eph3201 · 4 years
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How you using your gifts.....?? #gifts #help #usewhatyouhave #serve #oneanother https://www.instagram.com/p/B9lreQglkRq/?igshid=14s0kzh7hwv35
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eph3201 · 4 years
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Confident #confidence #ask #will #toward #anything #answeredprayer #hears https://www.instagram.com/p/B9iiAFdpN3e/?igshid=1l98wl2cmnu4l
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eph3201 · 4 years
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THE greatest of these is #Love #loveGod#loveyourself #loveyourneighbor #loveyourenemies https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Y9cc2lybI/?igshid=v0qkhnmx3in2
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eph3201 · 4 years
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#Inheritance #meekdontmeanweak #gifts #earth #powerundercontrol #dontsleeponthem https://www.instagram.com/p/B9OmNajFZqf/?igshid=1qx9nvd3hc1j4
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eph3201 · 4 years
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Jesus is my help!! #nootherhelp #helper #paraclete #helpneeded #maker #creator #tellyouwheremyhelpcometh https://www.instagram.com/p/B9D2EXZpdo_/?igshid=1755nim1864lw
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eph3201 · 4 years
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eph3201 · 4 years
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#Shout #out. #everybody #know #givethanks. #proclaim #hehasdoneit #greatness #onlyGod #wholeworld #nobodygreater #healwayswins https://www.instagram.com/p/B8dMvfulMyE/?igshid=cuzv10f2d3f5
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eph3201 · 4 years
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#God #madewithlove #created #masterpiece #hiswork #JesusChrist #workmanship https://www.instagram.com/p/B8bEokHFLYk/?igshid=1l54aw1wg5jpa
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eph3201 · 4 years
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eph3201 · 4 years
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#You #Lord are #God #answer #showup #manifest #know. #only. #wise #demonstrate #savior #deliverer # provider #healer #king https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Q1uxLFTyB/?igshid=l6a9s0xdader
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eph3201 · 4 years
So, l started this blog l guess about five years ago, intentionally..l.like to write...always have .It wasn't writing for anyone but me....l like to talk ...too planned on being a lawyer...but after much prayer decided against it...no regrets ... and after fighting it for many years l accepted a call to ministry... ...This here blog is a place I can write my heart .. where l can work the words that mean something to me and possibly encourage or inspire others. Trying to be purposeful this year...amongst everything else lm doing, to keep up with weekly entries to my WORDS WORTH WORKING ....So pray with me and for me ..as I begin again ...
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eph3201 · 4 years
A slave woman named Biddy Mason , and her son in law financed the first African Methodist Episcopal church in Los Angeles in 1872
She was a slave who won her freedom in 1852 in a court battle. She used her nursing skills to help immigrants ,prisoners.and the poor. Her charity was so well known at that time she often had lines at home for help. Her business acumen and skills helped her obtain the money in which she financed the church. Her generosity to others helped her help herself and the church. BIDDY MASON said The open hand is blessed for it gives in abundance even as it receives!
The Bible says in Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than receive!
Generosity is an attitude, it is the fruit of the spirit, Kindness, it's not always about money, but it is about sacrifice, it requires giving and doing so cheerfully, your time, food, care etc.
It does something for the recipient but it does something greater for the giver!!
It was God's delight to give his son for you to live What do you delight in giving to others.What have you made room for in you life to sacrifice to help someone else!
Lord , help us to be cheerful givers, to be generous, to sacrifice to help someone, to be like you, Lord , help us not to be selfish but to have a open hand to assist where we are needed, even if it is a little let us give it joyfully , and you God can multiply it as you see fit. Help us to be generous!! Father show us. how to leave noone needing ... Amen
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eph3201 · 4 years
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#comeunderGodsmission, #resist , #satan #flee https://www.instagram.com/p/B773tuvJK9u/?igshid=15zrca8meaizn
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eph3201 · 4 years
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Praying at 6am EST. how can we pray for you! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qMiCdlbCP/?igshid=ecneszsmc5de
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eph3201 · 4 years
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.  Mark 6:31
Inadequate time off makes employees anxious, tired and wired......saw this quote while studying,,,, jotted it down but cant remember who said it....  We  yes us are so so busy...  are lives are spent  going to this  or that  in addition to are working hours...   We work so much  that many of us don't use all our vacation time, or personal time..Americans especially . France, for example, requires at least 30 paid workdays off, not including paid holidays, while the U.K. mandates 28,  The  US mandates none..... We are always on, and with the advancement of technology we find ourselves connected all the time.  Text messages, emails, zoom meetings , conference calls       Some of us are stretched so that we have our schedules so full there is no room. not even for GOD....... Yeah , I know your thinking   , but I go to church, Im on the praise team, I run a small group  and  we serve on the Hospitality  ministry    that is wonderful and your service is needed    but  are you effective.. He never wanted you to work  to the point of burnout.....God never wanted us to work all the time.... He never wanted us to be so consumed with busyness   BALANCE is IMPORTANT!!!   Schedule yourself some time  to do nothing    but to restore  and rest   so you can be at you optimum best!!!
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eph3201 · 4 years
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#ask #for. # wisdon He #gives. #liberally https://www.instagram.com/p/B7kiV44lkpk/?igshid=9qagic27uawd
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eph3201 · 4 years
Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.   Psalm 127:1
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. Isaiah 32:18
If you want you church to be great..If you want your neighborhood and city to be awesome..You must first start at your house. 
Our first ministry is our homes. If you can't dwell together in unity in your own home.. How can you effectively move in peace outside you home... 
This is not to say you won't have disagreements or troubles at home  sometime....but your home should not be a place of strife.... STRIFE leads to stress ..Stress is a cause of so so many detriments..  
IF we allow constant strife in our homes..It causes our minds. and bodies to be misaligned...and  it's impact will show up in our intimacy, our parenting, our budgeting,our schooling ,our neighboring... etc.
A couple of ways to make minor adjustments to see major improvement. is to make sure our homes are a place where God dwells .   We can start by being purposeful at making God first in our house.      .On COMMUNION Sundays ,We  say it in our church covenant but are we practicing it ...our we maintaining family and secret devotion....Let's return to our foundations and  incorporate  the following ......
Couple devotions.
Family devotions
Scripture meditation  
Scripture memorization 
Quiet time
If we  want our year and decade to be different at the church house ,schoolhouse,  courthouse it just may be we need to adjust things at our house.... 
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