eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
Why does this not surprise me
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Well now I DEFINITELY need to learn Icelandic.
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
Like 90% of the content I've seen that came from Icelandic people is just hot dogs
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
is it just me or does icelandic have incredible similarities with a purring cat
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
Hér er femínista útgáfa, allar sem eru að spila eru konur. Það fer í taugarnar á mér að allar útgáfur þessa lags sem ég þekkti voru með söngmenn :'))
Sink you, splendorous day into the embrace of the deeply still night. I remember you and your gentleness. In the silence my poem weeps.
Sink, splendorous day, and vanish into the world of dreams. Oh! That I too might vanish with you into the darkness and forget everything.
Hníg þú, dýrlegur dagur í faðm djúpkyrrar nætur. Ég minnist þín og þinnar blíðu í þögninni ljóð mitt grætur.
Hníg þú, dýrlegi dagur, og hverf í draumanna heima. Ó, mætti ég aðeins með þér hverfa í myrkrið og öllu gleyma.
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
Sink you, splendorous day into the embrace of the deeply still night. I remember you and your gentleness. In the silence my poem weeps.
Sink, splendorous day, and vanish into the world of dreams. Oh! That I too might vanish with you into the darkness and forget everything.
Hníg þú, dýrlegur dagur í faðm djúpkyrrar nætur. Ég minnist þín og þinnar blíðu í þögninni ljóð mitt grætur.
Hníg þú, dýrlegi dagur, og hverf í draumanna heima. Ó, mætti ég aðeins með þér hverfa í myrkrið og öllu gleyma.
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
“And those who were seen dancing  were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
Reblogging this because I am hjörtun sem þjá í húmi and I had a terrible weekend
“Góða tungl um loft þú líður, ljúft við skýja silfur skaut. Eins og viljinn alvalds býður, eftir þinni vissu braut. Öllum þreyttum, ljós þitt ljáðu, læðstu um glugga sérhvern inn. Lát í húmi, hjörtun þjáðu. ———————————- Kind moon, you glide across the sky, sweetly at the silver lining. As the will of the almighty offers, according to your steady path. Lend all the tired ones your light, tiptoe in every window, But leave the suffering hearts in darkness.”
— Góða tungl, Steingrímur Thorsteinson
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
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I saw this on Instagram and thought it was a funny dada kind of joke but 'your daily activities are highlighted in neon yellow paint for my eyes. the heart is colorblind.' has a heavy this-is-so-ikea-cheesy impact on my pour soul
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
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what does this even mean??
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This app sends me the most random notifications like??
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
im screaming i only type ‘iceland’ into couch surfing and my screen is filled with the dramatic icelandic maleTM  like ‘I am not really into self description.I don't have many good friends but those I have are real friends. Nobody can make me change my basic values in life.’ and ‘I'm divorced 44year old cool guy My hobbies are just to get the most out of this life as I can wile I can.. For real.. ‘ y’all so depressed icelandic people ily
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
I looked it up Jólabókaflóð is real
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Migrating to Iceland right away.
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
random but
to go 가다
i went 가 + 았어요 = 갔어요
to -에
school 학교
i went to school 학교에 갔어요
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
I feel like this is common knowledge of every langblr but I've been having these revelations that
1. the studying of a language until i can read, speak or listen to stuff is actually a set timespan of at most a few years and that
2. I won't just lose one language while I'm learning another, because practicing a language I'm fluent in is fun (and not effort) by consuming books/shows/radio/etc, which concludes that
3. I have unlocked the brain capacity to make space for.. polyglottism
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
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--- SELF CARE VOCABULARY --- in english, icelandic, korean and german
to do the dishes - að þvo upp leirtauið -  설거지를 하다 - (das) Geschirr spülen
to tidy up - að taka til - 정돈하다 - aufräumen
to shower - að fara í sturtu / að sturta sig (kollq) - 샤워를 하다 - duschen
to sleep - að sofa - 자다 - schlafen
to eat - að borða (e-ð) - 먹다 - (etw.) essen
to drink - að drekka (e-ð) - 마시다 - (etw.) trinken
to go outside - að fara út - (밖에) 나가다 - nach draußen gehen / rausgehen
to go for a walk - að fara í göngutúr - 산책가다 - einen Spaziergang (m.) machen
to be depressed - að vera þunglyndur - 원기가 없다 - depressiv sein
to cry - að gráta - 울다 - weinen
to be angry - að vera reiður (í garð e-s), 화가 나다 - (auf etw.) wütend sein
to feel - að finna (e-ð) - 느끼다 - (etw.) fühlen
to scream - að öskra - 지르다 - schreien
to cuddle - að faðma / knúsa (e-n) (kollq.), 껴안다, (jdn.) umarmen
to dance - að dansa - 춤추다 - tanzen
to sing - að syngja (e-ð) - 노래하다 - (etw.) singen
to cook - að elda (e-ð) - 요리하다 - (etw.) kochen
to ask for help - að biðja e-n ásjár / um hjálp - 도움을 요청하다 - um Hilfe bitten
to talk - að tala (saman) - 이야기하다 - reden / sich unterhalten
to accept - að sætta sig við e-ð - 받아들이다 - (etw.) akzeptieren
to take a deep breath - að anda djúpt að sér - 심호흡하다 - tief Luft holen
breath - andi (k) - 숨 - Atem (m.)
room - herbergi (hv) - 방 - Raum (m.)
help - hjálp (kv) - 도와주다 - Hilfe (w.)
anger - reiði (kv) - 화 - Wut (w.)
tea - te (hv) - 차 - Tee (m.)
dishes (pl) - leirtau (hv) - 접시 - Geschirr (n.)
depression - þunglyndi (hv) - 우울증 - Depression (w.)
shower - sturta (kv) - 샤워 - Dusche (w.)
sleep - svefn (k) - 수면 - Schlaf (m.)
food - matur (k) - 음식 - Essen (n.)
drink - drykkja (kv) - 음료 - Trinken (n.)
music - tónlist (kv) - 음악 - Musik (w.)
soft toy - mjúkdýr (hv) - 봉제완구 - Kuscheltier (n.)
teddybear - bangsi (k) - 곰 인형 - Teddybär (m.)
motivation - hvatning (hv) - 자극 - Motivation (w.)
care - umhyggja (kv) - 관심을 - Fürsorge (w.)
blanket - teppi (hv) - 담요 - Decke (w.)
fight - barátta (hv) - 싸움 - Kampf (m.)
acceptance - velþóknun (kv) - 수락 - Akzeptanz (w.)
soothing - róandi - 달래는 - beruhigend
soft - mjúkur - 부드러운 - weich
harsh - ruddalegur - 가혹한 - harsch
strong - hraustur - 힘센 - stark
weak - veikur - 약한 - schwach
loving - alúðlegur - 다정한 - liebevoll
caring - hugulsamur / nærgætinn - 배려하는 - fürsorglich
beautiful - fallegur - 아름다운 - schön
ugly - ljótur - 못생기다 - hässlich
tasty - gómsætur - 맛있는 - lecker
outside - úti - 밖으로 - außen
inside - innan - 안에서 - innen
interesting things: leirtau (for dishes) literally translates to clay laundry 곰 means bear and 인형 doll (for stuffed animal) 수면 (sleep) sounds like 숨 (breath) and 연 (kite) ?
i have no idea what im doing with the korean, especially with the adverbs but this was for motivation, feel free to correct or add!
(gif from @bimir​ )
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
icelandic and korean-ish :))) (and native german)
Langblr Follow Train (January 2020)
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Let’s start a langblr follow train to find new langblrs/lingblrs to follow and befriend! 🚂 1. Only langblrs (blogs about languages) and lingblrs (blogs about linguistics), please!  2. Reblog this post before 31.1.2020! 3. Follow some blogs that have reblogged this post! 4. Make new friends!
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
Nú skiptir máli hver þú ert
Lítið barn spila leikslokum En lífið er svona stutt Svarið sker þá á hálsinum Samúð löngu flutt
Og nú skiptir máli hver þú ert Kemst ei burt
Rauðar götur úr áfjáð stund Hrindi sprengingum Fjarlægðin felur alla sorg Fjarstýrum hengingum
Og nú skiptir máli hver þú ert Kemstu burt
Findu til Eins og vil Skjótu mig Svo eg finni til
Svo ung, svo ung, svo falleg En endalaust
translation: now it matters who you are
little child plays the end of the game but life is short like that the answer cuts then on the neck empathy long gone
and now it matters who you are you dont leave
red streets from happy hours pushed the detonations the distance hides all sorrow we telecontrol the hanging
and now it matters who you are go away
feel pain like grace shoot me so i’d feel pain
so young, so young, so beautiful but neverending
i couldn’t find lyrics to this song anywhere so i figured them out myself, some of it might be wrong.
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eplakaka-nnn · 4 years
Icelandic Resources
Learning Icelandic:
Digital Dialects: Basic words and phrases in Icelandic
Icelandic 101: A great source for beginners, including pronunciation guides and history on the language.
Icelandic Online: Free Icelandic lessons put out by a university in Iceland
ieLanguages: A very basic guide to Icelandic
Live Mocha: A great website with multiple lesson levels. (A poor man’s Rosetta Stone, if you will.)
My Languages: Very basic Icelandic lessons
Quizlet: Colloquial Icelandic flashcards
Tungumalatorg: Icelandic video lessons with subtitles to help with following and understanding the dialogues.
Introduction to Icelandic Pronunciations
Forvo: Lists of words with translations and native pronunciations.
Sigur Ros: Icelandic Pronunciations
Wikipedia: Icelandic Phonology
Icelandic Phrases for conversational Icelandic
Short list of basic greetings and phrases
Icelandic poems with their English translations
Icelandic mini-grammar: A brief introduction to Icelandic grammar.
Mirmir: A website with nothing but Icelandic grammar. Very indepth.
Nativlang: A basic introduction to Icelandic grammar.
Verbix: A great website that gives conjugations for nearly any verb you can think of. (Also has most other languages as well.)
Wikipedia: Icelandic Grammar
Icelandic Noun Phrases: An indepth article discussing grammar and noun placement. PDF
An Icelandic Primer: Grammar text-book. PDF
Icelandic Dictionaries:
Icelandic-English: This is very indepth, but hard to navigate unless you know what you’re looking for.
Icelandic-English: A great resource, with links to common abbreviations and short grammar guides.
English-Icelandic-Danish: Online dictionary that has English-Icelandic, and Danish-Icelandic. Though it may require payments to access some information.
Slangurorðabókin: Icelandic Slang dictionary. It is in Icelandic, but fun for someone learning to see.
everysinglewordinicelandic: Posts random words with descriptions.
fuckyeahislenska: Posts pictures with words on them. The posts usually include notes on the declensions and uses. 
icelandiclanguage: A really great resource for anyone interested in studying Icelandic, run by an incredibly nice person that is always very helpful to anyone with questions.
longicelandicwords: Like most Germanic languages, Icelandic has many long compound words. This tumblr shares some of the longer ones.
Flick: Kind of like an Icelandic Reddit or 9gag.
Icelandic Tongue-twisters
Gossip.is: Icelandic Gossip
Bylgjan 98,9: Popular Music (Reykjavik)
FM957: Popular Music (Reykjavik)
Gull Bylgjan: Oldies (Reykjavik)
Létt Bylgjan: ‘Contemporary Adult’ (Reykjavik)
Lindin Radio: Religious (Reykjavik)
Rás 1: Classical
Rás 2: Pop Music/Sports
Suðurland FM 96.3: Popular Music (Selfoss)
Útvarp Kántrýbær: Country music (Skagaströnd)
Utvarp Saga 99,4: News (Reykjavik)
Xid 97,7: Rock (Reykjavik)
Bæjarins Besta: News printed in Isafjordur
Dagblaðið Vísir(DV): Oldest Newspaper in Iceland? Tabloid.
Eyjafréttir: News from Westman Islands. 
Eyjar: Local news from Westman Islands.
Fjarðar pósturinn: News from Hafnarfjörður
Iceland Review: Icelandic news in English.
IceNews: Icelandic news in English
Morgunblaðið: Icelandic newspaper. (This link is for the English page, but it also offers the news in Icelandic)
Reykjavik Grapvine: News in English; more cultural than political?
Skarpur: News from Húsavík.
Sports.is: Sports news
Víkurfréttir: News from Southwest Iceland
Vísir: Icelandic News from Reykjavik
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