erinas-musings · 19 days
hello! im looking to roleplay bungou stray dogs with someone. im 19 and i prefer my rp partner to be somewhat close to my age.
i could write for dazai, jouno, yosano, bram or nikolai! my main muse is dazai and i havent written much for the other characters i listed, so keep in mind that i might accidentally be a bit ooc with them at times.
ocs and canon characters are both welcome!
please message me if youre interested :)
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erinas-musings · 3 months
hi!! just wondering if you could maybe give an example of your rp style cause ive been looking for someone to do some persona rps with so just wondering how you write stuff :D
ofc!! heres an example from an older rp i did.
Futaba left her room excitedly, dashing out of the door with her new alien themed outfit. Alien hoodie, lime green shorts, ufo tights, and her usual boots. Did she forget her headphones? No way! She had them stuffed into her featherman ita bag…lots of merch of Feather Swan, also known to non-fans as the pink one. Futaba double checked her bag; headphones, snacks, a present for Akira, and a Feather Swan plush just for comfort. Yup! All there. She was officially ready to start this adventure and get some exp!
She left the house while making sure to lock the door before she left. She forgot once… Sojiro wouldn’t let that go, but she learned from that mistake.
Oh! It was already 12:28! She had plans to meet Akira at 12:30, but luckily Leblanc isn’t too far away.
She spotted a group of people before making her way to Leblanc, leading her to shuffle through her bag to get her headphones. She made lots of progress with her anxiety, but her jpop and game soundtracks were an extra bonus to help her cope with getting out of her comfort zone. She dodged the crowd after playing True Story, her favorite song from Risette. Anxiety tamed! However, her bag was noisy, causing the crowd to stare at her. Realizing she caught the attention of others made her walk faster towards the café—almost there…
“Heya!” She waved to Akira. “S-sorry for being a bit late. I ran into a crowd a-and-“ Futaba realized how much she was stuttering. “Crowds!” She flailed her arms around. “Their eyes fell onto me like I was an enemy! Scary!” She pouted. “B-but it’s ok now! I’m just a bit shaken up.” She corrected herself. “…*Very* shaken up.”
Futaba didn’t give Akira a chance to speak before pulling his arm. “Well! Let’s go! I wanna get those figures I mentioned before they get sold out.”
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erinas-musings · 5 months
Futaba Sakura Headcanons
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autistic with adhd! her special interests are featherman, mythology (especially egyptian mythology), cryptids, and coding.
has a featherman themed ita bag that she brings with her everywhere.
uses any pronouns, it collects neopronouns for fun.
bisexual, preference to girls.
brings a pink argus (featherman) plush in his bag. she squishes the plush and holds it tight whenever she gets too anxious outside.
has bad back problems from sitting at the computer all day.
her favorite genre of games are rpgs, rhythm games, and puzzle games! she's especially a big fan of osu.
surprisingly not the biggest fan of animal crossing, but it's favorite villager is audie since audie reminds her of wakaba.
goes into phases of only listening to video game osts for weeks before listening to other genres as well.
downloads games for cats on her phone so morgana can play on her phone while she plays her own games.
rarely drinks water because she likes the flavor of soda and juice way more.
she adds way too much creamer and sugar in her coffee. sojiro always tells her "it's basically just creamer and sugar at this point.", but she doesn't care.
steals jackets from yusuke whenever she needs to wash her green jacket. she's always freezing cold because of the ac in her room.
gets the thieves to play bad video games with her because their reactions make her laugh.
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erinas-musings · 5 months
Persona Masterlist
Persona 1: wip
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Persona 2: wip
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Persona 3: wip
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Persona 4: wip
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Persona 5: futaba headcanons
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Other: wip
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