#menstrual mention
mean-gills · 1 year
I have heard so many times this concept of men misinformed about a woman's body, I have been on the subreddit r/badwomensanatomy and I agree that medical misinformation about women's body is a very common issue especially in places like America, but I don't think people talk enough about how this misinformation effects women.
I went to a Catholic school and I remember talking to a girl about how I wore tampons and she made a face at me. She said that her parents told her tampons are only nessessary after you have had sex and that puting in a tampon could turn you on. This was the first time I had ever heard someone say stuff that I objectively knew was false. I explained to her not only the differences of menstrual products but also my experiences with them.
Ultimately she still felt uncomfortable with the idea of wearing tampons which is fine, but it sorta made me realize that there are people spreading around these ideas about women that just false. There are young girls and grown woman who don't know about their own bodies due to society's stigma against women.
It shouldn't be the job of a classmate to explain the pros and cons of various menstrual products. She was like 2 years older than me and she had so many misconceptions about her body. Yes I believe men should educate themselves about women's anatomy, but that stems more from a belief that education like this should be more freely available for everyone.
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untetheredanielle · 1 year
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menstrual tea blend 🌛
raspberry leaf
cramp bark
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
Reader discovering she started her period, groaning at her misfortune, and Al nearly taking the door off it's hinges to get to her the second he hears her 🙃
Reader: Aww damn it, Mother Nature strikes again, huh?
Al, only half-dressed in his uniform from getting ready for work, with only one shoe on:
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hazmatazz · 1 year
i fucking hate cramps
sameee. do you have any heating pads (put on the cramping area) or any way to distact yourself? also if they're menstrual then i usually pace around to help :)
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
Shaw is not only normal about periods (it’s Fabian who freaks out) he’s gotten his red wings
Which is awful when you consider the mutton chops factoring into that
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ghostys-originals · 2 years
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Most recent misc doodle dump before I got back into freelance hell
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anniemurphy · 1 year
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mypralaya · 1 year
Without going into details, I feel like menstrual periods are a very painful time for Haven mentally and PHYSICALLY. I mean they suck for EVERYONE who has them to some degree or another, but I mean her degree is high. On the mental end, it’s the psychological reminder of her reproductive system and the horrible way it was used against her (which boy is there an essay in THAT) and on the physical end, I feel like the Adversary probably jacked up a lot on its way out. I mean, it killed her in canon, only NEARLY killed her in my version, stuff got hurt. And given that she likely would not have one the entire time she was pregnant (20 years) because she wouldn’t be releasing eggs, she’s sadly got a lot more left in her than a typical 40-something :/
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coffeewithcalypso · 1 year
Of course my first period in over six months* would start the day that all my pretty new underwear comes in
Also I forgot how physically exhausted I get on my first day. Ballet was an absolute struggle this evening.
But that does maybe explain the sort of emotional funk I was in the past few days and why I was having so many dreams like the one about my old friend. And why I woke up absolutely ravenous for breakfast this morning a thing I'm very much on the record as hating. I'm still ravenous actually even though I ate a normal person amount of food today.
I've never had bad periods, part of why my endometriosis diagnosis shocked me and my doctor. But I forgot all the little things
*because of the birth control I'm on. No health issues here. All my sisters were like "are you going to see a doctor???" when I mentioned it in the group chat, I guess forgetting I'm on birth control lol
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roadwrkahead · 2 years
I hate the way my insides feel. >:[
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fitzselfships · 2 years
I just think my f/os should be real and holding me right now (my tummy hurts and I'm sleepy)
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transitional-diaries · 8 months
I started on 25ml testosterone shots every week in early December (prior to that I was on 25ml daily androgel for 6 months, then 50ml androgel for 3 months), and it really fucked up my periods for two months - I have PMDD and it's one of my main concerns when talking to both my therapist and GP, but we decided to see how T effects my menstrual cycle before we try anything else to help it.
So yeah, last two months my menstrual cycle was an even bigger bitch than normal. My PMS symptoms lasted a week and a half in December, I had multiple days of headaches before my period finally broke through a few days late, and them I got PMS for two days after my period ended, too.
Then January my PMS symptoms were 2 weeks long, my period was over a week late (basically my PMS symptoms started at a normal time and then just KEPT GOING while my period struggled to start), and I had reeeally bad headaches for about a week before my period started. Then, again, I had PMS symptoms for a few days after my period, again.
So like, not really ideal, right? And I was dreading seeing what would happen this week. I was expecting my period to start next week and hadn't had any of my normal PMS symptoms, but yesterday I had a bad headache which I just assumed was from being out in the heat or not eating enough or something.
So this morning when I got out of bed I was just in my PJ top and bottoms, no underwear, packing away laundry, and wondering why my thighs suddenly felt so sweaty. Turns out that wasn't sweat, it was blood, and my period just STARTED, with the only warning I got being the headache yesterday. Which honestly, like, thank fucking God. After two months of waiting for days/weeks for my period to start and feeling horrible the whole time, having it just show up out of the blue with no warning was great. Like, the sooner it starts the sooner it ends, right?
I just hope I don't have a lot of PMS symptoms after it ends to make up for having none before it started? But also I really hope the T manages to prevent me from having periods and PMDD all together real soon.
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luminarai · 1 year
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hey, hi, I was just on the former bird app and came across this info from a brand new study and now I cannot stop screaming internally??? what the actual fuckkkk
theres' an article from the guardian here and here is the actual study:
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ghiacciowife · 10 months
today is gonna be A Day
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ethereal-drivel · 11 months
hello! i wish you well with the period challenges! i sympathize a lot! i'm learning that if the estrogen and progesterone levels are "off" in some way (or out of balance) it can really mess with symptoms and make periods unbearable. this might be something for you to research. [estrogen dominance seems to be my problem so i'm using a supplement to reduce estrogen (DIM) and a plant-based estrogen cream to raise progesterone levels.]
thank u!! yea, the obg i went to specializes in trans patients too and she said that testosterone therapy in low doses has proven to be helpful too, and recommends me taking low dose t again (which is fine cuz i was on hrt levels for four years so 👍 not that there’s any masculinizing traits at the recommended dose anyways but) cuz it’s proven to help reduce inflammation and thus prevent pain! and then yea keeping progesterone levels high enough to prevent bleeding in general is recommended too so …. i shall see! i’ve been dealing with acute problems for like four years now so i’m just hoping they figure out What the root of it all is but,, symptom relief is also important !
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skeleton-or-die · 1 year
Sometimes while you're on your period you pass 15 Large clots in 48 hours (and the first is the size of the palm of your hand and they all hurt coming out) and when you go to a doctor about it, the (cis male) doctor has you take a pregnancy test and tells you you're not having a miscarriage, and sometimes periods are just heavy and clots are just big and go to a gynecologist if this keeps being an issue
and sometimes your already anemic without this and you've been unconscious for the majority of 3 days and exhausted from blood loss but it doesnt matter because its a period and periods are just like that sometimes (as if he would fucking know)
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