ekmosteresi · 4 days
The Original Bystander
first chapter of my au hades fanfic! endgame pairing is not zeus with hades though.
He closed his eyes, resting his head against the cold stone, feeling the chill seep into his skin, chasing away the last remnants of lust that clung to him from the dream
Hypnos, he gritted his teeth at the thought, that conniving bastard. Every time he fell asleep, Hypnos seemed to delight in tormenting him, laughing at his shame. Taunting, and taunting. Knowing he can not do but a thing. Why else would he get such dreams?
The god of the underworld flexed his hand, the thought of slaying Hypnos rekindling in his mind.
But the god of sleep was a son of Nyx, a being Hades dared not to cross. A challenge he could not afford to make.
Or: following the life of Hades.
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ekmosteresi · 4 days
a dream sequence, never to be.
Zeus x Hades, start up to some spicy things.
small peak of a fanfic I’m writing, figured I’d post it here so I remember to finish it later and fix it up since this is a pretty rough draft ver of the dream.
summary: hades dreaming a scenario of what could’ve been when they were younger.
Hades lay on the lush green grass of a secluded glade. It was a memory, not quite clear, but potent in its depiction of a time before the weight of the underworld, and his brother, hung around his neck.
He was young, a lanky youth with eyes full of hope and passion. The sun warmed his pale skin, and his hair was long, streaked with gold from the light, cascading in a soft halo around his face.
A shadow loomed over him, and cool fingers brushed against his cheek. Hades' eyelids fluttered open, and he gazed up into the face of the brother he adored. Zeus's golden hair was wild, framed by the sun that caught the light in his azure eyes. He smirked down at him, and Hades' heart squeezed in his chest.
"Wake up, brother," Zeus's voice was low and smooth, a siren's call. He tugged gently on Hades' hair, making the younger god wince. "You shirk your duties once more in sleep, I should send you off to the fields of battle for this."
Hades chuckled, a low rumbling sound, and squirmed under Zeus's touch. "As if you'd dare," he retorted, though his words lacked bite. "You're too busy chasing after beauties to care about my duties."
Zeus's smile widened, and he leaned down, his lips brushing against Hades' throat. "Mmm. You're right, I am too busy." He trailed kisses down Hades' neck, his fingers tangling in the other god's hair. Hades arched into the touch, a soft moan escaping him. "Chasing after the greatest beauty of them all."
Zeus's lips left a trail of fire in their wake, his teeth grazing Hades' skin before he nipped at the junction between his neck and shoulder. Hades' hands clenched into the grass, nails digging in as he writhed under his brother.
"You're cruel," he whispered, hips rolling to brush against Zeus's. "Waking me up just to satisfy your cravings, no others wished to serve you?"
Zeus's blue eyes locked with Hades' silver ones, the intensity of their gazes making Hades' breath catch. "No need, You're all I crave," he whispered back, and Hades' heart seemed to stutter. "But you, my dear brother, are stubborn and prideful, but mine all the same, so concede."
Heat bloomed in Hades' groin, and he pressed himself against Zeus once more, desperate for some semblance of the pleasure Zeus offered so freely to others. "If I concede, what then?" he breathed, his voice husky. "What do I get in return?"
Zeus's smile was wicked, his hand drifting down to cup Hades' burgeoning arousal, and Hades restricted a groan as he felt his cock twitch. "You'll get to feel like you're the only one in the world, Hades," he promised, kneeling between Hades' legs.
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ekmosteresi · 10 months
some headcanons for my AU version of hades (+ some minor bits of the other gods and the underworld, brief mentions of his siblings as well), a few sections are quite a bit canon divergent from the myths.
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#  — hades was the second oldest child of cronus and rhea, after hestia and before demeter, poseidon and hera came a few years after that. hestia and hades were essentially acting as parents since they were three years old, and is part of the reason why the goth of them both swore off having any children in the future.
# — since all of the immortals lack dna, their appearances are widely different no matter how closely they are related, only a few gods tends to share the same traits in appearance. this is completely true for his siblings and himself ! hades gained fair skin and long black hair, while some of his siblings have darker shades compared to his own flesh. like fr, he’s pasty pale, never seen the sun a day in his life, mortals will likely confuse him with a rich corpse if they saw him probably.
# — during the titanomachy, the six siblings had managed to gain / figure out their own native abilities, each varied from each other. some unlocked them during painful situations, while some found out about them perchance. hestia learned she could not be burned when their hideout was set aflame, demeter saw how her presence led to barren sand to grow plants, and hades saw how the world slowly froze with his presence.
# — out of all of his siblings, he’s closest with hestia and poseidon. hestia since they were twins, both burdened with the title of eldest and the role of comforting their younger siblings. hades also got along with poseidon in fathers stomach, since the younger always seemed to enjoy hugs, which hades was never afraid to give. though of course, some distance had been added to his bond with the others as they had aged- as all siblings do.
# — during his time in their father’s stomach, the first person he spoke to was the darkness itself: erebus. it was dark all around them, and the personification of it all was there and nowhere. so when hades eventually made it to the underworld, he wasn’t turned away- he was considered kin.
# — over the thousands of years of their existence, hades never hinted or shown any signs of desiring marriage- similar to hestia. though the rumor mill got a bit confused when they saw how close he and prometheus were, and how withdrawn the underworld sovereign became when prometheus was imprisoned.
# — surprisingly enough, hades and zeus actually had a decent relationship. hades was never one for conflict, merely wished to his own duties and remain out of drama. since hades never really had a childhood with zeus, he sometimes finds himself indulging the younger god in favors (almost as if to try and build a sibling bond they never got to deepen)
# — while hades is able to handle his responsibilities of the underworld easily, he is not the best socially. He tends to keep his words short with people he doesn’t really know, he keeps things civil and polite. only when they reach a deeper friendship will they unlock the sarcastic nature of hades. (hades also deeply worries over his siblings, but doesn’t outright admits it, and instead usually just offers gifts to soothe them nowadays)
# — out of all of his nephews and nieces, he has a bit of a bias for hermes, the young messenger never outwardly did anything to upset him; and was a rather joyous presence to the land of winter below the earth. this is part of the reason why he lets hermes borrow his helm.
# — aside from hermes, hades likes ares, and Eileithyia. he was there for the ceremonies of their birth, something he wasn’t able to do as often as he wished because of his responsibilities in the underworld. (if he had his way, he would have attended more of hera and zeus’s ceremonies for their children, but alas he couldn’t- which led to a bit of a rumor of him being uncaring).
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ekmosteresi · 1 year
In a close intimate relationship with my sorrows
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ekmosteresi · 1 year
my love is dark, but its yours.
Hades could not be blamed for his bias. Zeus was his youngest brother, the one that had saved them, and the first face he had ever seen. It made sense that he was swept up in a doomed love, destined to never get closer.
or: hades is filled with self-loathing and tries to justify his solitude.
Hades could only stare into the mirror for what felt like an eternity. He sighed and put his hands to his hair, combing out the minor tangles in his dark locks. He sometimes wished he kept his hair as short as his brothers, if only to keep it out of his way and neat, but quickly moved on from that train of thought as he knew he'd miss the feeling of it along his back. When his hands could finally run smoothly through his hair, he moved his attention to his dreadful eyes.
Why couldn't he have had some form of blue eyes like his brothers? Or perhaps a brown, like his sisters? Either would've been far better than the emerald sheen of his eyes, far too similar to the green of his father's. 
After realizing he couldn't do much to his eyes other than outlining them with kohl, he took a step back from the glass. He truly looked like a corpse, he disdainfully thought. With skin as pale as bone, and hair so black that it even put the darkness of Erebus to shame. His form was so skeletal, with barely any muscle other than a lean tone. 
His self-depreciation lasted a couple more minutes before he finally lost all energy to care. He should just leave his domain already and get this whole affair done with.
After years of silence, his siblings had invited him to an event on Olympos, quite an important one- since it's not every day that your brother gets married for the sixth time! To his sister, nonetheless. He didn't even get any warning or told beforehand, they just had the Golden-winged messenger fly down and send an invitation!
They never even had a courtship from what he's heard- Hera has always rejected any suitor's advances, and Zeus even had a marriage not long ago! It doesn't make sense. 
He was curious and frustrated about what caused the match, but it was a pointless endeavor, he wouldn't gain answers by himself. He could only sigh in annoyance and grit his teeth.
Perhaps he was just too jealous to realize he had missed something between the two. He didn't leave the Underworld often, after all. It'd make sense for the two to have a connection beyond siblings... They both held dominion over the skies and beauty unrivaled. 
Perfect, Cow eyed Hera. His youngest sister, how he envies her. He could only hate himself for this wicked jealousy he felt toward her. It was not her fault that Hades was undesirable and alone, it was not her fault that she obtained happiness.
Fuck, what is he doing? Letting his feelings affect his relationship with his sister. Such a pathetic thing. 
Perhaps he shouldn't go.
He'd only lower the happiness of his siblings with his presence, he has always been far too gloomy. Hera doesn't deserve to be the subject of his ire just because he's petty. He'd only ruin the moment by showing up. 
He could just send a gift, that would probably be alright. Yes, that'd likely be acceptable. Very last minute, but he could just send some excuse that there's a situation that must be prioritized! 
Perhaps it's a coward's way out, but it's a viable option. What's another thousand years before he sees them again, anyway. He wouldn't haft to see them celebrate a day of joy, to see the one he loved with another.
It was so easy to forget that Zeus fell in love many times over the years and very easy to avoid. Sometimes he could just imagine- No! He must stop these useless thoughts, there's no point wishing for the impossible.
... Though, Zeus might be upset if he missed his wedding. Hades had arrived at all of the others, he'd always seemed glad to see him. Whenever Hades saw him he always graced him with a smile, and a gentle hug that disappears as quickly as it arrived. 
He misses him, Hades admits reluctantly. Just seeing a glimpse of his bright brother always brought him joy. Zeus' presence brought greater light than Helios, his profound yet gentle laugh that would bounce across the room, everything about him was far too perfect. 
What he wouldn't do for Zeus. He brought the age of winter at his request, fought for him at his command. He had beheaded the crooked one for a chance at his hand. A foolish hope, but a small desire. 
Hades could only spend the rest of his time thinking, before he made his choice.
Hades calls for his chariot to be summoned, only the fastest of his horses will guide it. He has a wedding to attend.
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ekmosteresi · 1 year
the children of cronus and rhea
they were all close once, the godlings, in a time long forgotten. A time when air was limited and light was unknown. The only constant things were the blindness and the warm of the others.
Sweet Hestia was the first to fall, her burning soul gave Cronus heart burn. Her fire was always burning, her rage was all demanding. But like every flame, without air they flicker out
Mourning Hades was the next to join Hestia in the depths of their father. His quiet words were his only gift to the little flame. He could not provide comfort for long, every word he spoke left him gasping for breath, later all that he could give was his presence, to let her breathe.
Blessed Demeter joined not long after. Her arrival brought new life, a new dash of hope. She offered little plants to the elder siblings, and for a while they grew. This gift of hers let them rest without worry, but the turbulent stomach of their father quickly destroyed them
Volatile Poseidon was the fourth child to be consumed by their father, and like the others he was not happy about it. His moods went by quickly, his rage could only be tempered by the embrace of another. The eldest brother was a silent figure, but a warm one. The sea could do nothing but cry in his arms for their dreadful fate.
Cow eyed Hera was the last. By the time she arrived, her siblings were fully grown. The others had accepted their fate, and so all they could do was hold little Hera in their arms. She did not grow quickly like the others, she did not embrace this prison as their only future like them.
The stomach of Cronus was not a pleasant place to be, much less live. It was hard to breath, impossible to see, difficult to live in. All that could be done back then was sit, sit and cry and mourn. They all dealt with their fate differently. Some raged but eventually were silenced by dread, some hoped for escape but drowned that believe with acid in their lungs.
The siblings only had each other. There were no warm hugs of a mother to ease their mental wounds, there were no gentle yet stern words of a father to guide them. Only a hushed flame, a silent shadow, a dying flower, and a Dead Sea. The only light left was kept in a child’s eyes, the only ones that would not remember this dark time in the future.
While they did not know much, they knew they enjoyed the gentle touch of hestia, hesitant but a constant presence. they welcomed the embrace of hades, a soothing place that let them rest. the presence of demeter always invigorated them with life, let them escape from the toxic fumes. poseidons words had granted them the desire for vengeance once more. the appearance of hera had let them grow once more, fueled their plan for escape.
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ekmosteresi · 2 years
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blog is run by gene (he / they). all posts with triggering content will be tagged for example as “death tw”. If you wish for me to add another tag for filtering, let me know. this blog may contain dark themes, be warned. i will honesty most likely use this blog for getting all of my ideas / lore / relationships w/ other characters down, so this blog may look a bit messy.
some pairings from canon mythology will not take place on this blog, such as persephone / hades. A main pairing that may pop up here will be MLM. this blog will also probably be heavily head-canon based.
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