escalierssansfin · 1 year
Taking care of myself tonight looks like having a kombucha, eating McDonald's and watching FNAF lore on YouTube.
Have a nice evening everyone 💙🖤🌠
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
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Keep doing this amazing job! I believe in you!
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
When someone comment on your weight, here are some appropriate anwsers (in chronological order):
"I would rather not disscuss about my weight, thank you for understanding."
"I don't like comments about my weight, I already told you that it makes me uncomfortable."
"I told you to stop making those comments, I don't feel respected."
"Shut up please."
You are allowed to feel respected and to impose boundaries. Don't let people disrespect you. You are allowed to grow in a healthy and favorable environment for your recovery.
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Today I'm treating myself with some new clothes, since my body changed a bit.
Putting on heathy weight is an amazing opportunity to go shopping 😌✨️
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
there is no way to hate myself into becoming a person i like.
there is no way to shame myself into a better life.
i can’t motivate myself to heal in the same ways i encouraged my own destruction.
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Your body WILL change over the years, and it's totally normal !
Your body has gone through a lot, appreciate it and be patient towards it.
Your body deserves love and kindness 💛
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Part of accepting yourself completely is reframing your mind to make it about you, so that “will they like me?” turns into “will I like them?” and “did they like what I said?” turns into “did I say everything I wanted to say?” Everything you do should ultimately be brought on by what you think is important and by what you want. Not by what you think will be most accepted or most liked.
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Instead of telling you this, try this:
"I am not worthy" -> "I feel shitty, but it doesnt affect my worth"
"I am ugly/unattractive" -> "I am more than my body and I deserve to feel good about myself"
"Nobody likes me" -> "I am a kind and loving person, I deserve the same kind of people in my life"
"I am not a good person" -> "I always try my best and I still have many things to learn"
Your negative feelings are valid, but the power to express them in a kind way towards yourself is totally yours.
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
I'm sorry I'm not really active anymore, but I hope you all are doing well in your recovery, and my DMs are always open!
Today's reminder :
Don't forget to take a self care day once in a while, to rest, take care of yourself or to start a new hobby! It is important to occupy your mind with things that you love, and to reward yourself for everything you do.
If you have a bad self estime, the only way to gain it back is to change your inner thoughts. Instead of telling yourself "I'm not enough", try to reformulate your thoughts. "It's been a bad day/week, but I'm doing my best and I'm proud of myself."
It is hard to change your way of thinking, but it is gonna become easier with time.
I love you all💞💞
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Today's reminder to thank your own body for protecting you and for everything that it does.
More than just a body, it give you the abilities to heal, to discover the world, to feel and to live your life at it's fullest.
It is the best vessel for your beautiful soul and you need to take great care of it 💞
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Not a long time ago, I relapsed in my eating disorder.
I didn't tell anyone, but I made this page because I was struggling and I didn't want to repeat this "life style" all over again.
I told myself : what if the total opposite of pr0ana pages existed? That would help me and other people so much, instead of being harmful.
So I created one, to remind myself and other people who go through the same battle that we are enough and that we should fight against our illness, not against ourselves.
It might seem silly, but this page helped me as much as it helps others.
It makes me proud to say that I help others with what I learned in more than a year of therapy!
I hope that I can help you as much as I help myself by sharing my posts with you!
I hope that my posts can reach as many people as possible, because we all deserve good thing in our lives.
I hope you all have a great day!💕
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
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It's okay to struggle, let everyone know😂🤟💕
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Today's advice :
Don't let anyone or anything ruin your day. It's YOUR day, not theirs. 🤟
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
If nobody told you today :
I love you, you are a strong, beautiful human being, you are doing well and I'm proud of you. 💞
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
It might seem stupid, but this song helps me get through everything.
It's a song that my mom used to play in the car when I was younger, and I associate it with healing for some reason.
It helped me to ground myself for many years!
Everyone should have a happy song in your playlist that acts like an instant healing potion ❣️
If you want to share your "happy song" with me, I will add it on my playlist! 😊
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Since I recovered 1 1/2 year ago, I don't really care anymore about my weight.
I care about my loved ones,
I care about nature,
I care about making art again (!),
I care about everything else, in fact.
The distored vision I had of myself let place to many beautiful things!
I can enjoy life at it's fullest now, without the negativity that I thought would follow me for the rest of my life.
We DO recover !!
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