Bad Times at the El Royale 1-13-19
Matt and Eileen
This movie was crazy. Loved the twists and how it slowly revealed the stories of everyone. Was definitely a good watch.
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Crazy Rich Asians 11-22-18
Matt and Eileen-Thumbs up
I have been waiting a while to watch this movie, didn’t get to it when it was in the theatre, and it finally was available to rent. Matt thought it was kind of hard to follow who all of the characters were, there were a bunch of them, I didn’t have a hard time following because I had read the series. Acting all around was decent. Highlight for me was Awkwafina.
I thought it was a really well done adaptation. It ended differently than it did in the book, so I wonder if the sequel will follow the books, or if it will be a totally different story. Looking forward to it.
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The Meg 11-16-18
Matt and Eileen-thumbs up
So, Matt wanted to watch this movie because he likes sharks. I was skeptical, it looked like one of those dumb movies. But, it was actually really good, I liked the story, the actors and the acting, and the production value of the show as well. I think the title threw me off for a bit, it just doesn’t make it sound like a good movie. Anyways, I’d watch a sequel if there ever was one.
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Rocky 3 11-11-18
Matt and Eileen-thumbs up
Again, this movie is better than the last, but its still only ok. I did like that Apollo and Rocky became friends, though. 
Also, I think its funny that I could just watch the first few minutes of the movie to find out what happened exactly at the end of the last movie :oP
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Rocky II 11-4-18
Eileen and Matt-thumbs up
So, this movie wasn’t too much better than the first one, but it was better. I actually wanted to start the third one right after this one ended, to at least watch the beginning, so I could see what might happen next. But, we didn’t do that.
The story can only get more interesting, though. Looking forward to seeing how it goes towards the new Creed movies.
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Venom 10-26-18
Matt and Eileen-thumbs up
I wasn’t too sure that I would end up liking this movie, but I was pleasantly surprised. 
I loved Riz Ahmed, Jenny Slate, and of course Tom Hardy. The only exposure I had of Venom before this was when he was a villain in the Spider-Man movie, so I wasn’t sure how they were going to make this movie about a ‘bad-guy’ into something that would make Venom likable....the answer is Tom Hardy, that’s how they got me to like Venom. He just acted it really spectacularly. 
Looking forward to the teased sequel.
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Rocky 10-21-18
Matt-thumbs up
Eileen-thumbs down
I frankly cannot see why this movie is so popular. Maybe I’m just spoiled with the action packed movies of today, but I found this movie uninteresting. We chose to watch it because of the new Creed movie coming out, figure we should catch up with the story.
Obviously, this movie is good, it had a really high rating, and its an iconic movie, it just wasn’t for me.
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TAG 10-14-18
Matt and Eileen-Thumbs UP
This movie was hilarious! I loved the whole cast, and I love the premise of the movie, alot! I love a good movie about friends. It was funny, but had a great message about staying in touch with people, and staying young.
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Sicario: Day of the Soldado 10-7-18
Matt and Eileen-Thumbs up
We were so intrigued and impressed by the first installment that we watched the sequel the same day :oD
Another great movie. Benicio Del Torro, man, he’s next level. And Josh Brolin isn’t too bad either. And props to the girl who played Isabel Reyes. I do wish we found out more definitively what happened to her. Maybe she’ll be in another sequel (*crossing fingers*). 
Would def suggest as a good movie to watch, as long as you’re not too squeamish. There wasn’t a ton of gore, but its definitely a movie with hot button issues at its core.
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Sicario 10-7-18
Matt and Eileen-thumbs up
So, Matt chose this movie, I would have never chosen to watch this movie, but it was really good. 
Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Torro, and Emily Blunt, all really good in it.
It was a little confusing at first because they didn’t really explain what was going on, just like they were doing to Emily Blunt’s character. It made me pay closer attention so I could make sure I didn’t miss anything. A little slow to start, but not boring. I was definitely intrigued.
Really well done, really great ending. Looking forward to watching the second one.
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Ocean’s 8 9-25-18
Eileen-Thumbs down
Matt-Thumbs up
Matt didn’t mind this movie. I didn’t really mind it either, but the heist was very anti-climactic. This movie was like all of the other Ocean’s movies, except with women actors, which was fine, all of the acting was really great, it just wasn’t original enough for me...which i guess is kinda the point. 
Also, there was background between all of these characters that we don’t get to see, it was a little jarring. IDK, it just wasn’t a great movie for me.
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Avengers: Infinity War 8-31-18
Matt and Eileen: Thumbs UP!
I think this is the best Avengers movie out there.
We decided to rewatch this movie because I wanted a refresher on the story. The story is so good, and the sequence of the story is amazing, I was invested the entire time. I didn’t get bored at all. It went by really fast, I was amazed when it was over, it didn’t feel like 2ish hours had gone by. 
I can not wait for the follow up to this movie. 
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Downsizing 8-19-18
Matt-thumbs up (take this with a grain of salt, he was asleep half the movie)
Eileen-thumbs down
I had really wanted to see this movie when it first came out, but never got around to it. So, when we were trying to pick a movie to watch tonight and I saw this movie on the list, I totally thought we should watch it.
If I remember correctly, they advertised this as a comedy. This movie was not funny, at all. It was all too real and heavy actually. 
It was definitely thought provoking though. 
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Ant Man and The Wasp 8-12-18
Matt and Eileen-thumbs up
I like the first movie better, but this one was still good.
What I really walked away with is the first after credits scene. Its almost like they had to film this second movie just so they could show this scene.
At any rate, I’m really excited for the next Avengers!!
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The Equalizer 8-10-18
Matt-triple thumbs up (he loves this movie, has watched it multiple times)
Eileen-thumbs up!
When it was time to choose a movie this time around I just really wanted to watch The Equalizer again. We watched the sequel recently, and I couldn’t quite remember exactly what happened in this first installment.
I’m glad I watched it again. Not only is it just a superb movie, I’m glad I refreshed my memory of the story. There was so much more to it than I remembered.
I think we will probably purchase both Equalizer movies soon. We both just cannot say enough about how much we enjoyed it.
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I Feel Pretty 8-4-18
Eileen-thumbs up
Matt-thumbs up, but would have preferred to never have had to watch it in the first place, lol ;oP
I really like this movie, it had a great message, and Amy Schumer is hilarious. ‘Nuff said. 
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Ready Player One 7-29-18
Matt and Eileen: thumbs up...although I thought it could have been better...
I have been meaning to see this movie for a real long while...I’ve read the book and listened to the audio book (really awesome production actually, Wil Wheaton does an amazing job on that, for reals)....I really loved the story already so I was really excited to see that story come to life. I knew going into it that it wasn’t going to be exactly like the book, something that used to bother me in the past. And I totally get all of the changes that they had to make, but I still liked the book better.
Don’t get me wrong, the OASIS was really well done, the avatars and the worlds and all of that was spectacular. The acting and actors weren’t crappy either. The one thing I will complain about is the story of Shoto and Daito. It was way better in the books. But one change I can admit was handled very well was the story of Ogden. The book version works for the book, but I like how they made him the curator in the movie...Similar to the book where he was there the whole time, but out of sight...it worked.
Anyways, it was a good movie, just wished it was a little bit better, personally. I still really want to get the replicas they are selling of the keys, though :oP
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