A little lost Florian crawls into your ask box and hands you a flower. "Hi Peo! I came to visit!"
“Hm…?” Peony was surprised to see the Fon Master Ion replica pay him a visit and only smiled when he was handed the flower. The emperor kindly took the flower and beamed down at the shorter male.
“Thank you, Florian! I see you’re sticking to that nickname… How’ve you been lately?”
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Peony gave a short laugh as the animal nuzzled his neck as he sat up and gently nudged him off of him. "Come on, we'll go for a walk around the city." He pushed himself up onto his feet and gestured for Jade to follow as he went for the bedroom door.
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  “Don’t act like that.” Peony scolded lightly as he could tell the animal had taken some offence to his comment. He found it delightful how much Rappigs expressed what they were feeling- almost like a human. “It’s true- you’re not the same Rappig-let I adopted so long ago. Your full-grown now…” 
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 peonys-little-jade said: [[why not both]]
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Hm... I like how you think, Rappig-mun ;D
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"Hm... Do I take the Rappigs on a late-night walk or do I go bother Dist and Jade..."
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"Don't act like that." Peony scolded lightly as he could tell the animal had taken some offence to his comment. He found it delightful how much Rappigs expressed what they were feeling- almost like a human. "It's true- you're not the same Rappig-let I adopted so long ago. Your full-grown now..." 
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  Peony pushed his nose against the Rappig’s as Jade began to settle down. He then draped his arm over the back of the Rappig before letting his head fall back on the floor. The emperor let out a cheerful sigh. “You know, you’re getting too big for this.” He joked.
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Peony pushed his nose against the Rappig's as Jade began to settle down. He then draped his arm over the back of the Rappig before letting his head fall back on the floor. The emperor let out a cheerful sigh. "You know, you're getting too big for this." He joked.
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 peonys-little-jade said: *licks nose*
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Peony laughed as he curved his arm around the Rappig and pulled him out from under the bed. “Come here, Jade.” The emperor lifted the creature up as he laid  down on his back and set the Rappig down on his stomach. “What’s wrong?” He stroked the animal’s head gently.
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 peonys-little-jade said: *licks nose*
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Peony laughed as he curved his arm around the Rappig and pulled him out from under the bed. "Come here, Jade." The emperor lifted the creature up as he laid  down on his back and set the Rappig down on his stomach. "What's wrong?" He stroked the animal's head gently.
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*bolts through room and dives under bed*
Peony was startled by the Rappig suddenly bursting into his room. The emperor got down on his hands and knees to gaze under his bed at the creature. “Jade… What has gotten into you?”
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Anion smirked. "Cursed Emperor." Sync frowned. "Damn Emperor." Ion sighed. "Those aren't petnames!" Florian waved his hand excitedly. "PEO!! PEO!! EMPEROR PEO!!" Ion giggled. "Peo~ I like it~"
Peony looked around to see himself surrounded by quite a few familiar faces. “I have no issues with being called Peo, I suppose although I don’t understand why my name would need to be shortened…”
“As for you, Anion and Sync… You two might want to work on your naming.”
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"Hm? I wasn't aware that I was a part of this Victoria Secret thing. Care to enlighten me?"
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Have you ever gotten Lil Peony stuck bottle.
“I’m sorry I don’t quite understand the question…”
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Do you prefer G-Strings or Fundoshi (They're FUUUUN)
“Ha! Wouldn’t you like to know.”
((Ven I will hurt you.))
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*nuzzles leg then struts off to headbutt Saphir*
“Hm? Where are you off to, Jade?”
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Emperor PePe
“Uh… Please don’t let this escape Palace Gates.”
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Give my muse a petname and see how they react
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As Peony began walking with Guy back towards the palace he began to remember when he met Guy and Luke for the first time. They had seemed so close and spoke of each other quite fondly that it made him think of how he, Jade, and Nephry had been back in Keterburg. Sadly though, Peony had grown apart from Jade’s younger sister despite her being the emperor’s first love. He had been able to maintain a relationship with Jade however Peony could probably thank Jade’s military job for that.
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“Honestly… Sometimes I can’t fathom how Jade managed to put up with me for over twenty years.  It’s strange; he’s so distant and I couldn’t imagine what it’d be like should be switch status. If Jade was the heir to Malkuth I wonder how the public would view him as their leader. I know I wouldn’t last very long in a military position.” Peony laughed happily as she thought of the strange notion.
Peony looked beside him to Guy. “You and Luke are close as well and you two are nothing alike. Luke seems like he has much more to learn and is still a child in many ways. You’re much more mature although I’m sure you have those childish tendencies as well. Like trying to refrain from using high honorifics with me- which you are doing very well with might I add.”
As they came closer to the palace many citizens of the Capital would give a wave or a bright smile to the Emperor while visitors to the city would bow quaintly. Peony was a kind ruler and did his best for his people which in turn earned him the adoration of those who were citizens of Malkuth. However none knew of the hidden Score which predicted the emperor’s oncoming demise. Peony quickly pushed back the haunting words into the depths of his mind and walked into the palace as the guards opened the doors for him and his company.
  The blond’s lips parted then, as his mind glazed over the Emperor’s valid point. True, his first impression of Luke had been doomed to go wrong from the start, seeing as how a once youthful Guy had been fueled by revenge from Hod’s destruction. But as he continued to serve under the redhead, he had proved himself wrong in that he would maintain an emboldened distance from the other. He had managed to smile, to laugh, to revel in the other’s company. And it was precisely because of those times that he had started to second-guess his vengeful acts. And ultimately, that same decision had had an impact on where he was now: safe, and placed within a freed world.
“Such wise words,” he said as an honest smile spread across his face. “But they’re true in every way. If it’s worked with you and Jade, then I can say that it’s also worked for me and Luke as well. Time…really does make a difference.” Guy was soon broken away from his reverie by the slight nudge from an impatient rappig, who seemed antsy to go back home. He turned to look down at the long-eared creature, whose snout was practically digging into his boot.
And seeming to have read his beloved pets’ motions, the Emperor had suggested they go back — and for him to do his work. Guy had felt a bit guilty for pointing out the other’s negligence of his work; after all, he was the Emperor of Malkuth, and one should know when to silence his or her tongue. Yet, Peony always had a certain comfortable air about him, especially when his personality was pitted against the intimidating King Ingober VI.
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“Oh, sure! Maybe you can even discuss what I need to know and do in order to take care of your rappigs. Like, what they like to do, what they eat, and…well.” He turned to look down at the creatures, who were ambling after the blond duo on their stubby legs. “…Maybe you can tell me who is who, heh.”
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^Same Mun^
Hey everyone~!
I’m finally back from New York state and had a fantastic time up there. I’ll start replies soon (hopefully) after I upload all my stuff to Facebook and catch up on news and stuff.
Recently there was a terrorist attack in Boston which is VERY close to home. It went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. So I might be going to a few benefit concerts to help families pay for their medical bills. Injuries included many losing limbs with nails, scrap metal, and various objects being lodged into many bystanders. Luckily no one I know was injured however this is still troubling.
Anyways, I’m back and will most likely have some replies by the end of the night.
Time to see what shenanigans I missed.
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