endlesstales · 6 years
Are you serious!?
I was just watching a WatchMojo video on YouTube and I just ended up thinking "WTF!?". Why? Well, it was due to one of the entries on the list. The video is called Top 10 Hated Disney Animated Shows; that entry is Gravity Falls. Seriously? How is one of the greatest cartoons of modern days one of the most "hated Disney shows". I know I'm not the only one who is annoyed because there are so many comments that are angry about the inclusion of Gravity Falls.
What do readers of this think about Gravity Falls?
I see that the video has 1000s more hates than likes, and I think that's because of Gravity Falls being on the list.
Ok. The video is almost 4 years old now, but I only just realized that it was made. Good job pissing off 1000s of people, WatchMojo.
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endlesstales · 6 years
Making your mother proud?
I'm sure by now that a lot of you have heard of the 9-year-old who calls herself "Lil Tay". I saw this morning, on an SSSniperWolf video that this "bad ass" 9-year-old isn't as bad ass as she tries to make herself out to be. One of the videos showed her almost crying. That video can be viewed here. I'm a little confused by this video though. She says that she's trying to spread "positivity", and is just trying to make her “mother proud”. How is swearing, saying the N-word, and bragging that you're rich (even though you aren't) going to make your mother proud? You'd think a parent would be proud if you were getting good grades school, or doing chores and such. You'd have to be a very poor parent if swearing, saying the N-word countless times, bragging about being rich, and basically offending every person struggling to live day to day is making you proud. Geez. Also, how is any of this stuff spreading any kind of positivity?
In the end, all you're going to achieve is getting your ass kicked by someone who gets majorly offended by what you're saying. Would your parents really be proud if you end up in a hospital all battered and bruise, possible on the edge of death? Hell no. They're going to be disappointed and extremely upset. I'll never understand why people acting like a "bad ass" worth it. Way too many kids and teens are doing it these days that it's majorly pathetic now. Do something positive; something worthwhile. Quit acting like some "bad ass" online when you know that, in real life, you're not as bad ass as you try to be online. You're possibly going to offend someone in real life, and if they meet you, or live near you, they may kick the shit out of you. Is it really worth that risk? I don't think so. But eh...maybe some of these people may think it is worth it. Who knows?
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endlesstales · 6 years
End of the World...again?
Ok. I Vented about this yesterday but figured I should blog about it here too.
So, how is it going to happen now?
I was watching a time slip video on YouTube when I found out about this. After the video had finished, it switched to another video about some message from the black box of Malaysia Flight 370, which crashed sometime in 2014. This box supposedly called someone’s cell phone with a message, told in phonetic code, that aliens are going to be attacking the Earth on the 18th April, and clearly, we’re all doomed...again.
How many more “predictions” are we going to get. We had Y2K; we have the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012. Now we have alien destruction on the 18th April. I’m sure that day will pass and absolutely NOTHING will happen. What’s coming next? 23rd June 2023 when we all die of shock due to a poodle exploding from a hug? For fuck sake people. Quit with this end of the world bullshit!
Because of this, I decided to read up on upcoming end of the world events. It seems like there’s quite a few for 2018. Apparently, there’s some passage in the Bible that says we’re doomed in 2018. No idea what the passage is that states this, but I reckon someone who is religious probably knows where this supposedly is. Nostradamus supposedly has a couple for this year too. One is World War 3, and another is an asteroid is going to wipe us all out. But eh, I don’t think anything will happen.
I’m sure some people will be panicking about Nostradamus’s predictions since he supposedly predicted the rise of Hitler and stuff. But in the end, none of those were really true. They were all just an “in hindsight” thing. They just seem like hypothetical things. You could interpret his “visions” in anything really. Just link them to some event after it’s already happened.
So, how many people are going to freak out about this year due to these “predictions” or idiotic Internet rumors?
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endlesstales · 6 years
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Here are 3 photos I took today of the building in which the event from 3 days ago. You can see from the close up of the front door that a window had been broken. I have no idea what that was from. You wonder whether it was the police busting the window in to access the house, or whether the screaming woman was slammed into that window. I’d assume it was the police breaking in, but you never know, huh?
I still hope that there will be some news on this whole thing sometime soon.
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endlesstales · 7 years
What's happening?: 3 days later.
Ok. It's 3 days after my post about the event that happened in town. There's still no news anywhere about what happened. Because of this, I now wish I'd have gone up to the police and asked what had happened. I could have just apologized if I was being too nosy.
I think when the weather is nicer, I'll head back down to the area where this happened and snap a few photos, just so I at least have something to show to readers interested in this situation.
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endlesstales · 7 years
What's happening?
When I went to the shop not too long ago, I saw a police car heading down toward the store. A cop entered the store just before me and asked if he could borrow their defibrillator. On the way home, I saw another police car head down the same road followed by an ambulance. Due to forgetting to buy more electricity, I headed down to the store again, but I took a different route just to see if I could see where these vehicles were heading. I saw where they were and was amazed by the number of vehicles there. There were 4 police cars and 2 ambulances.
I wanted to walk up to the scene and ask what was happening, but I decided not to just in case that got me in trouble. I stayed back and watched for a little while, and as a couple who'd come down from that direction, I asked if they knew what was going on. They said they heard a female screaming a lot, and that all the police there were wearing those rubber gloves. So I guess whatever was happening, it can't even be remotely good.
4 police cars, 2 ambulances, screaming, defibrillator, cops wearing rubber gloves...what the fuck happened? I guess I won't know until tomorrow when I'm sure there will be something in the news. I just hope that this isn't going to be a death in the news...
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endlesstales · 7 years
When will she come home?
It's been over a week now since my girlfriend ended up in the hospital. Yesterday, her Mom and I were told that she was going to be released from the hospital today. However, I had about 3 different calls from her Mom saying 3 different things.
At about 10:00, I was told that she would not be coming back home today. At about 14:00, I heard that now she WOULD be allowed to come home. About 5 minutes after that, I was told that she would not be coming home today. How many fucking times did they have to change their mind?
We heard that she would definitely be released tomorrow. The problem with that is that my Mom won't be able to collect her from the hospital tomorrow as she is busy for the entire day. So - a plan on getting her home will have to be made by her Mom. This probably means that they will have to get a taxi to the train station and then a train back to here. The question is though: will she definitely be able to come home tomorrow? We've been told a few times now that she would be able to return home only to find out the next day that she would not be coming home.
We were told today that she would 100% coming out tomorrow, but I don't believe that at all. I'm sure I'll probably get a phone call from her Mom tomorrow saying "She's not going to be coming home...again."
Both her Mom and I are going to be fucking pissed tomorrow if this release is once again canceled.
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endlesstales · 7 years
A week without her
Ever since New Years Day - my girlfriend has been in the hospital. It took a few days before they even knew what the hell was wrong with her. After a few days, her Mom was told that it was Colitis. Now, we're just waiting to hear when she can finally come home. I think it will probably be a few more days since she really needs to get back into eating correctly. Until that happens, I seriously doubt that she'll be released from the hospital.
I found out earlier that she's asked her Mom to come all the way down from Scotland because she would like both myself and her mother there to accompany her. So - her Mom is going to be staying at my place. I'm going to feel a little bad about this since the only place she'll be able to sleep in this apartment will be the couch. I feel bad about making her have to sleep on the couch, but there's nothing else I can really do. There are a few hotels around, but they tend to cost a lot of cash; cash that neither her Mom or I have.
I'm just hoping that my girlfriend will be able to come home sometime soon.
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endlesstales · 7 years
I finished watching the entire ReBoot series earlier today and damn did it disappoint me. Why? It's because the final episode ends on a cliffhanger. You hear the main villain, Megabyte, saying that everyone should prepare for the hunt. Why did it end at that? Why didn't they continue with a few more episodes? I'm really curious what would have happened after that episode. What a letdown. It's such a disappointment when one of your favorite shows ends on a huge cliffhanger.
I wonder how many people reading this were fans of ReBoot. If you enjoyed the show, were you disappointed by the major cliffhanger?
I've seen the complete series of ReBoot in the past and I completely forgot that it ended on one hell of a cliffhanger. I guess at the time of the episode, people just weren't watching the show as much, which sucks because right now I'd like to see how it would have continued.
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endlesstales · 7 years
What's wrong?
The past few days have really been kind of horrible. My girlfriend has constantly been sick; gagging and vomiting quite a bit. I've no idea what has been happening. Of all the times this whole thing could have started, it had to start not long before Christmas, huh?
It really makes me wonder if I can even get her to come with my siblings and nephew to the visit we're going to have to see my father. We have until Thursday 28th to try to get her to feel better, but I sadly don't think I'm going to manage. I really hate this whole thing; having to leave her home alone yet again. We were going to head into the nearby town so I could sort out some things with the bank, but due to her constantly vomiting, I had to leave her behind. I hate the feeling that I'll have to leave her home alone once again on the 28th, but I guess I'll have no choice if she is still like this.
The question I have is: What the hell is wrong with her?
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endlesstales · 7 years
Inside Out
I just got finished watching the Pixar movie Inside Out. This got me to thinking about what emotion would be mainly in control of the mind console in my mind (if this kind of thing was real). I think it would either be Joy, due to constantly joking around and being silly or Sadness due to my caring and empathetic side. I think it would be Joy though.
This makes me curious about other peoples' thoughts on their own. This all depends on how many readers of this have actually seen the movie. If you haven't, then this whole thing may not make any sense to you. Anyway, if you have seen the movie, which of the 5 basic emotions would you think if the main one for yourself? Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust or Anger?
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endlesstales · 7 years
Dear David: What is this?
I watched a video by SSSniperWolf today that seems pretty damn creepy. It was posted to her channel yesterday. The title? DEAR DAVID GHOST STORY (FULL STORY). It's about this very bizarre Twitter account that is talking about a ghost named David who has been haunting this guy for about 4-5 months now. It really creeped me out as it got further and further into the video. You can also tell that it creeped SSSniperWolf out quite a bit too.
After watching the video, I decided to look for this guy's Twitter account. Here it is: Adam Ellis. What the hell is going on at this guy's apartment?
Since this has been going on since August, I'm sure that there are several people who already know about all of this. What are your thoughts on these extremely bizarre events?
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endlesstales · 7 years
Right now I am so worried about where this month is heading. Why? Because I am getting lower on money than I usually do. I think the main reason behind this is because of a huge amount of cash being taken out in order to pay for my TV Licence, which sucks majorly.
So now I'm wondering what I should do. I guess I'll just have to get a lot less food for the rest of the month until I get more money. What a fucking pain in the ass this is starting to become. I hate months like this. I just end up in a major fucking panic, which I honestly don't think is going to help my epilepsy. It's getting to the point where I may end up having a full-blown seizure. :( God fucking damn it.
One thing I should really do now is to search the apartment for any cash that may be laying around. Hopefully, there will be quite a bit around to ease this worry.
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endlesstales · 7 years
Thriller: Extremely thrilling!
I had a great laugh earlier when I saw a Google Translate version of Michael Jackson's Thriller by Malinda Kathleen Reese. As one of the comments reads, the song basically sounds like a very optimistic sister trying to cheer up her emo, ecological sister.
It's definitely worth checking out.
As Malinda tells you at the start of the video, thrill can mean a couple of different things; it could be creepy-like, or it could be happy-like. So, Google Translate couldn't seem to understand whether the song was spooky, or upbeat and happy.
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endlesstales · 7 years
I've recently been playing this game after my girlfriend purchased it for me on Steam, and I just love the 90s references that can be found. So far, I've seen a few references in Joey's room. There's a doll of one of the Wuzzles, a Snork doll, a couple of My Little Pony figures. There are a few posters of old movies in her room too.
Another thing I saw was a reference to a cartoon I loved to watch: ReBoot. I've no idea if anyone would even have any idea about the show.
I can't wait to see the next act for the game.
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endlesstales · 7 years
David Mead
Ok. I found the post again. The guy's name is David Mead. The reason behind this version of the "End of the World" is that it was in the Book of Revelation, so it's a bible thing. Also, the countdown is not 45 days at all. This is supposed to be happening on the 23rd September.
So, since it's a bible thing, how many Christians reading this believe in this version of the end of the world?
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endlesstales · 7 years
End of the World...again?
I've no idea exactly what the time is for this time, but I saw yesterday (12th September) on my girlfriend's Facebook page that this one guy, whose name I've forgotten, is claiming that the world is once again going to end. When? At the time, it was claimed that this would be roughly in about 45 days.
I'm wondering now about how many times the world was supposed to have ended now. 2000, 2012...there's probably been several other times, but the 2000s have received a lot of claims within a very little amount of time.
So, the 3rd time since 2000 that we're going to see the world end now, in about 44/43 days from now.
Anyone believe in this shit?
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