eggsys-smile · 3 years
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wintersberg stuff~
Nobody can say “no” to Heisenberg!
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eggsys-smile · 3 years
Hey sorry about the confusion, I did mean little y/n as in child y/n in my ask about the four lords reacting to y/n getting sick. However I read what you posted about the four lords and short y/n and I thought it was pretty good! Again I’m sorry for the confusion!
oh no, its ok my guy! you guys gave me na excuse to write some more about the lords and a kid, and for that I am grateful
take 2 everybody!
Alcina Dimitrescu
she's the only one who knows how to mom, of course she knows something is wrong with her precious child
your older sisters said they would make sure you were bundled up before going out to play out in the garden, but now here we are, you a fuzzy and crying because your throat hurts
Alcina is at her wits end when you refuse to take the medicine, "IT TASTES WEIRD, I DON'T WANT IT!!"
how many times have you managed to slap the spoon out of her hand? she lost count
the maids can hear her speaking softly as he walks around her private chambers, carrying you around with a light blanket over you
the woman might be a vampire and she has the strength to throw furniture that weight as much as her, but dear heavens, she is tired by the time you are ok, still, she smiles when you try to pull her to play with you
Donna Beneviento
y'all can pry from cold dead hands that Donna doesn't do good with kids, she's just...NO
Angie is even less excited about having to deal with this screaming human
still they both try, really really hard to help you recover
Alcina is their go to person when Donna noticed how red your tiny face looked and your soft whines, the older woman is glad to help and teach Donna whatever she might need
Angie is the only one who can get you to take your medicine, you just like the creepy ass doll and all the sounds she makes when bringing the spoon close to you
Donna is I'm charge of cooking, following the recipes that Lady D left for her, easy and light meals but well balanced, the last thing they want is for your to get an upset stomach too
this whole ordeal takes a huge toll on both and by the end of everything they will do anything to prevent you from getting sick EVER AGAIN
Salvatore Moreau
oooh this poor man, he's terrified!! it took him so long to get Mother Miranda and his siblings to let you be with him for the week and now you are sick
he has to act QUICK, he asks the duke if he could help him get the right medicament, he can't give you the adult version because it will be too strong for you, he needs the pediatric one
Sal has always been a careful man when it comes to those he loves, you are no exception, he fully throws himself into nursing you back to health
he's attentive and truly does his best when checking for any other symptoms that might indicate something worst than a simple cold
you listen to everything he says from telling me if you feel too hot or cold, to take your medicine at the right time and to eat something even if you don't want to
by the time Mother Miranda comes to pick you up, you are already back to your usual self, from then on, Sal always gets more drawings from you
Karl Heisenberg
somebody, please, help this poor man
how does he even deals with this? he rarely gets sick, but you are a small child who, arbitrarily, decided that switching between being inside where its warm and laying OUT in the SNOW was a good idea
in your defense? he wasn't looking, now he's reduced to carrying around your wailing little form
if Alcina had trouble getting you to take your medicine, Karl can't even get you to eat some soup, soup that he cooked for you and that now you wont eat
he's sleep-deprived, carrying you for so long is hurting his neck but you won't let him go and he can't bring himself to pry you off
"Tell me a story...PLEASE~"
"What do I look like, a fuuuuu...damned book?"
one pout and he's telling you a made-up story
at some point, he must have fallen asleep, cuz he wakes up to you slapping his face and asking for lunch, you look wat better than him
but now? he's sick
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eggsys-smile · 3 years
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Take him, Alcina, or I will.
(RE8 gifs: 10/?)
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eggsys-smile · 3 years
"Я хорни" нет блять мне просто нужен кто-то большой зрелый и надежный, как плюшевый мишка, который все поймёт и будет обнимать тебя, пока не станет легче, будь то карл хайзенберг, дедушка Форд или карлайл, так что я просто надеюсь никто не поймёт, что у меня нет дэдди- и сайз кинков.
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
And I know everyone doesn't care, but since we're talking about the best boy, can I mention the best girl?
Roxy Morton is really amazing, and deserves a lot more popularity than she has now.
I am also very sorry for the fact that in the second part it was just merged, and deprived us of the development of her friendship with Eggsy, and in General did not give our girl a chance for her happy life and career advancement. I'm so hurt for her.
Let's love Roxy Morton.
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
Okay, but only Colin Firth can be dressed in a formal suit with boots and look as homely as possible, and that keeps making me do "🥺🌸🤧🤧💗" every time I see photos like this.
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
we haven't talked about this in a long time so I remind you
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
I wrote a cool post-AU on kingsman, but I can't put it here because I can't translate it well. Language barriers suck, breathe if you agree(
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
No, but now seriously. Someone here read the kingsman fan fiction «With your fierce tears» and was literally destroyed by this work? Let's talk about it, please.It's just that I'm going to a neuropotologist tomorrow because of a sudden strong tremor, and I'm both amused and scared by this coincidence.
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
fan fiction on kingsman be like
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
Okay, have you ever eaten a boiled egg and suddenly realized WHAT you're eating-
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
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Sometimes, when I feel bad, I just have to look at these guys, and I realize that "if only these children were happy" is the only thing I want
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eggsys-smile · 4 years
Can we just talk about how beautiful Eggsy's soft hands are-
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