esotericfaery · 13 hours
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Seeing the whole picture, we’re able to make big, long-range plans, and wise business deals, as long as we’re careful to not be sloppy about details. Don’t overlook anything that doesn’t fit into our goals. Be careful to not be arrogant in communications with others.
Though idealistic and imaginative, our hope for beautiful things can be held back by insecurity and se;-doubt. Restrict yourself to a single goal if possible, can help make things happen. Imbalances in relationships become apparent. Don’t allow involvement in attraction to needy or deceptive people, as this can easily cause disappointment. Secret affairs, exposure and scandal are common. Don’t over-idealize others and sacrifice personal needs by allowing our generosity to be taken advantage of.
Mental blocks and insecurities related to being understood pop up. Speak your truth and overcome by adapting to your own healing and as a result, being able to help lead others through their own healing.
[Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Libra inconjunct Neptune in Pisces, Mercury in Virgo inconjunct Chiron in Aries - Sept. 21st]
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esotericfaery · 2 days
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A strong need to assert oneself arises. Sexual energy is doubly intensified. We may feel disempowered by others who hold power over us. We may make hasty decisions to receive validation from others. We need to reflect on issues of control, and find balance.
We feel the need for some type of exciting change in romance. It’s common for people to have an affair during this transit, which would lead to unexpected karmic sanction. Others will become emotionally erratic or distant. Keep in mind that this transit doesn’t last long. Attraction to unusual people or risky situations is also common. Look for a different, more innovative approach.
Confusion & uncertainty, or a new sensitive awareness towards others and their needs in relation to your own, are common with this transit. We feel like avoiding confrontation by withdrawing or pretending we agree. Push yourself to act openly. Some become deceptive, so be careful to not surrender to someone who you should be standing up to. Don’t play the victim. Put off confrontation if possible, until you have time to reflect. Also put off signing contracts if possible, until brain fog lifts. Relationships may be difficult to understand, so give yourself time to reflect. You can deceive yourself at this time and make the wrong decision, if you don’t take the time. Relationships that are going well can experience a deeply spiritual healing, finding new understanding of each other, in soulful union. This is not a good transit to start a new relationship, as we tend to see others with rose-coloured glasses.
[Mars in Cancer square Black Moon Lilith in Libra, Venus in Libra inconjunct Uranus in Taurus, Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces - Sept. 20th]
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esotericfaery · 2 days
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Suppressing our feelings about the future, we react to any criticism with anger. Try not to be unfair to anyone who is only trying to help. We need to address something that was left undone in another life, to experience harmonic growth on our current life path. Compromise & avoid burnout by consciously channeling any impulsive desires or aggression into fair assertiveness within group settings, so that we’re able to gain deeper understanding.
[Mars in Cancer square North Node in Aries - Sept. 16th]
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esotericfaery · 5 days
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Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, 25° 41 - Sept 17th, 2024
In the sign of spiritual truth vs. Illusion, this cosmic power surge can rapidly catalyze turning points and karmic shifts. Expect intense, daydreamy emotions to pop up in this time of shadow work. Try to avoid the confusion and denial which are so common of Pisces, as Pisces in difficulty tends to stall willingness to confront what needs to be changed. Practice patience and explore this process of release, which may not find conclusion until the October Solar Eclipse in Libra. Then, it will be easier to find balance in more of an intellectual way, with the power to not allow such deep emotions to hold us back.
Sabian Symbols 25° & 26° Pisces:
The purging of the priesthood, & a new moon that divides its influences.
Keywords - reformation & finesse.
avoid blind bigotry, vindictiveness & indecision, to go against superficial exaltation of human nature, for effective development of all potentialities of the self.
Here are the closest transits we have today:
This gives an energy of optimism and a generous nature. A good transit for exploring philosophy. Avoid self-righteous, smug behaviours.
[Moon square Jupiter in Gemini]
A heightened perception helps us understand the interrelation of life. New scientific and other technical studies are favoured at this time, though not in a strictly disciplined way. Use this restless energy to enjoy doing something new.
[Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus]
Suppressing our feelings, we react to any criticism with anger. Try not to be unfair to anyone who is only trying to help. We need to address something that was left undone in another life, to experience harmonic growth on our current life path. Compromise & avoid burnout by consciously channeling any impulsive desires or aggression into fair assertiveness within group settings, so that we’re able to gain deeper understanding.
[Mars in Cancer square North Node in Aries]
We feel depressed & lonely, and difficulties in relationships are common. Try not to dwell too seriously on what’s troublesome. We may want to end a relationship, but as perceptions are distorted now, it’s best to wait until after to make a final decision. If we control negative thoughts, we’re able to see what’s wrong with a situation and without dwelling, make the necessary changes. Disciplined mental work is also easier, as long as we take enough breaks. We may need to find someone authoritative who we respect, to talk with.
[Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces]
Occult philosophy & explorations of alternative spirituality and religion are favoured during this transit. New levels of consciousness can easily be reached through sudden insights, transforming ideals.
An energy of transcendent consciousness enters, allowing us to see what needs to be changed, and easily make change, as we have no desire for the superficial.
We feel a harmony of clearing away what’s stagnant. We’re able to easily make a new start in life, in more of a social than individual way. This is a good time for therapy as we’re in touch with our psychological drive.
[Uranus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces & trine Pluto in Capricorn, & Neptune sextile Pluto]
This transit triggers dark feminine shadow work energy into the opportunity to be properly integrated through powerful self-discovery, by embracing and honouring our unique nature.
[North Node in Aries opposition Black Moon Lilith in Libra]
A strong need to assert oneself arises. Sexual energy is doubly intensified. We may feel disempowered by others who hold power over us. We may make hasty decisions to receive validation from others. We need to reflect on issues of control, and find balance.
[Black Moon Lilith in Libra square Mars in Cancer]
Emotional pain regarding our relationships, self-worth, affection and acceptance are triggered. Though challenging, this revisiting of old traumas has a growth potential. Venus brings a loving touch to the healing process. Work consciously with this energy to accept vulnerabilities and builder stronger bonds in healthy relationships.
[Venus in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries]
This is an easy opportunity to free ourselves from negative attitudes we have been hanging on to since traumatic past experiences. As we’re easily open to learning from others, we can also help others understand where we’re coming from, opening our minds to different perspectives.
[Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries]
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esotericfaery · 5 days
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We feel depressed & lonely, and difficulties in relationships are common. Try not to dwell too seriously on what’s troublesome. We may want to end a relationship, but as perceptions are distorted now, it’s best to wait until after to make a final decision. If we control negative thoughts, we’re able to see what’s wrong with a situation and without dwelling, make the necessary changes. Disciplined mental work is also easier, as long as we take enough breaks. We may need to find someone authoritative who we respect, to talk with.
[Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces - Sept. 18th]
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esotericfaery · 5 days
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Emotional pain regarding our relationships, self-worth, affection and acceptance are triggered. Though challenging, this revisiting of old traumas has a growth potential. Venus brings a loving touch to the healing process. Work consciously with this energy to accept vulnerabilities and builder stronger bonds in healthy relationships.
[Venus in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries - Sept. 16th]
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esotericfaery · 6 days
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If naturally cautious, you can succeed at tasks you don’t usually consider possible. If naturally overoptimistic, you take on projects which require more energy than you have.
In a similar way, you can be either generous or over-extravagant.
Avoid self-righteousness and pay attention to other points-of-view to find common ground.
Practice discipline and avoid obvious excess.
[Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini - Sept. 12th]
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esotericfaery · 6 days
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Restlessness, lack of focus and nervousness comes into mental processes, as we’re unable to bring ideas into action.
Obstacles appear which block our future life path. Focus closely to figure out how to overcome.
This transit causes us to overlook opportunities, thinking they aren’t important, and we also cling to old beliefs which won’t serve us.
Don’t pay too much attention to details, as we tend to get stuck on the insignificant through this transit. Slow down, be mindful and consciously focus on the big picture. Listen carefully when others offer advice, and try something new instead of repeating old patterns.
[Mercury in Virgo inconjunct North Node in Aries - Sept. 13th]
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esotericfaery · 6 days
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Insecurities are triggered as we question our abilities, and feel powerless.
Be careful to not become lost in the past, and miss out on opportunities to express strengths.
Don’t assume the worst and don’t be narrow-minded.
Be true to yourself, and avoid projecting an image of false confidence.
Work consciousness with your core personality, intuition and creative instincts to overcome past wounds. In this way, we can avoid missing out on opportunities by not being focused on losses.
[Sun in Virgo inconjunct Chiron in Aries - Sept. 14th]
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esotericfaery · 13 days
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Anxiety over financial or relationship security flares up. It’s common for those who have been experiencing romantic discord to realize there’s a lack of intimacy in their relationships, and that they’re only still with that person out of obligation.
Try to avoid any type of overindulgence.
During this transit, people also tend to get rejected in romance or as regards their job.
It’s difficult to express feelings openly, and common to feel unloved, even if others genuinely express their care.
To make this transit work, you have to be honest about the health state of your relationship or your habits.
In our other exact transit today, we feel driven to succeed, quickly achieving work on almost anything. Both physical labour and other business runs smoothly.
This is an ideal time to finish your to-do list, or further a cause such as standing up for your rights or those of others.
This energy also provides increased social charisma due to harmonious intellectual communications. This is the time to shoot your shot.
[Venus in Libra inconjunct Saturn in Pisces & Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer - Sept. 11th (note that with disparate transits like these two, you will feel one over the other depending on which planets are more prominent in your natal charts, or you could experience two very different situations]
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esotericfaery · 13 days
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Thoughts run towards the dark, making it difficult to think and communicate directly.
This is a good energy for research.
Careful to not get involved in complex arguments, as they will be difficult to resolve, with intense confusion, fear or intrigue. People easily become suspicious of others. Be extremely clear in your intentions, by simplifying everything, to avoid any misunderstanding.
The surge of Virgo energy into communications and thoughts this month can stir up attention to detail. This is a good energy for analyzing the inner self in an equally mental and emotional way, and organizing how we approach any pain we may encounter. This can then help in clear communications, particularly with the ego-fueled-powers of the Sun also in Virgo.
[Mercury in Leo inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn, before re-entering Virgo (until Sept. 26th) - Sept. 9th]
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esotericfaery · 13 days
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We deeply feel held back by the limitations people and situations impose on us. Seek compromise and balance between personal needs and obligations, or risk restlessness & inhibition. Be honest about your needs and ask others to do the same.
The intense sense of isolation through distance between us and others causes loneliness. In awareness, we need to try not to let ourselves become overwhelmed.
Working alone if possible can help us avoid the fatigue of dealing with others.
The Virgo / Pisces axis provides a push to recognize and utilize both healthy daily routines and spiritual discernment.
In our other exact transit today, brain fog and confusion enter thoughts and communications. Imagination runs off and makes it difficult to focus on grounded reality. As focus is challenged, the mind turns to daydreaming, overthinking and general unease.
Artistic endeavours, spiritual practices and introspection can benefit from both deeper thought and emotion, though this must be consciously balanced through grounding, resulting in profound enrichment.
[Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces & Mercury in Leo inconjunct Neptune in Pisces - Sept. 8th]
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esotericfaery · 13 days
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Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus is exact Sept. 7th.
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esotericfaery · 17 days
Biggest Energy Shift These Days
Pluto beginning to ground back into Capricorn since Sept. 1st for personal-focused and ambitious transformative shadow work within a more restrictive vibe until Nov. 19th, and also grounding into the more analytical Virgo New Moon tonight, Sept. 2nd, to look at the details of new beginnings. This is a potent combination which can feel to some like too much earth energy suddenly coming in.
Mars entering Cancer on Sept. 4th, and staying until Nov. 4th brings in an energy of aggression turned more inward, with passive-aggressive over-reactivity, including towards outer events. Try to focus more on nurturing within the home, including redecorating or renovating. In Virgo Season, this is also a good time to get organized, and refreshing your home setup can be particularly de-stressing.
Major solar flares also reported, so try to take time for yourself if you can.
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esotericfaery · 19 days
Sept. 1st, Pluto Back in Capricorn
Pluto begins to ground back into Capricorn, out of airy social-master Aquarius, tomorrow night. This is a trade-off of large-scale social concerns for more of a vibe of tunnel-vision, in disciplined and personal ambitions, through our transmutative experiences.
People with more harmonious Pluto, Capricorn and Aquarius energies will observe this in the collective, while others will feel these changes more personally.
Saturn ruling Capricorn provides an energy of stability, but for which institutions? Uranus ruling Aquarius drives a mix of innovation and eccentricity, depending on the decisions made and actions taken by the collective of humanity.
Pluto returns to Aquarius on November 19th, until moving on to illusion-vs-truth Pisces on March 8th, 2043. There, we will begin to discern the social transformations which began while Pluto was in Aquarius, through the brain-fog & spiritually intuitive capacities of Neptune ruling Pisces.
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esotericfaery · 20 days
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Pluto back in Capricorn - Sept. 1st to Nov. 19th, 2024
While Pluto in Capricorn brings in massive changes regarding ambition in government & other institutions, Pluto in Aquarius is more focused on long-lasting, if eccentric-seeming social change.
Capricorn is grounded and can be more pragmatic within established mainstream narratives. Aquarius brings innovation into large-scale social occurrences, and will for about the next twenty years as Pluto transits there.
First, Pluto goes back into Capricorn from September 1st to November 19th.
(It’s interesting to note that in Draconic Astrology, Pluto has been in Capricorn since August 4th, 2023 and remains there until moving into Aquarius on January 7th, 2025. Draconic is an esoteric form of Astrology which has more focus on karma and other lifetimes. If doing ancestor work or other work with guides, this can be a good time to be focused on proper grounding within your transformative experiences, as Pluto rules transmutation.)
Let’s take a look at the aspects Pluto is forming with other planets during this time period (in Tropical Astrology).
This is an opportunity to transmute long held and stagnant beliefs into real potential. This process is less difficult at this time, as it would be without this transit. Truth vs. Illusion can be integrated in practical, grounded ways. [Sept. 3rd - sextile with Neptune in Pisces]
This constant yet subtle pressure causes longing for passionate desires to be achieved. Be careful to not become too competitive through rushing ahead in too many directions, as this reduces your chance of success. Avoid manipulation & rash actions. Become well informed by focusing on a single goal, to build willpower [Sept. 4th - inconjunct with Mars in Gemini]
Watch out for impulsive thoughts and coercive behaviours. Turn this energy inward for psychological forces which help you gain greater awareness and control. This is. Good transit for occult studies. [Oct. 13th - square with Mercury in Libra]
This is a good time to come to an understanding about how your emotions effect your relationships. Friendships and other loving relationships intensify. Impulses towards confrontation can dig deep so that truth is uncovered. This can involve a powerful “fated” type of feeling in a relationship, which is sometimes an illusion. [Oct. 17th - sextile with Venus in Scorpio]
Powerful pressure surfaces so that old patterns of behaviour are exposed, ready to be let go of. Careful of confrontation with those in authority. [Oct. 22nd - square with the Sun in Libra]
This is a good time for study of deeper knowledge into something, as you feel deeply curious, and ask a lot of questions. If you can avoid becoming stubborn and overly concerned with being correct, you can learn something deep and valuable, and teach others valuable truths. [Nov. 2nd - sextile with Mercury in Scorpio]
Those sensitive to this transit experience ruthless power struggles, or at least someone who wants to engage in such. Secure your position by finding the aid of as many people as possible. Being alone can bring out major difficulties with this transit. Avoid any urges to try and control others or to suppress this energy, lest you find yourself alone. These high energies allow you to make conscious creative positive changes. [Nov. 3rd - opposition with Mars in Cancer]
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esotericfaery · 20 days
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Mars is in Cancer from Sept. 4th to Nov. 4th, 2024.
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