enigmaticmisfits · 8 months
Someone has to help keep everyone else in line - mod Erik
I often feel... out of place on this website. While I do not desire these things it is a strange feeling being the only Legendary on this site who is neither traumatized nor a "chaos gremlin" as my Chosen would put it.
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enigmaticmisfits · 10 months
Sorry for taking a break. I just went no contact with my mom and needed a little bit to process. Tomorrow I'll get back on Fear The Reaper shenanigans starting with the Experiment 20 log.
If you're waiting on me I apologize.
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
Honestly? Interacting with others is how it's done on this site. Engagement doesn't come to you, it's a mutual thing. It takes a bit of getting used to but you get used to it eventually! /kind + genuine - Mod Erik
any ideas on how to get more engagement in this place?/srs
(also I still have 14 eggvolos to give out if anyone wants one)
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
New Ask Game
Alright we did childhood memories time for some recent memories! Send me a 📀 to see a recent memory of my muse (doesn't have to be super recent just more recent than childhood). If you can't see the emoji just send "DVD". Remember to send an ask to the person you reblogged this from.
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
Though wouldn't it be a bit overkill to have them have that too? Like they've already got aura powers, they're fighting/steel (I think), I feel like shapeshifting/illusions would just be too overpowered. - Mod Erik
Screw anybody could be a Zoroark, how about anybody could be a Lucario.
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
I mean, not really? Unless aura lets you create illusions or shapeshift -Mod Erik
Screw anybody could be a Zoroark, how about anybody could be a Lucario.
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
"its fine if that's what you do, just know that i don't like or respect you and i never will." So same as always? /j - Mod Erik
Opinion on birbs and borbs?
look, my whole thing is birds. i'm with birds from sun-up until i go to sleep at night.
i don't call them silly things like "birb" because they're real creatures that i engage with , and i'm a grown man who knows how to express his interest in pokemon without portraying it through a cutesy filter.
its fine if that's what you do, just know that i don't like or respect you and i never will.
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
Subway pre recorded message: Reminder that backpacks and other large containers are subject to random search. The MTA and New York Police can and will kill you
Subway conductor giving message: *ding* bobo mimimi, mooomoo bogie binted, bogos binted
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
So I’ve been playing a lot of Masters EX… here’s a fun ask game :D
“If my character(s) we’re in Pokémon masters EX…” Ask game!
Sync pairs can only have one Pokémon in battle. Which member of their team would your character team up with as a Sync pair?
Strike, Tech, Support. The three roles sync pairs fall under, which one would your character fall under? (If doing strike, specify physical or special)
A team consists of 3 sync pairs. Which canon sync pair would your character team up with?
A staple of any Pokémon game, moves! What would your character’s moveset be?
It wouldn’t be a sync pair without a sync move. What would your character’s sync move be, and are there any special effects that it grants?
Theme skills! Obviously there’s the type, but what other theme skills would your character have? Non EX players, here’s a guide
Characters return with new sync pair combos as seasonal outfits and Sygna suits. Which Pokémon would your character team up with in this alternative version?
Sync pair stories, a way for the player to understand the sync pair better. What kind of story would your character’s sync pair have?
Please remember to ask the person you reblogged this from! Give everyone some love
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enigmaticmisfits · 11 months
Holy fucking shit we finally found her! A post of Leinwen's came across our dash. Scrolled through and there she was. We reached out but she hasn't replied yet. Fucking hell I thought we'd never find her. - Mod Frankie
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enigmaticmisfits · 1 year
Sorry we went quiet there for a bit. Frankie was checking out something in Kanto and got a lead. He was going to post about it but then Team Winter happened.
Thankfully we're all fine physically at least. We'll get back to regularly scheduled shit posting soon! -Mod Seyrah
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enigmaticmisfits · 1 year
To be fair: even before my life went to shit getting blood out of clothing was a useful skill as accidents happen and pads back then were useless. - Mod Seyrah
Except for yinny, a notable outlier
She is suspiciously unattracted to me for someone who says they're attracted to like, all evil team leaders. P sure she might be a secret straight XD
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enigmaticmisfits · 1 year
Out of Character PSA:
I got a few asks confused about the nature of this blog so I thought I'd take a second to address them:
All of my blogs are crossover in some fashion be they direct hopping from one fandom to another (see: Cael, his aunts, and his father), or through a blending of fandoms like Leinwen, the enigmaticmisfits crew, and Nyx.
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enigmaticmisfits · 1 year
Will do. She's not quite sure what to make of the others yet but I think she'll adjust in no time.
(@enigmaticmisfits mod Danielle) I'd love to give Coral a home. She's got a scar over the same eye I do; though I was lucky enough to avoid going blind in that eye.
alright then, that makes the last of it, we're packing up n heading back to base
Try to clean her charm if you can, hm? Those pink clusters are real stubborn
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enigmaticmisfits · 1 year
//if you're an active pokémon irl blog can you reblog this? it seems like a bunch of the people i used to engage with are inactive now and i'd like to see where the activity is
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enigmaticmisfits · 1 year
Send 📼 to see an early childhood memory of my muse’s
If you can’t see the symbol, send ‘cassette’!
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enigmaticmisfits · 1 year
Project Enigma: Your next stop for wellness
IMPORTANT OOC: This blog is not related to glitchverse and is dead dove; do not eat. Triggers are listed below however I will be using the blanket tag "tw nyx was here" since there's a tag limit and I'm not always good at remembering all the tags. Trigger warnings include human and pokemon experimentation, torture (psychological, emotional, physical), kidnapping, death, murder, manipulation, sadism, blanket animal cruelty, general criminal activity, dehumanization, ableism and body horror. Due to the nature of this blog I'm going to have a hard no interacting with minors rule on here.
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Hello my name is Dr. Nyx Lovelace phd. After hearing of the success that some other businesses have had on here I decided it was time to toss our little center in the ring.
Born and raised in Galar from a young age I found myself fascinated by the resilience of the body. Fourty years ago, After a friend died due to lack of proper treatment, I took an apprenticeship under renown geneticist Dr Nathaniel Essex. From him I learned the power of gene therapy and dove head first into this new field.
I quickly pioneered multiple new methods to improve results and went on to found Project Enigma.
With the help of my fellows we have created a state of the art facility capable of offering personalized care for both humans and their Pokémon partners. We offer a wide range of therapies and other hollistic methods in order to bring you and your pokemon to your best selves.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I do love sharing my passion with others.
Misc ooc:
this is a side blog that follows back from @themerrymutants. I also have 3 other side blogs @untitledswanna, @untitledducklett, and @enigmaticmisfits
I am 28 years old and have been rping for almost a decade now. This blog is based off of lore from my main blog that I wanted to bring here.
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