing information. I also would like to state that I do not care who follows me, I accept everyone; regardless of their race, visions, beliefs, gender identity—I accept you for you. I expect the same respect in return, though.
I do spell-work; and I’d love to share some of my own spells with you all, too! I’m currently in the process of making a Notion page that will hold my spells and whatnots for easy access; and so I can copy and paste them to Tumblr with ease.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and stay safe!
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