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you heard him
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Adults dating adults is not a problem. Like I'm 22 and if I wanna date a 50yo that's my prerogative
you'll turn 30 someday, and then feel grossed out by the concept of dating even a 22 year old, realizing how huge the chasm is between those life stages. and then you'll think of it again in a few years, and again. the more time goes by, the more you feel like college-aged kids really do seem like "kids". and then you'll be 44, and the idea of men your age dating girls as young as 20 will make you nauseous, because they'll mostly look like kids to you. in appearance, but even moreso in behavior. middle-aged men (particularly famous men) consistently dating women as young as possible without being illegal is not a situation of "adults dating adults", it's a pattern in a pedophilic society that says that 18 year old girls are the hottest and most desireable, women are old when they turn 26, and it's "totally normal" for men to lust after girls who are young enough to be their biological children please re-prioritize why you felt the need to justify a celebrity's pattern of dating women who are barely even old enough to drink, to me, a person who is not your friend.
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The phrase, "everyone except workers" reminds me of that one poll that said AOC was unpopular with "everyone except women, poc, young people, and LGBTQ people." Like such a circuitous to say they think older cishet white men are the default everyone, with all else being an abberation.
Like "everyone except workers" is just bosses, executives, and investors. Aka people that profit off of work without actually doing it, which is a far smaller group than workers are.
"The people that don't actually do the work don't like this thing that makes the lives of the people that actually do the work better," is probably a less appealing headline to the readers of Fortune Magazine.
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#QuietQuitting sounds like capitalists complaining about their waning exploitation.
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I’m not trying to turn your kids trans; that’s stupid. I’m trying to turn them into socialists.
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“why do i believe this” and “who benefits from me believing it” are the first steps to decolonization and we should all be doing this more
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if u are reading this i am pouring positive vibes on u from a lil watering can
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peace at home 🌷📚 🐈
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It’s okay to grieve for lost potential.
It’s okay to grieve for time spent surviving instead of living.
It’s okay to wish you could go back and change the past.
And it’s okay if you don’t feel up to it yet, but one day you’ll be able to stand up and decide to create a new future to make up for it. 💞
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John Green and his brother were created as part of a secret government program that aimed to create the world's first youth pastor for atheists
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You are not weak for feeling the weight of everything that you are carrying.
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so much care put into housing this aging spider. why are my eyes wet
(tiktok link)
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I still think the funniest phenomenon in American politics is conservatives doing everything in their power to create the kind of society where your employer can fire you over social media posts and face no repercussions and then crying and pissing and shitting their pants when they get fired from their jobs over social media posts.
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