Why is Sans elles the best song from Le Rouge et le Noir in my opinion?
Honestly, it's the song that sealed my empathy for Julien.
Yes, the song is angry but you can feel how much that anger is just a facade for Julien's desperation and fear of getting hurt.
It's the moment you realize that he's not just a cold manipulator that fell in love on accident that one time, but that he's really just a kid who's been hurt many times and has learned to reject everything that hurts him, even though his heart doesn't really want to.
We already know he's been hurt by the society around him and we know how much he despises it and how much he wants to rebel against it.
And then we see him get hurt by a woman and by love so he automatically tries to reject both of those as well (that's literally what Dans le noir je vois rouge is about).
Being rejected by both makes him feel like no one could ever want him as anything else than a trained animal who can recite the Bible in Latin by heart.
But now he sees another woman is interested in him (or at least he thinks so) and it confuses him so much, because of course he wants to be loved, but he’s convinced no one ever will love him. He wants to stay safe but what if he’s letting his only opportunity for love pass through his fingers?
He tries to keep up the same walls he uses to protect himself from society's injustices (he immediately thinks Mathilde - and all women for that matter - just want to use him for their own benefit and pleasure, which is the same thought process he has with noblemen) but at the same time he has the heart of a lover. Of an artist. That’s literally what Geronimo tells him.
He yells at women to leave him alone but you know he's actually BEGGING them. He's begging them to leave him alone, because if they don't, he won't be able to keep those walls of anger and bitterness that protect him stable and they will crumble around him. He will be exposed and vulnerable and he's terrified of that.
And then there’s the sword. Oh my god the sword.
He tries to make himself believe, “his ideas soar much higher” without them but we can visually SEE he doesn’t believe that.
When he sings that in the second chorus, he’s holding his sword, he examines it and smiles to himself. It’s pretty clear the sword is a representation of his ideals, considering his ideals are literally revolution and revenge on the nobility, the higher classes. They are perhaps just but unforgiving and violent ideals. Then the bridge comes, when he falls to his knees and repeats “de l’air, de l’air, sans elles, sans elles” several times. He’s literally having trouble breathing, even though he thought he could “breathe again” without women. He realizes he can’t breathe AT ALL without them. And then he sings only half of the chorus. He doesn’t say his ideals rise much higher, he just says “without them, my ideals...” and examines the sword again. He says he can save his skin but he doesn’t say he can breathe again. And then he throws the sword away.
In the last chorus, he just says his ideals rise much higher again but he doesn’t talk about saving himself.
He realizes that while he is safe without them, he won’t really be alive. He won’t be able to breathe as freely as he thought.
He knows his ideals would thrive without them, but he also realizes they are ideals driven by hate. And when given the choice between certain hate and potential love... He chooses love.
Now, just to be clear, I am in no way trying to romanticize Julien. He's still manipulative and he still has unchecked anger issues (oh yeah, shooting madame de Rênal, remember?). But this number really makes you realize how tragic of a hero he is. Giving him a few sad songs is one thing. Showing the sadness through his anger? YES.
Also it makes him a really relatable for me, with the whole trying-to-protect-myself-with-anger-even-though-I-am-deeply-lonely-and-sad-because-I'm-scared-of-getting-hurt-again-and-of-not-even-being-able-to-be-loved thing but that's besides the point.
Tl;dr: Sans elles gives us a great characterization of Julien Sorel; of both his good and bad qualities. Also, it is an anthem for everyone with repressed feelings of attraction (Hello, LGBTQ community) and is an absolute banger.
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Stop ignoring the truth, Percy Shelley is the superior Romantic
This blog is a strict #JohnKeatsStanBlog and I STAND by my word that John Keats is the greatest of the Romantics because you can't argue with a FACT.
Fellow John Keats stans where are you? We must unite.
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Nebinární solidarita
Holka? Kluk? Roj včel? Je to tajemství :)
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This post really aged like fine wine in 2020
Do y'all remember that ONE Victime de ma victoire performance (Paris, 26. 9. 2014), where Flo sounded like he was both drunk and going insane, basically beat his jacked to death and the girl who sang the chorus was trying to sound all elegant and sophisticated while Flo was singing like he actually caused someone’s death?
Cause, mood.
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the canon ending is not real i do not see it
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Me, playing the Mafia I for the first time and loving it: :)
Me, wanting to draw fanart: :)
Every single significant character: *is a generic white dude with short black hair, in a suit, making it fucking impossible to distinguish them in a stylized art style*
Me: :(
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“I like everything super neat and organized and I work really hard and do my best on every task I’m such a perfectionist Haha :D”
No. That is not perfectionism. That is healthy and wonderful, you go mate. Perfectionism can look incredibly messy and below average lazy. 
Perfectionism can look like the PERFECT notes like fresh out of the printer the first week of the semester and after one day you couldn’t keep up with taking pretty notes the rest becomes a pile of loose papers in the most unreadable handwriting all over the place. Perfectionism can look like PERFECT grades, straight A’s until you get a B once and from that point on just not caring about that class at all anymore and your grades getting worse and worse. Perfectionism can be getting really excited about an interesting assignment, planning the PERFECT presentation/essay/…that would blow everyone away, not getting that done in time and instead of turning it into something absolutely adequate not handing in anything at all and having to deal with the consequences. Perfectionism is never participating in class because if your answer is not PERFECT then it’s not worth saying at all.
Perfectionism is having the most PERFECT detailed images in your head but never actually starting any project because you know you’d never reach that. Perfectionism is finally starting a thing, being so excited and proud of yourself but once a tiny mistake happens the whole thing is ruined for you, suddenly it feels completely worthless and you abandon it. Perfectionism isn’t cute and funny. It is paralyzing. It robs you of the opportunity to start somewhere and get better. It sabotages your growth. It prevents you from learning to deal with mistakes. It sucks the joy out of things you love. It is crippling fear of criticism and inadequacy.  And it takes incredibly hard work to unlearn and rethink.
But please do that work, it is so worth it, I promise! I want to see what you’ve got stored up in that amazing mind of yours and what you are capable of.
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